The Pickering 36 PAGES Metroland Durham Region Media Group WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2005 Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 THE COMMISSIONER REAL ‘APEAL’ Pickering artist Shelley Beach Customers captures community halls like KIA Page 8 Page 8 ‘The only people who have borders are us — the criminals don’t’ [ Briefly ] Come ready to play at open mike AJAX — If you strum or pick, blow a horn or play a fiddle, this night’s for you. New chief wants vigilance The Pickering-Ajax Guitar As- sociation (PAGA) invites all local musicians to its first open mike of the season. It is in the banquet room of the Bayly Restaurant, 325 Westney Rd. S., at Bayly Street, in Ajax. Interested musi- cians can sign up at 7 p.m. and should have three songs ready to perform. Open mike nights are at the restaurant on the first Wednes- day of each month from 7 to 10 p.m. For more information on PAGA, e-mail Terry Hart at [email protected] or visit www.terryhart.ca. [ What’s on ] Focus some time on photo exhibit AJAX — See what people at work and play, landscapes and animals look like through the eye of a camera lens during the Durham West Arts Centre’s Pho- tographic Exhibition. The second annual exhibition is on display at the centre until Oct. 31; an opening reception is Thursday, Oct. 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. Photo categories are People at Work or Play, Still Life - photos of inanimate objects, Landscapes, Animals -- domestic and wild, and Natural Wonders. Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser photo Artists featured in the show It was a changing of the guard this week for the Durham Regional Police as the swearing-in ceremony for the new police chief was held at Durham Region headquarters in Whitby. are Roberta Ackerman, Ilija Bla- Outgoing Chief Kevin McAlpine, front, performs his last inspection, followed by Durham Region Police Services Board chairman Doug Moffatt and incoming Police Chief Vernon nusa, Penny Boyes, Cyrus David, White, who chatted with Inspector Charlie Green. Liam David, Willow David, Andrea Ketelaars, Anja Knuuttila, Anna Kuzniak, Susan Lindo, Holly Mc- dealing with two high-profile, violent munities to identify problems, and col- ‘Criminals don’t have New chief uses swearing-in to Clallan, Kate Plitz, Tara Sinclair crimes: A shooting Saturday evening in laborate on means of addressing issues. Hingco, Gwen Williams, Heather borders’: White discuss building relationships... Pickering, and a daylight stabbing Mon- Violent crime and gang activity are Windor and Nicholas Yu. Page 4 day in downtown Oshawa. priorities for Durham police, but cer- The Durham West Art Centre “There is certainly a perception tainly not the only issues facing a service is at 72B Old Kingston Road. For By Jeff Mitchell more information, call 905-686- Staff Writer there’s a lack of respect in the commu- that serves and protects the booming his oath of office, Chief White said that nities, culminating in this violence,” the region, Chief White said. However, he 7697. DURHAM — The inexorable creep while statistics continue to show crime chief said. acknowledged that with each report of of crime and violence can be stemmed rates lagging behind population growth “Really, that’s what our focus has to violent crime, residents look to police [ Index ] through police vigilance and communi- in Durham, there is unease as reports of be.” for a response to what they see as a ty action, says newly-installed Durham violence and gang activity continue to Chief White reiterated a pledge he growing threat. Editorial Page, 6 Regional Police Chief Vernon White. mount. made when introduced to the media Entertainment, 8 In an interview the day after taking This week alone, Durham cops are this past summer: to work with com- See Police, Page 4 Sports, 9 Classified, 10 Man wounded [ Call us] Transit trip turns into an General: 905 683 5110 Distribution: 905 683 5117 General Fax: 905 683 7363 after shots in Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 emergency for Pickering Pressrun 48,900 infodurhamregion.com Pickering After seeing U.S. to learn about public transit options for the planned Seaton community in Mugging may have conditions, worry Pickering. about Pickering’s plan They observed and spoke with emer- sparked violence gency officials, as well they saw evacu- ees from Louisiana and other parts of By Jeff Mitchell By Danielle Milley Texas who were being housed in a con- Staff Writer Staff Writer vention centre, abandoned jail and an SERVICE HOURS PICKERING — An 18-year-old Pickering PICKERING — A trip to learn how to arena. MON., WED., THURS., FRI. was taken to hospital with a gunshot better move people on transit opened Coun. Brenner called the conditions 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. wound after a confrontation between up some eyes on how to move people deplorable. TUES. 7:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. two groups of men Saturday evening hospital takes in an emergency. “There were people on cots in an SAT. 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. in Pickering. Pickering Ward 1 Regional Council- underground garage at the convention (905) 831-5400 Durham Regional Police investi- lor Maurice Brenner’s plan was to go to centre with armed guards (keeping gated a report of shots fired on Field- Dallas to attend a transportation con- watch),” he said. “It’s conditions I’m not Email: [email protected] light Crescent, in the area of Liver- precautions ference, but with Hurricane Rita hitting use to seeing.” 575 KINGSTON RD. pool and Kingston roads, around 6 the Louisana-Texas border the same The experience touched Coun. Dick- www.pickeringhonda.com p.m. Police located a victim with a weekend, he learned a lot more than he erson too. gunshot wound near Monarch Av- Staff wearing full gear expected. “To see thousands of people still on enue and Bayly Street in Ajax some in wake of outbreak in “The purpose of the trip became cots with only the basic rudimentary INCOME TAX time later. twofold: first was to attend the expo supplies. To see the National Guard Witnesses told police two groups Scarborough and secondly, we had the opportunity with their rifles on their shoulders... It PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS of men were involved in a confron- to have first-hand experience learning was heart-wrenching to see the evacu- All-Canadian Tax Service tation on Fieldlight when someone DURHAM — The Rouge Valley Health how to deal with emergency situations,” ees and the conditions they were living TAXES NOT FILED YET? pulled a gun and fired a shot. The System is taking every precaution to pro- he said. in,” he said. We specialize in victim, a Toronto man, was struck in tect staff and patients as public health Coun. Brenner went as the APTA Coun. Dickerson said the chaos ev- PRIOR YEAR RETURNS 1995-2004 the torso, police said. officials deal with a mysterious virus chairman and was joined by Ward 2 eryone saw when hundreds of thou- Our office is open year round ! He was taken to hospital in Ajax that killed six residents of a Scarborough Regional Councillor Bill McLean, who sands of people were told to evacuate 100 Westney Rd S (Ajax Go Station) and later transferred to intensive care nursing home. went as a member of the Durham fi- should be a lesson for Pickering. nance committee, and Ward 2 City (905) 426-4860 See Police, Page 5 See SARS, Page 5 Councillor Doug Dickerson, who went See Pickering, Page 5 MORE MUSIC PHONES Come See Our New Look! MUSIC PHONES, starting at PICKERING TOWN CENTRE MORE MUSIC UPPER LEVEL SEARS WING $ 99 ers.com/loud 905.420.0744 FEATURES on 3-year term rog Offers are subject to change without notice. Up to 3 49 music downloads per month for 3 months if supported Loaded with Options: #DJ, MP3 by your phone. Offer available only on new activations of select 24-and 36-month plans. ™Trademarks of player, RealTrax™ Ring Turnes, Rogers Wireless Inc. or of Rogers Communications Inc. used under licence. © 2005. Essentials SAMSUNG P207 MOTOROLA V551 MOTOROLA V635 SONY ERICSSON S710 RealTrax™ Caller ID Offer Expires October 31/05 A/P PAGE 2 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ OCTOBER 5, 2005 Book your Pool Closing Now! SPACES STILL AVAILABLE HOT TUB FLOOR MODEL CLEARANCE SALE DON’T MISS THIS ONE... End of the • Softubs • Hot Tubs YYearear Sale • Inground Pools Save 25% off all Pool Toys • Aboveground Pools Save 20% off Solar Blankets* *Limited sizes in-stock A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo ...VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY! DOLPHIN POOLS & SPAS INC. DURHAM CENTRE established 1970 HWY #2 Walking the walk WE ARE 65 Kingston Rd. HERE! PICKERING — The first Pickering and Canadian CROP (Communities Reaching Out to People) Walk was held Saturday in Pickering, 401 with Kara Johnston leading the way, followed by Jiselle Bischof, left, and Gloria Zorn carrying the banner. Organized by the Peace Ajax 905-686-6420 HARWOOD Lutheran Church, the walk raised $3,500 to combat hunger and emergency needs in the world, with 25 per cent going to St. Paul’s www.dolphinpools.net on the Hill Food Bank in Pickering. A REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY FROM THE ROUGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM Take a page out of our book. 5IF1JDLFSJOH -''&iÌÀ>`Ê ÕÀ >Ê,i}Êi`>ÊÀÕ«&=I@;8P#=<9IL8IP),#)'',&Fgk GIFK<:KFI :LCKLI8CIFFKJ 8KF8J -FFTMPPLJOH )FSJUBHF%BZDFMFCSBUFT 1JDLFSJOH GPSLJMMFST EJWFSTJUZPG1JDLFSJOH GPS"KBYX Community focus groups GX^\*' GX^\* GX^\(* e^# JGI@E>@J@EK?<8@I l[^\k \in\cc 5IJTZFBSTNPOFZDPNFTXJUIOP TUSJOHTBUUBDIFEBT0UUBXBBOEUIF QSPWJODFTDPOUJOVF UPOFHPUJBUFB GPSNBMGVOEJOHBHSFFNFOU "MUIPVHI .T .D.BOVT XBT QMFBTFE UP TFF UIF -JCFSBMT GPM MPXJOH UISPVHI PO UIFJS FMFDUJPO QSPNJTF TIF JT JOUFSFTUFE UP TFF XIBU UIF CSFBLEPXO PG UIF QSP HSBNJTHPJOHUPMPPLMJLF held as part of clinical i*UTKVTUHPJOHUPCFWFSZJNQPS UBOUIPXUIFZTFUJUVQ*UIJOLUIF QBSFOUTOFFEUPIBWFDIPJDF uTIF TBJEi*ESBUIFSTFFJUHJWFOUPQBS FOUT BT B TVQQMFNFOU SBUIFS UIBO EBZDBSFTUIFNTFMWFTu "OHFMB #FMM HFOFSBM NBOBHFS PG :.$" $IJME 4FSWJDFT %VSIBN 3FHJPO XBTBMTPQMFBTFEXJUIUIF NPOFZQMFEHFE i*UTBXPOEFSGVM TUBSU BOE JU JT OPX BEESFTTJOH UIF BSFB PG DIJME DBSFUIBU IBT CFFO OFHMFDUFE GPS ZFBST uTIFTBJE i(FUUJOHTPNFUIJOHJTHSFBU5IF QMBO GPS JU BT JU SPMMT PVU XJMM CF IFMQGVMu services plan process &J\\;Xp#GX^\+ n September, a series of community focus in the process.
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