I MARCH 1945 TM-E 30-45I through which passes a safety Ijar which is I-C’­ shear flange secured to the side of the mine by moved when the mine is laid. wooden dowels. (2) Actio?z. A pressure of from 300 poun~ls The mine is gray of unpainted, \vith a red Iland to 500 pounds in the lid C~LISCS it to descend on on one sitle ant1 on the face of the pressure Hock. the igniters, exploding the mine. (2) Action. Pressure of 200 pounds or more (3) Chavactcristics. on the pr~‘5~ure block shears tlir. tlo\vels securing Length 9V2 inches. the Ji(.ar fl;~nxc, which when forced tlown pushes l Width 5y2 inches. cnlt 1he pin in tl c.%.%. 1-7 igniter, exploding the Height 4;% inches. mine. U’eight .... 14% pounds. (3 ) (‘l/tri.crc-i~.i-i,siic. (4) To ucutrnlix: Length .. l.i inches. (a) Search for and ncutralizc~ any anti-han­ Width . 1 - inches. Height . .4' : illdl(~‘. dling devices. \\eight ..IS pounds. (11) I<iit cover and remove both igniters. (c) Replace the cover. (4) .\~l~//l/~c~liri//!/. Search lor and ncutMize k. \~‘OOUEK-BOX 111S~ 42 (H~lmiu~). (1) any anti-handling devices. Remove the lid avoid­ Dcsuiptiou. The hod\- of the mine is a rcc­ ing all pressure on the pressure block. Lift pres­ tangular wooden 110x containing 119; pounds of suw Mock clear of the shear flange. Place the HE. A pressure block protrutles through the pressurr 1~10~1~ so it beats on the supporting block lid of the mine, which inside the mine rests on a in the unarmed positi(111. ICc,l)lace the lid. Figuvc 87.—.aodw Box hliuc 42. VIII—83 UNCLASSIFIED I MARCH 1945 TM-E 30-451 ANTITANK MINES IN USE BY THE GERMANS Length Width Height Weight Igniter Firing NAME (Inches) (Inches; (Inches) (Pounds) load REMARKS :Pounds) Tellermine 35. 12.5 3.2 2 T.Mi.Z. 175­ Fltted for anti-handling devices. (diam.) 35 400 or T.Mi.Z. 42 Tellermine 35 (steel). 12.5 .5 20 T.Mt.Z. 12.5 Fitted for anti-handling devices. (diam.) 35 400 or T.Mi.Z. 42 Tellermine 42. 12.3 4 20 T.Mi.Z. 250­ Fitted for anti-handling devices. (diam.) 42 400 Tellermine 43 (Mushroom). 12.5 4 20 T.Mi.Z. 440­ Fitted for anti-handling devices. (diam.) 600 Tellermine 29. 10 2.7 13.2 Z.D.Z. 10 Three igniters used. (diam.) •29 275 L. PZ. AT Mine. 10.25 .25 9 Five Paratroop mine. (diam.) special pressure igniters. Topf Mine. 12.5 .5 21.-775 Chemical 330 Non-metallic mine. (diam.) Non­ metallic. Riegel Mine (R.Mi.43). 32.75 4 3.5 3. 5 ZZ.42 400 Fitted for three external igniters for anti handling. Wooden Box Mine (42). (42 (42 4H 12 ZZ.42 200 Hol.zmrne 42. Wooden Box Mine V.B.I. 12 12 4 12 ZZ.42 200 Holzmtne V.B.1. Heavy Wooden AT Mine. 17 15.75 10.5 37 DZ.35 200 Fitted for anti-handlmg devices. Panzer Schnellmine. _ 20.75 13 5 13 ZZ.42 Locally produced improvised mine. Type A. (approx.) Type B. 20.75 13 5 13 Buck bpprox.) igniter. Imprcvised Aluminum Mine. 12.5 . 5 14 to 16% DZ.35 130­ (diam.) or 390 T.Mi.Z. 41 C.V.P. f AT & Apers. Mine 10 3 8 60 (Hungarian) (diam.) French Light AT Mine. 9.5 5.5 5.5 4. 5 Rod 35 420­ Rod 36 500 Dutch AT Mine T. 40. 11 3.5 13 2 Pressure 100 Oval section. (diam.) ball release type. AT Mine Type N. (Norwegian). 15.75 5-5 5 10 Pressure ? Belgian Heavy AT Type HA. 9 8.75 8.75 33 Shear 400 Pin and Striker. Figure 88. Y!!!—84 I MARCH 1945 TM-E 30-451 ?. Igniters wire is attached to the cylinder and given enough & a. PULL IGNITERS. (1) Bakelite Z.Z.IZ'IZi; “” tension to hold the safety pin near the center of ziinder 42). The pin, the striker, and the actuat­ the slot. This ensures kasy withdrawal of the ing spring of this igniter are steel. The body and safety pin after the charge or mine has been laid. the collar are plastic mouldings, and the cap Before withdrawal of the pin the nut is removed holder is brass. Between the lower end of the from the end of it. sp;ring and the striker head are a metal washer (b) Operation. When properly armed the ig­ and a felt washer which act as a guiding gland. niter will function if the tension wire is pulled The over-all length is 3% e, inches, and the diameter or cut. is yz inch. (c) To neutralize. If the safety pin has been removed, and the tension wire is intact, push a (2) Zugzilnder 35 (2.2.35). (a) Descrip­ small nail through the safety-pin hole, and, after tiolz. This igniter is used with trip wires to oper­ determining that there is no igniter on the other ate S-mines, improvised m&es, and booby traps. end of the wire, the wire may be cut. The heavy antitank mines have this igniter as a booby trap against lifting the lid, and it also is b. PRESSURE IGNITERS. (1) Druckziinder 3.5 used as an extra igniter in Tellermines and as the (OZ.35 Type A). (a) Description. This is a main igniter in the drifting mine. The brass mechanically-acting, push igniter, designed for use body of the igniter contains a sliding cylinder, a with improvised mines and booby traps. It is also compressing spring, the striker, and the striker the main igniter of the heavy antitank mine. It spring. In the unarmed position, the safety pin consists of an aluminum body and a plunger is prevented from falling out by a nut on the end which carries the 1ya-inch pressure head. The of the pin and by a spring clip. When the nut is plunger is held away from the cap by a strong removed prior to arming, the clip still holds the spring. Within the plunger is a recess for the pin in place until it is pulled away by a cord. ­ striker and spring. Two steel balls rest partly in two holes in the plunger and retain the striker (b) Operation. In the armed position the in the cocked position. When in the safe position, striker is held only by two small totters, which the plunger is prevented from moving by a safety project into the groove behind the head of the pin. striker. When the sliding cylinder is pulled up (b) Operation. After withdrawal of the safety about 3/ /16mch,. the totters are freed and move pin the igniter is fired by pressure on the head, outwards, releasing the striker. The pull required which depresses the plunger until the steel balls to fire the igniter is 9 to 13 pounds. are free to escape into the space in the guide. The (c) To neutralize. The igniter is made safe striker then is released and fires the cap. A by pushing a small nail through the hole in the pressure of 130 to 160 pounds (corresponding to striker. The trip wire then may be cut. a depression of about J/J inch) is sufficient to fire (d) To disqm. When the igniter is fitted into the igniter. a mine or charge, unscrew the igniter with the (c) To neutralize. Push a nail into the safety nail in place and remove the detonator. pin hole and secure it in place to prevent its fall­ (3) Zug-und Zerschneideziinder 35 (Zu. ing out. 2.2.35). (a) Description. This igniter is used (d) To disarm. After neutralizing the igniter, chiefly in places where tension wires are easily unscrew it from the charge and remove the concealed. It functions in two .ways—either by detonator. pull on a wire or by cutting .the wire. In both (2) Druckziinder 35 (OZ.35 Type B). cases it is set by securely fastening a wire through (a) Description. This igniter functions exactly the hole in the head of the movable cylinder. The the same way as type A, though its construction body of the igniter contains a movable cylinder, differs in a few minor details. The body is made a striker spring, and the striker. The striker is of unpainted brass, and the diameter of the pres­ held in position by two totters. The movable cyl­ sure head is 1 inch. The retaining steel balls are inder slides inside a sleeve fitted in the end of replaced by two small totters, placed below the the main housing. This sleeve has two slots head of the striker. The cap is located in the through which the safety pin passes. These slots base plug. allow for adjustment of the igniter when setting (b) Operation. After withdrawal of the safety the charge. -When the igniter is to be armed, the pin, the igniter is fired by pressure on the head. V!ll—8s I MARCH 1945 UNCLASSIFIED TM-E 30-451 When the plunger is depressed about y$ inch, casing. The upper part of the sleeve is fitted with the two small totters escape from the a a strong shear pin, and the lower part is connected into the space below. The striker then is released to the igniter body by a weak brass arming wire. and fires the cap.
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