9Cg 6 "(osies QFMO Li L T6e Sunshi ne" Vol. VI, No. 30 U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 30 July 1955 Middies, Fleet Sailors Fish Tournament Judges Roberts' Catch Base Pistol Team Returns From CompleteCompeteAnnul Annual VsitVisit DecideEligible For Grand. Prize Once upon a time there was a Camp Lejuene as Atlantic Champs To GTMO Naval Base fish. Now this was a large fish and he lived in a frozen locker at The Gunatanamo Naval Base .45 Caliber Pistol Team walked off with Approximately 3000 Midship- Leeward Point, through the cour- the 1955 U.S. Atlantic Fleet Conference Pistol Match last week which and NROTC students completed tesy . which it probably wouldn't was held at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The "Gtmo" team surprised have, appreciated . -. of one V A. their annual visit to Guantanamo everyone, including themselves, as this is the first year that the Pistol Bay today as Cruise "Able", after Roberts, CSC. Now the name of this fish was Club has been organized in Guantanamo, and also the first time that four days of operations in the area, Grouper. No, it was Jew Fish. they have entered in a competitive event as a team. departed for the States this morn- . No, it says here that the distin- The team, firing against such ing. guishing marks are. opponents as AirSqdn. 4, Com- At least all concerned agreed PhibLant, AirLant, Amphib Force, The middies, augmented by ap- that it was a very large fish . all Base Safety Record Atlantic, etc., was unbeaten in the proximately 11,000 Fleet sailors 177 pounds of it. Those primarily elimination matches. the judges since from the 18 ships of the cruise, concerned were The team, consisting of LCDR Jew Fish had not been included in Far Ahead Of Navy's R. K. Minard, team captain, N. P. advantage of the facil- taok full the list o' those fish eligible to Walters, MRC; J. B. Jocks, AO1; ities offered to them by the base be entered in the contest. The Over-All Safety Record W. A. Fetters, ME3, and K. E. during the time ashore. judges were. and are: CDR C. Schieble, ME2, left for the states E. Lee, CDR G. A. Gardes and Mr. The safety record of Guantan- via FLAW on 17 July, just a few The Fleet recreation area was E. H. Cavanaugh amo Naval Base is far ahead of days after they received their .45 a sea of bobbing blue-striped hats Chief Roberts had caught his the Navy's over-all safety record, caliber pistols, and returned as as was pointed out by Gordon F. and the thin gold braid of the fish and in accordance with all triumphant champions on 24 July. practices for preserving fish after Ward, Safety Program Specialist upper classmen. All recreational Two other members of the team, weighing it in, cleaned and hung here on the base. The Navy's dis- CDR R. V. Peterson and J. V. Allen, facilities were reserved for the it up. The gills had to be removed abling injury record of 2.27 per MEC, were unab1 eto get away for middies during their time ashore. to prevent spoilage of the fish million work hours exposed is the Camp Lejeune tournament. very high when compared to the The Petty Officers Club was open which could occur even though it Individual honors went to LCDR were frozen. safety record of the base of .91 for their exclusive use and an ad- Minard, who qualified for one leg The three judges studied all disabling injuries per million work as a distinguished pistol shot, and ditional beer garden was set up available literature and records . hours exposed. J. B. Jocks, both who qualified for on the lawn in front of the club. some six volumes to be specific and The Guantanamo Bay Naval the All-Navy Rifle and Pistol finally decided upon "The Wise Base can say with pride that it Tournament to be held 1-7 August The Navy Exchanges reported Fisherman Encyclopedia," by A. G. had quite a bit to do with the at Dam Neck, Virginia. near-record sales in all the stores McClane, 1954. winning of the National Safety The team plans to try and con- coveted Award of Honor with perfume and firearms the Both the Grouper and the Jew Council's tinue their success in the National that was presented to the Depart- Matches which will be held on largest selling items. Alligator Fish are members of the Sea Bass 1-9 family resulting in very few dist- ment of the Navy for the fifth time September at Camp Perry, Ohio. goods followed closely in third inguishing marks to differentiate in recognition of the Navy's an- In the meet at Camp Lejeune, place. On a percentage basis, the between them. After a half day of nual safety record in reducing ac- Guantanamo Bay was the "un- cident sale of sporting rifles in the Gun study, the three judges came to Yates. known", but no longer, as they Assistant Secretary of the Navy are now the proud owners of the Shop far exceeded the sale of any- the conclusion that the fish was either a Grouper or a Jew Albert Pratt received the award t tle "Atlantic Fleet Champs of daily Fish. thing else. The Exchange And, in fairness to Chief Roberts, plaque from Ned Dearborn, Presi- 1955." sales increased from 3 to 6 times they could no more say that it was dent of the National Safety Coun- The high scores in the match over an average day. Due to the a Jew Fish than they could that cil, at a ceremony in the Pentagon were J. B. Jocks with a 269 and increased buying as a result of it was a Grouper. on 17 June, 1955. LCBR Minard with a 263. the middie cruise, the Exchanges So, the rules of the Fishing The Navy Department previous- The total aggregate in individual have been able to effect a reduction Tournament have been altered to ly won the NSC Award of Honor scores is: in prices for articles of interest allow the entry of both Jew Fish in 1953, 1952, and 1950. In each LCDR R. K. Minard ____ 527 mainly of interest to base person- and Groupers in the Grouper-Snap- of these years the record of the J. B. Jocks, AO1 -------- 515 N. nel, and promises more sales to per class. No reason could be de- base was far below that of the P. Walters, MRC 477 W. A. come. termined as to why Jew Fish were Navy as a whole, and shows that Fetters, ME3 476 K. E. Schieble, The Public Works Transporta- not included originally except that the safety record here on the base ME2 420 tion Department was so heavily they had not been in previous is one to be proud of. pressed for additional bus service tournaments although both abound that they had to call on MCB-1 for in the Guantanamo Bay area. At Commissary Store Recently help. In addition to 5 special busses press time, Chief Roberts' catch being put on between the Marine was still in line for the grand Navy Grants EM Installs Self-Service Meat Cases and Naval Air Station Exchanges, prize to be awarded to the contest- Public Works Transportation had ant winding up with the largest Monday, 25 July, opened a new to furnish a means of travel for fish of all classes combined. era of meat buying in the Com- 1000 to 1200 middies per day to and Early School Out missary Store aboard the Guan- from the beaches. In addition they tanamo Bay Naval Base, when the had to furnish busses for conduct- Washington - Early discharges new self service meat cases were ed tours of the base. It all proved Rear Admiral Edmund B. have been authorized for Navy en- put in use. too much, and MCB-1 was called Taylor, Commander, Guan- listed men who are enrolled to This system has been a constant upon to furnish three trailers to tanamo Navy Base, was ap- attend colleges this fall. drive of LCDR W. W. Davis, Com- help lighten the load. pointed to relieve Rear Ad- EM who show evidence of ac- missary Officer, since his arrival here, As a grand finale for the Mid- miral W. G. Beecher Jr. as ceptance to a college or university for faster and better service a dance was held at the in the meat market. Mr. Davis and shipmen, Chief of Information. RADM will be eligible for separation as Chief Petty Officers Club last Beecher is being retired for the butchers wish to caution pa- night, with music being furnished physical reasons on the rec- much as 30 days before their nor- trons against freezing the meat in by a Cuban band and also the USS ommendation of the Navy mal expiration date. They must trays and packages as it is pur- Siboney's band, and as an added physical evaluation board, also furnish confirmation that their chased from the Commissary Store. attraction a Midshipman Quartet and will retire with the rank transcripts and credits from pre- The meat that is to be frozen called the "Harmonizers". Host- of Vice Admiral. vious schools are acceptable, be- should be re-wrapped in regular esses were available to insure an fore they will be given the early freezer wrap or foil to keep it enjoyable evening for the middies. discharge. from becoming freezer burnt. Page Two THE INDIAN Page Two Saturday, 30 Ju y1955 THE INDIAN Saturday, 30 p955 VU-10 Prop Blast Sailing Club Info THE INDIAN by F.
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