Smith's Canadian Gazetteer

Smith's Canadian Gazetteer

REFERENCES TO THE HAP. II.hTEUR8T DISTRICT. coLaoms n~s~~~cT-eurit~nued. 1. Pembroke VI. Harvey II. Stafford VII. Burleigh III. Westmeath VI II. &letliiien IV. Kusv IX. Belmuiit v. Bromlcy X. Diimmer-1, TVarrzir VI. Adnias ton XI. Duuro VII. li<irton XII. Eunisiriore V11I. iNcNab XIII. Emily-1, 311ctealfe IX. nag<it XIV. Ops-1, Lindsay X. Blythefield XV. hlaripasa [horo' XI. Levant XVI. Nurth ~Iouagli~n-1, Prtcr- XII. Darling XTiïI. Otonaùee-1, Keene XIII. Pakenhaw-1, Pakenham XVII1. Smith XIV. Raniaay XlX. Asphodel- 1, h'oriroo<l X v. Lanark---1, Lanark XVL Dalhousie UALHOCZIE DISTHICT. 1. Torbolroii XVII. Sorth Sherbrooke Il.. Fitsr<iy-1, Firzroy Ha?b<!iir XVIII. Siiuth Sherbrooke XIX. Bathurst Ill. Hilntivy IV. 3Iarcl~ XX Drummond-1, Perth V. Nelwm-1, Byroan XXI. Reckvith FI. ülÿuccster-1.SeivEdinb.i1rzh XXII. Mrintagiie - XXIII. North Elmsley-1, Smilh'i; \'II. ~igoodr V111. Nortli Gower Falla: 2, Oiiver's Ferry. IX. Goulboririi-1, Richuion<l XXIV. North Burgess X. &ferlbor<iugh IIROCK DISTRICT. EASTEBS DISTRICT. 1. Nissouui 1. JI<inn!aiii II. Zorra-1, Huncindord; 111 \h'inchester 2, Einbro III. Finch III. Blaodfurd-1, Woo<lstock IV. Boxborongh IV. Blenheim-1, Canning; V. Kzii3-on 2. Biiiford VI. Lnchiel v. Oakland V11. Laiiearter v 1. Burford 1Tl11, Cl~arlottmbnrgh-1, 3121'5- VIL Eaat Oxford t<i\r.n; 2, Willi&iiist.o.o\ni VIII. West Oxford-1, Beachville; IX. Corriivall-1, Corrin-all; 2, Ingersoll 2, 3Iilleruche; 3. Moiiliuette IX. Nor~hOrfird X. Os~x~\~~~~cl~-~,Dicksso~,.'~ X. Dcr'ham-1, 'ï'iluonbiirgh Laiidiiig ; 2, Santa Criiz ; XI. Norwich-1, Norwichville; 3, Charleuvilie 2. Ottarville XI. Williamsbiirgli-1,Co~kii':lie.~ 2, hlllariatown COLBORNE DISTKICl'. 1 XII. Matilda 1. Berley l II. Somcrville 1 GORÇ DISTRICT. III. Eldon 1 1. Nassafri~r-eya IV. Pen-lori-], Fenelon Falls II. Esquesing-1, Noryal ; V. Verulani 2. Georgdtown ii. GoRe DISTRICT-~~~~~~U~~. HURON DIBTRICT. III. Trafalgar-], Oakville; 1. Ashfield-l, Port Albert 2, Palermo Il. \Vawanosh IV. Nelson-1, Port Nelson; III. Colborne 2, Nelson; 3, Welling'nSquare IV. Hullett V. Flamboro' East V. McKillop VI. Flamboro' West-1, Dundas; VI. Logan 2, Flaniboro' VII. Ellice-], fitratforx VII. Beverlv VIII. North Eastlioye VIII. ~urnfrie-1, Paris; 2, Daw- IX. South East:iioye son's Bridge; 3, Galt; 4, Jed- X. nonnie burgh; 5, Ayr; ô, St. George XI. Fullarton lx. Ancastcr-1, Ancaster XII. Hibbert X. Bartou-1, Hamilton XIII. Tucliersmith XI. Saltfleet-1, Stoney Creek XIV. Goderich-l, Goderich XII. Riiibrook XV. Stauley XIII. Glanùfoi,d XVI. Hay XIV. Senecn-1, Caledonia; 2, Se- XVII. Usborne neco; 3, York; 4, Indiaun XVIII. Blanshwd--1, St. Mary's XV. Onondnga XIX Biddulph XVI. Brautford-l, Brantford; XX. McGillivray 2, Newport ; 4, Mount 1 XXL Stephen Pleasant; 5, Springfield 1 XVII. Tuscarora JOHXBTOW~IDISTXICT. XVIII. Oneida 1 1. North Crosiby-1, the Isthmus II. South Burgess HOSE DIBTRICT. III. South Clmi;lcy 1. Rama i IV. South Crosby II. Mzra JT. Bastard-1. Portland; 2, Phil- III. Thorah-l, Bearerton lipsrille IV. Brock VI. Kitlq-1, Chambeylain's V. Georgina Corners; 2, Frauliville VL North Gwillimbury VII. Wolford VII. East Gwillimbury-l,.Shamn; ~111.oxford 2, Queensrille IX. South Gower VIII. Scott X. Ednavdsliii: gh IX. Ileach-1, Prince Albert XI. dii~usta-1, Prescott; X. Uxbridge 2. DIaitianil, 3, Rellamy XI. W-hitchurch-1, Newmarket XII. ~lizxbethtorsn-1. Urock~lle XII. King-1, Lloydtown ; XILI. Yonge-1, Charleston; XIII. Albion [2, Brownsville 2, Farmersville XIV. Caledou XIV. Lnnsdownc XV. Chin,~uacousy-1, Brampton XV. ~.~~d~-l,G~~~~~~~~ XVI. Vaugh;ui 1 XVII. Illarkhan-1, RichmondHill; UlKDON DISTRICT. 2, Thornhill; 3, Markham 1. iVilIiams XVIII. Pickering-1, Duiün's Creek 11. Adelaide-1, Adelaide; XIX. Wbitby-1, Oshawa; 2, Osh- 2. Katesville ana Barbour; 3. Windsor; III. Luho 4,WindsorHarb'r; 5,Columbus IV. London-1, London XX. Scarborougli V. North Dorchejtei XXI. York-1, Toronto [mioo' CI. South Dor.bvLrr XXII. Etobicoke-1, Weston; 2, 3% VII. iVestminsret-.,the Junction; XXIII. Torontc-1, Sydenham; 2, V'estminster 2, Cooksville; 3, Springfield; YIII. Delaware--1, Delaware; 4, Port Cicdit; 5,+eetnville; 2. Kilaorth ô. ChurchrilIe IX. Carradoc k Toroato. Gore X. Ekfrid ... HI. NEWCASTLE ~Wl"I'1~~~0nh'lllled. XI. hlowa-1, Wardsville XIII. Clarke-], Sewtan; 2, Orono; XII. Aldboro' 3. Newcastle:. 4.. Bond Head XIII. Durivich ~arbour XIV. Suutbroid-1. Selborne: XIV. Darlingtou-1, Bowmanville; 2, Fingal 2, MiIlville XV. Ynrinoiith-1, St. Thomas; 2, Port Stanley; 3, Jamestowr: NIAGARA DISTRICT. XVI. Xalahide-1, .kylrner 1. Grirnsby-1, Grimsby; XVII. Rayhain-1, Port Durwell; 2, Srnithville 2, Vienna; 3, Richmond II. Clinton-l, Bearnsville III. Louth-1. Jordan 31IIIIiIND DISTRICT. IV. Graiitham-1, Port Dalhousie; 1. An$esea .2, St. Catharines II. Earrie V. Niagara-1, Niagara; III. Clarendon 2, Queenston; 5, St. Davids IV. Paluieiston VI. Stamford-l,Drumniondoille; V. Kaladsr 2, Chippetia VI. Kcnnebec VII. Thorold-1, Thorold; 2, St. VII. Olden Johns: 3. Allaiiburg; 4, Port CIII. Os0 VIII. Pelh~rn [Robinson IS. Bedford IX. üainsborough X. Hinchinbrooke X. Caietoi. XT. Storrington XI. Cayuga-1, Caynga XII. Sheffield XII. Cnnboro' XIII. Caindcn East-1, Clarksville; XIII. YIoultou-1, Dunnvillc 2, Xewburgh XIV. Dunn-1,Haldiinnnd; 2, Port XIV. Portlarid XV. Sherbrooke [Xaitland XV. LoughborougIi XVI. Wainfleet-1, &Iarshviüe XVI. Pittsburgh XVII. Crowl:rnd-1, &lerriltsville; XVII. Kinsston-1, RarriefieId; ', 2, Helrnsport 2, 11-cstuillc; 3, Waterloo; XVTII. Willoughby 4. Kinqston XIX. Hriniberstone-1,Stonebridge; XVIII. Ernestotic-1,Bath; 2,Wilton; 2, Port 3, Mill Creek XX. Bei~ie-1, Waterloo; 2, Fort XIX. Riclriiiond-l Napanee Erie XX. Frddericksb',Clarltville XXI. Adolphustown-1, Adolphus- OTTAWA DISTRICT. town... - 1. Ciimberland XXII. Amherst Island II. Clarence XXIII. Wolfe Island IIT. Plan~agenet-1, Hattsfield IV. Aked BEWCASTIiE DISTRICT. V. Calcdonia-1, CnIedonia I. art-.rrigiit I VI. \T. Hatikesbury-1, Hawkes- II. Manvers 1 bury; 2, Vnnkleek Hill. III. Caran-1, Cnvnnville; l VII. E. Hatikesbury 2, &IIiilhrooke VIII. Longueil-1, L'Orignal IV. South Nonaghahan IX. Canibridpe V. Alntiick 1 VI. Perey VII. Seyniour PRINCE EDWARD DIBTBICTi VIII. >Tui.ray-1, Trent Port / 1. Hiilier-1, Consecon; IX. Clamahe-1,Colborne: 2.Col- i 2, Wellington boriie Harbour; 3, Rrighuin IT., Athol-1, Bloomfield X. Haldimand-1. Grafton: III. Marysburg-1, Milford 2,~~ratton~a1:bour ' IV. Hallowell-1, Picton XI. Hamilton-1, Coborirg V. Sopbiasburgh-1, Demorest- XII. Hope-1, Port Hope VI. Ameliasburgh [ville 2 iv. BIHCOE DIBPRICT. V. Glenelg 1. St. Vincent VI. Bentinck II. Collingwood VII. Noimanby III. Euphrasia VIII. Egreinoni: IV. Artemisia IX. Proton V. Ospry X. RIelnocthoo VI. Nottawasaga XI. Arnaiantli VII. Siinnidale XII. Luth*i. VIII. Tiny-1, Penetanguishine XIII. Arthur-1, Arthur IX. FIOS XIV. Minto X. med don te-1, Coldivater SV. .I;Iniybor<iugh XI. Tay XVI. Peel XII. Matchadash XVII. Garafian XIII. Orillia- 1, Orillia XVIII. Erin XIV. Oro XIX. Eramora XV. Vespra-1, Barrie; 2, Keni- XX. Nichol-'1, Elora; 2, Fergus; XVL Innisfil [penfeldt. 3, Irvine Settlement XVII. Essa XXI. \Voolwicli--1, JVooli~ieh X VIII. Tossorontio 1 XXII. Wellesley XIX. Mulniur ! XXIII. JIorninglon r2, Hambilrgh XX. Mono XXIV. TVilniot,--1, flaysville; XXI. Adjala XXV. Waterloo-1,Preston; 2,New 1 XXII. Trcuinseth Hope; 3, Little Germang ; XXIII. IV~estGvillimhury-1,Holland 4, Glasgow; 5, nrrlin ; 6, Wa- Landing; 2, Bradford; XXVI. Gurlpli-1, Guelph [terloo 3, Rliddletown; 4, Bond Head XXVII. Puslinch TALDOT DIBTBICT. NEBTERN DISTRICT. 1. Wiodhaui 1. Roianpet II. Tornsrnd II. Smnia-!, Port Sarnia III. Wnlpol~l,Williamsville 111. Piynpton-1, Erml IV. Kaiiihani IV. Warwick V. Woodhaude-1, Port Ryerse ; V. Rrooke 2, Pan Dover; 3, Sinicoe VI. Enniskil1r:n VI. Charlotteville-1, Vittoria; l VII. Mr>or~-1. Sutherland's: 2,Norruandale; 3:St. Willianis i 2, ~oiuniia; 3, ~roomefield VII. Aliddleton-1.Fredericksb'rgh VlII. Sombra- 1, \Vallare'hurgh VIII. Walsingham-1, Port Roaan; IX. Daan-1, Dawn fiIill6; IX. Houghton [2, Port Roydl 2, Dresde:% X. Zone-1, Zone Mills VICTORIA DISTRICT. XI. Cnmden 'W.-1, Thamesville 1. Lake XII. Chathani-1, Louisville II. Tudor XIII. Dover, East and JVesc. III. Grimsthorpe XIV. Oxford IV. Ii1armoi.a XV. Howard--1, Rlorpeth -~~ XVI. Haraich--1, Blenheim VI. Elzevir SVII. Ralriqh--1, Chatham VII. Hung.erfoid XVIII. East Tilhury VIII. IIuntingdon SIX. TVeit l'ili>ury lx. Kaivdon XX. Rochestei. X. Sidney XXI. Maidston: X1. Thudow-1, Belleville XXII. Sandnich-1. Sandwich XII. Tyendenap--1, Shannon, ille ~ XSIII. Andrrdoii C2, Winàmr XXIV. Mdden- 1, Amherstburg XXV. Colctieiter XXVI. Goafield XXVII. Mersea XXVIII. Rouiney RIVERS, ISLANDS, &c. In La& Huron.-1, Saugeen River; 2, Chantry Island; 3, Maitland River; 4, Bayfield River; 5. Kirière Aux Sables; 6, Kettle Point; F, Owen Sound- (in Georgian Bay). In Lake St Chir.-3, Walpole Island. A'iaiagoro River and Lake Eric.-2, Falls of Kiagara; 3, Grand Island; 4, Loiig Point; 5, Big C,reek; 6, Otter Creek; 7, Catfish Creek; 8, Kettle Creek; 9, Rond'Eau; 10, Point PelP; 11, Point Pel2 Island. Lake Ontari0.-4, Duffin's Crerk; 5, River Rouge; 6, River Don; 7, River Humber; 8, Etobicoke Creek; 9, River Ciedit; IO, Burlington Bay. A, lsland of Wontreal; B: part of Lower Canada; C, Great Calumet Island; D, B1;iek River, or Petit Allumet Island ADDITIOXSL TABLE OF REFERENCE TO THE TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND TOIVNSHIPS ON THE MAP, WITI3 THE KAXEB ALPHAEETICALLT ARRA-YDED. I6breuiolioris.-Ba. D., Barhuirt District: B. D., Rrock District ; 1.. D., Ilondon District; W. D., Western District; Wcl. D.. Weliingtoii 1Jirtiirt. hc.; t., luwn; r., "ill*gi. ; t,i.. township. Adelaide, tp......... L. D. ............II. Bagot: tp. ............Ba. D ............ IX. Adelaide, v ..........1,. D .........II.-1.

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