THE" SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX. TORTLAXD, DECE3IBER 5. 1915. 'NO V.ONDFR WASHINGTON" HIGH SCHOOL 'WON THE WIS FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP OF FOUR 16 STATES HOW COULD IT LOSF. WITH SITU INSPIRATION AS. THIS BEFORE THE rLA T tKa LEAGUE WILL-I- WASHhGIO IN CAME ON MULTNOMAH FIELD YESTERDAY? E My Customers THE FINAL r DOWNS SALEM, 7-- 6 ARE Oregon Sportsmen Called to Session December 19-2- 0. Thinking Men Earl's Team Wins Title for Oregon. Idaho. Utah and " Thinking men know my 3d Floor rra --i- V OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED Washington Schools. f Clothing Store saves $10,000 a year in rent. Thev know that no credit, Rod Club and Game cut-pri- Every and Gun no ce sales, no fine fixtures and no swell windows - Protectlre Association In State VISITORS SCORE EARLY v .r;- ( to keeD ud must save money for them. They- have thought Mr i 7 to Be Represented at Gath- aVJ. ' ' r ,N out, just as you should do, and have bought and are M v i: , x. V ering In Portland. it 'v.v buying, in this upstairs store, every day m the year. tat la-- TrtM Makrt T i?. mm ftanrhrtl a I fa aal Tha annual meeting- - of the Oregon After rvrxUmd Roja Itaah Sportsmen's League ha been called for You Men Who Are Paying $25.00 for IV II .(aw Un. Diccmbcr 1 and SO br the preaiaeni I'd' of th orranlsatlon. H. B. Van Duxr. Your Clothes, Give Me a Look Tomorrow - - The meeting will be held at the Cham i : I I V NaJTv. A v. v ! be r of Commerce. Every rod and gun rlub and game va af-- . I I protective association of the atate I a enaBiaf marci. naitliinil filiated with the organisation will have READY -- lT?!4SsZ0) IfieTa (. of rwtuai, d.f.ated lam ln! Vao t(rtar ! J RAINCOATS IK t!l ftot 511 chapieah!p of ta ! Nartaweet. lacladlac ate - -. 7 jg(rWz5)T0VEAR v- , f t lab. Oreea aad Wa.BIn,'-4a- . ;i.w ftfnSPHiTl OVERCOATS Tb cam u B?;1 ota Mui:-aoro- ltrZrt V:, !.aa.J adeel a af P r'la.d. ia . la . I dQMfvYtf Hero th th dopaeter fixer aiaHt't .'. , la rftmplouA:p btaataeeo. ntitltiloa KKa irimsl Caldwall Itiaa f,iotEl team. ( Ca;djetL Ilah. J. -- d raltwel eo.t..j th la Idaho end, I'laa Volant It!-bt- tn th champtoa.ahip. f oat irt--- i trara dollar-- aid cf b of a the elevator saves you -t rtin4f AlSaor. T tile Huh. tn nt (br ronlniitr for etal boo - r. plorao) a tla wlta Albany) Hiab. af Atnaar. Or. Tl tla tho ifrtfa B. & M. Are Going to Move Now for I a a St! af Whlnfto Yes, 6ir, and we don't want to move all the goods now in t.t;a. will . stock, so we have decided to offer them at prices that rial, aaaej aa .akoraVee surely make you buy. Itfiu!m and Ardaa bata rtaim th ! eteaent la n ubiiKtos. beus We have gone over our stock thoroughly and find that in af a tlo piaje-- t ta Atarvi- - many cases we are overstocked. On some items we have ' - ThaakaaMvin- doa. Proviana la thlel many as we need; on others, or four times as l twice as three l olimtu Iniaeroity. af Portland. many. instance, we have two dozen of those neat little from Abordeva. T to . CoIumMa t"al-- I For r.itT we defeated b V aahlnct j I pocket rods that always retail at $5; you can buy one now M . ta . bat both team fmiafcod for $2.75. Nye Oil is known everywhere a9 a first-clas- s ttie rnrtiand Interwbela.etie 10c 25c per bottle we am uiru;C ' lubricator ah ays sells at and but w.ta Ik etaadlnaa. 5c 10c. We a.a - "5 have too much, so buy all you want now at and -- tt: th Oraa-o- a eaamplonaolp. bull have too many flashlights, so are selling the $1.50 size in In that could b din a nickel case $1.20; all sizes in proportion. t.t the new at other . I . tfam. Pear-shap- e methoal of rarlraar eern Rugby Footballs, the regular $1 kind, for 85c. Viral I lnr-- t baa th honor ef havtaer Punching Bags, the $3.50 grade, for $2.70, or the $3 grade tne bC Int.f bolaatle football taara for $2.25. Goodrich Hand Balls, always 35c, now 25c. Steel la t'tab. Mn lif ton ami Waahln. Wheel Ballbearing Skates, usually $1.75, now at $1.25 a pair. u Barrta sal pkne, FRANK DILLON OUT Nickel-Plate- d Clamp Ice Skates, regularly $1.25, for 90c a ax Faro. Coats, the warm, fuzzy Angora kind, regu- Palara tlraatartad th orln c a- - pair. Sweater tardtv br tloci-- i ooa of Contain larly S7, now $1. ' " o 'd " Nornaadia'a alow " Thee arc just a few items from the sporting goods sec- aurvt fermatioa la ta firattlMquarter tion, but there are just as ..iany on the hardware side. For Ifimcl aa tnaJ to ouat tb ball Veteran Retires From Coast Choppers, the $1.50 sizes, for behind Bl oar a Itna. Bat to instance. Keen Kutter Food pi t Din k td 'air I ft Cpla Nor-mj- nd 11 "Years. $1.25. Adjustable Hack-Sa- w Frames, usually 75c, now 40c. n toa aa loatarrlht League After Combination Pliers for 25c. A dozen patterns of dandy 50c tin and amaarad It. Bit. 40c. 125 Stanley Block Planes, always r ta on a toucBdowa. Pocket Knives a. No. rialofa. fatliaa It for Braces, 75c style, now 60c. a in pitnl-eu- l to ball rarom4 ta 65c, now 40c. Stanley Ratchet the an td atd did ao tha The $1 grade at 90c. All the finest $2 Braces at $1.50. Keen !aln bU-- . ba a aw i to fna a CALLAHAN MAY BRING 'PEP Kutter Hammers, the 75c sizeat 60c; others in proportion. all th auonntt for tha ftrt parix.Tl bat ones with lock 40c. - ta oaia war Neat Steel Mail Boxes for 10c; better at naru afrrwfi. of tn wioor.t.i,ti-- dj Both our big windows are chuck-fu- ll of specials. Just a tn rora and Utar rdwla xtrowbrtd glance at one of them might save you a dollar. wa th cam br roaiartin in (mi Who Ylrlcl atk. liM Aarftr Mmnmrrr r'r (a rnin4r f tt ltrln nrk on Long, kII tlrfm-- t D and dw a tBa flld with St th ilnarx- - for ta moat part wttk SmrTtm Cmrrrr Which H COorris t.4bBtoa M:h. Twic tk uitor Backus 'd Sts war forv,l to tkair oa llr. tlrm iWnrflt to (.am. 223 Morrison Street. Bet.!st& 2nd bat ow on,a tkra offaid Ban o '.-- V aakiaarto. an attar tha ocaar. took tha bolt out of danarar far Pnn Ine riiit. VI WuverlCV. .January 1'J physician because of la srippe. but fcacpanad laat ". vj. Huwlnj Cfub . .January -- G .Manager Pete Muldoon expects to have Tk ia la tha t'ltton. for yeare raanagar Waverley . Kebruary '1 rraak tl Multnomah v. U hia ready for action against Vic- a arta Lo club, baa Kotvinir L.iui vs. j - . Kebruary star of baeebal! w VVuV'a-rT- (- - th Ancala Vlnllnnirul. February Iti toria. oakNMi pafaaa kfroaa. a a a call and paaaad out of th O.-- . Kebruary ono otay ho4. th 1 Waverlv v. Tha loaca-i- l aaia oa dtrlnat 1 l..lin,.mai Ur.U'inir CMllh. March I Coa.t - Jimmy Callahan, an representatives at tbe meeting. The 8 The Portland Ice Hippodrome is a tio aiaemaa o.orrd tha Lt'- O.-- vs. Mu.tnoniah March ttnf famotta t! world of league now has a membership that vs. v aveney. March 10 mighty busy place during the practice lUnu. wkaa t'apeala rrortor throw a other flcar la Kowinif Club E. :,-ar- approximates 10.000. Emygl. A. of the Portland players. Manager d forward paaa to kta taammata. step late hi place. - to borL bablL GOSSIP OF THE GRIDIRON There will be. as diversion, exhibi .Mile. Clare. Shannon. W. S. Hewitt. W. A 11. Savage has sent out word that tha f. attlifra. Afar into- tha That the advent of Catlahaa lata Hons t earns. nuej. j. iijumas, v' prac- o liaa. of flycasting and bird shooting. i. o. public is invited to witness the ball tha HtitmilM soal tho eac a manager ef th Angela A W. MaMett. w. uoman, u. nacaus, It wa up a a In captain, be fell heir The election of officers will be held. ;iarK. s. tices, and ever since the edict went KM vrd awar. claan PT but '00. while two-d- ay neaneiu. td gam la lb opinion at banquet K. O. Keif- large of railbircs ra-.r- to tha will benef.t th Oil- - iraually awarded to Harvard will conclude the K owing Club J. Parsons, J. into effect a number bad Kn. aad tha ball senaatlonaj playing of to the lot a w v v--, - . oa 1T (t all man connected with th organisa- session. aoer. r.. ti . c. have been on hand to greet the Unci Portland taam. It u tha ant, of Ih Army, against th captains jnd did not make the The objects of the Oregon Sports W. V.'. Flynn. H. Kettjrman, W. Sams. Practice is held between 1:30 mat tna Mo.
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