4832 CO GRESSIOJ. L RECORD-SEN ' TE. experimenting with methods for avoiding any unnecesimry loss INDIAN .APPROPRIATIO~ DILL. to the fruit ruise1·s · to the Committee on Agriculture. :Mr. Sl\IOOT. I mo1e that the Senate proceed to llie consid· By 1\lr. FORNES': Petiti-0n of Cleveland Typographical Union, eration of the conference report on House bill 2G 74, the Indian No. rm, Cleveland, Ohio, fayoring the passage of legislation mak• appropriation bill. · ing it unlawful to circulate any malicious statement, oral or The motion was agreed to; and the Senate re urned the con·. printed, for cash consideration or for ga~. that can not be sideration of the report of the committee of conference on the substantiated; to the Committee on the Judiciary. cli agr eing vote of the two Houses on the amendments of the By Mr. GOLD FOGLE: Petition of the New York State Con~ Senate to the bill (II. R. 26874) making appropriation for the ference on Taxation, Binghamton, N. Y., faYoTing the passage current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, of legislation to ~"tend the work of the Censu Department; to for fulfilling treaty stipulations with yarious Indian tribe , and the Oommi ttee on the Census. for other purpose , for the fi. cal year euding June 30, 1014. Also petition of the Employers' Liability Assurance Corpora­ Mr. FALL. l\fr. President-- tion (Ltd.), of London, England, by Edmund Demght, re ident Mr. GA..\IBLE. If the Senator from New Mexico will yie1d manager, New York, pr-0testing again.~ the pa snge of_t~e work­ to me for a few moment , I desire, with his courte:3·, to take men's compensation bill; to the Comnnttec on the Judicm~y .. the floor. Also, petition of the American "ood Preser•ers' A so?iati?n, l\Ir. FALL. Certainly; I yield to the Senator with the mH.ler· Baltimore, Md., protesting against the passage of legislation tanding that I am to continue my remark . placing a duty on coal-tar creosote; to the Committee on Ways Mr. GA-'1BLE. l\Ir. President, I desire to call the attention and l\feans. of the Senate briefl'y to the presumed subject of objection in the Also petition of the Joint Commi ion on Social Ser•ice of conference report on the Indian appropriation bill now pend­ the P;otestant Episcopal Church, New York, favoring the pa - ing before the Senate. Although much time has been con urned. age of House bill 27281, providing for an eight-hour day· for the in llie di cussion by the Senator from New :Mexico, no specific women of the District of Columbia; to the Committee on Labor. reference so far has been made to any amendment therein or .Al.,o, petition of D. Auerback & Sons, New York, fayoring the any objection interposed to a ingle proYi ion in the bill or pa.,sage of legislation for the abolition of the tariff on almonds, item contained therein. ' walnuts, and filberts; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Tlle Indian appropriation act for the fiscal year entling June By Mr. LEWY: Petition of the Associated Chambers o~ Com­ 30, 1913 contained the following prov· ion : merce of the Pacific Coast, of San Francisco, Cal., fayormg the For tile relief and settlement of the Apache Indians now confined as pa sage of the bill making an appropria~ion for the purpose of pri oners of war at Fort Sill Military Reservation, Okla., on lands experimenting with methods for preventing 1;1Illlecessary loss to to be selected for them by the Secreta.ry of the Interior and the Secre­ tary of War, 200,000, to be expended under uch rules and regula­ the fruit raiser ; to the Committee on Agriculture. tions as the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretilry of Wat· m· y Also, petition of the general executive committee of t~e n::n­ prescr·ibe. • ''ay Business Association, favoring the passage of legIBlatlon l\Ir. Pre ident, the foregoing is the law now in force. The for the adoption of the national budget as a method for con­ measure agreed to in conference and now pending before the trolling the receipts and expenditures of the National Govern­ Senate contains the follpwing relatiYe to the ame subject mat­ ment · to the Committee on Ways and Means. ter. I a sume this to be the subject of differ nee, although noth­ Ily' Mr. MOTT.: Petition of the Emanuel Congregational incr so far in the speech submitted by the Senator from New '01rnrcll, Watertown, N. Y., favoring th~ pas age of th~ Kenyon l\lexico alludes to the provision. "red-licrht" injunction bill for the clean.mg up of Washmgton ~or For continuing the relief and settlement of the Apache Indians now the ina~guration; to the Committee on the District of C?l~brn. confined as prisoners of war at Fort ill Military Re ernttion, Okla., By l\Ir. J. l\I. C. SMITH: Petition of the widows of _en-~ War on lands in Oklahoma to be selected for them by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of War. 100,000, to be expended under soluiers of Albion, l\Iich., favoring the passage of legIBlation to such rule and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior and the increase the pension of widows of Civil War soldiers to 20 per Secretary of War may prescribe, and to bo immediately available. month; to the Committee on Inv~lid Pension~. I omit the proviso, because it ha no relation to the ubject Al o, petition of citizens of Kalamazo?, l\I1ch., fay?rmg the matter now under con ideration. passage of House bill 25685, for the labeling and taggmg of all l\lr. Pre ident, the objections made are indicated l>y the am nd· <>'OOds and articles intended for sale under interstate commerce; ment offered to the Indian appropriation bill as affecting this par­ to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commer~e. ticular provi ion when the ame was under con ideration before By l\1r. WILLIS : Petition ?f Cleveland TypograJ?h1c~l Umoi:, the Senate by the enator from New l\Iexico [Mr. A'fRO .. ], as Ko. 53, Cleveland, Ohio, fa1ormg the pas.,age of legislati?n mak­ follows: fa"' it unlawful to circulate any malicious tatement, prmted or Protiided That no part of the 100,000 hereby appropriated, nor of or~l. for cash con ideration or for gain,_ ~at can not be sub­ the 200,000 appropriated by the act approved April U. H>l:t, makin~ appropriation· for the current and contingent expen es of the BuI" au of stantiated ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purpose , for the fiscal year endin"' June 30, 1913, which was authorized to be expended for the relief and ettlement of the Apache Indians now confined as prisoners of war at Fort Sill Mili­ SENATE. tary Reservation, Okla., on lands to be selected for them by the ecre­ tary of the Interior and the ecretary of Wa~· to be expended under TuESDAY, /JJ m·ch 4, 1913. such rules and regulations as the Secretary of me1 Interior and the 'cc­ retary of Wai· may pre cribe, shall be u ·ed for the purpo e of trnns· (Legislatit·c day of Monday, March 3, 1913.)" porting or making settlement of said Apache Indians. pri oners of war at Fort Sill Military Reser>ation, Okla., within the tate of ·cw The Senate reas embled at 9 o'clock and 30 minutes a. m., Mexico or State of Arizona. Tue ~ day, March 4, 1913, on the expiration of the recess. I understand the objections are made on account of tlle PUBLIO HEALTH SERVICE. danger, real or apprehended, to the people of New Mexico if any fr. Sl\IOOT. As in·executive session, I report on three ap­ of the Indians now confined at Fort Sill, Okla., are remo\e<l by pointments in the Public Health Service. the Federal authorities to the l\Iescalero Re rYation in that 'The PRESIDE~TT pro tempore. The .Senator from Utah asks State. unanimous consent that as in executive session he may report I a ert, l\fr. Pre ident, that under the wry provi ions f the the uominations which will be announced by the Secretary. proposed law it specifically provides that no part of the ::appropri­ The Secretary read as follows: ation of 100,000 can be used for the remornl of the Apache Surg. Stephen D. Brooks to be senior surgeon in the Public Health Indians to the State of Tew l\Iexico, and it ab o1utely vrohilJit its use for that purpo e. It is approprfated pecifica1Jy for Sewli11am E. Glanville to be assistant surgeon in the Public Health the purDose of purchasing lands for the Apache Indian in the Ser·vice.John . II. Smith, jr., to be a s1stant. surgeon m· th e· p u bli c H eaIth State of Oklahoma. Under such condition it T1ould nece ·surily crvice. be pre urned they would remain there. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The nominations will be After the Indian appropriation bill was pn ed a year ag the placetl on the Executive Calendar. ecretary of War and the Secretary of the Interior, acting under the authority of the act, inve tigated the condition of the Indians . DISTRI T EX r E no.ARD ( • DOC. NO. 1141) . and sought to meet their wishes as far as might be a · to thrfr The PRESIDE ·r_r pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ future location.
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