OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. IX, NO. 16 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA AUG. 31, 1981 Herbert W. Armstrong reopens Big Sandy campus, traces history pus in Pasadena (see article, this ciate of science degrees [see WN. The following article is excerp­ page) to officially reopen the col­ March 16) . tedfrom articles by Tom Delama­ lege . His assembly was preceded by Tracing the purpose of Ambassa­ ter, Big Sandy Ambassador four days of orientation and regis­ dor College in his address, Mr. Portfolio editor. and Megan Wil­ tration for the 192 students. Armstrong explained that he liams, a staff writer for the same Mr. Armstrong began his insisted on a liberal arts curriculum publication, lhill appeared in the remarks by welcoming the students instead of a Bible seminary format Aug. 25 Big Sandy Portfolio. and faculty to the "second begin­ to provide both a scripturally ning" of the Big Sandy campus. trained and cduca!ed ministry. Originally opened as a four-year Mr. Armstrong said that he BIG SANDY - "You're going institution in 1964, the college was believed Bible knowledge alone to get a lot of Bible in this college," discontinued in 1977 when the stu­ would provide too narrow a back~ promised Chancellor Herbert W. dent body was consolidated with the ground for Christ's ministry. Armstrong in his Aug. 21 opening Pasadena campus. The Texas cam­ Women, too, need to learn about address here, "because that is educa­ pus was up for sale until Mr. Arm­ their purpose in life, explained the tion in its truest sense." strong's decision to reopen the col­ chancellor, so he made the college Mr. Armstrong traveled here lege as a two-year junior college coeducational. He continued, stat­ from the Ambassador College cam- offering associate of arts and asso- ing that modern education focused only on the material knowledge, extolling a god of science. At Ambassador College the knowledge of material things is not neglected, HWA records message but put in its proper perspective by adding the missing dimension in knowledge: spiritual information about God and His purpose for for first night of Feast man . AIRPORT GREETING - Leon Walker, Ambassador College deputy Four days earlier, Deputy Chan­ chancellor, looks on as Chancellor Herbert W. Armstrong greets Mali< cellor Leon Walker, Dean of Facul­ Mounts, student body president, at the Gregg County, Tex., airport. PASADENA - Pastor General the completed film will be shipped Is.. BIG SANDY, __ 31 [Photo by Craig Clali<] Herbert w. Armstrong recorded his to 84 sites in 45 countries. Feast of Tabernacles opening mes­ Extra copies of the film will be sage Aug. 13 in the new World sent to sites having large overflow Tomorrow broadcast studio in the rooms. This will enable more people Chancello,r ad,dresses opening for.um Media Servi0Cs complex here. The to see Mr. Armstrong, rather than set was buillfor the television broad­ only hearing thoaudio portion of the cast after Mr. Armstrong all;noun~d Feast message. his intentions to spend more time in Plans for Mr. Armstrong's Feast Pasadena AC begins 35th year Pasadena. microwave transmission include live transmission to all United Tne opening message runs about States and Canadian sites, and to PASADENA - Ambassador cators of this world go astray - not and assemblies, according to college 30 minutes, and will feature scrip­ Eastbourne and Prestatyn in Britain College's 35th academic year began knowing God, or not having contact officials. ture text and cover footage in a simi­ on the first day of the Feast, Mr. Aug. 19 with Chan~lIor Herbert with Him. He [Mr. Armstrong] Brethren, students and faculty lar style as The World Tomorrow Omasta said. Videocassette copies W. Armstrong addressing the 1981- revealed that the real problem with attending Sabbath services Aug. 22 telecast, according to Larry Omas­ of Mr. Armstrong's first day mes­ 82 student body on the foundation modern education all started in the in the Ambassador Auditorium and ta. director of the Work's Media sage will be made in Britain and of education. Garden of Eden when the fi rst par­ Imperia1 gym heard a tape of Mr. Services, in an interview here. The shipped to all other British and More than 500 students and fac­ ents of the human race chose the Armstrong's Aug. 20 opening Feast message was orig inally English-speaking sites in Europe ulty members heard Mr. Arm­ way of death as opposed to the way forum in Big Sandy. (See article, this recorded on videotape and will be during the Feast. strong trace the history and purpose of life. " page .) converted to 16-mm. film for world­ Time constraints prohibit trans­ of Ambassador College. The beginning of classes Aug. 26 The following day, students and wide distribution. mission of Mr. Armstrong's Last According to Deputy Chancellor was preceded by a week of registra­ faculty participated in a day-tong Working through evangelist Ellis Great Day message to international Raymond F. McNair, Mr. Arm­ tion and orientation for the stu­ get-acquainted picnic behind the LaRavia's Office for United States sites, but all international sites will strong pointed out in an address to dents. Faculty members and admin­ college gymnasium. sites and Rod Matthews in Ministe- receive an audio transmission of the the faculty Aug. 18 "where theedu~ istrators spoke on rules and regula~ Mr. Armstrong returned here first day message. tions, safety procedures and regis­ from the Big Sandy campus to speak tration guidelines at several forums Is.. PASADENA, __ 31 Mr. Armstrong speaks at third session of SEP ORR, Minn. - Pastor General completing the longest-running Herbert W. Armstrong spoke to SEP in the camp's I6-year history. 400 campers and staff at the third Three ministers from Pasadena session of the Summer EducationaJ alternated teaching education Program (SEP) here Aug. 15, classes to each session of campers. according to the Youth Opportuni­ Greg Albrecht, Ambassador Col­ ties (YOU) Office in Pasadena. lege dean of students, coordin ated Also present during Mr. Arm­ education classes the first session; stron g's talk were 120 Grand Rap­ Richard Ames. Ambassador Col­ ids and Brainerd, Minn., brethren. lege admissions director. taught the " Mr. Armstrong spoke about the second session; and Mr. May, also awesome technology of today and associate pastor of the Pasadena how world troubles have increased," Imperial church, took the last ses~ said Curtis May, Imperial Schools sion. instructor who taught education SEP emphasizes education: It is classes in Orr during the third ses­ not just a vacation, according to Mr. sion. " He said without Christ the Ames. " We teach youths how to world would annihilate itself." profit from God's laws of success The pastor general noted that and the Ten Commandments," he teenagers are being called. "He said . "The primary purposes of the FEAST MESSAGE - Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong records his Feast of Tabernacles opening pointed out that teenagers can heed classes are to teach principles of message on videotape from his Pasadena studio. The tape will be converted to film for overseas Festival sites. that call," said Mr. May. character building and how to be [Photo by Dexter H. Faulkner] The third session ended Aug. 16, successful youths." 2 The WORLDWIDE NEWS Monday, Aug. 31, 1981 more blunt. Col. Kadafi. says Presi· dent Sadat, is ""100 percent sick and A quick comedown for Libya's Col. Kadafi possessed of the demon." It's no wonder that many Middle PASADENA - In 60 seconds it the incident indicated that th' times in the past, even since 1973. liberally dispenses aid to "national E ~ !ern and African nations are a bit was all over. And the diplomatic Libyans were ordered to shoot by However, former President Jimmy liberation movements" in 40 or relieved that the Libyan leader has sniping afterward amounted to only their home base. Carter ordered that the 1980 more countries. been taken down a couple of a few proforma protests. maneuvers take place outside the Almost any grou :: anti·Ameri· notches. In a 'brief aerial dogfight, two Challenge to Kadafi contested zone, rather than to chal· can, anti-British, anti· Israeli, anti· The leaders of Saudi Arabia Soviet·made Libyan fighters were There is no doubt that the United lenge Col. Kadafi's claim. Mr. Car­ West·in·general receives his sup-­ undoubtedly cheered a bit too. The downed byapairofU.S. Navy F-14 States deliberately challenged Lib­ ter tried to mollify Libya's leader in port, from guerrillas as far afield as Saudi royal family still suspects that Tomcats from the U.S. aircraft car­ ya's claim to the waters, put forth by an attempt to use his good graces in Northern Ireland and the southern Col. Kadafi had a hand in the sci· rier Nimitz Aug. 19. The Nimilz Col. Kadafi in 1973. The United freeing the U.S. hostages in Iran. Philippines. zureoftheGrand Mosque at Mecca was participating in 6th Fleet exer- States, along with the Soviet Union ~ cises in the Mediterranean. The and other maritime powers, adheres International troublemaker incident took place about 60 miles to the long·held rule of a 3·mile ter· The issue of freedom of the seas, off the Libyan coast, in the Gulf of ritorial water zone. (Some nations however, was secondary to Wash· Sidra, an area claimed by Libya as claim a 12·mile area. and the U.s. ington's main intent in the affair. part of its territorial waters. Navy generally follows this rule Mr. Kadafi has long been on Ameri­ W~RLDWATCH Theclaim is not recognized inter­ internationally.) ca's list of internationaJ trouble­ nationally.
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