PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., Dec. 26, 1974 Law Does Not Force Lobbyists to Tell Expenses declaration, a single sentence favorably by the Governmental any amount. Twelve others lobbying legislators Is worth Labor Council AFL-CIO, By MARK MILLER troduce a bill requiring lob­ under the category “Honest byists to report who hires them, Administration and Policy wrote the word "retainer,” out of the annual fee they reported the highest expen­ HARTFORD (UPI) - There Committee, was attacked as equally as uninformative. charge their clients. diture for siZ months, $28,832. Public Officials and Honest is no way Connecticut citizens for how much money, how Government.” much they spend lobbying and full of loopholes, unwieldy, am­ And nearly half of the 98 lob­ They say that they are not Telephone, electric power, atf r lEuf ning H? ralb can tell how much money labor biguous, and lacking ethical byists who wrote “none” in the paid “ specifically” for lob­ banking and nursing home in­ ‘”rhe Democratic Party sup­ unions, banks, -businesses, how the money is spent. ports complete disclosure of all Two lobbying reform bills provisions. compensations category bying. terests were among the other utilities and other interests Current law governing lob­ represented commercial in­ “’There is nothing to require high spenders. lobbying before all branches of MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1974- VOL. XCIV, No. 74 Manchester—A City of Village Charm spend each year lobbying to in­ were submitted unsuccessfully government on a year-round EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE: EHTEEN GENTS in the 1974 session of the bying activity requires only terests and were obviously not lawyers to Itemize what they’ve Some of the hundreds of fluence state government. legislative lobbyists to register at the legislature on their own been paid,” said Hatmner, a thousands of dollars spent basis,” it reads. What limited information legislature. One died in com­ at the beginning of the session time. lawyer himself. during the six months involved ’The platform plank does not there is available deals only mittee. The other, which some say, however, that compensa­ advocates of reform opposed as and list their employers, and Deputy Secretary of the State Massachusetts citizens may campaign contributions and with lobbyists at the report at the end of the session Harry Hammer says the word­ find out how much outside in­ money spent on diners and out­ tion should be spelled out or legislature, and not with those sloppily drafted, was defeated that other expenses should be in the Senate. "compensation paid by ing of the law permits lob­ terests spend at their capitol. In ings for legislators. Such less visible, often the same per­ employer.’’ byists to skirt its intent. the last six months alone, hun­ expenses need not be reported listed. Ford Slates Meeting sons who seek to Influence The first, proposed in large part by the Connecticut Citizen When the final list was com­ Lawyers and other promoters dreds of thousands of dollars under current Connecticut law. state commissions and piled this year, however, 43 lob­ working as lobbyists claim they was spent trying to influence In Connecticut, the John Carter was the first regulatory agencies. Action Group, died in the Judiciary Committee. byists had simply filled in the cannot accurately say how government in the Bay State. Democratic Party’s 1974 plat­ postmaster and publisher of a Secretary of the State Gloria word “salary” without listing much money their time spent The Massachusetts State form is vague in its lobbying newspaper in Providence, RX in Driver^8 Seat Schaffer says she plans to in­ The second bill, reported out Rep. A1 Ullman (D-Ore.) is ser­ With Energy Experts ving as acting chairman of the House Ways and Means Com­ VAIL, Colo. (UPI) — President Ford en­ the contents,” he said. “We’ll see later.” Soviet Union “most favored nation” trade mittee, a post long held by Rep. counters a “bunch of high-powered ‘ Federal Reserve Board chairman Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.), until moguls” today. This time they are his treatment. Congress accepted it with the energy experts. Arthur Burns, Chairman Alan Greenspan understanding that Moscow would ease relinguished earlier this month. of the Council of Economic Advisers and Ford was punning Thursday in announ­ emigration restrictions for Soviet Jews. Ullman is expected to be other experts were summoned to confer cing that Treasury Secretary WilUam Ford skied for Vk hours Thursday. “I elected chairman of the com­ with Ford Saturday on ways to reverse the mittee when the new Congress The Simon, Interior Secretary Rogers C. B. fell down a couple of times,” he confessed recession. Morton and energy administrator Frank to reporters, “but it got better toward the convenes next month. Nessen said Ford is seeking further Zarb would be coming to his playgound in end.” explanation for some recommendations the Rockies for a strategy session on 'The President also has been taking a the energy planners submitted before he energy. A mogul can be either a hump of daily swim in the heated pool adjoining his left Washington. He said the President has SATURDAY snow or ice on a ski slope or an important, chalet, leased from Dallas oilman Richard ruled out the constantly recurring influential person. D. Bass. He shares the pool with his Vail Give Blood proposal that he increase gasoline taxes to neighbors. "We’ll have a bunch of high-powered curb consumption, considering it in­ 2 On Monday Son Joins Party moguls,” he said, “so I won’t be able to equitable to some segments of society. Mike Ford, the President’s 24-year-old An appeal is being made by BANK pays ski.*’ 'There were indications that Ford may son and his wife Gayle will leave Colorado Red Cross blood program of­ Ford also is studying a 50-page report on mandatorily restrict oil imports by 1 today to spend the remainder of the ficials to the public for support the Central Intelligence Agency and million barrels a day by late 1975. holidays with her family at Catonsville, of the Bloodmobile when it whether it spied in the United States —a Gasoline rationing apparently has been Md. visits the Knights of Columbus violation of its charter —in recent years. put on the back burner. There was a new addition to the clan home, 138 Main St., Monday The New York Times reported Sunday Ford signed 11 bills Thursday. He has with the arrival of Susan Ford’s boyfriend, from 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. that the CIA followed, eavesdropped, 125 more left by Congress when' it Gardner Britt of Alexandria, Va. During the holidays a pint of opened the mail and kept files on 10,000 7 T O P D O L L A R adjourned. Among the ones signed The Fords continued an almost nightly blood is used every five minutes dissidents in the antiwar and other Thursday officially allow girls to play Lit­ party schedule by going to dinner next in Connecticut hospitals. It is / f ’s Sledding Time in Manchester movements. tle League baseball, ending a 35-year boys- door at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fltzhue imperative that this blood be Ford indicated to reporters that he may only policy. Scott, a Milwaukee, Wis., architect who available for patients when make the document public. “It depends on Ford still must act on the bill to give the has designed many homes in Vail. they need it. Their lives could on All Savings Deposits The White Christmas present of youngsters as they took their sleds morning in Center Springs Park. be at stake. Mother Nature was being fully (old and new) to the town’s sledding (Herald photo by Pinto) Donors are urged to continue exploited today by Manchester’s areas. This scene was snapped this the holiday spirit of giving by giving the gift of life. Because Trade Balance Deficit Reported of fewer scheduled drawings due to the holidays, the need to WASHINGTON (UPI) - The U.S. Exports were up 4.6 per cent from Imports of all petroleum products was meet the quota at each Blood- Newsprint Recycling balance of trade fell into deficit by $113 November, but imports grew at an even estimated at 1K.3 million barrels in mobile is essential. million in November because of a faster rate of 6.2 per cent to account for November, up from an average of 184.9 Also, due to the holidays, ap­ weakening in exports of manufactured the deficit. million barrels in the two previous pointments for the Bloodmobile NEW TOP Rate Certificate goods, the Commerce Department There was a trade surplus of $24.9 months. have been less than expected. Hit hy Recession reported today. million in October. A weakened balance of merchandise In order that Manchester can Commerce also said imports of mineral Commerce said exports of manufac­ trade contributes to domestic Inflation by do its part in supporting the By SOL R. COHEN “True, we don’t make any money on our p i, i,-, p fuels and lubricants increased in tured goods, which dropped, were respon­ removing currency from circulation. blood program, many more „ „ , .. newspaper pickup program,” said Giles, Bookm obile................................Page 2 sible for toe slower growth. Food exports RecycUng of newspapers the brainchild .-but ^ g ^ e r do we mike any money on Old Codger ...........................Page 2 November. The November jump in oil imports wai donors will be needed. continued to increase at a rapid rate. shown by data gathered by the Federal Donors who have made ap­ of ravironmentahsts and the saWation of „ „ i,age pickup program Maybe we Tech homr roll PaL 3 Commerce also said the index of leading those towns with landfill worries, has should stoowoirvine about makine monev lech honor ro ll...........................Page J Energy Administration and two industry pointments are reminded to % economic indicators declined for the Imports of oil, coal and other mineral fallen victim to the recesssion and has all reev-UnB^^re^re runnina^out of Gardening with A tw ood..........Page 8 groups, toe American Petroleum Institute keep them.
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