TeaToys with For Cleveland Tots event Police to be Chief held ToysBlack For Nationalist Tots event Flag to bebe raised held Kid’s Corner SPORTS MENU TIPS TheTo Friendsbuild trust of Zack one Reed conversation will sponsor at itsa time,22nd The FriendsBlack ofNationalist Zack Reed Flag will sponsorwill be its raised 22nd Annual 2018 Toys for Tots Holiday Party & Celebrity Ricky Williams, two years Cleveland Police Chief Calvin D. Williams will have tea Annualover Cleveland 2018 Toys City for Hall Tots to commemorateHoliday Party Black& Celebrity Histo- Fashion Show with the goal to collect 1,000 toys for the old, is the son of Shequila and Dan Cav’s Continue Tips To Make at Masjid Bilal, 4701 Euclid Ave., on Monday, February ryFashion Month Show on February with the 1goal at 11:00 to collect a.m. 1,000at City toys Hall. for It the is Prosciutto- needy children of Northeast Ohio. Beverages will be pro- Embarrassing Slide Get-Together Fun 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. To attend the event, RSVP Williams. He attends nursery school. the100thneedy children anniversary of Northeast for the Ohio. flag Beveragesand the 46th will yearbe pro that- vided with admission. Celebrities invited include: Alec vided with admission. Celebrities invited include: Alec cranberry cros- by email to [email protected]. Masjid Bilal He has a hearty appetite and his it has been raised over City Hall. When Carl Stokes was Blackmon, Andrea Vecchio, Tiffany Tarpley, and Vanessa Blackmon, Andrea Vecchio, Tiffany Tarpley, and Vanessa is Cleveland’s first mosque built from the ground up and favorite food is pizza. Being an ac- mayor, he was the first to start it. The tradition continued Whiting, Esq. Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $10 at Whiting, Esq. Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $10 at tini is a treat the first built by a predominantly African American con- with the late Mason Hargrave and former Mayor Ralph the door with a new, unopened toy for donation (or $20 tive kid, Ricky likes to ride his bike the door with a new, unopened toy for donation (or $20 See Page 4 See Page 5 gergation. Perk. For information call Queen at 614-516-5584. without a toy). Williams which is his favorite toy. without a toy). VOL. 41 No.4 Tuesday, January 21, 2020- Friday, January 24, 2020 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Cleveland Public Library honors ‘Drum Majors For Change’ onMLK Day The Cleveland Public land Arts Prize (2000), the Ameri- Library’s 35th annual Dr. Martin can Institute of Architects Ohio Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Gold Medal Firm Award (1994) Celebration took place at John and induction into the Northeast Hay Campus High School Audito- Ohio Business Hall of Fame. rium. Madison is a member of The ceremony honored Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Pi Phi and Cleveland-born architect, entre- Epsilon Delta Rho Fraternities. preneur, civic leader and World Khalid Samad was hon- Don’t Forget To Turn War II veteran Robert P. Madison ored as one of the 150 unsung he- Your Clock Forward with the Drum Major for Change roes in the community. Award. Samad is the president Architect and entrepre- and co-founder of Peace In The neur Madison was born in Cleve- Hood. He offers mentoring, at risk land, Ohio in 1923. He graduated behavior education, crisis interven- from Cleveland’s East Technical tion and mediation services among High School with honors in math- many empowerment services. ematics and science in 1940. He Samad is one of the most attended the School of Architec- prominent Civil Rights leaders in ture at Howard University, but left Cleveland, and is a national leader to serve in World War II as a sec- in dealing with both gun violence ond lieutenant. He was wounded issues and gang violence. As an in action in the Italian Campaign, internationally acclaimed special- receiving the Purple Heart and ist on Urban Violence, Youth Em- powerment and Gang Intervention, Felton Thomas, Jr. executive director and CEO of the Cleveland Pub- three combat ribbons. He received Khalid Samad, center, is congratulated by Don Freeman and Samad has lectured throughout the lic Library, left, congratulated Robert P. Madison who received the Drum Major a B.A. in architecture from Case Ms.Pointer. Samad was honored as one of 150 Unsung Hereos during the nation and has appeared on Nation- for Change Award held during the Cleveland Public Library’s 35th annual Dr. Western Reserve University, an Cleveland Public Library’s 35th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemo- Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Celebration. (ESND photo by Omar M.A. in architecture degree from al Radio and television shows such rative Celebration. (ESND photo by Omar Quadir). Harvard University, and complet- as Tavis Smiley, Night Line, Keep- Quadir.) ed additional studies as a Fulbright ing It Real with Rev. Al Sharpton, Scholar at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts The Warren Ballentine Show, BBC, in Paris, France in urban design France TV, Britain TV, Tokyo TV and prestressed concrete. and PBS as leading authority on Madison served as an as- these issues. sistant professor of architecture He was inducted into the at Howard University until he Cleveland International Hall of opened his office, Robert P. Madi- Fame Tina Farmer, director, son International, in Cleveland in Imani Temple Ministries Choir, 1954, the first such office in Ohio sang the National Anthem. opened by an African American Rev. D. Anthony Ever- architect and only the ninth in ett, pastor of Church in the Circle, the country. Major building proj- gave the opening prayer followed ects for the firm have included the by opening remarks from Felton United States Embassy in Dakar, Thomas, Jr. executive director and Senegal, the Nuclear Facility at CEO of the Cleveland Public Li- Tuskegee Institute (Alabama), and brary. the Cleveland Browns Stadium. Dyrell Barnett from His professional affili- Karamu House recited “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” ations include the American In- A musical presentation Felton Thomas, Jr., Martina Rodriguez, and Dr. Akram Boutros, who Tina Farmer, director, Imani Temple Ministries Choir, sang the Na- stitute of Architects, Cleveland was performed by the All-City was the Keynote speaker, participated in the Cleveland Public Library’s 35th tional Anthem. held during the Cleveland Public Library’s 35th annual Dr. Chapter, the Architects Society of Choir from the Cleveland Metro- annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Celebration. (ESND photo Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Celebration. (ESND photo by Omar Ohio and the College of Fellows politan School District. by Omar Quadir) Quadir.) of the American Institute of Archi- Alpha Phi Alpha Frater- tects. He is the recipient of numer- nity presented the closing remarks. Nhiwatiwa, ex-police officer, sentenced to 4 1/2 years for assulting 12 year old girl ous honors, including an honorary A reception followed the Solomon Nhiwatiwa, 34, else to say. “I take responsibility consecutive sentences. and his license to be a police of- Doctor of Humanities from How- event in the John Hay Campus showed no emotion as he apologized to for what I did,” he said, then sat Nhiwatiwa faced a maxi- ficer in the state of Ohio. ard University (1987), the Cleve- High School Cafeteria. his victim before Common Pleas Court down. mum of 7 1/2 years in prison after Nhiwatiwa, who was Judge Wanda C. Jones sentenced him Jones said that she was he pleaded guilty in December to hired to the force in 2014, was sus- to 4 1/2 years in prison for urinating not convinced that Nhiwatiwa charges of attempted kidnapping, pended without pay after his arrest. on a 12-year-old girl after she refused was truly sorry for his conduct. pandering obscenity, disseminating He has been disciplined four times Gasoline prices rise slight She said the physical and mental matter harmful to juveniles and en- ly to get in his car at a school bus stop. in his five years with the Cleveland abuse he inflicted on the girl and dangering children in the August 16 “I would like to apologize police and was involved in a fatal State gas price averag- (+54 cents) having the largest his position as a police officer, attack. to the victim,” Nhiwatiwa said. Nhi- es in the region are as much as year-over-year difference. which required him to protect the As part of his plea agree- shooting while working as a secu- watiwa stood silent for several seconds rity guard in 2012 before he joined a dime cheaper on the week. Regional gasoline community from the very types ment, Nhiwatiwa agreed to resign before Jones asked if he had anything of attacks he carried out, required his position with Cleveland police the force. In Ohio, the average price for stocks built by 1.5 million gasoline is four cents cheaper barrels, according to the En- Bishop Nelson Perez to leave Cleveland for Arch Bishop position in Philadelphia statewide at $2.49. Motorists ergy Information Adminis- “Somos el Cuerpo de Cris- of the Cleveland Catholic dio- city where he attended seminary in the region are paying $2.16 tration (EIA), bumping totals to,” sung by Lorain’s Sacred Heart cese in September of 2017. and served as a pastor. Perez was - $2.61 to fill-up.
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