m " ■ PAGE •nVENTY MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1968 Avengie DaDy Net PraM Run iian(l|[»0tifr lEttraing Ifm U i For Hie Week Ended The Weather March U, 19M North Methodist Church com­ er Is Dr. David Kolias, extension Clear tonight. Low in 80«. To- Fruit Trees Topic pomologist. University of Con­ THINK SMALL *1784.90 iHanrJ|PHtpr fcRpnttmJi^aUi momiw fair. High in upper OOe About Town mission on finance will meet liomorraw at 7:30 p.m. at the necticut. IMS V<)IIonraifW 1 5 ,5 8 0 or low 60s. Future topics in the free series Delivered In Mandierter church. "s t a r Of Garden Clinic Maneheater— A City of ViUage Charm ThTM Manchester area etu- are: April 9 ."Ornamental Trees Equipped with leatherette In- denta have been named to the -By C LA Y R. PO LLA N - UMA A itlS ■'Fruit Trees In Your Own and Shrubs for Yard EU id tiSlor, windshield washw, 2- Pvt. James F. Mott, son of SEPT. 23 ^ V(H.. LXXXVn, NO. 155 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1968 (OlaaaifM AdvertUhig on Page 17) dean’s Hat at RueeeU Sage Col- M A R 22 JM Your Doily Activity Guide Back Yard” will be the topic Foundation Planting;” a n d speed electric wipers, heater, PRICE TEN CENTS legei,' Troy, N.Y. They are Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Q. Mott of 'T According to the Stori. '' OCT. 2 3 ^ , dtfroEfter, 4-way safety fleers, 22 Campfleld Rd., recently com­ for the second program In the April 16, "The Back Yard Vege­ Jennifer McCormick, daughter To develop messoge for Tuesday, 1- 5-10-31^ back-up lights, front and rear pleted a helicopter repair course 0 \ 6-19-24-40 Home Gardener’s Clinic being table Garden.” o f Mr. and Mrs. L. 3. McCor­ ^56-64>82-87 reod words corresponding to numbers 49-60-73 offered by the Adult Evening seat belts. at the Army Transportation of your Zodiac birth sign. SCORFlp mick o f 001 porter St.; Miss y f TAURUS 'School. A fabric softener used In the Donna L. Richard, daughter School, Ft. Eustls, Va. OCT. 24 \ Hi, Mr. L. E. Phant ? V; .APR 21 31 Debts 61 Ones The illustrated presentation rinse water on your synthetic RH. II, TsUbbA T ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E, Rich­ 1 Do NOV 22 ' TED TRUDON TsWelWla-MBMWw ^ M A Y 21 2 Heort- 32 Think 62 Procedures will be given in Room A-7, Man­ fabrics will reduce static elec­ SEATTLE (AP)— Seattle’s Electrician's Mate 3.C. John 33 Arguments 63 Should ard of 20 Bolton Rd., Vernon; 38-47-51 *57 3 Look 17-22-35-45^ chester High School, tomorrow tricity which makes garments H f-ttll Supply Base Woodland Park Zoo got Its and Miss Benitta A. Plaster, A. Lombardi, son of Mr. and 69-72-78 4 Buy 34 Corpentering 64 Finonciol 59-65-83-90^ VOLKSWAGEN Mrs. Frank Lombardi of 60 Otis ) 5 Something 35 Worthwhile 65 Your from 7-9 p.m. This week's speak­ cling and also attracts lint. usual share of April Fool daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John GEMINI 6 Better 36 Working66 Hilt SAGITTARIUS Senator Doesn‘t Expect LBJ calls yesterday such as "May L. Plaster of Swamp Rd., Cov­ St., is serving aboard the refrig­ M A Y 22 7 Nice 37 Now 67 New NOV. 8 Ploy 38 Moke 68 Repxjiring I speak to Mr. Eel or Mr. erated cargo ship USS Dene- JUNE 22 DEC entry. 9 Your 39 With 69 Moke Cobra or Mr. L. E. Phant” bola with the Sixth Fleet in the 70 Visit ^ 4-18-29-34 10 About 40Per$onol 7-12-20-46/e. and "Is Hairy Wolf there?” Airman C. Lawrence E. Lor- Mediterranean Sea. &/48.50-68 11 Warming 41 Before. 71 Ideos l53-70-80-88V» 12 Time 42 Put 72 M ony Hit in North But folks In the zoo office entsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. CANCER 13 Undermining 43 About 73 Obligotions CAPIIICOItN entered Into the spirit of the' Elnar Lorentsen of 166 Center Pvt. Alan K. Klssell, son of , JUNE 23 14 Before 44 Don't 74 Your DEC. 23 4 < SAIGON (AP) — U.S. war­ This Is the same area at­ 45 Indiyiduol 75 Proboble day, replying: "Sorry, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klssell of ^JULY 23 15 Money JAN. 20 St., Is serving as an aircraft 16 You 46 Drive 76 Not planes stepped up their attacks tacked Monday, a bombing raid To Take Sides in Contest Phant Is busy packing his 766 E. Middle Tpke., recently 77 Secrets mechanic at Phan Rang AB, , 3-14-16-23 17 Add 47 Yourself 21-26-37-42^.- on the southern part of North on a supply base a mile south of trunk and "Hairy Is out. Vietnam. A I960 graduate of completed basic training at the 18 Tools 48Gordening ^ 78 Appeoronces 57.7 1 .84-66 ^ Vietnam Monday and Hanoi ra­ the coastal city of Thanh Hoa D:'32-41-81-85 19 Luck 49 Collections 79 Be Would you care to speak to Marine Recruit Training Cen­ AOUARIUI WASHING’TON (A P )— Manchester High School, the air­ lEO 20 To 50 Or 80 Old dio said they staged new raids about 210 miles northwest of the his assistant, Red Fox?” Senate Democratic Leader man was assigned to Amaril­ ter, Parris Island, S.C. He is JULY 24 21 You're 51 Better 81 You JAN. 21 ^ Manchester today. A broadcast said with­ demllitartzed zone and 80 miles taking advanced training at 22 Some 52 Disclose 82 Deolings FEB.' 19 Many callers then hung up Mike Mansfield said today lo AFB, Tex., before going to ^ AUG. 23 83 Friendship out confirmation in Saigon that south of Hanoi. A U.S. military 23 Leop 53 Around with a gnmt. Vietnam. Camp Lejeune, N.C. 5^13-27-36-4^ 24 In 54 Money 84 To 2-11-25-39/0 'one plane was shot down. spokesman said this raid was In he does not expect Presi­ ^52-74-77 25 Experiences 55 The 85 Speak 158-61-75 V&l dent Johnson to take sides 26 Originol 56 Or 86 Work The Increased attacks fol­ the area allowed under John­ Army Pvt. Robert M. Top­ James Edward Keough of 40 VIRGO 27 Influences 57 Known 87 Likely PISCES lowed President Johnson’ s ban son’s orders. in the contest for the Academy St. has been named 28 Luck 58 Loved 86 Friends ping, son of Mrs. Flora Top­ 89 Permitted on bombing of the Hanoi-Hai- Johnson In his speech Sunday Democratic nomination for to the -honor roll at Southern 29 For 59 To MAR. 21 CcN ping of 19 Wadsworth St. re­ 30 To 60 Personal 90 Circle phong industrial heartland and night announcing curtailment of State News president. cently was assigned as a Her­ Methodist University. He Is a 33-43-54-62/^ 8- 9-15-281 (^Good (^Adverse ^Neutral 53-76-79-89 extended 210 mUes northwest of the bombing said U.S. planes ” I think he will keep hands off cules Missile fire control crew­ second-year law student. 55/30-55-66 Property Owners the demUltaitsed zone between would continue to attack the and let the Democratic conven­ man with the 3rd. Bn, Sth Artil­ North and South Vietnam. area just north of the DMZ be­ Warning Shot tion decide,” Mansfield told lery, East Windsor. Mystic Review, North Amer­ U.S. bombers flew more than cause of the threat from there newsmen shortly after a 'White ican Benefit Assoclaltion, will 100 missions against the North to forward allied positions below House meeting with Johnson, 'Mias Sally A. Beccio, daugh­ meet tomorrow at 8 pm. ait The 'Visitation group of North Monday, nearly double the aver­ the DMZ. He said his ban ap­ Hits Teen in Vice President Hubert H. Hum­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bec­ Oidd FeMows Hall. Methodist Church will meet to­ Budgets on View age number before Johnson’s plied to “ most” of North Viet­ phrey and other Democratic cio of 198 Wells St., was dted morrow at 8 p.m. at the church. Copies of the mimEigcr's curtaUment order. The number nam and to an area in which 90 congressional leaders. Members of Buckley School for commendable scholarship tentative 1968-69 budgets now of air missions over the south­ per cent of the North Viet­ New Haven "Whoever the Democratic for the fall semester at Mitchell library staff will meet tomor­ and all taxpayers! are avEdlable for inspection ern part of North Vietnam has namese live. convention selects will have hU College, New London. A 1964 row at 8 a.m, at the school li­ The 'Regina D’ltalla Society NEW HAVEN (AP) — A 16- at Mary Cheney LibrEiry EU id averaged about 60 a day, with U.S. planes flew a total of 105 support,” Mansfield said of brary. will meet tonight at 7:80 at the year-old boy was wounded early graduate of Manchester High at the Municipal Building. an average of 40 to 60 missions missions against North Vietnam Johnson. School, she Is majoring in liber­ ItallEUi AmericEin du b, 185 Eld- daily against targets around Ha­ today when a poUceman fired a It was Humphrey’s first meet­ A public heEiring on the Monday, with the major effort shot, intended as a warning, and al arts. The Women’s Fellowship of ridge St.
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