Inside today: Exam latest • ANC deal with Volk • Young Warriors homecoming e carna Deaths escalate while road safety officals are on leave takes its toll after Christmas and while travellihg 10 the fune rals of trips between Oshakati and Wind· criminals were also fou nd on the CHRIS NDIVANGA AND New Year parties. other accident victims. hoek, Lilderitz and Oranjemu nd road to Lilderitz and Oranjemund. OSWAlD SHIVUTE Two more people reportedly died There arc 20 corpses of recent car without checking their ve hicles. and tliey warned all drivers to be on in the south on Sunday. taking 10 18 accident victims in the Oshakati And ye t traffic offi cers seem to the alen. MEMBERS OF the public are the number of people killed mortuary alone. and officials say it be mak ing liule effort to clamp Meanwhile. the Road Safety Sec­ calling for urgent government countrywidcoverthe weekend. One is difficuh for doctors to carry out down o n over· loading and re tariat could not be reached yes­ action to stop the carnage person was apparently killed when post mortems as the relatives are un roadworthy vehicles. terday tocomment on the road safe ty a minibus over-turned on the road demanding the bodies for burial. currently ta king place on Some mini-bu s dri vers ap­ campaigns. from U ideritz to Keetmanshoop. Concern centres on the minibus proached by The Namibian yester­ This reporter was referred 10 a Namibia's roads. Northern Namibia is over­ taxis. Some said accidents occurred day ad mitted that their drivers were " Mrs Prosser", onl y to be told later So far )7 people are reported to whelmed with mourning and fu­ because of drivers' negligence or sometimes at faull, but also claimed that she was on leave. have died in road accidcnts during ncralsaheadof the so-called fes tive because they drink and drive. there were criminals - especialy Anbtherspokespersonforthesec­ the fcstive season. season. People are calling for ur­ Other dri vers gelliule rest in be· between Tsumeb and Oshivelo • re tariat was apparently out of the The number is likely to increase gent government action to stop the Iween journies, but are SO keen to who shoot buses' tyres out. office, and noone knew when the y as dru nkcn and reckl css dri vi ng carnage as people are even dying do business that they make return The mini-bus owners said these would return. Record NBC steers clear of diamond sales 'family business' WORLD diamond sales ror this yea r A WARNINGtodiplomatsnottohelp"back- had prepared a story on broke the previous doorprobes"wasmeanttobe" famllyaf'fairs, Gurirab's comments - reco rd set in 1988, discussed within the family" , says Foreign gleaned from an tOlalling US$4 366 Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab. uncensored version of millio n (NSI4,8 the Minister's speech - ' ) I for the evening news b ilhon so d, Meanwhile, top news bulletin last week Mon- according to NBC official at the NBC. d diamond cartel De Virura Kavari . has ad· a~'avar i said he was Beer s. ,..-eMle8 '- • ~ ... milled he withdrew a then telephoned by Pius De Beers' Namibian story about Gurirab's Dunaiskio fttJe Ministry subsidiaryConsolidatcd "th controversial remarks 'of Fore ign Affairs. who Diamond Mines (CDM) w. from the evening televi- claimed this uncensored sionnewsbulletinonthe wasoneoftheproducers armer version of Gurirab's which cut back produc· f advice of Fore ign Affairs speech had not been de- officials. tion last year and re- THENBCbascomt Iivered. tre nc hcd workers. to an out-of-court A row raged last week Kavari then went in ANOTHER JACKSON, ANOTHER WORLD TOUR - J anet Jackson, Diamond sales soared after Gurirab addressed search oftheofficialver- sister of Mlchael Jackson, performs at a recent concert In New York settlement with the a confe re'nce of heads of during her current world tour. Picture Reuters via Nampa. in the first half of the farmer who was . sion of lhe speech, trav- '----"'-'--'-'--'--'---'----'-"'-'-'-'-'-'-"'--"'-'-=="--____ diplomatiCm iSS IOns. He r year to US$2 54) mi l- suiog the elling fi rst to the Safari lion, with a massive 42 corporation for circulated a copy of his Hotel and then to the per cent increase com- speech 10 the media, but home(,iForeign Affairs NS250 000. then made diffe~n t re- Rain on the way! pared to the samc period Durtnglbetelevh marks to his officials af-Permanent Secretary in 1992. Sales in Ihe sec- sioII-newslast.d..l.t, Andreas Guibeb. where ter asking journali sts ond halr 0r the yeargrcw lb. .....NBC he was given a copy of covering the meeting to As Tsumeb is covered with ice more slowly. at 12 per appoloJlsed to leave. the "official" speech. cen! 10 US$ I 82) mil - fatmer8urckhardt Realising there was lion. The speech he made doubt on which version AS MOST of Namibia s\feltered re gion. The lowJnS5Uresunace tiot:I&h Sdlllekber, wbo aD . J' t h d I Ft Ovcr the whole year once ,lOuma IS sac of the Fore ign Minister's under temperatures nearing the causing the rainfall is forecasuofl1O.ve NBC news report slammed staff who co- saleswereup28 percent Implk,lted In the remarks was meant for mid-thirties centigrade southwards dUriRg the week possibly compared 10 1992 sales operated with Constitu- the media, Kavari said yesterday, forecasters said some bring rain 10 Windhoek and central murderottwo chn· tional bodies such.as the areas by Wednesday orlbursday, ac­ ofUSS3 4l7million.Thc dftn. Cbrls and Ombudsman and the he withdrew lhe NBC relJef could be on the way. prev ious highest sales LazanaslHocbObeb story about lhe speech cording to the Weather Bureau. we re in 1988 at USS4 .lntbeOmltancHs-- Audilor-Gene ral, as well from the news without Windhoek's top temperature was 'The prospect of rain is good news 172 million. The dia- trk:t'1n October. as the Frank COlllmis- checking wilh the jour- set to be 34 degrees, while Okakuejo for Nami bia's farmers who are keen to mond price was marked sion appointed by Prtsi- nalists concerned. sweated as the heal reached 37. Fur- get on with ploughing the land and up 1,5per cent last Feb- tle~:::::~;~ dent SamNujomatostop "Istill mai ntai n Im ade ther north it was likely to be even planting their crops. ruary. reed corruption. Ihe correct decision," holler, al though the Wealher Bureau Yeslerday ' s high temperatures in the Produ{'e rs such as sa topay.nun· Kavari. the NB C's Ka vari told The does not monitor tempera tures in the North were also accompanied by some disclosed ~um of Senior Controller of Owambo - gOon CDMwere last year told h SOS Nami bian lasl night. .... I . freak weatherconditions. Tsumcb was they would only be able Cimoneyd to t e News and Currem Af- Speaking on NBe tel - For lod ay sca II ere d sh o wers are 'l Dre- hit by a fi erce hail storm which l iI~tl!d hi I"(.n's VUlage fairs, confi nned yester- castforthe Caprivi,eastem Okavango for 15 minutes, covcring town - albeif charity, 0 d h NBC _~c~o~n~l o~o~n,-,,~ag~'~2=--_.L ____ ______a~Y_I_a _I__ ~re ...!.pon_,_,_' __~ "'~n~I~,~o~n~p~a~g~'~2,--,~a~n~d~n::::o r1h e l'l! parts of the Omaheke brielly · in a blanket of ice p'd!1ic~ ··'r."')· r. ~~ ... _( _~_ . - 2 Tuesday December 21 1993 TH E NAMiBI Atf Family business Inquiry into TV - --.:F~R~O=M~P~'~G=E~1,----,1 Ombudsman's office has L . waited more than seven - television on Friday. months for a reply to in­ Gurirab said: "I intended quiries made to the For­ that portion of m)' speech eign Affairs. nOt to have becn a subject Gurirab said debate on news black-out of public debate. Aud itor-General Fanuel Itwa.s entirelymyrighl Tjingaete's report had ing while ·no measures to talk lo my staff... lbere been "premature" as the CHRIS NOIVA NGA were taken against were certain things th at I ministries' re pl ies 10 his Penn )' Uu kunde who is wan ted to drive home to critic isms wou ld only THE NBC wil l set up a committee of inquiry editor of the bu ll etin. thcentirestaffofthemin- come in a parliamentary toin"Y estigatethecircumstanceswhichledto II Hoebeb appealed istry - the point was well debate. a TV news black-oul on November 28. h d . b ta ken." Gurirab said the stem agamst t e cCISlon y Election train rolling · re · I thcdisciplinary commit- Hesaidallministersand warning to' hIS 0 ,lCla s THIS train carriage is to travel around t ' was meantasadiscussion Senior controller of back-up system did not tee and appeared before ~~~ :;~n~~_lo~~:t~ a~li~~ byhimselfas "headofthe news Vitura Kavari con- work on that day. a board last week. The Namibia next year teaching voters about constitutional bodies. but famil y ... If one member firmed yesterday that the . Kavari said the ab- first ruling was repealed elections a nd the processes of democracy. th is should be through the of the famil y goes out and committee of inquiry sence of one person was and he was issued with a If iscalled 'The Spirit of Progress • and is 10 be pan ~~",:~,,:,~:i.2Th:":.e-'ta~l~k'~.~;t~;~'~b~ad~m~a~""~e~"~.'~· lcw~;~11~~~~~~th~e no reason for the news fina l wa rning and de- ofanation-widevotereducationprogrammerunby !: not 10 be presenled. moted 10 reponer. a Namibia Institute for Democracy.
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