All Use Newa of WE DO m\A. KED BAXK and SutsoiaiillBB Towns OUR PART Told Fearlessly end Without Bias. lajueil Weekly. Entered as Second-Claim Matter <it tho Pout- Subscription! Trice: Ono Yenr SI.TO VOLUME LVII, NO. 25. oflico ot Bed Banlt, N. J., under tho Act of March 8. 1870. EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13,1934. Six Montln SI.00. Elngla Cony 4e. PAGES 1 TO 10. Young Lawyer CLEAN AB A WHISTLE. ALARM CLOCK ON HIS BACK. Association Ends Ited Dunk Taxes I'a!<l In Full to 'ovmg ITarmhniiri No I timber T.osen Time State, County and Otherwise. At Catholic High looking at His Watch. Ready For Santa' Payment of two tax charges Middletown Michael Frnnjolle of Pine Brook is Possibility That Wallace Jeffrey nmnunllmT to S39.C56.17, owed to the The Former Jonathan McLean Baseball Stars Among Speakers employed on a large truck farm near The Mainstay Building mid Loan Independent Engine Company state of New Jersey by the borough that place.. Recently his employ or Merchants Co-Operating lot tx Finds Contributions Lower of Red Bank Will bo Appoint- of Red Bank were mnde last week. Residence on Sleepy Hollow at Gathering December 20 in found fault with him nn the .SCDIO Association, Because of In- Largo Holiday Business—Five Than in Previous Years—Par- ed Assistant Prosecutor—His One was }37,K>9.:!8 for the state Road Being Made Ready for the School Auditorium—PTA that he .spent too much Unit: looking creased Business, V/ill Move Handsome Awards to be Made Backers Say He is Qualified. school tax and thn other was $1,000.- Its New Owner. to Serve Luncheon. at his Wiitch. Mr. Kr.'tnjoUc no long- to a New Home. ty at Carlton Theater. V!> for tht1 so-Idler;;' boniin. Both pay- er Urios his writeh during working to Christmas Customers. T«ir3, John Wnrrcn of Jersey City Tho Mainr.biy l*uildiner nnd Loan Tlio recent appeal for funds made As a result of tho election of Har- ments were made on the date when Several haselmll luminaries will at- hours. Instead lie IKLS an alarm Jin! Bunk should have the l)cut Is having extensive alterations and a^ oci? ion of i« (1 \j nl H ((l by tho Independent Engine, company old G. Hoffman ns governor Wallace they were due'. The county tax has tend the ;mnu;il Fathers' Night in clock fastened to his buck nnd at- M liolidiy bugine;!3 in many year:!, it Improvements mnde. to the house on a vciy licit ful M u nn IIT p',=- for their Christinas treo party lor tho Jeffrey at Red Bank may ho appoint- HlMn been paid In full for 1934. One tho Tlerl Hank Catholic high school tached to his belt.. It U in a. cloth Hi' in. mlly co-opcrallon of Ita mer- the farm on Sleepy Hollow road in pnt ronditi m and i» }U fhv nt1 1 unfortunato kiddies o£ Ked Bank and ed assitant prosecutor of Monmouth of the town olllclals, In talking with a auditorium on Thursday night, De- bag; The clonk Ls regulated to ring Iii it, moans anything. They avo Middlfitown township which she re- cirnuil m<M tin, ritMdnl to mo.c i' immediate vicinity la not anywhere county. He la ono of the best known Regi;;t<![. reporter, said tho commun- cember 20. Jimmy Dykes, manager at twelve o'clock fur tin; noon-hour linlcin^' jrnis ;i3 nuvur before in order cently bought from Wesley Codding- bUMnr---, activ iiu i ?<>nn tho I-erond near as responsive aa it has been In young lawyers at Red Bank and ho ity had real reason for gratification of tho Chicago White Sox, andand at six o'clock when tin: day's I" j>u' tver one of the hc-at trade ton, Tho property is near the old N i' ion il P ink. and I J \i ! ( ninp in past years. Tho firemen report to Tho has n largo following of friends, In- over this fact when it was consid- George '"Mule" Pin as, outfielder on work is ended. ]>'i)'i ition.'i tlmy have ever launnlietl. cluding a number of Influential Ile- ered that many municipalities had de- Southern railroad line, between Ilead- that team, havn accepted invitations building to 12 Mechanic Mi-ret. Of Register that at least $300 more will 1 On di ,ilay in tho large ntoro at Tt den'fl Corner and Belfnrd. The work IK I v r ii' flee "' d )-. fnl'ow-> bo needed in order to make tho par- publlcnns, who are backing him. faulted on paying county, state and to he present. Another star expected fl They say ho Is the typo of young ot her taxes. will bo finished about January 15 and "Ducky" Joe Medwick, outfielder " I (rwjt, oppoaite Monmouth ly a success. Pic-hit-n!'- Prod V. "Wil. M MM;, f hi i e are Jive OKCcptlonally lawyer who would reflect credit upon the house will be occupied by Mrs. on the St. Louis Cardinals, and one"Used" Books For \ln |i, i.Iint I hr nn ( >1 Thla la tho 21th consecutive year tho Republican party, as anuislant Warren and her family. The Zwlg- of Uio outstanding players of the re- <• lc-l.iry - • Kaym.mrf Jin < ^ "I'll while articles which are to bo that the Independent Kngino com- prosecutor nnd fill the position i-ni- ard Construction company of New- cent World series. \^ The. Unemployed hiii n i,(.f>i/(. C Hr ] m*. '••ii .iwny, absolutely free, to per- pany has conducted thla charitable clently. They (my that racketeers ark has the contract. iv In it i \\ 1 un II Fm i 1 ""• l'liticirwling in the holiday loaturo. It started in a umall way John J. Quinn will preside. Other All Wikofi h i-, heen pi < idf nt < f 1'" i in; JU r.al Eank. The award's and othor criminals would receive no One part of tho bouse is more than 1 with a Christmas treo In tho fire speakers include Rev. William J. Many Volumes on Business and the i or i it ion >mcp it v. i iotm< «i i'l In made .Saturday night, Decem- favors from him. Signs Removed 100 years old. Among the owners of McConnell of Long Branch, former Jiouao for tho entertainment of tho the property was the late Jonathan Vocational Subjects, Including ven year:! ago. Mr. Hopping sue- b ' 1~ at Un o'clock. children o£ the members of tho com- .superintendent of schools of the Tin . in ides are a. Norse refrlg- McLean. He enlarged the house and Ti'onlon diocosp; Rev. Franc in A. Journalism and Writing, Are pany. At tho veiy first Christmas Conjecture Rife as to Whether among other things constructed a 1'iini \ ilued at $175, a Westing- tree celebration tho firemen realized McOillkm of Pleasantville and John Desired at Once. Inn ,•• \dru;im cl.-aner, complete with - They Were Taken Down by ballroom with frescoed walls. He G. V. McPheo, executive; secretary of that tho-kiddies on tho outside of tho was noted for his hospitality and his This depre^N'M on:, of which the. itt u hnii-nt.-s. valued at S69.70; an (< flro house, who wore peeping in and Children or by Folke Who Ob- thn Red Bank Chamb'er of Com- ^p ^ v-ashinj; machine, valued at \ homo was the scene of many gay par- merce. country is li^iuin^ its way ;;eeni[> cei- who were not privileged to attend bo- ject to Change in Road Name. ties which were attended by the fash- taia to produce an ambitious lot of ".nil, ,i Simmons Beautyrest studio ( caU3O they woro not children of fire- A luncheon will be nerved by mem- ilmn, valued at 509.25, and a Philco \ Early in tho fall, through the ef~ionable belles and beaus of this sec- young men and women, if present men, should bo cared for equally aa tion. bers of the Parent-Teacher associa- generations may bo judged by thn de- con ok ladio, valued at 559.50. well an those on the lnsldo and be- foils of tho farmer Riverside Drive tion, with Mrs, Juliii Cotter in gen- To hue a puit in iho distribution Property Owners' association, the The exterior of the house, the ball- mands for books o:i hutmu'SK and vo- fore tho first party was over tho lire eral charge. cational subjects, demands which the nf the le attractive Kilt.i all you havo houuo doors wero thrown open and all name of Riverside drive was changed room and all the other old-time fen- turea will remain virtually unchanged libraries of ihe cities, tnwnn, villa^ey to do li to patronizo the otores Hat- tho kiddles wero treated alike. |to Naveylnk River road. Tho town- ed below and to aslc for the gift cou- ship committee of Middle town, town- desplto the alterations which are un- and rural sections an; unal)le to sup- From that small beginning the par- der "way. New plank flooring is be- ply* owing to curtailed funds for buy- pons which will be given with each ship passed an ordinance to make puichaM! of ono dollar. The more ty has frown to such uizo that it Is the change in the name. Shortly ing laid throughout. The study will ing. necessary now to conduct tho party have studding, sidcwalls and a ceil- Tens of thousands of books "on re- you buy the more coupons you get thereafter very attractive rustic and tho greater the opportunity to in tlio spacious Carlton theater, where at mot fugri posts were erected on ajl ing of knotty pine and in this room iremen serve" will never tie mot unless the not only children of Red Bank and will bo a fireplace of the old-fash- public responds senerously to the ap- icceuo one of these wonderful of tlio principal road intersections aw ii do.
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