THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND 0 F T HE I' I KAI' P A AL I' II A ., KA T EK N I T Y * * Tom Scott End . Virginia Joe Kirven End Presbyterian College John Michels Guard Tennessee March, 1953 Vol. LXII, No. 3 III{A INITIATES! NOW YOU CAN WEAR A IIKA BADGE ORDERITTODAYFROM THIS OFFICIAL PRICE LIST- Sister Pin Minia· or PLAIN ture No. 0 No. I No.2 No.3 Bevel Border -,-------$ 3.50 $ 5.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.75 $ 9.00 Nugget, Chased .:l< Engrnved Border----- 4.00 5.75 6.75 7.25 10.50 FULL CROWN SET JEWELS No. 0 No. I No. 2 No. 2~ No. 3 Pearl Border ~=----::---:-:-$13.00 $15.00 $17 .50 $21.00 $24.00 Pearl Border, Ruby or Sapphire Points _ 14.00 16.25 19.00 23.00 26.00 Pearl Border, Emerald Points _ 16.00 18.00 21.50 26.00 30.00 Pearl Border, Diamond Points - 27.50 34.75 45.75 59.75 72.75 Pearl and Sapphire Alternating --:-:--..,.--- 15.00 17.50 20.75 25.00 28.00 Pearl and Ruby Alternating __ 15.00 17.50 20.75 25.00 28.00 Pearl and Emerald Alternating _ 19.00 21.00 25.50 31.00 36.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating -:----=-~- 41.50 53.75 72.75 97.75 120.75 Diamond and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 43.50 56.25 76.00 101.75 124.75 Diamond and Emerald Alternating 47.50 59.75 80.75 107.75 132.75 Ruby or Sapphire Border __ 17.00 19.75 24.00 29.00 32.00 Ruby or Sapphire Border, Diamond Points ----- 30.50 38.50 50.75 65.75 78.75 Diamond Border 69.50 91.75 126.75 172.75 216.75 Opal Settings-Add $1.00 to prices quoted for pearl settings, for alter- nating or opal points, and $2.00 for all opal border. White Gold Badges $2.00 additional on plain badges {$3.00 additional on jeweled badges Platinum Settings $20.00 additional PledgeNew Large Button, Pledge Small Button --::::::=============$ .5.500 Pledge Pin, Either Small or Large .75 RECOGNITION BUTTONS Gold Pi, IOK .75 Plain Coat of Arms, Gold Plated -;.I::========== 1.00 Enameled Coat of Arms, Gold Plated 1.25 OffiMonogrnm,cial Ring-Ruby Gold Filled Encrusted Si;d~lhiiilu:-r;mcm-====== with II K A Letters 34.501.50 Official Ring-Solid Top Mounted with II K A Letters 28.00 Single Double Letter Letter Plain-------- $2.25 $ 3.50 Crown Set Pearl ------- 6.50 11.50 WHITE GOLD GUARDS, ADDITIONAL Plain $1.00 Jeweled 2.00 COAT OF ARMS GUARDS Miniature, Yellow Gold --------$2.75 Scarf Size, Yellow Gold 3.25 The regulations of your Fraternity require that no badge be delivered by tho Chains for attachment of guards to badges Official Jewelers without first receiving an Official Order signed by your Chapter (not illustrated) included in the prices. Secretary. In order to secure prompt delivery, be sure and obtain your Official Order at the time your order is placed. 20% Federal Excise Tax must be added to all prices quoted plus State sales or use taxes wherever they are in effect. Send Today for Your Free Copy of "The Gift Parade" Send Your Orders To Your Official Jewelers BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. Roosevelt Park, Detroit 16, Michigan 1870 AMERICA'S OLDEST FRATERNITY JEWELERS 1953 Chaplain ~ Corner i\farch, 1953 Dear Pike, AND ometime in coll ege you may hear a n­ ~HI~tn nIAM~Nn other tudent ay he is "getting soft." His OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY muscle are fl abby because of failure to Founded at the University of Virginia, March 1, 1868, by Julian Edward keep in good physi al trim. H e doe not Wood, Littleton Waller Tazewell, James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. play ba ketball or tenni or golf, nor take part in intramural ports. \'\lalking i the This magazine is printed by Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas. fine t kind of exerci e, but the quail hunter find him elf stiff and ore at the Life subscriptions are $10.00 for members initiated before September 1, 1927. Subscription rate per year for these alumni is $1.00, for non­ day' end from unaccuswmecl e£fort in members, $2.00. All members initiated since September 1, 1927, have life climbing fence a nd jumping ditche . subscriptions. Please promptly report changes of address-include both The gi ft of walking i lo t or becomes old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white glossy painful by fai lure to u e it. prints) are cordially invited. Address all communications to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, As college student we ometime went The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis 4, Tenn. on trip to Mammoth a e in J entucky . H ere in the darkne were mall [ish in Volume LXII, No. 3 MA RCH, 1953 the treams which had lo t their eyes be­ cau e they had no u e for them. If pow­ THE SHIELD 1\ ND DI A~IOND is published four times a year at 11 4 East econd t., Little R ock, er waste away or atrophy in the realm Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of of the phys ical, it i likewise the ca e in March 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section the realm of the spirit. Perhap you have 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 1918. seen a man of keen mental perceptions who looked in corn or patronizing con­ CONTENTS tempt at spiritual realitie , or at matters of faith, hope and love which h ad been + Features PAGE verified for the po e sor in hi own I 952 All·IIKA T earn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 school of experience, and in the burch C. Robert Yeager Tamed N.I.C. Chairman ---------------------------------------------- 4 or religious body to which he belonged. E. C. Gathings-Congressman From Arkan as ------------------------------------------------ 8 re these things fa! e and to be discarded '' K" Glynn-Be I I Tel Engineer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 because the mart and so phisticated find Nine Pikes on Balfour Field ta ff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I 3 nothing in them at all ? The an wer would Beta-Mu's Home-A Tribute to H er Alumni --------------------------------------------------- 18 be that the highly trained pecialist has Districts 1 and 2 H old Convemion at Lehigh ---------------------------------------------- 20 not kept life trained on the pi ritual side. George HoEfman-Letter From Europe --------------------------------------------------------------- 33 His knowledge may be great in the area Creel and ester Appointed Di trict President ----------------------------------------------- 35 of cience or economics or literature, but + Departments his oul cap acity has dried up from neg­ lect or clisu e. Chapter Eternal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 34 Directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ 39 You will ee student and others whose Perman en tl y Pin ned --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 moral and spiritua l nature grow weak Precious Packages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 and u eless through lack of exerci e. Then one cl ay there comes some testing, + Chapter News some sudden blow from the enemy which Alpha 29, Beta 26, Gamma 3 , Zeta 21, Kappa 29, Mu 12, Nu 37, Pi 9, Tau 12, crumples and defeats the per on whose Alpha-Alpha 25, Alpha-Delta 24, 32; Alpha-Zeta 20, Alpha-E ta 24, 25; Alpha-Iota fl abby mu cle have made him weak and 24, Alpha-Kappa ll, Alpha-Xi 7, 25; Alpha-Rho 36, Alpha-Omega 28, Beta-Alpha powerle s. 37, Beta-Epsilon 36, Beta-Zeta 23, Beta-E ta 27, Beta-Theta 37, Beta-Kappa 27, 28; Don't get piritually soft in college. Beta-Lambda 36, Beta-Mu 18, 29; Beta-Xi 9, 28; Beta-Omicron 24, Beta-Pi 38, The exercise of your religious nature by Beta-Up il on 36, Gamma-Alpha 35, Gamma-Rho 38, Delta-Beta 9, Delta-Iota 23, prayer, devotional reading and faithful Delta-Lambda 20, D elta-Mu 37, Delta-Chi 35, and Delta-Psi 21. church attendance, together with your choice of friend , i vi tal. H ere is the gymnasium of the so ul. Neglect of pir­ WANTED-Information leading to Cover itual capacity wi ll mean their lo s. That the identification of the large t Pi is what the ![aster meant when He aid Hail to IIKA's 1952 gridiron warriors! Kappa Alpha family in existence. Se­ one time that from the one who does not Hundreds of football athlete brought riously, we would like to ascertain the u e thi power there will be taken away credit to our fraternity throughout the fami ly having the largest number of even that which he ha . nation during the recent football ea on. living member of Pi Kappa lpha Many earned berth on All- tate and and the family whose members cover Your chaplain, All-Conference teams. The crowning the largest pan of Pi Kappa Alpha Dr. U . S. "Preacher" Gordon. achievement was the highly coveted All­ history. There are several three gen­ --TIKA-- America honors be towed on Tom Scott, eration familie . re there any four Virginia end, and J ohn Michel , Tenne ­ W. Waring Milam, BK (Emory), has generation families? Please end in­ organized his own firm, \ '\1. W aring see guard. R ecogn ition was brought to formation to: R obert D.
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