Planning Committee 20/09/2017 Schedule Items 03 & 04 Ref: (A) 172221LBC and (B) 172220FUL Address: TWYFORD ABBEY, TWYFORD ABBEY ROAD, PARK ROYAL NW10 7DR Ward: Hanger Hill Proposal: (A) Demolition of three-storey infill extension on western elevation, demolition of three-storey extension on eastern elevation, demolition of single-storey infill extension on south- east elevations, demolition of the gatehouse lodge and other structures on-site; internal works to repair and refurbish Twyford Abbey; external works to repair and refurbish the exterior surfaces of Twyford Abbey; repair and refurbishment of the walled garden; construction of single-storey building within the walled garden; construction of two part three-storey, part four storey buildings within the curtilage of the listed building; construction of single storey building with swimming pool within the curtilage of the listed building; construction of two gatehouses to provide ancillary offices and accommodation; tree works; boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping including the provision of a multi-use games area; and access and parking provision associated with the redevelopment of the site for use as a secondary and sixth form school (D1 Use Class) (Listed Building Consent) (B) Redevelopment of the site for use as a secondary and sixth form school (D1 Use Class) involving the construction of two part three-storey, part four storey buildings; construction of a single storey building within the walled garden; construction of a single storey building with swimming pool; construction of two gatehouses to provide ancillary offices and accommodation; exterior works to Twyford Abbey including demolition of later additions; and associated tree works, boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping including the provision of a multi-use games area; and access and parking provision (Application for Planning Permission) Drawing numbers: Site Location Plan 1612-PD-1000; Existing Site Plan 1612-PD-1001; Proposed Demolition Plan 1612-PD-1002 REV A; Proposed Site Plan – Ground Floor 1612-PD-1003 REV B; Proposed Site Plan – Roof 1612-PD-1004 REV B; Proposed Site Sections 1 1612-PD- 1200; Proposed Site Sections 2 1612-PD-1201; Abbey Existing Plans 1 1612-PD-AB1000; Abbey Existing Plans 2 1612-PD- AB1001; Abbey Existing Plans 3 1612-PD-AB1002; Abbey Demolition Plans 1 1612-PD-AB1005 REV A; Abbey Demolition Plans 2 1612-PD-AB1006 REV A; Abbey Demolition Plans 3 1612- PD-AB1007; Abbey Proposed Plans 1 1612-PD-AB1010 REV A; Abbey Proposed Plans 2 1612-PD-AB1011 REV A; Abbey Proposed Sections 1 1612-PD-AB1200; Abbey Proposed Sections Planning Committee 20/09/2017 Schedule Items 03 & 04 1 1612-PD-AB1201; Abbey Existing Elevations 1612-PD-AB1300; Abbey Proposed Elevations 1612-PD-AB1310; SP Proposed Plans 1 1612-PD-SP1000; SP Proposed Plans 2 1612-PD-SP1001; SP Proposed Sections 1612-PD-SP1200; SP Proposed Elevations 1612-PD-SP1300; IW Proposed Plans 1 1612-PD-IW1000; IW Proposed Plans 2 1612-PD-IW1001; IW Proposed Plans 3 1612- PD-IW1002; IW Proposed Sections 1612-PD-IW1200; IW Proposed Elevations 1612-PD-IW1300; WG Existing & Demolition Plans Ground Floor 1612-PD-WG1000; WG Existing & Demolition Plans Roof 1612-PD-WG1001; WG Proposed Plans 1612-PD-WG1010 REV A; WG Cottage and Workshop Elevations 1612-PD-WG1300 REV A; Gatehouses - Proposed Plans 1612-PD-L1000 REV B; Gatehouses - Proposed Elevations 1612-PD-L1300 REV A; AN1- Tool shed and composting area 1612-PD-AN1000; AN2 -Storage and service shed & Substation 1612-PD-AN1001; AN3- Sentry box 1612-PD-AN1002; Parking allocation Plan 70029921-SK-002 REV A Supporting Documents: Design and Access Statement April 2017; Planning Statement May 2017; Heritage Statement May 2017; Acoustic Report and Environmental Noise Survey Issue 2 April 2017; Air Quality Assessment June 2017 and Air quality Addendum August 2017; Arboricultural Report 2 August 2017; Archaeological Statement January 2017; Bat Inspection Survey and Nocturnal Survey Version 002 October 2016; Conditions Reports (East Wing Nov 2016, Exteriors Nov 2016, Garden Wall Nov 2016 , North Wing Nov 2016 , South Wing Nov 2016, Gardeners Cottage Nov 2016, The Dairy Nov 2016, Twyford Abbey Render Nov 2016, Twyford Abbey roofscape Nov 2016, Twyford Abbey main house roof July 2017); Construction Management Plan April 2017;Delivery and Servicing Plan August 2017; Energy Statement 3 April 2017, Energy Statement Addendum 14 July 2017 and Email dated 15 August 2017; External Lighting Statement 13 April 2017; Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Report July 2017; Ground Investigation Report August 2017; Landscape Statement April 2017; Preliminary Ecological Appraisal v002 October 2016 and MKA Ecology supporting letter dated 22 August 2017; Statement of Community Involvement April 2017; Structural Inspection Report April 2017 V4; Sustainability Report 5 April 2017 Rev 2; Transport Assessment April 2017; Travel Plan April 2017; Utilities Statement 13 April 2017; and Ventilation Statement 13 April 2017 Type of Applications: (A) Listed Building Consent; and (B) Full Application (Major) Applications Received: 03/05/2017 Revised: 16/08/2017 Report by Katie Crosbie Page 2 of 56 Planning Committee 20/09/2017 Schedule Items 03 & 04 Recommendations: (A) Grant Listed Building Consent subject to Conditions; and (B) Grant Planning Permission subject to – 1) Stage II Referral to the Mayor of London; 2) Section 106 agreement; and 3) Conditions of Consent Executive Summary Planning permission and listed building consent is sought to redevelop the Twyford Abbey site for use as a co-educational independent secondary school and sixth form for up to 1,150 students. This proposal would involve the restoration and reuse of the Grade II listed Twyford Abbey and Walled Garden, the latter of which would primarily accommodate the sixth form space; and the construction of four principal buildings ranging in height from single storey to part-four storeys that would accommodate the primary classroom, assembly and sports accommodation (the 'Inhabited Wall' building; the 'Sports and Community' building, the 'Walled Garden' building, and the Swimming Pool building). Ancillary structures are also proposed, namely a pair of 'gatehouses' that would provide for administration offices and security/groundskeeper living accommodation, a storage and service shed, tool shed and composting, a substation, a switch room and a sentry box. In addition the proposal includes a comprehensive landscaping scheme. The applicant recently purchased the site in August 2017. However prior to this acquisition the site had been vacant since 1988, when the last known use as a nursing home ceased due to statutory changes in the requirements for healthcare premises. During the last thirty or so years the site has fallen into a state of significant disrepair, reflected in its inclusion in Historic England's 'Heritage-at-Risk' register as being in 'immediate risk of further rapid deterioration or loss of fabric'. Thus this heritage-led redevelopment would sympathetically restore Twyford Abbey into a viable use that would secure its removal from the 'At-Risk-Register' and enable the long-term stewardship of the wider heritage site. Establishing the acceptability of the principle of the development requires a fine balance between the conservation of the heritage assets and the character and qualities of this designated Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), against ensuring that a viable use (and any associated facilitating development) can be secured that would ensure the long term sustainable future of the heritage assets. It is recognised that the proposals involve the construction of new school buildings and hardstanding, and would therefore constitute ‘inappropriate development’ on MOL. However these would be primarily located to the north of the site amongst the existing built development, and adjacent to the western site boundary. This is considered to be appropriate siting to minimise the impact on the open character of the MOL, and the amount and form of the development is considered to be the minimum required to ensure the proper functioning of the proposed secondary school and sixth form. Therefore the proposed use and quantum of development is considered to be the optimum viable use that would secure the removal of Twyford Abbey from Historic England's 'Heritage-at-Risk register and ensure its long-term viability. These gains are considered to be ‘Very Special Circumstances’, and combined with the sympathetic design measures is considered to decisively outweigh the disbenefits of departing from policy that seeks to resist inappropriate development on MOL. These gains would also outweigh the ‘less than significant harm’ posed by the construction of new buildings within the settings of the heritage assets. As such, the principle of the school development on MOL and within the setting of listed heritage assets is considered to be on-balance acceptable. Page 3 of 56 Planning Committee 20/09/2017 Schedule Items 03 & 04 The proposals also involve a comprehensive and well considered landscape plan that seeks to restore and enhance the historic character and setting of the listed heritage assets, improve the biodiversity values on site, as well as improve the overall amenity. It is recognised that there would be some loss in woodland site coverage and the amenity value provided by established, mature trees. However on balance it is considered that the landscape proposals as a whole would contribute positively to the significance of the heritage listings, increase amenity and character values in the longer term (once planting has been established), and result in a net gain in biodiversity. The proper management of the landscape, which has been poorly lacking over the last decades, would also ensure its long-term stewardship for future generations to enjoy. An assessment of the potential impacts on neighbouring properties has been carried out, and for reasons further discussed in the body of the report it is considered that the proposal is unlikely to result in undue impacts on residential amenity. The amenity impact most likely to arise from the scheme is the potential for noise disturbance from the change of use of a decades-long vacant site.
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