PATRONIZE NEW ARK MERCHANTS THENE KPOST FIRST Invited Guest "DRYS NOT MJTCHELLS' One-Day Session Of General ASSEMBLY Assembly Marked By Recesses DEAD," SAYS JERSEYS ----------------------® ----- TO GATI-IER REV. WILLIS TOP HERDS Flower SholV Clwirllwn. Speaker "Heckled" AGAIN ON By DeIllOcrat ~ t AUGUST 24 Temperance Is Cleaver's Cows luforl1lal "Party" Topic At 54th Second On List The one-day session of the Gen­ Road M eaS1U'e "Harvest Honle" For County Test eral Assembly Monday that record­ ed the passage of another version Introduced In Temperance and the "Beer Barrel The pure bred Jersey herd of ~ig~~aym~~l~-~:!e'!;;:.~~~-d~~e~~~ Surprise 1\'1ove; ~~k~~t;ie~mf~~~ ~~~;~ ~s/a~;m:'~ MItchell Bros., Hockessin, again lengthy recesses. celebration staged last Thursday at gllin?d ~he lead in butter fat pro- While the Senate held an ex- Memhers Clash Little's Grove by the Ebenezer M. duct;on or herds on test in the New ecutive session to deal with Gov- E. Church. Nearly 1,500 persons, Cas\eA C o u~ty . Dairy Herd Improve- ernor McMullen's appointments, ~~:r~f at~:n~;~e:~ecr~e~e~r~;~o~cent ~Vee~ageS~t;~~~np~~n:a~~n~a:. h;~~ ~~~~iC~O~IOc\:~~u;v~~era t~~'~~:h \~:; ar:i~h ~~~~l~I~~nOfta~~~e~~~r g~!~,~~ the Hardly had the Rev. Ivanhoe Wil- Mitchell herd was also second in measure, the House was recessed ed. following the pas.age of anothel' lis, superintendent of the Anti- milk production with 771 pounds "until the call of the Chair" for a bill to reorganize the State High- Sen. John G. Townsend, Jr. Saloon League of Delaware, ceased per cow. The mixed Guernsey-Hol- mere three hours and ten minutes. way Commission, }Jlacing the body championing the cause of temper- stedin herd of G. Lester Cleaver, Later, both houses were recessed in Republican control, the Legislat- Mi dl etown, placed second in but- for five hours while the Highway ure decided at the one-day session Rev L Virgil Pratt Bill whas being carried to WilmMi'"lgtodn 2,4 to ~~~~ 1~ ~~~pa~~~~,n~~~~n:~~~" ~ ~e:d f~~~:~d ~~~ 0~ss:~~~ti!~6 i~o~~~ f :~~dt';;., ~iUm~~~ra7~;; v~~~gust PIONEERS' Greene, Pa., than a large evening Pastor, Ebenezer. M. E. Church pro d uc tl on WI't h an average produc- Toromli t nse osignatn, billur ecl erofk Mrs.who wasI dre ill The bill, intending to correct. the ~~~~~n~ear~~r~~lkcala. ,:noring for the lion per cow of 854 pounds for at her home. And it was past mid- defective title of the previous re- the testing period. night, daylight t Ime, when a halt organization measure, which was REUNION Both programs received generous OFFICERS Rl> port y EbUng was ordered for the day . and held mvaltd by the SuperIOr Court applause. This report was made today by night. o'f New Castle County, was passed Far From Dead LE Associ~tion Supervisor Roland Eb- Monday by the General Assembly. 59th Regiment The temperance problem, far E CTED ling to County Agricultural Agent Arthur B. Eastman During the 5-hour pause, an in- This action will. place the affairs from being a dead issue, rem'ains a G 'Tr:~ ~~~~~~l~ ::o:,u:;:;rd of J er- formal and entertaining "session" of the commIssion m much the sa~e To Celebrate ~ita l question, stated Rev. Willis in was staged in the House with two posItion as beforethe the SuperIOr mtroducmg. Mr. McSparran. BY 4_ HERS ~~~s a~s:'odt~~i~~d ~~:r a~~:~i~!~nt~~ BLOOMS TO hardy Democrats "heckling" Speak- COU~\d~.clar~d b prev;~U\b l~ un~ At Fort Dix VIce-president of the Men's Dry of milk and 50 pounds of butter er Zebley. When Democratic Floor c~ns ~ . ~I lona . ecause . e 0 y 0 ----- League of Pennsylvania and past BE SH 0 WN Leader J ames Carl McGuigan ad- tel I c o nt8J~ed. prOVIsIons other 59~hh~f~~~~~ I~~~~~;y~e~~~ .n F~,f ~~l~ ~;:,~e:e , o~h:h~at~~nnl~:~~:~i: ;:;~~ County Cluh l~~~~~~;~;i:~:r~J~pE~~~~;k 4~ ~:~~t~d i::ley~pe:h~er la~:er A~~~~~ than se~;::~ ~o:~s ;~~~Ing t~a n~~~,g C O ~'i7.'~~~~~ : ~~.~~~~~ a~h':~ ldm~~~:r:'~a~e~e l :~ ~~~7~ oi~ i~ n;:o;t~r:~n:r~~~r~~~.k pro- Leaders N arne ~~~~:~ f;:;u;O~~~~ :o~~~ ~~~Yl~I~~ A I FI bl~~t a1:V~~~, Highway Secretary pe~~il~~e b~~~~t~r;::' S~~~e S~spr~~: ~~~~:~~'~i~~;~~~:~;~~nta l ~~~~d;;::~=:~: " J o:a:u:da;o :O:se:hd~ ~~~n~~~'~:'~i;s:~h~~~;E~:~ ~i:~: New Directors S~~~~!~~f~~te~a~~~gP~~.~u~~~~~ S:::aAnn~:::'ed f~:~~:~~~:~C:~bni;:e:!~!i~:F~~~:. ~~~a:.·~nf~~~:f~~:~i:~t~~.:~~~~ loll ow: . M mbership J~ . , I?el aware's war governor, Gov- d~ught e r of Mr. and Mrs. Harold At a recent meeting of the New Price's Top Cow F S t h house?" the Speaker roared his Speakman of the Superi or Court. membership chairman, e, nOI McMullen, and other state LlttlC, owners of the grove, was the C tI C t 4 H CI b L d H. Wilson Price, of Glasgow, had or ep elTI er indignation, much as Ferdinand Rep, Henry M. Canby, one of the commill e chairman, leaders have been invited to attend "queen." The crown was placed as e oun y - u ea ers, h . .. might have done when he sat upon attorneys represen ting the three new committee, employ- the affair, according to Howard D. upon her head by her sister, Miss held at the home of Laura B. Rulh- t e top cow 111 mdlvldual butter ---- li b I (Ed N t M S e k Republican members of the commis (twice), Old Swedes Jester, regimental hi storian and Kathleen Little, the 1937 "queen," erford, county club agent, the rol-fat production for the third straight The executive committee for the is, ea b~~he l or.)· 0 e- r. p a er sian und~r the reor ani zation, said vIce com- chmrman of the celebrah on. h 10wll1g offIcers were elected: Mrs month, a pure bred J ersey pro<luc - annual fall flower show, sponsored T d th 1g ' 11 J'k I b w 0 was a member of the "Court of J W Fraze, a leader of the New- ed 66.6 pounds in July. A Guernsey by the Newark Garden Club, met utehs day e'r"tPhPea wlb.lll. eye and Memorial The 59th PIOneers was the out- GIrls" ark club, president; Mrs. David in the herd of Mrs. J . H. Hughes, last Thursday night at the sum- One-word description of Secre- Wl - rawn l e new I IS even- o[ th~iS~~C~onVic e ~:~r:thN~~i~~~1 F~~,~:;.fm~~~, ~l~~~~ . M.erch~nts Donate G~rts Pordham, Stronghold Club, vice- Port Penn,. was second in butter mer . home ?f Mi ss Edwina Long, :a.ry "of ~tate Josiah Marvel, tu~~~ ~~\~c~~~', p,.ssed by the Legis- ost'sg choice saw service on the Mexican border ASS IStll1g 111 the crownmg were pre s ld ~nl; Robert T. J a q.u e t t e, fa ~, producll1g 64.4 pounds. H. C. p·esldent. R,ver Road,. New Castle. JI.,- Smug. lature Monday ar_1id jibes from the p commander in 1916. Foll owing the entrance of MI SS Charlott~ Dempsey, Mrs. Eulah Three-I~-One Club, secretary. MItchell of Ho~k ess ll1 , placed one Plans for. the affmr were dls- . Democratic minority, is almost iden- o[ Batt l' G the United States into the World Dempsey: MISS Gladys Walmsley, Defimle plans for a County 4-H of hIS Jerseys thIrd WIth 57.a p.ounds cussed. WhIle no defimte date was . The 5.2 II1ches of ram that fell tical with the one in litigation. A) D N ~ Y H ' War the regiment was again mo- MI SS LOls Anne .Pratt, and Miss AchIevement program. to be held on Of. butter fat, and a Holstell1 111 the set~ dependll1g upon weather con- 111 two h?urs at Dover, WIth most The so-called defectively titled :' '.' . e bT ' d Barbara Anne Whiteman. September 30 were dIscussed. MItchell & Woodward herd, Hock- dltlons, the show WIll be staged of It comll1g down at noon, formed b' lI . d' adJutn ntf '~ h193~38 I Ize . Trained In Alabama Mi ss K ~ thleen Little performed The affair will be in the nature essin, ranked fourth with 55.4. Ibs. sometime in September. Th~ exact a lake in. front of Legislative Hall. I ,,~:aa~t to amend chapter 166 of o e ox Transferred to Cam McClellan the 7rownll1g ceremony on her sis- of n one-da>: 4-H Club fair with all of butter fat for the testing perIod. date WI ll be announced wlthll1 two Many leglsl,ators, attaches, and spec- the Revised Code of Delaware, 1935, . '. t A . to A1 t tel' 111 the absence of Miss Betty members brll1gll1g at least one ex- Fred B. Martems of Newark plac- weeks. tators dldn t get any lunch. When rovid'n for reorg anization of the McW, llldms has also ~ . nm ~ h n, . t a., or d oversea~ Staats, the r etiring "queen," who hi bit. Everything will be judged by ed Jour of his Holsteins in the ten The classificatirT, list will include: the downpour finally subsided, ~t ',. ~~h 'a De tment b in­ n:e rO~t~ p~st ~nd ~ e- o~a ~~:~lue ea~~' G;:;as d7'v~ si~ n~ ~e was vacationing in Flonua.
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