The Legacy of Darwin T. Turner and the Struggle for African American Studies by Melba Joyce Boyd HEN BARACK OBAMA won the Iowa resulted in the transformation of the percep- WDemocratic Caucus, my colleagues at tion of blacks in leadership roles in society. I Wayne State University and my neighbors in taught young Iowans who had never known Detroit exclaimed in amazement, to which I anyone black in their lives, but they respect- calmly explained my response to the con- ed me and others like me in professorial trary. I told them that I lived in Iowa for six positions. Likewise, this occurred at universi- years; that J had taught Iowa natives; and ties throughout the nation, and as I've trav- that I was not amazed by this victory. I elled over the years and met young white explained the radical democratic tradition in Americans in a variety of contexts, their Iowa, and that John Brown led the enslaved response to me being a professor of Afri can out of Kansas on the Underground Rail American literature is more often than not: Road and into freedom in Jowa. I reminded "Awesome." Despite some setbacks in Affir- them that Jesse Jackson finished third in the mative Action, the consciousness of the Iowa caucus in 1984. nation has been significantly transformed to I was not surprised that Iowa Democrats such a substantial degree that a majority \ ote supported Obama for the same reason. I was altered the national election. Despite the not surprised that he won the presidency. It clamoring of conservative "tea bags" and is the historical consequence of civil rights reactionary militia, grasping for forgone struggles on and off university campuses. It is glory days of a ruling, white majority, the the consequence of the impact of minority United States is on the precipice of progres- studies that integrated the curriculum and sive change. transformed the perception of American cul- J decided to frame my presentation in ture and Americanism in the minds of subse- terms of the 2008 election because I believe quent generations of young people in this that those who have gone before us; thiose country that elected a president "who hap- who have been sacrificed in order for t^his pened to be black." Many political scientists nation to achieve a more egalitarian charac- have speculated on the Obama victory, from ter have also been activist-intellectuals and the racial angle, the economic angle, the educators who are rarely recognized for Ù eir international angle, the domestic disaster contributions. In consideration of the e; rly angle. But no one has sufficiently addressed years of African American Studies and ;he this victory from the youth angle, except to forerunners who built the discipline in mi in- say McCain was too old to appeal to this con- stream institutions, I feel a consideration of stituency. how the ways intellectuals and scholars h ive I believe the appeal was more than contributed to social change often goes Obama's good looks and cool demeanor, unnoticed or unappreciated. "The Legac) of although that did help. I believe it was par- Darwin T. Turner and the Struggle of tially the consequence of decades of expo- African American Studies" considers the sure to African American Studies, which director of the program when this hist( ry THE BLACK SCHOLAR VOLUME 41, NO. 4 Page 11 happened. At tbe same time, tbere are otb- Unlike some student protests, ours ended ers of lesser renown wbo must also be peaceably, and our demands to increase recalled in tbis historical recounting. black and Cbicano student populations and for a Black American Studies curriculum N FEBRUARY 11, 1991, tbe New York Times were met. Scholarships and faculty lines were O published an obituary, "Darwin Turn- initially financed by tbe Kellogg Foundation er, 59, A Professor of Englisb," wbicb abbre- in Battle Creek in order to circumvent an viated bis life into five paragraphs, after embarrassing and disastrous moment in idyl- explaining tbat be bad taugbt at tbe Univer- lic Kalamazoo, wbicb bad just been named sity of Iowa for two decades and tbat "He the "All American City" by Life magazine, died of a beart attack, tbe university said." and wbicb from all my observations, it most "Tbe university said" is possibly tbe key to definitely was. I also suspected tbat black understanding Darwin's life in this otherwise folks bad and would continue to eat enough anemic write up because Darwin's life was corn fiakes to merit a bail out in a crisis. consumed, for better or for worse, by tbe Tbe black student movement at WMU was university. In order to recount bis mammotb a part of the broader momentum spreading contributions to tbe academy, it is necessary across Michigan campuses and tbroughout to recall tbe events on university campuses in tbe United States tbat instigated initiatives to 1968 for several reasons: first of all, to institute African American Studies Programs. describe tbe bistorical site of tbe entry of In 1970, a Black Action Student strike in Afro-American Studies; to explain bow Dar- Ann Arbor, resulted in tbe bire of Darwin T. win T. Turner arrived in mainstream acade- Turner to teach at tbe University of Michi- mia and ultimately at tbe University of Iowa; gan in the Department of Englisb and tbe and to relay my particular connection to tbe Center for Afroamerican and African Stud- discipline and my introduction to Darwin. ies. Despite tbe obvious fact tbat Darwin was a genius—graduating from tbe University of 1968 and the Beginning of African American Cincinnati witb bonors at the age of sixteen, Studies Programs and Departments completing bis M.A. in Englisb at eighteen and bis Pb.D. at tbe University of Chicago at N APRIL 5, 1968 black students at West- twenty-five—Darwin was restricted to profes- O ern Michigan University in Kalamazoo sorial positions in historically black colleges staged a demonstration in wake of tbe assassi- because of racial discrimination. At tbe time, nation of Dr. Martin Lutber King, Jr. I was a be was a dean at North Carolina A. & T. fresbman from Detroit and one of approxi- Likewise, Robert Hayden, wbo was a Detroit mately 500 black students out of a student native and a University of Michigan graduate body of 22,000. Tbe inidal plan was to protest of tbe MFA Program in Creative Writing a week later, but tbe deatb of tbe Dreamer (1946), was recruited away from Fisk Univer- instigated us to act, not only in protest, but in sity in Nasbville, Tennessee. Dudley Randall, tribute to King and to keep us from losing our another alum of tbe University of Michigan cool out of angry grief. We sbut down tbe Stu- (Masters Degree in Library Science, 1951) dent Union Building by chaining tbe and wbo was tbe poet-in-residence and refer- entrances, refusing to let anyone in except tbe ence librarian at tbe University of Detroit, workers. A few bours later, a crowd of angry was often a guest professor during tbe 1970s wbite students were protesting our protest, as well. and like tbe National Guard tbat bad also assembled on Michigan Avenue to await MET D.\RW1N T. TURNER In 1971 wben I was orders to attack, some of tbese enraged stu- Ian M.A. student in Englisb at Western dents were armed. The WMU chapter of Stu- Michigan, wben my interest in Black Ameri- dents for a Democratic Society penetrated tbe can literature was met witb considerable con- angry mob and locked arms to create a buffer sternation from conventional professors, in between us and tbe hostile mass gathering in particular, tbe Cbair and Graduate Advisor front of tbe Student Union. in tbe Englisb Department. At tbe invitation Page 12 THE BLA CK SCHOLAR VOLUME 41, NO. 4 of one of the more progressive and younger applied for a position as a Visiting Professor faculty, Darwin appeared on campus to give of Afroamerican Literature at the Univt rsity a lecture on "Black Drama," and his sheer of Iowa. I think he was a bit suspicious of my presence gave me the reassurance to persist radical approach to teaching writing through with my studies. He delivered a flawless pre- film, but he was certain about my literary sentation that awed the audience. With per- publications and my work with Dudley Ran- fect diction, he delineated the history and dall as an editor at Broadside Press. Dai win, unique accomplishments of black play- like Randall, was "a race man," of Du Bois's wrights, such as Lorraine Hansberry, who "talented tenth," gifted intellectuals who won a Pulitzer Prize, and more recent tal- dedicated their lives to advancing the socio- ents, such as Detroit's Ron Milner. Darwin economic and cultural conditions for confounded the intellectual arrogance and African Americans. Their articulations and exclusionary perspective of the gatekeepers their mastery of any discipline or occupe tion guarding the literary cannon. were aimed for this purpose. These men and 1968 was the beginning of the transforma- women were perfectionists, because even in tion of conventional university thought with their perfection, they were deemed flawed the insistence of a black presence for diversi- through racial coding by antiquated n ain- ty on mainstream campuses. But, the rough stream thought, institutions and systems. and winding road that stretched before us At the same time, in order to advance the was no cake walk. Without Hoyt Fuller, who race, they were intolerant of any habits that published my M.A. thesis on Chester Himes' detracted from that purpose.
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