______________________________________________________________________ Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Somalia South Sudan Sudan _________________________________________________________________________ PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME 11th Horn of Africa Conference with Focus on Peace and Security – Key To Stability And Sustainable Development 8th – 10 th June 2012, Lund, Sweden Chairing Committee of the Conference: Ambassador Count Pietersen, Dr. Shukria Abdirahman Dini, Engineer Ishael Siroiney INFORMATION Objectives The overall objective of the conference is to provide a forum for key stakeholders engaged in peace and security issues for the Horn of Africa and bring the agonizing and violent situation in the Horn of Africa to the attention of the Swedish public and key stakeholders in the international community. The objective of the conference is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of critical issues concerning the conflicts in the Horn of Africa in the international community and stakeholders, while encouraging Horn of Africa stakeholders to become engaged and committed to actively supporting local peace processes at track II and III level in the Horn of Africa. 1 PROGRAMME Day 1 Friday, 8 June 2012 09:00 - 9:30 Registration, Tea/ Coffee Welcoming and opening remarks: 09:30 - 09:40 Dr. Yakoub Abdi Aden, PhD, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SIRC: Short description of the conference programme 09:40 – 09:50 Prof. Arne Ardeberg, PhD, Former Vice Chancellor, Lund University, Chairman Lund Horn of Africa Forum, Lund, Sweden: Introductory statement 09: 50 - 10 :00 Honourable Mrs Annika Anne rby , Mayor City of Lund, Sweden: Welcoming & Opening Statement SESSION 1. Horn of Africa Peace and Security: Role of the international community? Presentations and open discussions/questions 10:00 - 10:20 H. E. Ambassador Marika Fahlen , Special Envoy for Horn of Africa, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden: Statement 10:20 -10:40 H. E. Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary- General, UNPOS, to Somalia, Mogadishu, Somalia: Statement 10:40 - 11:00 H. E. Enj. Mahboub Maalim, Executive Director of Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Djibouti: Invited and not yet confirmed 11:00 – 11:20 H. E. Hassan Darar H ouffane h, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Djibouti, Djibouti: Statement 11:20 – 11:40 Mr. Jeremy Lester, European Commission Head of Unit DG DEV/E/2 Relations with the countries and the regions of the Horn of Africa, Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean, Brussels, Belgium: Statement 11:40 - 12:00 Mr. Jonas Alberoth, Acting Director General Folke Bernadotte Academy - Swedish Agency for Peace, Security and Development, Stockholm, Sweden: Statement 12:00 - 13:15 Lunch: Eritrean food 13:15- 14:15 Time for Questions SESSION 2 Peace and Security in the Horn Africa? 2 14:15 - 14:35 Sally Healy; PhD, Fellow of the Rift Valley Institute, London, UK: Regional Economic Relations – Can Closer economic Ties Reduce Conflicts in the Horn of Africa? 14:35 - 14:55 Martin Plaut : Africa Editor, BBC World Service News, London, UK: How stable is the Horn of Africa? 14:55 - 15 :15 Prof. Sisay Asefa, PhD, Department of Economics Director, Center for African Development Policy Research (CADPR), Western Michigan University (WMU), USA: Peace, Human Security & Sustainable Development through Regional Integration Horn of Africa - Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century 15:15 - 15:35 Dr. Al -Haj Hamad M. K Haj Hamad , (Ph.D), Policy Researcher Executive Director Social and Human Development Consultative Group (SAHDCG), Khartoum, Sudan: Fundamentalists and Security Situation in Sudan 15:3 5 - 15:5 0 Break: coffee/Tea 15:50 - 16:10 Dr. Afyare Elmi, PhD, Somali-Canadian Political Scientist, Associate Professor Qatar University: 16:10 -16:30 Dr. Markus Böckenförde, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, German Development Institute, Adviser to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, attached to the policy planning staff (Bonn/Berlin): How can community peace process support state-building? Understanding the role of religion in state- building 16:30 -16:50 Assefaw Bariagaber , Ph.D. Professor and Chair The John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations Sector Hall University South Orange, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Elite Control, Shifting Alliances, and Political Instability in the Horn of Africa 16:50 -17:10 Abdi Ismail Samatar , PhD, Professor Department of Geography University of Minnesota & Vice President African Studies Association: Desperate for Peace VS politics as usual in Somalia 17:10 – 18:10 Time for Questions 18:10 -18: 15 End of Day 1 19:30 - 21:30 Reception for guests at Rådhuset: Hosted by Honourable Mrs Annika Annerby Mayor, City of Lund 3 23 - 24 Horn of Africa (Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, September Somaliland/Somalia Cultural exhibition for all three 2011 days of the conference 23 - 24 BOOKS: Horn Africa conference reports as books will September be available on sale at site of the conference 2011 PROGRAMME Day 2 Saturday, 9 June 2012 08:30 - 09:0 0 Tea/ Coffee SESSION 3. WORKSHOPS 09:00 - 12:00 Workshop 1: Local and community peace building and its effects on state-building in the Horn of Africa Speakers: Eltigani Elhag Abdelrahman , peace activist: Crisis of nation building in Sudan, from religion to ethnicity Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD Assist. Professor Department of Culture and Global Studies Aalborg University, Denmark: Transnationalism and civic engagement - The role of civil society in peace and security in Somalia Dr. Hassan Abdi Aden , Chairman Law Commission of Somaliland, Hargeisa: Democratic Elections of Somaliland Nick Ondoro , PhD Student in Peace Studies University of Bradford, Bradford, UK: Kenya’s New Constitution Critical in the Stabilization Efforts in the Horn of African Region Abdillahi Elmi, Horn of Africa Environment Researcher, Stockholm Sweden: Shared Rivers in the Horn of Africa - Source of Peace and Source of Conflict Moderators: Assefaw Bariagaber , Ph.D. Professor and Chair The John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations Secton Hall University South Orange, New Jersey, U.S.A. 4 Moderator: Sally Healy; PhD, Fellow of the Rift Valley Institute, London, UK Workshop discussion participants : 30 academics, practitioners, politicians, government representatives, International institutions, NGOs, university students Stadshallen, Room B2 Workshop 2 : The role of the media in peace making VS conflict making? Discussions: Mohamed Hussien Gaas, PhD Fellow in development studies and guest lecturer at Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Science, Oslo, Norway: Somali Media – Fuelling Violence conflict or helping in building peace? Martin Plaut , Africa Editor, BBC World Service News, London, UK Mr. Mohammed Adow, Director of News and Programmes AlJezeera Africa, Al-jezeera, Doha, Qatar Dr. Ismail Weis , PhD, Econmic Advisor of the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Djibouti Mr. Ahmed Gure, Director Hiiraan Online, Ottowa, Canada Moderators: Moderator: Prof. Benny Carlson , PhD, Department of Economic History, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Dr. Tarekgn AdeboAdebo, PhD, Lecturer Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Summary workshop recommendations Workshop discussion participants: 30 academics, practitioners, politicians, government representatives, International institutions, NGOs, university students, Stadshallen Room C1 Worksop 3: The role of the international community in local peace processes in the Horn of Africa 5 Speakers: Ms Lilla Schumicky, PhD, Peace-building Coordinator UN Development Programme (UNDP), Nairobi, Kenya: Women at the forefront - enforcing security in Mogadishu, Somalia Mr. Mohammed Abdiker, Director of Operations and Emergencies, International Organisation For Migration, Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva: IOM's key response to the Horn of Africa crisis and beyond Mr. Ahmed Soliman, Horn of Africa Research Assistant , Chatham House: Improving International Engagement in the Horn of Africa Mohamed Haji Ingiriis, MSc, London Metropolitan University: Reluctant World Community and Country Descending into Civil War: The Case of 1990 Somali Manifesto Dr. Mohamed Mohamud , Dean Facuty Medincine, Benadir University, Mogadishu, Somlaia: The Impact of Terrorism in the Horn of Africa and internationally – Case Benadir University Moderator: Moderator: Prof. Arne Ardeberg , PhD, Former Vice Chancellor, Lund University, Chairperson of Lund Horn of Africa Forum (LuHAF) Suado Abdillahi Mohamed, PhD Candidate, Lund University Horn of Africa Researcher: Summary workshop recommendations Workshop discussion participants: 30 academics, practitioners, politicians, government representatives, International institutions, NGOs, university students Stadshallen, Room E1 12:00 - 13:15 Lunch: Somali food SESSION 4 Do Horn of Africa governments promote peace and security in the of the Horn of Africa region? 6 Presentations and open discussions/questions : 13:15 - 15:15 1. H. E. Abdisamad Mo’allim Mohamed Sheikh Hassan , Minister of Interior and National Security, Somali Transitional Federal Government, Mogadishu, Somalia. Statement 2. H. E. Ms. Purity W. Huhindi, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to Sweden: Statement 3. H. E. Abubakar Hussien Ahmed Abdeldaym , Ambassador of he Republic of Sudan to Sweden: Statement 4. H. E. Ambassador Mohamned Siyad Douale , 5. H. E. Bernahu Kebede , Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Sweden: Statement 6. H. E. Yonas Manna,
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