Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2012 Prescribing System Solutions to Improve Stroke Outcomes Supplementary Materials Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2012 Supplementary Materials Exhibit 1.2s 1 Age- and sex-adjusted rates of emergency department visits for adult stroke or transient ischemic attack patients1 per 1,000 subLHIN population, in Ontario and by sub-Local Health Integration Network, 2003/04 and 2008/09–2010/11 2003/04 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Group/Subgroup Age- and Sex-Adjusted Rate (n) Provincial Rate2 2.0 (18,935) 1.9 (19,461) 1.9 (19,982) 1.9 (19,686) Standardized Rate3 2.0 (18,935) 1.8 (19,461) 1.8 (19,982) 1.7 (19,686) Local Health Integration Network Sub-Local Health Integration Network2 Erie St. Clair Essex 2.4 (724) 2.4 (764) 2.5 (810) 2.3 (759) Erie St. Clair Chatham-Kent 2.7 (259) 2.3 (230) 2.7 (272) 2.6 (268) Erie St. Clair Lambton 2.0 (246) 1.9 (238) 2.1 (272) 1.9 (242) South West Bruce 2.3 (150) 2.2 (143) 2.4 (161) 1.8 (126) South West Grey 2.1 (169) 2.3 (199) 2.3 (203) 2.1 (186) South West Huron 1.5 (93) 2.1 (123) 2.3 (142) 2.2 (132) South West Perth 1.8 (120) 1.7 (116) 1.8 (120) 1.4 (102) South West Middlesex 1.3 (447) 1.6 (590) 1.9 (697) 1.8 (669) South West Oxford-Norfolk 2.0 (207) 2.0 (210) 2.2 (231) 2.1 (230) South West Elgin 2.1 (141) 2.3 (163) 2.1 (148) 2.2 (160) Waterloo Wellington Urban Waterloo & Rural Waterloo South 2.1 (596) 2.0(622) 2.1 (670) 2.1 (680) Waterloo Wellington Urban Guelph 1.5 (133) 1.7 (168) 1.7 (168) 1.7 (172) Waterloo Wellington Rural Waterloo 1.4 (49) 1.3 (52) 1.6 (63) 1.7 (68) Waterloo Wellington Rural – South Grey & North Wellington 2.8 (66) 2.3 (58) 2.0 (52) 1.8 (51) Waterloo Wellington Rural Wellington 1.6 (64) 1.5 (67) 1.9 (85) 1.5 (71) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Brant & Brantford 2.1 (223) 2.2 (241) 2.1 (239) 2.2 (244) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant New Credit & Six Nations 4.5 (15) 3.9 (13) 3.6 (13) 4.8 (13) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Haldimand & Norfolk 2.4 (199) 2.3 (194) 2.3 (203) 2.1 (188) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Burlington 1.4 (202) 1.5 (235) 1.5 (249) 1.4 (232) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant East Niagara 1.8 (195) 1.7 (190) 1.9 (212) 2.1 (242) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant North Niagara 2.1 (357) 2.1 (364) 2.0 (356) 2.0 (356) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant South Niagara 1.7 (152) 1.9 (170) 1.8 (167) 2.1 (197) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant West Niagara 1.9 (94) 1.5 (79) 1.9 (101) 1.7 (93) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Stoney Creek 1.6 (85) 1.5 (85) 2.0 (113) 1.9 (106) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Glanbrook 1.5 (20) 2.3 (31) 2.1 (29) 2.5 (35) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Ancaster 2.0 (58) 1.7 (52) 1.2 (36) 1.7 (54) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Flamborough 1.2 (40) 1.1 (38) 1.1 (39) 1.0 (37) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Dundas 2.3 (48) 2.7 (60) 2.4 (54) 2.1 (50) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Hamilton Urban Core 3.0 (248) 2.4 (205) 2.2 (191) 2.2 (199) Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Hamilton Outer Core 2.3 (455) 2.1 (425) 1.9 (407) 2.1 (441) Central West Dufferin County 3.2 (104) 2.2 (79) 1.7 (66) 1.7 (68) Central West Malton (Mississauga) 2.0 (43) 1.8 (45) 2.1 (55) 2.2 (58) Central West Caledon 1.5 (44) 1.7 (60) 1.6 (59) 1.7 (69) Central West Brampton 1.8 (361) 2.0 (486) 1.8 (457) 1.9 (514) Central West Rexdale (Toronto) 2.4 (219) 1.9 (191) 1.8 (193) 1.6 (177) Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2012 Supplementary Materials Exhibit 1.2s (continued) 2 Age- and sex-adjusted rates of emergency department visits for adult stroke or transient ischemic attack patients1 per 1,000 subLHIN population, in Ontario and by sub-Local Health Integration Network, 2003/04 and 2008/09–2010/11 2003/04 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Group/Subgroup Age- and Sex-Adjusted Rate (n) Provincial Rate2 2.0 (18,935) 1.9 (19,461) 1.9 (19,982) 1.9 (19,686) Standardized Rate3 2.0 (18,935) 1.8 (19,461) 1.8 (19,982) 1.7 (19,686) Local Health Integration Network Sub-Local Health Integration Network2 Central West Woodbridge (Vaughan) 2.4 (35) 2.1 (38) 2.3 (43) 2.3 (45) Mississauga Halton Milton 1.3 (35) 1.7 (58) 2.0 (69) 1.6 (54) Mississauga Halton Halton Hills 1.9 (62) 1.6 (59) 1.7 (68) 1.5 (62) Mississauga Halton Oakville 1.6 (171) 1.4 (177) 1.4 (189) 1.4 (200) Mississauga Halton Northwest Mississauga 1.2 (201) 1.2 (249) 1.2 (268) 1.1 (248) Mississauga Halton Southeast Mississauga 2.1 (401) 2.0 (437) 1.9 (425) 1.9 (430) Mississauga Halton South Etobicoke – Toronto 2.3 (185) 2.1 (185) 2.5 (227) 1.9 (179) Toronto Central West 1.9 (221) 1.9 (220) 1.9 (238) 2.0 (249) Toronto Central North West 1.9 (309) 2.0(328) 1.7 (297) 1.7 (288) Toronto Central South West 1.6 (172) 1.7 (194) 1.8 (201) 1.7 (197) Toronto Central North Toronto 1.8 (412) 1.7 (394) 1.8 (426) 1.5 (359) Toronto Central South East 1.3 (130) 1.5 (152) 1.7 (184) 1.5 (159) Toronto Central East 2.1 (178) 1.6 (139) 1.8 (156) 1.5 (128) Toronto Central North East 1.8 (173) 1.8 (171) 1.6 (158) 1.7 (164) Central South Simcoe & Northern York Region 1.9 (128) 1.9 (152) 1.8 (144) 1.6 (133) Central Central York Region 2.3 (264) 1.9 (265) 1.8 (248) 1.9 (281) Central Richmond Hill 1.4 (132) 1.9 (217) 1.5 (172) 1.5 (185) Central South West York Region 1.4 (157) 1.8 (239) 1.7 (246) 1.7 (236) Central North York West 2.1 (380) 1.9 (366) 1.9 (381) 2.0 (390) Central North York Central 2.2 (448) 1.7 (399) 1.5 (363) 1.8 (438) Central North York East 1.5 (134) 1.5 (153) 1.4 (145) 1.3 (129) Central Markham 1.5 (224) 1.4 (264) 1.5 (284) 1.4 (276) Central East North East Cluster 2.1 (631) 2.0 (633) 2.1 (652) 1.9 (645) Central East Durham Cluster 2.0 (709) 2.0 (812) 2.3 (929) 2.1 (853) Central East Scarborough Cluster 1.9 (869) 1.7 (840) 1.6 (816) 1.6 (809) South East Addington, North & Central Frontenac 3.3 (33) 2.1 (24) 2.8 (28) 1.7 (18) South East Belleville 2.4 (116) 2.3 (120) 2.0 (108) 1.5 (82) South East Brockville 2.4 (100) 2.6 (104) 2.3 (93) 2.4 (102) South East Central Hastings 2.0 (41) 1.7 (38) 2.2 (49) 2.6 (59) South East Gananoque, Leeds 2.2 (33) 1.0 (16) 2.0 (31) 1.2 (20) South East Kingston & Islands 2.1 (222) 1.6 (179) 1.8 (210) 1.8 (207) South East North Hastings 2.6 (33) 3.1 (40) 2.0 (27) 1.6 (21) South East Prince Edward County 2.1 (65) 1.9 (59) 2.7 (79) 2.0 (60) South East Quinte West, Brighton 1.7 (80) 1.8 (85) 1.9 (90) 2.2 (105) South East Rideau Lakes 2.1 (25) 2.7 (31) 2.0 (25) 2.8 (35) Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2012 Supplementary Materials Exhibit 1.2s (continued) 3 Age- and sex-adjusted rates of emergency department visits for adult stroke or transient ischemic attack patients1 per 1,000 subLHIN population, in Ontario and by sub-Local Health Integration Network, 2003/04 and 2008/09–2010/11 2003/04 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Group/Subgroup Age- and Sex-Adjusted Rate (n) Provincial Rate2 2.0 (18,935) 1.9 (19,461) 1.9 (19,982) 1.9 (19,686) Standardized Rate3 2.0 (18,935) 1.8 (19,461) 1.8 (19,982) 1.7 (19,686) Local Health Integration Network Sub-Local Health Integration Network2 South East SE Leeds & Grenville 2.3 (38) 2.2 (38) 2.3 (40) 2.1 (36) South East Smiths Falls, Perth, Lanark 3.8 (128) 2.4 (84) 2.0 (71) 1.9 (71) South East South Frontenac 2.1 (23) 1.5 (21) 1.1 (15) 1.8 (21) South East Stone Mills Loyalist 1.7 (30) 1.5 (28) 1.7 (34) 1.9 (37) South East Tyendinaga Napanee 1.6 (33) 2.9 (60) 1.7 (37) 2.0 (45) Champlain Ottawa Centre 2.1 (352) 2.0 (375) 1.8 (334) 2.0 (367) Champlain Ottawa East 1.8 (294) 1.7 (293) 1.7 (285) 1.7 (299) Champlain Ottawa West 2.2 (606) 2.0 (587) 1.9 (563) 1.8 (550) Champlain Renfrew County 2.8 (255) 2.6 (243) 2.8 (262) 2.7 (252) Champlain North Lanark/North Grenville 2.7 (99) 2.1 (82) 1.9 (72) 1.7 (67) Champlain Eastern Counties 2.2 (355) 2.1 (365) 2.2 (378) 2.2 (380) North Simcoe Muskoka Collingwood & Area 2.1 (108) 1.7 (102) 1.8 (100) 2.1 (124) North Simcoe Muskoka Barrie & Area 1.9 (254) 2.0 (310) 2.0 (319) 1.9 (314) North Simcoe Muskoka Orillia & Area 2.3 (119) 2.0 (117) 1.9 (109) 2.0 (125) North Simcoe Muskoka Midland & Penetanguishene Area 3.7 (157) 2.0 (97) 2.4 (118) 2.2 (111) North Simcoe Muskoka Muskoka 2.2 (131) 1.9 (123) 1.9 (124) 1.7 (120) North East Algoma 2.3 (266) 2.2 (279) 2.2 (264) 1.9 (231) North East James & Hudson Bay Coasts ** 2.7 (7) 4.2 (11) 6.4 (16) North East Nipissing 2.4 (180) 2.4 (185) 2.8 (206) 2.1 (156) North East Parry Sound 2.2 (97) 2.0 (92) 1.8 (84) 2.1 (99) North East Manitoulin-Sudbury 2.4 (390) 2.2 (370) 2.0 (340) 2.0 (338) North East Timiskaming 1.7 (55) 2.2 (73) 2.3 (75) 2.4 (77) North East Cochrane 2.8 (181) 1.9 (123) 2.1 (137) 2.0 (130) North West Kenora 2.7 (111) 2.5 (106) 2.5 (109) 2.3 (96) North West Rainy River 2.5 (49) 3.0 (60) 2.6 (53) 2.2 (45) North West Thunder Bay District 2.0 (37) 3.3 (60) 3.5 (62) 2.3 (39) North West Thunder Bay City 2.5 (282) 2.1 (249) 2.2 (258) 2.5 (290) Data sources: Canadian Institute for Health Information, National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), 2003/04–2010/11; Statistics Canada, Ontario intercensal population Notes: estimate, 2003.
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