Issued Tuesday IhuRswor Saturday The Courier- gazette Established January, 1846. Entered as Second Claii Mall Matter By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, November I 3, 1937 THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 92..................Number I 36. The Courier-Gazette Diaphone Solos Editor » “THE GREAT QUADRANGLE” IN COL. BUTLER’S MEMORY PACKING ’EM IN NIGHTLY WM. O. FULLER Three Calls Produce a Fire, Associate Editor An Arrest and Much I FRANK A WINSLOW Excitement As Defined Today By National Master Louis J. World War Veterans Dedicate a Square In His Painting Church and Shingling Roof Not All Subscriptions 13 00 per year payable ln advance; single copies three cents. Advertising rates based upon circula­ Rockland's much maligned dia­ Taber At National Grange Session There Is To Religion, Said Evangelist Taylor tion and very reasonable Honor Armistice Day NEWSPAPER HISTORT phone was front and center of the The Rockland Gazette was established . „ , , , ., , , . in 1846. In 1874 the Courier was estab- clty s sta?e last night when It raised lished and conaolldated with the Gazette Second Installment bra ted the news of th® signing of The Wednesday night service of the I unable to sleep Is rest, relaxation. In 1882 The Pree Preas was established *'s meek volce ln alarm three times the Armistice. The World War had Knox County Spiritual Recovery freedom from worry. I used to think In 1855 and ln 1891 changed Its name to The Orange is always definite ln crops formerly Included in heavy the Tribune These papers consolidated in one hour and had lire apparatus not been of our making. We entered Crusade, being conducted in the Com­ that this was a disease Indulged in March 17. 1897 its recommendations when it tackles American export. Mr. Taber insists and police sirening around in wide It only to bring about the consum­ munity Building under the Taylor by tha rich, but when I was 18 years upon stimulating the production of and raucous circles. As a result a a problem, and in facing the present mation of a great Ideal. That ideal brothers, opened with a full audi­ of age I had my first attack of sleep­ the type of wool or fibers now import­ agricultural situation, National Mas­ itivlsioied a Wcild wltho it war. A torium. After a happy song service lessness. Anyone who has any nerv­ w What Is contentment? Ad­ well known Rockland man will be ln ed In vast quantities for carpets, rugs ter Taber outlines a ten-point pro­ World In which all nations lived in led by Laurie and Charlie Taylor, ous tension knows what lt is to count ’s* justment to one's circumstances. court this morning. or other floor coverings; likewise pro­ oeacc rr..i harmony exactly as our prayer was offered by Rev. H. S. Kil­ the hours of the clock through the The first call ln the series coming gram. which will Immediately appeal ducing our own rice straws and mat­ 43 Slates bad shown that they cou’d born of the Thomaston Baptist night. But I never heard of anyone to thoughtful people as sane, clear- ting fabrics. In this connection he Rockland's Armistice Day celebra­ at 9.30 was for a small blaze in the do un this continent. A Wi'.d made ; Church. The great audience sang, who suffered from insomnia in Rockland Republicans who attend cut and full of promise. Here it is; takes occasion to remind the nation tion was carried out Thursday In Jordan place on old Thomaston road. safe for Democracy. We went to "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus," church. Directly when some go to the Crusade in the Community Build­ that if the Export Debenture princi­ complete accordance witn the pro­ 1. Increase the farmer’s share of war not 'ust to end this one war, but “The Way of the Cross Leads Home," church, they go to sleep. I assure you, ing are reminded that they will have It was a grand night for echoes and ple which the Grange was fighting for the nation's income and give to agri­ gram which has several times been to end oil wars. "Rescue the Perishing," and Laurie's you have no right to always blame the ample opportunity to vote in the Re­ ••28 ' was still shuttling back and culture panty'of' incLme ten years ago had then been adopted, published ln this paper. We are gathered here today for a new song, "Carry Away a Song." minister. An ethical essay which publican mayoralty caucus at Odd forth among the Oamden hills when lt would have greatly helped the cot­ 2. Build coming farm legislation The rain promised for that holiday grateful and patriotic duty. Delegations came in from Appleton, starts nowhere and ends in the same Fellows hall, as the polls do not close 36 came In. The irate boys on the ton situation and would have found on voluntary co-operation, rather than fortunately failed to materialize, and Thii moment is sacred wlh the al­ Tenant's Harbor. Thomaston, and place Is likely to produce sleep. Some until 10 p. m. screaming red wagons had not ceased the Southern cotton grower in vastly a governmental straight-jacket. in its place was a crisp late fall day, most vh.ikle presence of the Tie who many others were there unofficially. of the greatest preachers of all time searching for the man who turned better condition than his present 3. Orant basic exemptions and give with skies of azure, and a smiling sun has erne before. We come to honor Charlie said that next Wednesday have said people go to sleep on them. in this first false alarm when the plight. maximum benefits to the family-size never once dimmed. the memory of one who offered hit In this inspired Book we have a rec­ diaphone blasted the night with an­ night he Is going to read the names farm, placing regulation as far as The Taxation Question With Col. Ralph W. Brown as mar­ Ilf® in the service of his Country in ord of a man who went to sleep under other baritone solo, “43” this time. of all co-operating churches and ask possible on the commercial and large- shal the Armistice Day parade ‘ts hout cl need. Paul's preaching. Paul's sermon last­ Firemen and police instantly sus­ Although admitting that “there can for thelr delegations. unit operators. marched over the scheduled route, Walter Hillman Butler voluntarily ed seven hours at least. We now picious of another false alarm found be no criticism of spending public One of the interesting features of 'wOMlNAtt ALL Alam 4. Devise a sane framework for a pausing at the corner of Main and enlisted as a private ln the armed have sermonettes by preacherettes their fears justified, several witnesses funds to relieve suffering, or to build this service was the singing of Negro long-time land policy that shall pro­ forces of his country July 17, 1917, at for Christianettes. having seen a man pause at the box permanent prosperity and recovery," spirituals by Charlie and Laurie. vide for the retirement of sub-mar­ Bangor. Sept. 26, 1917 he sailed from “Yes, we have people who go to ED.MORAN until the big whistle set up its clamor, Mr. Taber warns of Increasing debt “Keep In the Middle of the Road.-' ginal land and for the increase of shores of America for combat service sleep physically ln church," said Dr. Wt U WQiTC Mf and then run west Into the shadows and rising taxation, and demands a and “Little David, Play On Your ACC»OCH1 forestry, water and wild life resources. “Over There" with the 26th Division. Taylor, “but the sleep of the body Is of McLain school. Many volunteeers balanced budget and a broadened base Harp." were the selections sung. Next WHEN |*M TOO 5. Develop the Soil Conservation of taxation, adding: “Every baby born YD, New England's own, as a member Wednesday they will sing some more not nearly as Important as the sleep OLO TO LOOk were instantly in full cry Including a Act. with benefits paid to all farmers j of the 101st Sanitary Train. of the soul." In discussing this state­ OUT FOt/ group of alert High School boys ln this country really has a log chain spirituals. The choir sang “I'll Oo hysclf ' who follow good soil practices. With the Illustrious record of that ment he likened the sleep of the soul whose sharp eyes located a figure ap­ of debt around its neck, because every Where You Want Me To Go, Dear 6. Provide a program sufficiently . famous Y. D. Division in France, he to the sleep of the body, and said the parently snared in the wired tennis man, woman and child under the flag Lord.” flexible to protect the interests of all : actively participated in every major sleeper ls insensible. courts area. The man was brought today owes more than $414 in public Dr. Taylor ln opening his message sections and give special assistance to engagement, he served in the Chemin "There is a disease called sleeping to Chief Russell who took him to debt." Even those whose Incomes are for the evening read as the Scripture surplus and export crops. des Daines Sector from Feb. 10th to sickness. The person who gets this headquarters on one of— the fire so small that they are not on the lesson Acts 20:7-12. which is the story 7. Guarantee the American market ' March 20.
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