March 18, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5023 time when exports now account for 30% of Coast Guard and committee authorizers will only a paycheck can bring. They deserve to U.S. farm cash receipts and nearly 40% of all consider the import role the Coast Guard be in control of their lives and have the peace agricultural production. It is abundantly clear, plays in ice rescues and will work toward pro- of mind of independence and personal secu- that in addition to free trade, America must viding adequate resources to satellite stations, rity. The Work Incentives Improvement Act guarantee fair trade. like the one in St. Clair Shores, to fulfill their takes significant steps toward reforming Fed- The 1996 Freedom to Farm Act returned mission. I look forward to working with the eral disability programs, improving access to control of farming operations to producers in Coast Guard and the committees of jurisdic- needed services, and releasing the shackles exchange for sharp restrictions on the level of tion in this important matter. of dependency. government support. The goal was to provide f Look at today’s disability program: more U.S. farmers with the flexibility to run their op- than 7.5 million disabled Americans receive erations according to the marketplace. But in THE WORK INCENTIVES benefits from SSI and SSDI. Providing assist- exchange, the U.S. government has a clear IMPROVEMENT ACT ance to these individuals costs the Govern- responsibility to ensure that our farmers and ment $73 billion a year—making these dis- ranchers have the ability to compete fairly HON. RICK LAZIO ability programs the fourth largest entitlement expenditure in the Federal Government. Now, against other exporters, not against foreign OF NEW YORK if only one 1 percent, or 75,000, of the 7.5 mil- governments. I will continue my efforts in Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lion disabled adults were to become em- gress to compel the executive branch to vigor- Thursday, March 18, 1999 ously fight foreign trade barriers and utilize ployed, Federal savings in disability benefit available tools such as the Export Enhance- Mr. LAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- would total $3.5 billion over the lifetime of the individual. Removing barriers to work is a ment Program and the Market Access Pro- troduce a bill that has one goal and one goal major benefit to disabled Americans in their gram to promote U.S. products abroad. only—enabling individuals with disabilities to pursuit of self-sufficiency, and it also contrib- Furthermore, the State Department and the pursue their desire to work. In today’s work- utes to preserving the Social Security trust current administration must be forced to un- place, less than one-half of one percent of dis- abled Americans successfully move from dis- fund. derstand the economic consequences of uti- The Work incentives Improvement Act lizing food as a diplomatic weapon. Our farm- ability benefits to employment and self-suffi- ciency. A recent Harris Survey, however, would create new State options for SSDI and ers and ranchers cannot continue to bear the SSI beneficiaries who return to work to pur- overwhelming burden of ineffective unilateral found that 72 percent of Americans with dis- abilities want to work but nearly 75 percent of chase the health care coverage they would sanctions. The federal government should be otherwise be entitled to if they did not work. It persons with disabilities are unemployed. required to identify funding sources to reim- would support a user-friendly, public-private What is the problem, here? burse farmers for the reduction in prices approach job training and placement assist- Let me tell you about a man from my dis- caused by our government’s actions, and this ance for individuals with disabilities who want trict. He is a 39-year-old Navy Veteran from must occur before such actions are permitted to work, and it provides for new ways to in- to take place. Bay Shore, NY. Several years ago, he worked form SSDI and SSI beneficiaries of available Agriculture is the bedrock of the American on Wall Street with the hopes of becoming a work incentives. economy, and our agricultural productivity is stockbroker. Unfortunately, an accident in The man from Bay Shore, NY, said, ‘‘I want the envy of the world. Assuring Colorado’s 1983 left him a quadriplegic. Because of his to work. I do not want to be a burden to tax- farmers keep this edge in the global economy injury, this man relies on a tracheostomy to payers.’’ The Work Incentives Improvement is one of my highest priorities in Congress. help him breath and speak. Act will help him become a successful stock- f He requires nurses or caregives to clean his broker. When he does so, he hopes to open tracheostomy and requires 24-hour home care to open his own firm and hire people with dis- COAST GUARD AUTHORIZATION to assist him bathing, dressing, housekeeping, abilities. ACT OF 1999 and numerous other daily activities. This indi- Now is the time to make major progress to- vidual’s physical challenge, however, does not ward removing barriers and enabling people SPEECH OF inhibit his ability to become a stockbroker. Ten with disabilities to work. Millions of Americans HON. DAVID E. BONIOR years after his tragic accident, he successfully are waiting eagerly to unleash their creativity OF MICHIGAN passed the ‘‘Series 7’’ test, a grueling 6-hour and pursue the American dream. They are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES exam, to become a licensed stockbroker. Ex- waiting for us to act, Mr. Speaker. Let’s act cept for Federal barriers, he would be a stock now. Wednesday, March 17, 1999 broker today. He cannot, however, because f he would lose his Medicaid and Medicare, The House in Committee of the Whole PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION which he needs to survive. House on the State of the Union had under OF H.R. 975, REDUCING VOLUME consideration the bill (H.R. 820) to authorize His situation is not unique. His predicament appropriations for fiscal years 2000 and 2001 is replicated all across this country—by the OF STEEL IMPORTS AND ESTAB- for the Coast Guard, and for other purposes: millions. Suffolk County, NY, alone has LISHING STEEL IMPORT NOTIFI- CATION AND MONITORING PRO- Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Chairman, the U.S. Coast 261,000 disabled individuals—most of whom GRAM Guard provides many valuable services to our want to work. Yet, disabled Americans must country. Among them are ice rescues. As choose between working and surviving. Fed- SPEECH OF many of us along the Great Lakes know, the eral benefit programs such as Social Security Coast Guard has saved countless lives and Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental HON. HAROLD E. FORD, JR. provided invaluable services to our commu- Security Income (SSI) provide benefits, includ- OF TENNESSEE nities. ing eligibility for health coverage through Medi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In the district which I represent, Macomb care and Medicaid. Services that many dis- Wednesday, March 17, 1999 and St. Clair Counties, recreational uses of abled workers require, such as personal as- Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sup- Lake St. Clair, the St. Clair River, and Lake sistance, are often not covered by employer port of the Bipartisan Steel Recovery Act of Huron are not just limited to summer activities. health care. So, when a disabled American 1999. I believe this initiative provides a com- Ice fishing is a growing and popular rec- secures a job and earns income, he or she prehensive approach to enforcing trade laws reational activity, but from time to time way- may lose their government benefits and, sub- by stating clearly and forcefully that the United ward fishermen find themselves in need of sequently, their health coverage. States does not and will not tolerate violations help. This is why I have introduced the Work In- of trade laws by foreign corporations. Our communities do a great job in rescuing centives Improvement Act in the House of As we enter a new millennium, we must individuals from critical circumstances, but Representatives. The Federal Government face and embrace globalism by ensuring that their rescue capacity could be greatly aided by should remove existing barriers and allow all our citizens have the skills required to com- a Husky Airboat stationed at the St. Clair these individuals to work. Like all other Ameri- pete in the international economy. Export-driv- Shores Coast Guard Station. As we consider cans, disabled Americans deserve economic en job growth ensures that our communities’ the Coast Guard authorization bill, I hope the opportunity. They deserve the satisfaction that living standards continue to rise. VerDate jul 14 2003 09:22 Oct 01, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E18MR9.000 E18MR9 5024 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 18, 1999 The primary forces shaping our economy— INTRODUCTION OF A SENSE OF has been successful. Once he believes in globalization, digitalization, deregulation, and CONGRESS RESOLUTION RE- someone he puts everything he has into mak- diversity—require that we consider a broader GARDING THE DAMS ON THE CO- ing that person successful. This dedication array of international trade and investment op- LUMBIA AND SNAKE RIVERS has worked for Popovich regardless of the art- portunities. The city of Memphis is considered ist or type of music he is promoting. America’s Distribution Center, and trade liber- HON. DOC HASTINGS In 1986 Popovich applied this formula to alization will help us become the World’s Dis- OF WASHINGTON Polygram Nashville and turned the label into a success.
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