Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study Editors: Noor Faradila Paiman Ir Mohd Rasid Osman Dr Low Suet Fin Dr Siti Zaharah Ishak _______________________________________________________________________________________ © MIROS, 2020. All Rights Reserved. Published by: Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Lot 125-135, Jalan TKS 1, Taman Kajang Sentral, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018: An Evaluation Study/ Editors: Noor Faradila Paiman, Ir Mohd Rasid Osman, Dr Low Suet Fin, Dr Siti Zaharah Ishak. (Research Report; MRR No. 304) ISBN 978-967-2078-63-0 1. Traffic safety--Research--Malaysia. 2. Speed limits--Research--Malaysia. 3. Traffic regulations--Research--Malaysia. 4. Motorcyclists--Research--Malaysia. 5. Government publications--Malaysia. I. Noor Faradila Paiman II. Mohd Rasid Osman, Ir. III. Low, Suet Fin, Dr. IV. Siti Zaharah Ishak, Dr. V. Series. 363.10720595 Printed by: Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Typeface: Calibri Size: 11 pt. DISCLAIMER None of the materials provided in this report may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from MIROS. Any conclusion and opinions in this report may be subject to re-evaluation in the event of any forthcoming additional information or investigations. Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study Project title: Traffic Volume Profile and Banning Strategy Main author: Hawa Mohamed Jamil Co-author(s): Nora Sheda Mohd Zulkiffli & Nur Zarifah Harun Project contributor(s): Suriani Bajuri, Noriah Saniran, Saidatul Amanina Arifin, Ahmad Sharil Mohd Yusof, Muhammad ShaZwan Ab. Ghani, Mohd FaiZal Mat Salleh, Intan Fuzaina Faddoli, Azzemi AziZ, Zulfadhli Sharifuddin, NorhaZlina RaZali & Siti NaZira Mutaat Project title: Evaluation of National Speed Reduction Strategy Main author: NorfaiZah Mohamad Khaidir Co-author(s): Nurulhuda Jamaluddin & Mohd Shafie Nemmang Project contributor(s): Mohd FaiZal Mat Salleh, Intan FuZaina Faddoli, AZZemi AZiZ, Zulfadhli Sharifuddin, NorhaZlina RaZali, Siti NaZira Mutaat, Suriani Bajuri, Noriah Saniran, Saidatul Amanina Arifin, Ahmad Sharil Mohd Yusof & Muhammad ShaZwan Ab. Ghani Project title: Impact of OPS CNY 2018 on Helmet Wearing Main author: Mohd Khairul AlhapiZ Ibrahim Co-author(s): Dr Ahmad AZad Ab Rashid & Nurulhana Borhan Project contributor(s): Muhammad HafidZ Basir & Mohd Syafiq Bahar Project title: Compliance of Seat Belt Wearing among Vehicle Occupants during OPS CNY 2018 Main author: Wahida Ameer Batcha Co-author(s): Najwa Shaari, Noor Kamaliah Alias, AZiemah AZhar & Ilhamah Othman Project contributor(s): RahiZa Mohamed@Husin & Noraida Jamaluddin iii Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study Project title: Observation of CRS Usage during OPS CNY 2018 Main author: Nurulhana Borhan Co-author(s): Mohd Khairul AlhapiZ Ibrahim Project contributor(s): Norhayati Kamarul Bahrain, Safuan NaZari & Mohd Khairi Zainal Abidin Project title: Perception Towards Traffic Enforcement during OPS CNY 2018 Main author: Nuura Addina Mohamad Co-author(s): - Project contributor(s): Noradrenalina Isah, Khairul Anuar Ideris, Mohd Khairi & Siti Nur Hidayah Project title: A Study on Road Safety Information through Media during OPS CNY 2018 Main author: RoZiana Shahril Co-author(s): Nuur Sakinah AZman & Nor Fadilah Mohd Soid Project contributor(s): Mohd Rosli Mohd Noor, Siti Hajar Idrus & Mohd FaZlee Ismail iv Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study Contents _______________________________________________________________________ Page List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Acknowledgements xiii Executive Summary xv 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Scope of the Study 2 1.2 Report Structure 2 1.3 Findings 3 1.4 Conclusion and Recommendations 8 2. Traffic Volume Profile and Banning Strategy 9 2.1 Summary of Previous Study 9 2.1.1 Average Traffic Volume Percentage Trend for Previous 9 Years 2.1.2 Yearly Trend for Reduction of Heavy Vehicle Banning 11 2.2 Why this Study? 12 2.3 Objectives of the Study 13 2.4 Methodology 13 2.5 Results and Discussions 16 2.5.1 Traffic Volume by Vehicle Classification on Federal Road 16 Overall Traffic Volume 17 Average One-Hour Traffic Volume by Vehicle 19 Type 2.5.2 Banning of Heavy Vehicles on Federal Roads 24 v Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study 2.5.3 Accident Data during OPS 26 2.6 Conclusion 27 3. Evaluation of National Speed Reduction Strategy 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.1.1 Aims and Objectives 30 3.1.2 Scope and Limitation 30 3.2 Methodology 31 3.2.1 Data Collection 32 3.2.2 Data Analysis 32 3.3 Results and Discussions 33 3.3.1 Selected Study Location 33 3.3.2 Speed Profile 35 3.3.3 Speed Compliance 41 3.4 Conclusion 42 4. Impact of OPS CNY 2018 on Helmet Wearing 44 4.1 Objective of the Study 46 4.2 Methodology 46 4.3 Results 47 4.3.1 Overall Rate of Helmet Wearing 48 4.3.2 Rate of Helmet Wearing and the Characteristics of 49 Motorcyclists 4.3.3 Proper Wearing of Helmets 51 4.3.4 Cases of Red Light Running 52 4.4 Discussion 52 4.5 Conclusion and Recommendation 53 5. Compliance of Seat Belt Wearing among Vehicle Occupants during 55 OPS CNY 2018 5.1 Objectives of the Study 56 5.2 Methodology 56 5.2.1 Sample SiZe 56 vi Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study 5.2.2 Site and Sample Selection 57 5.2.3 Research Tools 58 5.2.4 Data Collection Procedure 59 5.3 Results 59 5.3.1 Roadside Observation Response 59 5.3.2 Overall Seat Belt Wearing Rate during Normal Day and 60 during OPS CNY 2018 5.3.3 Pattern of Seat Belt Wearing during Normal Day and 62 during OPS CNY 2018 5.3.4 Comparison of Seat Belt Wearing Rate for OPS CNY 2018 65 with Previous OPS CNY 5.4 Conclusion 66 6. Child Restraint System (CRS) Usage in Vehicles Entering Klang Valley 67 6.1 Objective of the Study 70 6.2 Methodology 70 6.2.1 Procedure 71 6.2.2 Location of Data Collection 71 Observation 71 Survey 72 Sample SiZe 72 6.3 Results and Discussions 73 6.3.1 CRS Overall Using Rate 74 CRS Using Rate According to OPS Period 75 6.3.2 CRS Positioning in Vehicle 76 6.4 Survey Results 78 6.4.1 CRS Overall Using Rate 81 6.4.2 CRS Positioning in Vehicle 82 6.5 Discussion 83 6.5.1 Overall Using Rate 83 6.5.2 CRS Positioning in Vehicle 84 6.6 Conclusion and Recommendation 85 vii Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study 7. Perception towards Traffic Enforcement during OPS CNY 2018 86 7.1 Objective of the Study 87 7.2 Methodology 87 7.2.1 Instrumentation 88 7.2.2 Sampling 88 7.2.3 Analysis 89 7.3 Results and Discussions 89 7.3.1 Perception of Being Caught (POBC) 90 7.3.2 Visibility of Enforcement 92 7.3.3 Discussion 94 7.4 Conclusion 96 8. A Study on Road Safety Information through Media during 98 OPS CNY 2018 8.1 Objective of the Study 99 8.2 Methodology 100 8.2.1 Method 100 8.2.2 Sample and Site Selection 101 8.2.3 Instrument 102 8.2.4 Data Analysis 102 8.3 Results and Discussions 102 8.4 Conclusion 112 References 114 viii Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study List of Tables Page Table 1 Tabulation of project topics of OPS CNY 2018 and the key findings 4 Table 2 Location for manual data collection at selected federal roads 16 Table 3 Difference in traffic volume for normal days and during OPS 21 Table 4 Selected study locations 30 Table 5 Location and date of data collection 32 Table 6 Speed limit sign at selected locations for normal day and during 34 OPS period Table 7 Summary of speed data by location 36 Table 8 Speed profile by location 38 Table 9 Percentage of non-compliance with speed limit 41 Table 10 Description of observation session and location 47 Table 11 Descriptive statistics of all motorcyclists observed in the study 47 Table 12 Summary of helmet wearing observation results for 2018 CNY OPS 49 Table 13 Status of proper wearing and cases of red light running in 2018 52 CNY OPS Table 14 The study location and calculated number of rear passengers 57 Table 15 Sample siZe based on the phases of observation and type of 60 occupant Table 16 Likelihood of vehicle occupant’s seat belt wearing during OPS as 61 compared to normal day Table 17 Likelihood of seat belt wearing rate by the phases of observation 63 and gender Table 18 Likelihood of seat belt wearing rate by the phases of observation 63 and type of vehicle ix Effectiveness of OPS Chinese New Year 12/2018 An Evaluation Study Table 19 Likelihood of seat belt wearing rate by the phases of observation 64 and type of road Table 20 Group type of child restraint system 68 Table 21 Observation locations before and during OPS 72 Table 22 Number of vehicles by location and OPS period 73 Table 23 Number of children in vehicles according to OPS period 73 Table 24 Distribution of respondents’ gender 78 Table 25 Distribution of respondents’ living location 79 Table 26 Distribution of respondents’ age 79 Table 27 Distribution of respondents’ education level 79 Table 28 Distribution of respondents’ marital status 80 Table 29 Distribution of respondents’ type of vehicle 80 Table 30 Distribution of respondents’ average mileage driving with child 80 occupants Table 31 Demographical profile 90 Table 32 Perception of being caught 91 Table 33 Visibility of enforcement 92 Table 34 Respondent as per location
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