THE COMPLETE TECHNICAL PAPER PROCEEDINGS FROM: "SPACE 1999" AND CATV David G. Reiser Microdyne Corporation Rockville, Maryland 20850 ABSTRACT: A generalized history of commer­ Intel sat II ushered in a new era for satellite com­ cial satellite communications, with an eye to the future, munications. For the first time, more than two earth is cited in this paper. As in all phases of modern so­ stations were able to use the same spacecraft simul­ ciety, it is important to know where we've been, where taneously. Weighing in at 357 pounds, this satellite we are now, and where we might be going. The CATV maintained the 240 channel and TV capability of Early industry is just starting to enjoy the benefits of satel­ Bird. lite television. Our heritage is short but our future The year 1969 saw Intelsat III placed into orbit seems to be endless. with a launch weight of 647 pounds. Many important firsts were designed into this spacecraft. Among them was an increase in channel capability to 1500 circuits The domestic satellite system is adding a new or 4 TV channels, and mechanically despun directional dimension to CATV, and the further expLoitation of this antenna. broadband capability is making available to the public Intelsat IV is still giving us a 3750 channel ca­ novel and versatile communications services. pacity. Its launch weight was 3120 pounds and has a Early Bird or Intelsat I was the world's first 208-inch overall height. A first for the IV series is in communications satellite, and was placed in service in its two steerable spot-beam antennas, which results in June, 1965. It made live transoceanic TV possible for a higher signal level being received on the ground. the first time. In the eleven years since Early Bird, The Intelsat IV-A series are the current work satellite capacity has been increased from 240 tele­ horses of the international system. Being quite simi­ phone circuits or one television channel to 6, 250 tele­ lar to the IV series, these birds have a 6250 channel phone circuits or 20 TV channels. Space segment costs capacity and have 20 transponders as compared to 12 in per telephone circuitry-year have dropped fromabout earlier series. This is accomplished through the use $32,500 in Intelsat I to less than $800 in Intel sat V. of simultaneous reuse of the same frequencies. We have seen the EIRP of the spacecraft in­ The next generation of Intelsats will be the V se­ crease from +15 dBw of Early Bird to the present +35 ries and will make use of the 12 and 14 GHz band of to +38 dBw of our current DOMSATS. With this hun­ frequencies. At this time, sufficient additional infor­ dred-fold increase in available signal, the terminal re­ mation is not available for publication. quirements on the ground have become less stringent. But what about the future? What can we expect to With regard to CATV receive only stations, this means see as technology advances? While working at COMSAT smaller antennas and/or higher noise amplifiers at the Labs, I was privileged to work with the C. T. S. Satel­ front end. In that area, we have progressed from the lite Experiment, a joint NASA and Canadian venture. cryogenically cooled MASER and paramps, to room COMSAT is just one of the many user/experimenters. temperature paramps and GAASFET amplifiers. This satellite uses the K-Band frequencies of 12 and The typical earth stations for CATV /TYRO pres­ 14 GHz. But, the two biggest advantages are that a ently consist of a 33-foot dish with a gain of about parametric amplifier at 14 GHz is on board the space­ 51 dB, a low noise amplifier with a gain of 50 dB and a craft, and a 200-watt TWT is being used at 12 GHz. noise temperature of about 240°K, These units coupled Both are working well. to a satellite EIRP of 35 dBw and a high performance Because of the higher frequencies used, the lower TV receiver yield video signal to noise ratio in the noise front end and the higher power used in the satel­ order of 55 dB under ideal conditions. lite, the terminal equipment on the ground can be The first Intel sat, or Early Bird as it was called, smaller and less expensive. To the CATV operator, weighed in at launch at 150 pounds. It could handle 240 this boils down to antennas of about six feet in diameter telephone channels, or 1 TV channel. In its early life, and two-way capability with about a 100-watt TWTA for it was turned off during non-peak hours. Although no video transmission. longer useful for communications, its beacon is still Western Union's TDRSS, or Tracking and Data Re­ being tracked. lay Satellite System is the only planned satellite system 65 NCTA 77 that extends into the 1980's. This system concept will may want to expand your system to a two-way capabil­ make use of both C-Band (4-6 GHz) and Ku-Band ity at the present 4 to 6 GHz. And, with an eye to the (12-14 GHz) as does the proposed Intelsat V series. future in the higher frequencies, select the passive The advanced spacecraft designs planned for TDRSS components with the idea that you may upgrade to will enable more people to reap the benefits of satel­ K-Band within five to ten years. lite communications. Satellite technology is changing our lives. We There has been much talk of late concerning the watch news and sporting events from the other side of use of lasers and laser technology for satellite com­ the globe as they happen. A local television station in munications. We may see this medium used for space­ Atlanta, Georgia became a national outlet overnight. A craft to spacecraft linkages. However, because of great deal of hard work, perseverance and money have severe atmospheric and water vapor attenuation, it is made this possible. We, in the cable industry, are doubtful that we will ever see spacecraft to earth link­ indebted to those who have, and are continuing to make ages made. Bear in mind that one small rain cloud our world a little smaller and a whole lot friendlier. can completely block out an optical link. By the turn of the century, we may see many households with their own small earth terminal for the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS reception of TV, facsimile and telephone service. With­ in my own Amateur Radio Club, we are building a The author wishes to acknowledge the contribu­ 2. 3 GHz moon-bounced station. So, the basis for the tionsof Microdyne Corporation, COMSAT and COMSAT advanced technology ts here now. Let us hope that the General Corporations, RCA American Communica­ private sector takes the ball and runs far. We all have tions, Inc., Western Union Telegraph Company and a lot to gain. NASA Lewis Research Center. Special thanks to As a final thought, if you are considering the im­ W. H. Freeman and Company publishing affiliate of plementation of Satellite TVRO, also consider that you Scientific American, Inc. NCTA 77 66 ADDRESSABLE CONTROL FOR LOOP-THRU WIRING JOSEPH L. STERN STERN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 485 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.l0022 An increasing number of subscribers are Where this wiring is in conduit or in being served by loop-thru wiring in walls, in a finished building, it is apartment houses and a strong need ex­ very difficult and extremely costly to ists for systems to control service to rewire or to replace and thus the de­ those subscribers. Two new devices, a sirable "home-run" concept is ration­ flush-mounted wall-box intelligent tap alized out to allow the "loop-thru" to and an addressable disconnect unit are stay, with all of its problems. now available to exercise control. The intelligent tap for loop-thru service The problems are rather well known; lack is part of a complete system of addres­ of access to inspect and repair problems, sable control for basic services and and most of all, lack of control, parti­ Pay-TV. The limited address disconnect cularly important today with high-fee device is offered as a means of cutting services and high costs for the provi­ losses in problem locations. sion of the service of Premium TV and multi-channel services. Last year the industry was greeted by the introduction of prototypes of outdoor addressable taps and their companion apartment-house versions for "home-run" wiring. These units, which I expect to see go into operation this year, serve an economically beneficial purpose for Would you, an experienced cable operator, individual homes and for "home-runs" in build and operate a cable system in a apartments but do not lend themselves to community where you could not get at your the "loop-thru" type of wiring in their cable to service it, where the subscrib­ present configurations. er had control over the provision of the service, where the subscriber could de­ To meet the needs of the "loop-thru" cide to pay or not pay for service, and wiring systems, two organizations are where the subscriber could walk away with about to introduce control system de­ your $40 or $60 converter/descrambler. vices that will allow the "inaccessable" Most of you say you wouldn't build and apartment connection to be "accessable" operate such a system, but many of you from outside the apartment. With these have, and more probably will. What has new systems the CATV operator once more been described is essentially a modified has control over the service he is pro­ MATV system, in an apartment house, where viding; can provide it when it is de­ the wiring is in walls and/or in conduit, sired and paid for, and can deny it when and is looped-thru from subscriber to no longer desired or, when not paid for.
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