Initial Environmental Examination Document stage: Final Project Number: 43253-027 February 2019 IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (Tranche 2) – Improvements for 24 x 7 Water Supply System for City Municipal Council in Puttur Package No. 02PTR01 Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank. This final initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Initial Environmental Examination Document stage: Final Project Number: 43253-027 February 2019 IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (Tranche 2) – Improvements for 24 x 7 Water Supply System for City Municipal Council in Puttur Package Number: 02PTR01 Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 11 May 2018) Currency unit – Indian rupee (₹) ₹1.00 = $0.0149 $1.00 = ₹67.090 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank ASI – Archaeological Survey of India CFE – consent for establishment CFO – consent for operation CMC – City Municipal Council CPCB – Central Pollution Control Board DPR – detailed project report EHS – Environmental, Health and Safety EIA – environmental impact assessment EMP – environmental management plan GLSR – ground level service reservoir GRC – grievance redress committee GRM – grievance redress mechanism HDPE – High Density Poly Ethylene IEE – initial environmental examination KHB – Karnataka Housing Board KIUWMIP – Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program KSPCB – Karnataka State Pollution Control Board KUDCEMP – Karnataka Urban Development and Coastal Environmental Management Project KUIDFC – Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation MOEFCC – Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change NGO – nongovernment organization OHT – overhead tank O&M – operation and maintenance PIU – project implementation Unit PMDCSC – project management design, construction and supervision consultant PMU – project management unit PWD – Public Works Department REA – rapid environmental assessment ROW – right-of-way RPMU – regional project management unit SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement ULB – urban local body WTP – water treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dbA - A-weighted decibel m3 - cubic meter m3/h - cubic meter per hour kg - kilogram kl - kiloliter km - kilometer msl - mean sea level m - meter mg/l - milligram per liter mm - millimeter MLD - million liters per day km2 - square kilometer NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. This initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background 1 B. Background of Initial Environmental Examination 1 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT COMPONENTS 2 A. Need for Infrastructure Improvement in Puttur 3 B. Description of the Subproject 8 C. Implementation Schedule 47 III. POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 47 A. ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 47 B. Government Law and Policies 49 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 53 A. Environmental Profile of Puttur 53 B. Ecological Resources 55 C. Economic Development 56 D. Socio Cultural Resources 56 E. Environmental Settings of Subproject Component Sites 57 V. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 62 A. Introduction 62 B. Pre-Construction Impact 63 C. Construction Impacts 69 D. Operational and Maintenance Impacts 78 E. Cumulative Impacts 79 VI. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 79 A. Project Stakeholders 79 B. Consultation and Disclosure up to Date 80 C. Future Consultation and Disclosure 81 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 82 A. Grievance Redressal Process 83 B. Grievance Redress Committee Composition and Selection of Members 83 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 85 A. Environmental Management Plan 85 B. Institutional Arrangements 118 C. Training Needs 125 D. Monitoring and Reporting 126 E. Environmental Management Plan Implementation Cost 126 IX. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 128 APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist Appendix 2: Environmental And Labour Related Legislations In India Appendix 3: Central Pollution Control Board Standards for Diesel Generator Sets Appendix 4: Applicable Ambient Air Quality and Noise Standards Appendix 5: Applicable Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants (Effluent) Appendix 6: Applicable Drinking Water Standards Appendix 7: Water Quality Test Results of Kumaradhara River, Puttur Appendix 8: List of Clearances Required Appendix 9: Analysis of Kumaradhara River Discharges Appendix 10: Environmental Audit of The Existing Water Treatment Plant in Puttur Appendix 11: Sample Outline Spoil Management Plan Appendix 12: Traffic Management Plan Appendix 13: Minutes of The Stakeholder Consultation Meeting Appendix 14: Monitoring and Reporting Formats Appendix 15: Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring Locations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (KIUWMIP) aims to improve water resource management in urban areas in a holistic and sustainable manner. Investment support will be provided to modernize and expand urban water supply and sanitation while strengthening relevant institutions to enhance efficiency, productivity and sustainability in water use. Puttur 24x7 water supply distribution network subproject is one of the subprojects proposed in Tranche 2. Puttur City is located in Dakshina Kannada District, surrounded by the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea. There are no protected or eco sensitive areas in or near subproject sites. Due to the city’s rapid development, water supply has become insufficient, and has resulted in water scarcity. The first organized water supply system for Puttur was implemented in 1984-1985 using Kumaradhara River as a water source. The ADB funded Karnataka Urban Development and Coastal Environmental Management Project (KUDCEMP) improved the water supply in 2005- 2006 also using the Kumaradhara River as its source. To optimally utilize the assets created under KUDCEMP, the subproject proposed in Puttur under tranche 2 of KIUWMIP seeks to provide 24x7 water supply to entire Puttur City Municipal Council (CMC including its peri urban areas. Categorization. ADB requires the consideration of environmental issues in all aspects of the Bank’s operations, and the requirements for environmental assessment are described in its Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009. The proposed projects are categorized as A, B, C or FI to determine the level of environmental assessment required. Puttur City Water Supply Scheme is classified as Environmental Category B as per the SPS as no significant impacts are envisioned. Accordingly, this initial environmental examination (IEE) report has been prepared to assess environmental impacts and provide mitigation and monitoring measures to ensure no significant impacts as a result of the subproject. Subproject Scope. This subproject includes the following components: (i) replacement of two old pumps with new vertical turbine pumps in Jackwell at Nekkilady; (ii) construction of 1.68 kilometer (km) of raw water pumping main (400 millimetre (mm) diameter) from Jackwell to water treatment plant (WTP) at Nekkilady; (iii) construction of 12.42 km clear water main of 400 mm diameter from the proposed new water treatment plant (WTP) at Nekkilday to ground level service reservoir (GLSR) at Tenkila; (iv) construction of new WTP of capacity 8.7 million liters per day (MLD) at Nekkilady; (v) replacement of clear water pumps in existing WTP at Nekkilady; (vi) construction of 5.06 km of clear water feeder mains; (vii) construction of six new overhead tanks (OHTs) – (a) 300 kiloliter (kl) capacity in Zone-2 at Mura Shantinagra, Padnur, (b) 100 KL in Zone-3 at Karmala near Microwave station, (c) 600 kl in Zone-4A at Darbe; (d) 250 kl in zone-5 at Lingadagudda, Kabaka, (e) 200 kl in Zone-6A at Balnad Helipad, and (f) 100 kl zone-8 at BalnadKelyadi, Vitla Road; (viii) construction of two GLSRs - (a) 1,000 kl capacity at Seethigudda, and (b) 2,000 kl at Tenkila; (ix) Intermediate pumping station at Tenkila; (x) booster pumping station at Balnad Helipad; (xi) 29 bulk water meters; (xii) 142.66 km of distribution network to cover 24 x 7 water supply to Puttur city for 8 zones; and (xiii) Replacement of 8,441 existing meters and providing
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