20021 St. Croix Trail N 2100 Tower Drive 1257 State Road 35 Scandia, MN 55073 Stillwater, MN 55082 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 651-433-2431 651-439-2140 715-483-3040 2020 RETAIL PRICE LIST LANDSCAPE DESIGN Landscape design services for residential and commercial sites are available upon request. A minimum fee of $350.00 is charged for each design, which is then credited back to the customer if we complete the installation. PRICES Prices do not include sales tax and are subject to change without notice. Call for plant and tree delivery prices. GUARANTEE . We will replace, one time only, any tree, shrub, or evergreen which fails to grow within two growing seasons or perennial that fails to grow within one season. This guarantee is available only on plants that have been properly cared for and for accounts that have been paid in full within 30 days of the original purchase. Animal damage is not included in guarantee. Plants not included in our guarantee include: wholesale stock, seconds, annuals, tropical plants, house plants, zone 5 plants & zone 4 plants planted in areas that are zone 3 or less. We guarantee to provide a high quality product and trust that you will provide that same level of care for your tree or shrub. Please contact us if you notice a decline in the health of your nursery purchase as we may be able to provide some guidance to correct any potential problems. Replacements can be made after May 31st. Labor and/or delivery for replacement plants are charged at the same rate as new installations. We reserve the right to check plantings and make recommendations. PLANT AVAILABILITY Plants available at all three locations, unless otherwise noted. PLANTING & DELIVERY POLICY Bulk Materials Delivery is included in the pricing of the bulk items on the hard goods price list as indicated. Plant Orders: Drop off only, no loader or installation . $45 minimum delivery for orders that fit in a pickup . $80 minimum delivery charge if a large truck is needed Block, Pavers & Natural Stone $100 minimum charge for the 1st pallet, $25 for each additional pallet. These deliveries require a loader. There is a $16 refundable deposit on pallets. Container and B&B Tree and Shrub Planting . 70% of the cost if one tree . 60% of the cost if two trees . 50% of the cost if three or more trees . $100 minimum planting charge Retail staff will give customers lime green flag(s) with plant varieties written on each flag. The customer must then place the flag(s) in desired planting location(s) for each plant purchased. A machine with turf tires will need to make 2-3 trips across the lawn to plant larger trees. Any repairs needed due to ruts in the yard from the machine are the customer’s responsibility. Removal of existing plants will be charged, as needed. Container and B&B Delivery and Set In Customer should call when the hole is dug and we will arrange delivery. Average hole needs to be 2’ deep and 3’ wide (straight sides). Delivery charge is $100 for the first tree, $50 for each additional tree on the same load. If the hole is accessible with a loader and properly prepared, we will set it in for free and customer will finish planting. Bulk Sales Disclaimer . Add $3.00/mile for each mile over a 15 mile distance . No dumping in street . We make deliveries inside the curb-line, on the customer’s property, at the customer’s risk, and accept no responsibility for damage resulting from deliveries. We accept no responsibility for damage resulting from loading bulk materials at the store. CALCULATIONS . 1 acre=43,560 sq. ft. or 4,480 square yards . 1 ton rock covers 55-60 sq. ft. 1 cu. Yd. covers o 27 sq. ft. @ 12 in. deep, o 54 sq. ft. @ 6 in. deep, o 81 sq. ft. @ 4 in. deep . 1# grass seed covers 300-500 sq. ft. SHADE TREES Aspen - Quaking ‡ Honeylocust - Skyline Red Maple - Northw oods ‡ #10 164.00 #7 106.00 #10 146.00 #25* 278.00 #10 168.00 #15 184.00 Birch - Crimson Frost ‡ #25* 330.00 Red Maple – Red Sunset #25 212.00 2.5" B&B* 408.00 #15 184.00 Birch - River Birch, Clump ‡ Honeylocust - Sunburst Red Maple – Scarlet Jew ell ‡ #7 92.00 #10 168.00 #7 108.00 #25* 212.00 Kentucky Coffeetree ‡ #10 142.00 8' B&B* 288.00 #10 134.00 #15 198.00 10' B&B* 334.00 Linden – American ‡ #25 344.00 12' B&B* 386.00 #7 108.00 Sugar Maple - Fall Fiesta ‡ Birch - River Birch, Tree Form ‡ #15 184.00 #7 106.00 #15 184.00 3" B&B* 428.00 #10 142.00 #25 252.00 Linden – Greenspire #15 184.00 Birch - Whitespire #10 188.00 #25 366.00 #7 92.00 2.5" B&B* 428.00 2" B&B* 366.00 #25* 212.00 Maple - Autumn Blaze 2.5" B&B* 428.00 6' B&B* 212.00 #7 106.00 3" B&B* 598.00 8' B&B* 288.00 #10 142.00 Oak - Bur ‡ 10' B&B* 334.00 #15 184.00 #10 192.00 12' B&B* 386.00 #25 308.00 #25* 408.00 Buckeye - Ohio 2" B&B* 336.00 Oak – Northern Pin ‡ #15 184.00 2.5" B&B* 408.00 #10 192.00 #25 308.00 3" B&B* 448.00 Oak – Northern Red ‡ Catalpa - Northern Catalpa 3.5" B&B* 598.00 #10 192.00 #10 104.00 Maple - Firefall #25 408.00 Elm - Cathedral #7 106.00 2.5" B&B* 542.00 #25 308.00 #15 184.00 Oak – Sw amp White ‡ Elm - St. Croix Maple - Matador #10 192.00 #10 164.00 #7 106.00 #25 408.00 #25 308.00 #10 142.00 2.5" B&B* 542.00 2.5" B&B* 404.00 #25* 304.00 Oak – True White ‡ Ginkgo - Autumn Gold Maple – Princeton Gold #10 192.00 #10 264.00 #10 168.00 Poplar – Siouxland Hackberry Maple – Royal Red #10 92.00 #10 162.00 #7 108.00 Willow – Niobe Weeping #25* 306.00 #10 146.00 #7 84.00 2.5" B&B* 408.00 #25* 336.00 #10 108.00 Red Maple – Autumn Spire ‡ #10 146.00 ‡ native or cultivar of native * Available Only at Scandia Store EVERGREEN TREES Fir, Balsam ‡ Spruce, Weeping White SPREADING 6’ B&B* 352.00 #5 88.00 False Cypress 8’ B&B* 418.00 #10 142.00 Golden Charm Threadleaf Fir, Concolor Tamarack, American Larch Golden Mops Threadleaf 6’ B&B* 306.00 #1 15.99 Kings Gold Threadleaf Pine, Columnar White ‡ #5 82.00 #5 54.00 #15 142.00 #10 134.00 Juniper ‡ Pine, Eastern White ‡ Andorra #1 15.99 Blue Chip #5 62.00 UPRIGHT Blueberry Delight 6' B&B* 274.00 Arborvitae, Fire Chief Blue Star 8' B&B* 428.00 #5 54.00 Broadmoor Pine, Norw ay (Red) ‡ Arborvitae, Holmstrup Calgary Carpet 6' B&B* 274.00 #5 64.00 Daub's Frosted Spruce, Black Hills ‡ #15 146.00 Dwarf Japanese Garden #1 15.99 Arborvitae, Pyramidal ‡ Hughes #5 62.00 #5 62.00 Old Gold #10 128.00 #7 88.00 Prince of Wales #15 152.00 #20 186.00 Scandia 5' B&B* 234.00 Arborvitae, Technito Sea Green 6' B&B* 284.00 #5 76.00 Wilton Carpet 7' B&B* 346.00 Arborvitae, Techny ‡ #5 54.00 8' B&B* 444.00 #5 62.00 Russian Cypress 9' B&B* 476.00 #10 122.00 #5 54.00 Spruce, Colorado ‡ #20 156.00 Yew , Dark Green Spreading #1 15.99 5' B&B* 172.00 #5 62.00 #7 88.00 6' B&B* 204.00 #15 152.00 Juniper, Medora Upright ‡ Spruce, Fat Albert #5 104.00 GLOBE #20 244.00 #10 182.00 Arborvitae, Ann's Magic Ball Spruce, Norw ay ‡ Juniper, Sky High Blue Upright ‡ #3 54.00 #1 15.99 #5 104.00 Arborvitae, Hetz Midget Globe #5 62.00 #10 182.00 #5 52.00 #7 88.00 Pine, Hornbrookiana Topiary Pine, Blue Shag Eastern White #15 152.00 #10 198.00 #5 72.00 6' B&B* 284.00 Pine, Tannenbaum Mugo Pine, Mugo 8' B&B* 440.00 #5 84.00 #5 52.00 Spruce, Columnar Norw ay ‡ #10 136.00 Spruce, Birds Nest #15 142.00 Yew , Upright #5 54.00 Spruce, Paul's Select Norw ay #7 132.00 Spruce, Dwarf Norw ay #7 88.00 #5 102.00 Spruce, Globe Blue #5 126.00 ‡ native or cultivar of native * Available Only at Scandia Store ORNAMENTAL TREES Ash Flow ering Crabapple (continued) Magnolia European Mountain Purple Prince Ann Oak Leaf Mountain #7 94.00 Merrill Showy Mountain ‡ Red Barron (dark red) Royal Star #10 124.00 #7 94.00 #5 clump 104.00 Showy Mountain ‡ Red Jewel #10 tree 166.00 #25 282.00 2" B&B* 298.00 #25 clump* 282.00 Beech - Blue‡ Royal Raindrops (pink) Maple - Ginnala Embers #10 168.00 #7 94.00 #7 124.00 Birch - Parkland Pillar #25* 282.00 Maple - Korean #7 116.00 2" B&B* 398.00 #10 clump 198.00 #10 168.00 Spring Snow (white) #10 tree 198.00 Dogw ood - Pagoda Tree Form #7 94.00 Ninebark #7 132.00 #15 152.00 Amber Jubilee Flow ering Crabapple #25* 282.00 Summer Wine Adams (pink) Tina (dwarf white) #7 124.00 #7 94.00 #7 124.00 Prunus 2" B&B* 298.00 Fringetree (White) Newport Plum Camelot (dwf pink) #10 134.00 Princess Kay Plum #7 94.00 Hawthorn - Crimson Cloud Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry Coralburst (dwf red) #7 104.00 Sucker Punch Chokecherry #7 124.00 Hawthorn - Thornless #7 106.00 2" B&B* 398.00 #7 104.00 Rose Tree of China Dolgo (white) 2” B&B* 398.00 #7 126.00 #7 94.00 Hydrangea Tree Redbud – Minnesota Gladiator (pink) Limelight #10 clump 172.00 #7 94.00 Quick Fire #10 tree 172.00 Indian Magic (pink) Vanilla Strawberry Serviceberry - Autumn Brilliance ‡ #7 94.00 #7 148.00 #10 tree 166.00 Lancelot Lilac - Dwarf Korean Tree #10 clump 166.00 2" B&B* 398.00 #7 158.00 #20 clump* 268.00 Pink Spires (pink) #25* 326.00 6' B&B clump* 348.00 #7 94.00 Lilac - Japanese Tree 2" B&B* 398.00 #25* 282.00 #10 Clump 158.00 Viburnum - Nannyberry Tree Prairiefire (dark red) #25 Clump* 282.00 #7 112.00 #7 94.00 2" B&B Tree Form* 328.00 Willow #15 152.00 2.5" B&B Tree Form* 344.00 Golden Curls #25* 282.00 8' B&B Clump* 356.00 Harkura Nishiki Tree 2" B&B* 298.00 12' B&B Clump* 418.00 Pendula Weeping Profusion (red) Lilac - Snow Dance Japanese Tree #7 112.00 #7 94.00 #10 Tree Form 142.00 Yellowwood #25 Tree Form* 298.00 #7 112.00 ‡ native or cultivar of native * Available Only at Scandia Store FRUIT TREES SMALL FRUITS (CONT.) Dwarf Apples Dwarf Cherries Blueberry ‡ Dwarf Connell Red Late Evans Bali Sweeter Bluecrop 4-6’ high Dwarf Cortland Midseason Mesabi 10-12’ medium sour Bushel & Berry Jelly Bean 8' high Dwarf Fireside Late North Star 5-7’ sour pie Chippewa 30-40” high Dwarf Frostbite Late Sweet Cherry Pie Northblue 20-30” high Dwarf Haralred Late #7 68.00 Northcountry 18-24” high Dwarf Haralson Late Pink Popcorn 4' high Dwarf Honeycrisp Midseason Peach St.
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