S6516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 13, 2019 Obama administration and others that crowding out important legislation for The senior assistant legislative clerk Turkey, under President Erdogan, the American people. In the House, read the nomination of Chad F. Wolf, of would be a model democracy, in prac- Speaker PELOSI is more interested in Virginia, to be Under Secretary for tice, these important values have suf- taking away President Trump’s job Strategy, Policy, and Plans, Depart- fered under his tenure. than in creating 176,000 new jobs for ment of Homeland Security. (New Posi- As the Turkish people’s concern con- American workers by passing the tion) tinues growing, it is troubling that the USMCA. She is blocking this landmark The PRESIDING OFFICER. The political space for them to express trade agreement. Democratic whip. those concerns has seemed to shrink In the Senate, our Democratic col- IMMIGRATION further. At the same time, the United leagues have filibustered the funding of Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, if mem- States must recognize that the path to our Armed Forces. Despite promising bers of the American public came to addressing our concerns involves work- to forgo the poison pills a few months the Senate Chamber this week to wit- ing with this important NATO ally and back, Democratic leadership has run ness legislative activity, such as a aligning its interests with ours. the appropriations process aground so piece of legislation on the floor, Turning a cold shoulder altogether they can fight over immigration policy amendments, debate, votes, delibera- would be a major strategic misstep and with the White House. tion, or compromise, they are out of would jeopardize our national security Speaking of our Armed Forces, House luck. We don’t do that in the Senate and our interests. We do not need Tur- Democrats are also slow-walking the anymore. We are not going to do it this key to fall further into Moscow’s orbit. National Defense Authorization Act. week; we didn’t do it last week; and we I know my colleagues are looking to That is an essential bill that Congress didn’t do it the week before. Now, the Republican leader just said see whether a deal can be reached on has passed every year—every year the problem is impeachment. The prob- the S–400 air defense system. since 1961 like clockwork—every year, lem is not impeachment. The problem I share my colleagues’ uneasiness at on a bipartisan basis, for almost six seeing President Erdogan honored is the Senate is not a Senate anymore. decades, but this year House Demo- All we do in the Senate—all we do in down at the White House, but I urge crats broke with precedent and passed the Senate is this serial list of judicial this body to remain clear-eyed about their own partisan version and are now nominations, one after the other, after our Nation’s vital interests in the Mid- stalling the conference committee. the other, after the other. That is it. dle East and the fact that advancing These are the priorities that are lan- We don’t take up legislation. them will mean strengthening our rela- guishing as impeachment marches on. Yesterday there was a—right across tionship with this NATO ally, not f the street from this Capitol Building, weakening it further. in front of the Supreme Court, hun- f MEASURE PLACED ON THE dreds of people were there because of a CALENDAR—S. 2840 IMPEACHMENT hearing in the Supreme Court on the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I issue of DACA, which was created by Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on understand there is a bill at the desk President Obama, where 780,000 un- one final matter, today, almost 3 years that is due for a second reading. documented young people had a chance in the House Democrats’ quest to im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to stay in this country and was abol- peach the President and 7 weeks into clerk will read the bill by title for the ished by President Trump. Hundreds the inquiry that Speaker PELOSI pro- second time. came out yesterday. They wanted to claimed in a press conference, House The senior assistant legislative clerk hear—at least try to hear the Supreme Democrats will hold their first public read as follows: Court deliberations on their future and hearing on impeachment. A bill (S. 2840) to authorize appropriations what would happen to them. This hearing was mandated by the It is quite possible that the Court strange resolution House Democrats for fiscal year 2020 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military con- will rule in the President’s favor. I passed a couple of weeks ago. That res- struction, and for defense activities of the hope not, but it is possible, and the fu- olution did not provide President Department of Energy, and for other pur- ture of these young people will be de- Trump with important rights, which poses. portation. You can imagine how they the House afforded to Presidents of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in feel about this issue. They look back both parties during past impeachment order to place the bill on the calendar over here at the Capitol and they won- inquiries. It didn’t even afford their under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- der: What are they doing in the U.S. own House Republican colleagues the ject to further proceedings. Capitol building to deal with an issue same rights that House Republicans The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- of such grave importance for such a gave Democrats during the Clinton in- tion having been heard, the bill will be large group of people in the United quiry. No; House Democrats’ resolution placed on the calendar. States? Here’s what we are doing: just codified their unfair approach: no f Nothing—nothing. due process now, maybe some later, but The House of Representatives passed only if we feel like it. That is what it RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the American Dream and Promise Act establishes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under in the month of June, and the U.S. Sen- The American people know that ate and Senator MCCONNELL will not many Washington Democrats have had the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. let us bring it to the floor. Is he going their minds made up on impeachment to blame the impeachment proceedings for years. It was clear on election day f for the fact that we have waited 5 2016, and it became undeniable by Inau- CONCLUSION OF MORNING months now with this critical bill, hav- guration Day. That is when the Wash- BUSINESS ing passed the House, not even being ington Post, before he was sworn in, considered in the U.S. Senate? Is that ran this headline: ‘‘The Campaign to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning the reason we haven’t been able to take Impeach President Trump has Begun.’’ business is closed. up serious legislation for weeks in the The whole country saw a prominent f U.S. Senate? Of course not. It is not House Democrat state publicly in April about impeachment; it is about a strat- of 2017: ‘‘I’m going to fight every day EXECUTIVE SESSION egy designed by the Senate Republican until he’s impeached.’’ That is the leader not to entertain substantive leg- chairwoman of one of the committees islation—just to take up the issues of EXECUTIVE CALENDAR the Speaker has given responsibility nominations. for this inquiry, promising impeach- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The nominations, of course, are an ment 3 months into his Presidency. the previous order, the Senate will pro- issue themselves. I mentioned the judi- It is hardly surprising that this par- ceed to executive session and resume cial nominations. Well, last week in tisan journey is not yielding a neutral consideration of the following nomina- the Senate Judiciary Committee, we process. Unfortunately, it is also tion, which the clerk will report. had the ninth Trump nominee for the VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:18 Nov 14, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13NO6.001 S13NOPT1 Sspencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE November 13, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6517 Federal bench who had been found un- Stephen Vladeck, a leading expert on that day. He was 4 years old—4 years qualified by the American Bar Associa- the Senate’s confirmation process, old in a U.S. immigration court be- tion. That is nine so far. You say to notes that the President’s approach is cause of the separation of children yourself, well, that must happen from ‘‘depriving the Senate of its constitu- from their parents. He did jump up on time to time. It never happened one tional role—and in the process, of op- the chair because he saw a Matchbox time under President Obama; not one portunities to vet his nominees, to re- car on the table that he could play nominee was judged unqualified. There ject those who are unqualified, and to with while this hearing was deciding are nine of them under President conduct meaningful oversight of the his fate. Trump. Why? Because this administra- executive branch.’’ Do you know what happened? They tion, with the cooperation of Senator So what does the Senate institution- continued their cases for another 6 MCCONNELL, is hell-bent to fill these alists and the Senator from Kentucky months. Fortunately, Marta was re- vacancies, regardless of the com- think about diminishing the roles of united with her father in less than 6 petency of the individual who is being the Senate? Just fine, Mr.
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