arn Dance Kicks Off Fall IVeekend Tomorrow By Jolm Murnfon • shorts. The cost for is $1 per person evening versity Ball in Ihe 1'edeguratcd plained. For that reason, the. under way. At one o'clock, the He exciting and varied Pall gym. To put icing on thp cake, name of the dance was changed last strains will be heard and the k-end soars into high gear) On Saturday afternoon, the Miss Fordiiam of 1858 will be from the Coronation Ball to the Fall Weekend, which was once ,orro'.v niBlit with the Haiwi-j activities, all of which are spon- crowned by Judy Cehen, last Fordham University Ball. called the Football Weekend, will uing und hillbilly callirig at sored by the Maroon Key Society, year's queen. come to a close. Only the head- j Williams. Before the fes- shift to Coffey Field, where the Sheeny announced that couples The timely theme for tile dance attending both the barn dance aches and the memories will re- Hes exhaust ihe students, the football All-Star Rams will is "Satellites and Stars." Tiny main on Sunday. dham campus will come to tangle with the All-Stars from and the ball can purchase the Mann will again be on the band- combination tickets for $4, thus This is the most ambitious with a burn dance, the Uni- | Manhattan College. The game stand with his orchestra. The saving one dollar. tily Ball, and a football game.' was rescheduled after the Jasper weekend in the social calendar tickets for the ball,-which cost To make the University Ball j at Fordham. Sheeny hopes that 'omonw niehl. the tunes Irom j administration realized that spirit $3 per couple, are presently on had a place ill college. Last year's even more attractive, a drawing I it will he even more succesful lies and bass viols will 'ill sale in the cafeteria. will be held that night to give' than the one last year. gymnasium and accompany | clash ended to a savagely-fought | Tom Sheeny, president of the away a De-Jur 8 mm movie cam- pruiuenadrrs until midnight, | 0-0 tie. Fordham won the initial "On Monday," he said, "most Maroon Key Society, expects to jera and two Ansco camera sets. of the coffee sessions in the cafe- jkls and slacks will make the ( contest in 19S5 by a score of 12 see 400 couples spinning around j These are prizes in the Marlboro to 6. teria will revolve around the ac- ice inlormul for the men, the dance floor. "This is the only Flip-Top Sweepstakes. tivities of the Pall Weekend. If ile many of the girls will ap- | The weekend's grand finale oc- dance in the whole year which is Mr. Mann will sound the down- you join in the fun, you'll bo able- in slacks and bermuda curs that evening, with the Uni- really University-wide," he ex- beat at 9 p.m. to get the dance to spill out your escapades, too.* I FRESHMAN FORCOTTEN BANQUET MAN Page 2 Page 7 •Hu•lumme 37 Fordham College—November 14, 1957 401 No. 7. Anxious Finalists Await 'Queen' Vote By John Murnion into Mrs. Lamm's office ] lion is to trnvel around the world After she receives her diploma, j Sally Rodriguez is another 19- :lie twelve girls sat In the to hear the decision. The girls j with a millionaire. The brunette she wants to teach kindergarten. | year-old freshman in the Phar- itlng Hall classroom, tense who were not selected quickly re- |from Jersey City is now employed Tlien she would consider starting | macy School. She looks forward I weary. They had been inter- turned to the classroom, picked dui'inis the day as an assistant her "cheaper by the dozen" fam- j to the winter so that she can ice- ted and now they awaited the up their overcoats, and quietly ily. During the day, Betty woiks | islon of the Judges, who were left. • as a secretary for a cancer spe- I ctmu the sit finalists foi the The- mother of one. of the losers cialist,. The blonde .has her 115! s rmdlum contest. helped her with her coat. joiuids we'll plated over 5'8"* i toe daik-cjed mil mbbed her "It's just fl bit: name," sh« Violet Piano is ano of (.lie ilutt i told her daughter. "If you don't I representatives of the Pharmacy j win, you must just lnush." The i School. The sophomore, 18, en-1 Kirl said nothing, joy:, i,:.,;vuiB Lin.- — BUCSS wnai' I The six finalists smiled and Of course. She loves tapping hei I laughed excitedly. Momentarily ' feet to the sound of jazz. Violet s I hair is brunette, her weight is] they were relieved of their ten- 116, and her height is 5'5". Hei sions. They chatted with the fice is a familiar one in Keating judges and among themselves I while they wailed to be photo-1 graphed for the contest pictures i ! IiiRiid Ringe also comes from The week-long period of stu- th< Pharmacy School. Howewi dent voting is now in its last two ' shL is nn 18-year-old freshman I days. From all indications, the The soft-spoken blonde loves to Insxid contest is very close. On Satur- , .cad while listening to the semi- r day night, Miss Fordham of 1958 :buyer. She is 5'7", 118 pounds. ! classical music of St.u.rlin X. In-I skate, her favorite recreation. <vi!l bo crowned at the University j Elizabeth Mason is also in her rvid also enjoys quiet dates. The • The hazel-eyed brunette also en- Ball. ! third year of evening classes. s' 6" 125 pound native of Harts-! joys dancing to all kinds of imi- The choice that the -students' However, this 21-ycar-old miss dale' wants to meet the tattooed j sic including rock n' roll. She ' I oniluim Photos hi Cortl must make among the six beau-. Lorraine Andy i attends the School of Education. ' man some day. | 111111 hands and niggled i '" u Another brushed away | :1 fiom her eye and binlid I /' i floor. She remained silent I 0 nils, .seemingly mole at I <li Uised the questions with' Ni Aletta Lamm, Pi. J. ! 11 iwin ^mer, mid four hiem- 01 lllf Maroon Key confu. (d ,,,,,„ p,.b...,'j: rci^'.i a:: Miss Ford'iam of 1057 will come to in ."nil"when ;;Ue 'places, the crown on the head ot her suc- *' 'sl;ed." one !iaii!, "whoj 11 r^sor this Saturday nisHl at the University Ball. '" f" -' picture in Mrs 1 J " lice. I looked at H. but A.. 7,,riv looked buck id last year's ball, she recalled lU ••When mv'name was announced as winner, I was shoelud' ^ toll, so I said it v.a; j! 1(1 lR a man." It vis one of the most tiiiilliiif, moments of mv lite • th i ° «' Kirl laughed. "Mi. 'she .still has her bioiioe nan, 1 uunin" urn) ey< -,, and i hrmM smile, but she lv.vf. sIM' ,'^ -is the time, drew i-lr. — tin. rnnfnsrd nvpres^ifn "F > tiu ivmh i that Wednesday vnuni: school ieacher. hiU-i 1 > im u i nt 1]' t( niiig to Sirl was culled Inili-1I lifutifull :,uld (.,ririilinr Forriliam.Irs I nation from the School of Ediua- lu >ilU whose fivst —..»' i i:; dif '•fein t, ' .:...tin,., i,,lastc(. June.imw. .luriJudyv accepted aann i. I | name i K . M *< Ii , r; 5' 4*l»"r I-O! 1•;M.r,(! Aiulv is a m-year-oldloff.-.- to tend, Sp^ch Impimc- I'll.! pound ;.. lh, Srhooi of Edu-Mnent in a Manhattan |u,Wic ' .i U;d you C:i:>iin lii^ nu'^urp-haireif Mrr .. - » (.iT-..----d- Vienut.... y school. ! \ou • tiopc:. to teach cli'im-ntary school ^,,/lv iviin j? ^° enjoys b. liu' 111)011 ;;niduati!in. ITrscntly, she a.sited her opinion of Forclhnin i:. kf, i bv.sy ,'ifti-r sr!i(iol rinB- men. "I like them very inuch — in", us i c:;Mi rcrisli'iT. us a salos- at times," she said. ;s depai'Inii'iU. More, l.or- She is sure that she is more e\- l hi votin idi r.li,, Pordhiim wlio livi'-'i In Queens, cn- oi fiiii I mi i nti' !)uinii cm— .'ainc, ;> !ti 1 1 eifed than tub year's six candid- ilrawSui! pi>ili'«it ' » *' ' \ip d en t >iH dn m thr KeatlnB r dates for Miss Fordham as she spare •Mine. I!!-." l.'. > pounds lire looks forward to the University i Hi inn 3',i !v .. u P and 2, stu- :iit.]v (ii.-iriimicd over her Ball Saturday night. But there is cif nts e,m i > ! tin n bnllots in a'a" n r:in tin Miuonn Ki \ >Umn of thn Daly attends eve- ilso a tinge of regret. i an Una 'IIn ilnnon will end lass.-" I" "After all," she said with u soft l.iiiuiiiiiv .'I ' ii i'i , and the win- nini' c 1 Kchocl of Hn::i,H "Liz.'lO.'is in smile. "I'll bc n nobod-v R(ra!n IKI will be umumiaul nt the her fni vfnr nt the school. Hhe when It's nil over. It was fun." um\iiM'v li.ill S'lhuiiiv' night.. I hursday, November 14, Pnge 2 The RAM Scholarships Aimcuneed 9 *-•*# #•*••*#* John McNiff9 57, Will Addre* 3S u Frosh Banquet at Roosevel John Mi-Wiff, cius; of '57, will was campus chairman of the 1 ffpfnyntQ /sr be the guest speaker at the tlonal Students Association, AI^ Freshman Banquet Monday nifelit president of his sophomore Jf.
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