OFFICIAL STATE PUBLICATION THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN JUNE, 1924 PUT YOUR SAVINGS " in a SAVINGS BANK" THE savings banks listed on this page are organized and conducted for the purpose of serving their communities. They stand ready to render every modern facility. The total resources of these banks is over one billion eight hundred seventy-five million dollars. Their depositors number over one million nine hundred ninety thousand. MAIDEN LANE SAVINGS BANK, BRONX COUNTY 170 Broadway. BRONX SAVINGS BANK, MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 429 Tremont Avenue. 154 East 86th Street. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, BRANCH—644 Broadway. 2792 Third Avenue. METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK, FORDHAM SAVINGS BANK, 1 Third Avenue. 2480 Grand Concourse. NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK, NORTH SIDE SAVINGS BANK, 83 Eighth Avenue. NORTH RIVER SAVINGS BANK, 3230 Third Avenue. 206 West 34th Street, NEW YORK COUNTY SEAMEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS, AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK, 70 Wall Street. II5 West 42nd Street. UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK, BANK FOR SAVINGS, 701 Sixth Avenue. 260 Fourth Avenue. UNION SQUARE SAVINGS BANK, BOWERY SAVINGS BANK, 20 Union Square. 110 East 42nd Street. UNITED STATES SAVINGS BANK, BRANCH —130 Bowery. GOG Madison Avenue. BROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, WEST SIDE SAVINGS BANK, 5 Park Place. 110 Sixth Avenue. CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, Fourth Avenue and 14th Street. WESTCHESTER COUNTY BRANCH—N. W. Cor. Broadway & 77th Street. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK, BANK FOR SAVINGS OF OSSINING, Bowery and Canal Street. Main Street, Ossining. COMMONWEALTH SAVINGS BANK, EASTCHESTER SAVINGS BANK, 2007 Amsterdam Avenue, 9 South Third Street, Mt. Vernon. GREENBURGH SAVINGS BANK, DRY DOCK SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Main Street, Dobbs Ferry. 341 Bowery. EAST RIVER SAVINGS INSTITUTION, HOME SAVINGS BANK, 291 Broadway. 156 Main Street, White Plains. EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, PEEKSKILL SAVINGS BANK, 920 South Street, Peekskill. 51 Chambers Street. PEOPLE'S BANK FOR SAVINGS OF NEW EMPIRE CITY SAVINGS BANK, ROCHELLE, 231 West 125th Street, 228 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle. EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK, PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK OF YONKERS, 221 West 57th Street. 14 Getty Square, Yonkers. FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, THE POET CHESTER SAVINGS BANK. Eighth Avenue and 42nd Street. North Main and Willett Streets, Port Chester. UNION SAVINGS BANK OF WESTCHESTER GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK, COUNTY, 36th Street and Broadway. 60 West Post Road, Mamaroneck. BRANCH—246 Sixth Avenue, WESTCHESTER COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, HARLEM SAVINGS BANK, Broadway and Main St., Tarrytown. 124 East 125th Street. YONKERS SAVINGS BANK. IRVING SAVINGS BANK, 16 South Broadway, Yonkers. 115 Chambers Street. ITALIAN SAVINGS BANK, 64 Spring Street. June, 1924 THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN (Official State Publication) VOLUME ONE NUMBER THREE Contents for June, 1924 Proposed Changes in the National De­ Engineer and Medical Regiments to fense Act Affecting the National Open Peekskill Camp June 15th. 9 Guard. By Franklin W. Ward, Brigadier General 3 Excellent Contests by N. G. Rifle Teams 9 The Problem of Rifle Training—Many Officers Consider Private Nagy's Keep Smiling 10 Invention the Solution 4 And For All This—We Thank You!— Different Aspects of Swearing. By Journalistic Effort of the National Capt. Emile S. Harper, Chaplain, Guard Receives High Praise from 2 7th Division 5 Newspapers of the State 11 26th Anniversary of Old Separate Editorials , 12 Company Celebrated 5 The Improved .45 Pistol. By Major General Berry's Editorial 1 3 Lee O. Wright, Ordnance Depart­ The Whole Guard on Review 14 ment, U. S. A 6 107th's Third Annual Band Concert. 6 The National Guard Alphabet 15 The Famous 105th Infantry in France. 7 How We Stand 16 108th Infantry Howitzer Co. Made Soldier Golf Tournament 16 Fine Basket-Bail Showing 7 Average Percentage of Attendance, Field Artillery Problems Being Solved. N. Y. N. G 17 By Brigadier General Wm. O. Richardson 8 A New State Medal 32 THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN, as established by Major General Charles W. Berry: "It will be strictly non-political; it will not attempt to exploit any theme or theory on partisan lines; it will religiously refrain from 'underwriting' the am­ bitions or activities of any individual, public or private; it will be severely inde­ pendent, making its appeal to the interests of the readers rather than to the vanity of those in charge; it will encourage that training which no successful business man can ignore if he desires his employees to be better disciplined and trained to give 100 per cent. of duty to all work entrusted to them—it will be a vehicle for the propagation of one policy and only one: Better Guardsmanship and Better Citizenship'." LT. COL. FRED. M. WATERBURY, Editor 829 Municipal Building, New York City MATTHEW J. EDER, General Manager J. A. HARRIS, Business Manager 47 West 34th Street, New York City The NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN is the only publi­ for Non-Guardsmen, $1.50 a year; Canada, $2; Foreign, cation authorized by the National Guard of the State of $2.50. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Single copies, New York. It is published monthly on the 15th and dis­ price 15 cents. Advertising rates on application. Printed in tributed free to all active Guardsmen. Subscription by mail, New York City. Copyright, 1924, by The New York National Guardsman Page 2 The New York National Guardsman While You're at Cam Look Your Best WHETHER you go to Peekskill, Fort Ethan Allen, Fort Eustis or Pine Plains for your field training this Summer, you will want to look your best. When your rela­ tives or friends visit you or while you are "in town" on a pass, you cannot possibly achieve that feeling of complete satisfaction with your appearance in the service uniform issued by the National Guard—the one which you will be obliged to use in the field all day. Why not come to us and select either an O. D. COTTON KHAKI O. D. SERGE O. D. WHIPCORD or O. D. GABARDINE uniform? Your relatives and friends will be doubly proud of you—and your morale will be boosted at least 100 per cent. You will really be surprised at how cheaply you can buy a real good- looking uniform—made to fit YOU. Write us or come in today for samples and prices. It places you under no obligation whatever. RUSSELL UNIFORM COMPANY (The House of Immaculate Uniforms) 1600 BROADWAY - - - NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Bryant 1465-6 Page 3 June, 1924 Proposed Changes in the National Defense Act Affecting the National Guard BY FRANKLIN W. WARD Brigadier General, N. Y. N. G. and 1st Vice-President, National Guard Association of the United States HIS article is written primarily to 5. Providing that enlisted men shall be Tfurnish the burden bearing members paid for each drill attended, not exceed­ of the New York National Guard with ing sixty in one year, At present a soldier information regarding proposed changes in must attend sixty per cent. of the monthly the Federal laws relating to the national drills of his unit in order to be paid. Pro­ defense, which are now before Congress. viding further that a soldier may receive These changes have been urged by the compensation, upon certificate, for any drill Militia Bureau and the National Guard in which he participates with an organiza­ Association of the United States. They tion within the same state at a station other modify certain provisions of the present than his own. law and add others deemed to be essential 6. Providing for the purchase by Na­ or desirable for the progressive develop­ tional Guard officers of uniforms and equip­ ment of the National Guard component of ment for cash from Regular Army post the Army. exchanges and stores. Through the personal interest of Secre­ 7. Providing that sub-divisions of a unit tary of War John W. Weeks, General may drill on a night other than the regular John J, Pershing, and other officials in drill night of such unit during any one Washington these amendments have all week and be counted in the percentage of been approved by the War Department. attendance for such week. Briefly they are as follows: 8. Providing for specialists pay during 1. Providing' that all persons appointed field exercises. At present cooks, etc.. do reserve officers shall be commissioned in not receive the pay prescribed for such spe­ the Army of the United States. Officers cialists in the Regular Army. of the National Guard federally recognized Brigadier General Franklin W. Ward 9. Providing for the abolishment of the as such to be commissioned in the grade percentage of officers of a unit required to held by them in the National Guard of other periods of instruction in any one be present in order to receive drill pay. their respective states for the period dur­ month and not exceeding sixty in one year, At present at least 50 per cent. of the ing which their federal recognition con- At present such officers are restricted to commissioned strength of a unit must be tinues and terminating at the expiration four drills in any calendar month. Pro­ present in order to be paid. viding further for a classification of offi­ 10. Providing for pay and allowances, cers entitled to administration pay and fix­ for a period not in excess of six months. ing the amount payable to the officers of for members of the National Guard, Offi­ each class through regulations prescribed cers' Reserve Corps and Enlisted Corps, by the Secretary of War. undergoing hospital treatment on account of injuries received in line of duty, Heroism of a Quarter Century 11. Providing for burial expenses of Ago Finally Rewarded men who die while undergoing training and FOR heroism under fire while medical and hospital treatment. heretofore prescribed.
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