rban MessTransporrarion Volume No.4 December 1977 This document is available through the National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161 ^1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Urban Mass Transportation Administration Offfice of Transportation Management and Demonstrations Washington , D.Q. 20590 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20590 THE ADMINISTRATOR I am happy to present you with the fourth volume of the URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ABSTRACTS, a document prepared by the U. S. Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA). This general reference document is intended to serve as an index of reports generated under contract to UMTA. The 313 reports abstracted can be obtained through the National Technical Information Service. I hope that this document will guide you to those reports which suit your specific information needs for mass transit-related research. If you have questions regarding this publication or the reports cited in it, please contact UMTA's Transit Research Information Center, 2100 Second Street, SW., Washington, D. C. 20590. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Cotalog No. UMTA-TRIC-77-1 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Dote December 1977 MASS TRANSPORTATION ABSTRACTS URBAN 6. Performing Organization Code Volume No. 4 8. Performing Orgonizotion Report No. 7. Author's) 9. Performing Organization Name ond Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAiS) U.S. Department of Transportation TRIC-77-1 Urban Mass Transportation Administration 11. Contract or Grant No. 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20590 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address U.S. Department of Transportation Urban Mass Transportation Administration 400 Seventh Street, S.W. 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D. C. 20590 15, Supplementory Notes 16. Abstract This volume is a reference document prepared by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) and serves as a guide to 313 reports generated under contract to UMTA. This document reflects UMTA's continuing commitment to the dissemination of technical report information to government, state, and local transportation planning bodies, private industry, and the general public. The types of documents abstracted in this volume are, by section: I) Research, Development, and Demonstration Project Reports; II) Technical Studies; and III) University Research and Training Reports. Section IV contains complete indexes to the volume by report title, personal author, corporate author, geographic location, and keywords. All reports in this document are available for sale at the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia. Each abstract contains an NTIS order number and price for paper copy. Most documents are also available in microfiche. Volumes I, II, and III of the URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ABSTRACTS are also available at NTIS. The order number for Volume I (October 1972) is PB 213-212; the order number for Volume II (September 1973) is PB 225-368; and the order number for Volume III (July 1976) is PB 264-905. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Abstracts Available to the Public through the Bibl iographies National Technical Information Service, Technical Reports Springfield, Virginia 22161. Indexing Subject-Indexing 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Clossif. (of this poge) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 373 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized FOREWORD This reference document was prepared by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) of the U. S. Department of Transportation as a guide to 313 reports generated under contract to UMTA. It is a reflection of UMTA's continuing commitment to the dissemination of technical report information to government, State and local transportation planning bodies, private industry, and the general public. All reports in this document are available for sale at the: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U. S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 Each abstract contains an NTIS order number and price for paper copy. Most documents are also available in microfiche for $3.00 each. NTIS PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Therefore, it is advisable that you verify prices before ordering. All orders to NTIS must be prepaid and contain the report order number. Volumes I, II, and III of the URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ABSTRACTS are available at NTIS. The order number for Volume I (October 1972) is PB 213-212; for Volume II (September 1973) PB 225-368; and for Volume III (July 1976) PB 264-905. Types of documents abstracted in this volume are, by section: I) Research, Development, and Demonstration project reports; II) Technical Studies; and III) University Research and Training reports. Section IV contains complete indexes to the volume by report title, personal author, corporate author, Geographic location, and keywords. For additional information about any of the reports in this volume, contact the Transit Research Information Center of the Urban Mass Tranportation Administration, 2100 Second Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page I. Research, Development and Demonstration Project Reports 1-215 II. Technical Studies Reports 216-241 III. University Research and Training Reports 242-313 IV. Indexes Title Index 314-332 Personal Author Index 333-343 Corporate Author Index 344-349 Geographic Index 350-355 Keyword Index 356-369 TITLE: CITY OF ANCHORAGE Demonstration Transportation Grant AUTHOR: City of Anchorage DATE: July 1974 PROJECT NO.: AK-06-0001 KEYWORDS: 1. Transportation Disadvantaged 2. Elderly 3. Handicapped 4. Youth 5. Surveys The objective of this demonstration project was to develop a fixed- route transportation system in an area of limited mass transportation services - the City of Anchorage, Alaska. Groups served by this project included the elderly, handicapped, Indians, Native Eskimos, poor, unemployed, and the youth. The project provided: 1) inner-city circulation which enabled transit users to travel between different areas of the city. Routes established provided residents with access to health, employment, business and social service facilities; 2) home- to-work and work- to-home services within the area served by the project. A take-home survey was conducted to determine passenger attitudes, and trip origins and destinations. Other elements of the demonstration included: a monthly bus pass at a reduced fare, and a shuttle service from a fringe parking lot to the downtown core area. The effectiveness of these operations was measured and evaluated. A preliminary financial report is also presented. NTIS ORDER NO.: PB 245-160/AS PRICE: $5.25 - 1 - : TITLE: DEMAND RESPONSIVE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FOR THE EAST/NORTHEAST AND WATTS MODEL CITIES NEIGHBORHOODS Final Technical Report AUTHOR: Wilbur Smith and Associates (prepared for the Los Angeles City Demonstration Agency) DATE: June 1974 PROJECT NO.: CA-06-0017 KEYWORDS 1. Demand Responsive Systems 2. Transportation Disadvantaged 3. Elderly 4. Subscription Services 5. Youth This final technical report documents the activities and operations of a Demand-Responsive Transportation Project in the East/Northeast and Greater Watts Model Neighborhoods of Los Angeles for the period of May 1, 1973 to April 30, 1974. Included are a chronology of events, a summary of operations, cost and performance data as well as an evaluation of the system performance. This project was undertaken to determine if demand-responsive public transportation, utilizing subscription techniques, could be a successful and important service in supplementing existing fixed bus route operations within an inner city area. The study was to identify socio-economic, urban planning and transportation criteria, which, if successful, could be used in adopting similar dial-a-bus programs on a city or nation-wide basis. The following were the program priorities in terms of provision of service: 1) persons requiring access to health and related facilities within the service areas; 2) elderly persons requiring transportation within the area; 3) persons without autos to shopping facilities; 4) youth to facilities and services available under Model programs; and 5) other priorities defined on the basis of project experience. NTIS ORDER NO.: PB 253-181/AS PRICE: $5.00 TITLE: ADVANCED MECHANICAL TRAINING PROGRAM Final Report Air Conditioning Final Report Electrical Systems Final Report Welding Final Report AUTHOR: Southern California Rapid Transit District DATE: September 1975 PROJECT NO.: CA-06-0065 KEYWORDS: 1. Maintenance, Personnel 2. Management, Training Techniques 3. Manpower and Personnel The objective of the Advanced Mechanical Training Program (AMTP) was to demonstrate the value of blue-collar training received by mechanics in automotive welding techniques, coach electrical systems and coach air-conditioning. A related objective was to develop a series of tests which could be used to evaluate the success of the training program as well as identify other areas of mechanical knowledge in which the average mechanic could benefit from training. By improving the mechanic's skill, it was also felt that maintenance efficiency and productivity would increase, resulting in more reliable service to the public. The AMTP was a joint effort of the Southern California Rapid Transit District's
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