Society of Hnttquartes of Scotland PROCEEDING

Society of Hnttquartes of Scotland PROCEEDING

PROCEEDINGS E OTH F Society of Hnttquartes of Scotland PROCEEDING E OTH F Societf yo SESSION MCMXXX.-MCMXXXI. VOL. LXV. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. V. t n b u r Q b PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD, MCMXXXI. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAOE Anniversary Meeting, ..........1 . Final Report on the Operations at Skara Brae. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ...........7 2 . Repor Selecten o t d Animal Bones Professoy B . M. WATSOND rS . , Professof o r Zoolog Universitn yi y College, London, ......4 7 . Repor Human to n Remains Professoy B . ROBINSONA r , 5 M.D.7 • ,• F.R.C.S.. , Certai) Note(1 n o sn Prehistoric Relics from OrkneySkar) (2 d a Bra an ,s CulturIt e: d ean its Period. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum of Antiquities, ............ 78 Edzell Castle. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., . .115 Excavatioe Th e Sculptor'th f no s Cave, Covesea, Morayshire Misy B . s SYLVIA BENTON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 177 The Bannatyn Butr eo e Carves Mazeit d rdan Bon . STEVENSONH e . CoverJ y B . , M.B.E., K.C., F.S.A.Scot., Marchmont Herald. With Appendix Provenance Not) th (1 n : eo e r LIONEe MazeroM th f y . CRICHTOB LA . e Bos Not) th (2 sn N e Mazer; e o o th f y B . Mr WILLIAM BROOK, F.S.A.Scot.; (3) Zoological Note on the Whale Bone Cover of the Mazer Professoy B . r JAMES RITCHIE, D.Sc., F.S.A.Scot. Botanica) (4 ; le Notth n eo Plant represente e Carvinth n i d g e Mazeoth n r Cover Professoy B . WRIGHW r T SMITH, M.A., King's Botanist for Scotland; (5) GEORGE ROBBRTSON'S (erroneous) Account of the Shields on the Bowl, . 217 A Bronz Cemetere eAg y near Cowdenbeath- . LACAILLED . ,A Fifey B ., 1 F.S.A.Scot.26 . , Further Excavations of Cairns at Poltalloch, Argyll. By J. HEW AT CRAW, Secretary, . 269 The Chambered Long Cairn at Kindrochat, near Comrie, Perthshire. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., .......1 28 . An Underground Passag t Auchencasa e s Castle, Dumfriesshire . YOUNGERJ . H y B ., F.S.A.Scot., ...... ....4 29 . Excavation of an Earth-house at Foshigarry, and a Fort, Dun Thomaidh, in North Uist. e latth e y EBSKINB E BEVERIDGE, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot. With Structuree Noteth n o s s e Relicth d s an foun . GRAHAthemJ n i dy B . M CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Directof ro 9 29 th . e Nationa . l Museu. Antiquitief . mo . Scotlandf so . , An Underground Buildin t Midhousega , Orkney Urno Tw s; foun t Lintlawa d , Berwick- shire ; and the Excavation of a Cairn at Drumelzier, Peeblesshire. By J. HEW AT CRAW, Secretary, ........... 357 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Not Earln eo y Cross-slabs fro Faeroe mth e Islands . MKERMODE, P C . y B . , F.S.A.Scot.3 37 . , Reconstructioe Th f Braemano d Corgarfran f Castles, 174(5JOHy B . N MALCOLM BULLOCH, LL.D., P.S.A.Scot., ..........9 37 . ^ Some Further Notes on the Traprain Law Treasure. By A. 0. COBLE, C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot., 386 The Romanno Terraces : Their Origin and Purpose. Being the Chalmers-Jervise Prize Essay for 1930. By W. W. T. HANNAH> ule Whim, Lamancha, . .388 Scottisd Ol n A h Violin Tutor HENRy B . Y GEOKGE FARMER, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A.Scot.8 39 . , Prehistori Tweeat d414 cMan Bridge . MASON,D. Selkirk . W. , SelkirkBy . , Short Cist Angun si Nairnshired san ARTHUy B . HRJ . EDWARDS, F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keepe e Nationath f o r l Museu f Antiquitiemo f Scotlando s . Wit ha Repor e th n o t Human Remains containe themn i dProfessoy B . r ALEXANDER Low, M.A., M.D., F.S.A.Scot., ...........8 41 . Note on the Tombstone of Robert Innes, 19th of that Ilk, at Elgin Cathedral. By THOMAS INNES of Learney and Kinnairdy, F.S.A.Scot., Carrick Pursuivant, . '. 427 Names of Potters on Samian Ware found in Scotland.. By Sir GEORGE MACDONALD, K.C.B., F.B.A., LL.D., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ......2 43 . INDEX, ............... 449 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Cas Sculpturea f to d Stone onc Nonikiln ei n Skara Brae: Flagstone club, .... 63 Kirkyard, Roskeen1 1 , Ross-shire . , —— —— Flake knife with ground edge, 63 Swastika Brooch from Denholm Hill, Rox- —— —— Sla f flagstono b e with serrated burghshire, ......6 1 . edge, . ... 64 Bronze Armlet Culbie founth n do n Sands7 1 , —— — t sherd. —.. Po clasf so , sA 65 Enamelled Gold Locket from .Corsewall —— —— Sher f clasdo foun2 sB midden di n 8 1 Castle . , Wigtownshire . • . , south of Hut 7, ...... Cross from Kilchoman Kirkyard9 1 , Islay . , —— —— Sherds of classes B and C, 67 Skara Brae: Wes, t8 sidt f porceo Hu f ho —— —— Smal t frolpo m black middet pi n i showing blocked-up entrance and external IV., ......... wall of hut, ....... 28 —— —— Section rimf sbaseso d san . , 70 —— —— The backs • of walls c and 6 before —— —— Slate object, ..... 71 removae th middef lo n coverin cele gn th li —— —— Sections through Village. Plate I., 6, viewed from the market place, . 28 facing 76 —— —— Back of cell in wall 6 ; passage F —— —— Sections through Village. Plate II., in background, . ... • 30 facing 76 — —f Passago — d — En , witeC h cist grave —— —— Pla Villagf no , eat facing 76 3 3 . behind. , Flint Arrow-heads from Orkney. , — —forme: 9 — t —rHu entranc southd ean - Leaf-shaped Flint Arrow-heads, Orkney ern "bed", ......5 3 . type, ......... 81 —— —— Hut 9: northern "bed" with Flint Arrow-heads, calcined, from Unstan, 82 midden section in background, ... 36 Flint Fabricator, calcined, from Unstan, 82 —— —t 9—: Hu souther n "bed", celld an , Flint and Chert Scrapers from Orkney, 83 dresser, ........ 36 Flint Knife from Sourin Valley, Rousay. , 84 —— —— Hut 10 with later box in foreground Flint Implements from Orkney, . 85 and wal o' nQ l right, ....7 3 . Flint Implement from Upper Brough, —— —— Outer face of original wall of Hut 4, 40 Harray, ........ 1 4 . —— . —— . Doorwa t 4'. , Hu f yo Flint Implement from Linnabreck, Orkney, 87 —— — t 4'—, interiorHu , ....2 4 . Sections of Rims of Neolithic Urns from —— —— Outer wall of Hut 4 with passage Taiverso Tuick, Orkney, .... and structures beyon , ...dit 3 4 . Neolithic Urns from Unstan,.... —— —— Lintels of drain E, .... 46 Fragments of Ornamented Neolithic Urns —— —— Corner of hearth built on virgin from Taiverso Tuick, Orkney, . 90 bottoe soith t mla of test-pit XII. , .51 Stone Axes from Skara Brae, Orkney, 92 —— —— Intrusive cist gravet soutHu f ho Broken Stone Hammers from Orkney, 93 7 before remova cap-stonesf o l , ..8 5 . Half of Stone Hammer found at Taiverso —— —— Skeleton in cist grave, . 59 Tuick, ........ 94 —— —— Antler mount for Celt, ... 60 Hammer of Cetacean Bone from Orkney, . —— —— Grooved hammer-stone, ... 60 Carved Stone Ball from St Thomas's Kirk, —— —— Beaked tool with hafting groove1 6 . , Orkney, ........ 96 —— —— Beaked62 too haematiteof l. , Ornamented Stone Object from Orkney, 97 —— —— Pear-shaped implemen flagstonf to 2 6 e Pointed Oval Stone Objects from Orkney. , 98 vin LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Burnished Hematite Objects from Skara Bdzell Castle: Newel Stair in Summer-House, 166 Brae, Upper Brough, Orkney, Harris, —— —— Well-head in Garden, . .167 Wigtownshire, and Traprain Law, East Edzell: Bridge nea Churchyard ol r d (view Lothian, . .10 0. .16 . of Nort8. h. front) . , Steatit fron meUr Orkney, ...2 10 . Edzell Castle, Heraldic Pediment, . 169 Steatit n froUr em Clestrain, Stronsay, —— —— Carved Caps, ....0 17 . Orkney, ........ 102Dovecot at Mains of Edzell, .... 172 Map to illustrate the strategic position of Sculptor's Cave, Covesea, Morayshire8 17 . , Edzell Castle, ......6 11 . —— —— Plan, ....... 179 Bdzell Castle: Map of precincts (based on —— —— Section of Floor, . .179 O.S., with additions), ....0 12 . —— . —'—.18. Hearth1 . , —— —— Vie f mattewo from east, witd hol —— —— Gol Bronzd dan e Ring-money from2 18 , churchyard behind. In front are the —— —— Bronze Bracelets from, . 183 remain precinca f so t gate, ...1 12 . —— —— Netting Needle from, . 184 —— —— Ground Plan, ..... 123 —— —— Bone Scoops and Awls from, . 185 —— —— Plan of Main Floor, .... 124 —— —— Bon othed ean r Object7 18 s from . , —— —— General view from west. (From a —— —— Bronz Cooking-Poe eAg 9 t18 from . , photo circa 1890), .....5 12 . —— —— Section RimE o d sBas an sf o e —— —— The Tower-House and later build- Bronz Pottere eAg y from, ...0 19 . ings, seen fro mwindoa e Summerth f wo - —— —— Perforated Stone from, . .191 House ; Pleasaunce wall in foreground, . 126 —— —— Bronze e ObjectRomath f o sn —— —— Newel Stair in Tower-House, . 127 Period from, ....... 192, 193 —— —— Main Doo Tower-Houseo t r 8 12 . , —— —— Bronze Penannular Ring from, . 193 —— —— Fireplace in Tower-House, . 129 —— —— Bronze Pins from, .... 195 —— —— Plan of Pleasaunce, .... 135 —— —— Bronze Toilet Instruments from, . 196 —— —— Measured drawing of Garden Wall, 136 —— —— Bone Pins from, ...7 19 . —— —— Garden Wal d Summer-Houselan , 137 —— —— Beads, etc. f Glasso , , Amberd an , Coa —-Armf — o — t- — s over nort heas- t . .19 . 9 . Jet . from . , Door to Garden, inner side, . 139 —— —— Samian Ware from,...2 20 . 2 14 Saturn . Meistert Bdzely , a ,b B. d . an lI —— —— Section Rimf so Nativf so e Pottery Jupiter 2 Meister y t Bdzelb a ,14 d . B.,. I an l from, .......3 20 . Mars,.a tMeister 3 y Edzelb 14 d . B.,I lan . : —_ —— Coins from, .... 1 21021 , Sol, at Bdzell and by Meister I. B., . 143 The Bannatyne Mazer, outside, . 218 Venus, at Bdzell and by Meister I.

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