EgyptianArt in the NicholsonMuseum, Sydney Eorrons:K. N. Sowaoe.cNDB. G. Ocxnca &"{ MEDITERRANEANARCHAEOLOGY . SYDNEY. 2006 Eg]ptianArt in the \icholsonNluscum, SYdner cds;K. \. Souadalnd B. G. Ockinga Sydne)r \,ledilarch.1006 ISBN0-95110265- l--l i\.lt'ditarchPLrblishing Box 1-13Holnrc Building Thc Universityol Syclncy NS\\'l(X)6 Auslralia P nled bv SoulhqoodPrcss \Jarch.1006 Contents Acknowledgments Abbreviations vii DavidEllis Foreword........ Karin N. Sowada Sir CharlesNicholson: an Early Scholar-Tiavellerin E9tpt......... I D. A. Aston Ihe Shabtiof Si-iah 15 Cbristine Beinlich-Seeber PaintedJudgement Scene on Wood,R344...-.-----.........------........---.. SusanneBinder TheTwelfth Hour oftre Amduat........... ' v.G. callender The Gralion Elliot Smith Collection.. 57 Marc Coenen A Preliminary Sumeyof the Books of the Deadon Panwus and Linen in the Nichokon Museum.. 8l MarianneEaton-Krauss TheSydney Goddess............... 91 Kathryn O. Eriksson Relationsbetween Egpt and Cyprusduring the rcign of TuthmosisIII: EvidencefromAbydos Tonb Dl|4 (1899-1900) andAbydos Tomb D|l4 (1912-1913)..... 97 Jac. and RosalindJanssen A Dogon a Ti|e.......................... lll David Jefteys An AmarnaPeiod Relieffun Memphrs........................................119 JanaJones TheShroud ofTny, R92: a IbxtileAna|ysts.................................... 135 RobertMorkot A KushiteRoyal Woman,perhaps a Gadb llife of 4mun...............147 Maya Miiller Head ofa High Ofiicialfrom Deir el-Bahai.... 159 K. Mydliwiec andA. Kowalska Fragmentof a WoodmCofin of a Chi\d....................... lb) Andrzej Niwifski Fragmentsofthe Early 22nd DynastyInner Cofin of the ThebanPriest ofAmun, Nesy-pauty+auy..... 169 Boyo G. Ockinga TheShroud ofTny, R92: an early exampleof Bookofthe Dead100 oz Linei...................... 179 Klaus Parlasca RomanMummy Masfu............................ l9t ttt CeraldinePinch TheNicholson Museum Hathor Capital........--............................... 197 JobnRay Inscriptions and Ostracain the NicholsonMuseum: HierogfuhiN,Hieratic, Demotic and Carian......-........ 2tl JanetRichaxds Thep50 Group and theAbrdos Cetneteries during the Middle Kingdom...................... R. T. Sparks The Tawera Workshop: NichokonMuseum 00. 1 07 andRelated YesseLs............................. 241 JobnH. Taylor The Coffn of Padiashaikhet.... Jacobusvan Dijk An lSth DynostyPotEry Stela with a HWn to Re......................... JaninaWierciiska Frognent ofa Wall Relieffrom the Temple of TuthmosisIII at Deir el-8ahai........... 303 David Wise TheShroud ofTny, R92:a PigmentAnaIysis................................. JIJ Index ofRoyal and PersonalNames on Nicholson MuseumObjects.. 319 Indexof Titleson Nicholson Museum Objects......................... 320 Platesl-56 Colour Plates57-64 tv Acknowledgements Copy editing was completed by Dr Gaye Wilson and the layout was prepared by Camilla Norman (MediterraneanArchaeologt). Unless otherwise stated, all photogaphs are by Russell Workman @hotogra.pher,Nicholson Museum). Dr Boyo Ockinga prepared the epigraphic material of Nicholson Museumobjects; Helen Wilkins inked the drawingsand also drew someofthe objects.Other drav/ingswere completedby Dr CameronPetrie and Franz Reidel, while some authorssupplied their own figures. Plate design was done by Janet Marando (Aqua Guava Design, Sydney) and Camilla Norman (Mediterranean Archaeologt). Other assistancewas provided by Jo Atkinson (Sydney Univenity MuseumsConservator), Robert Thomley (Attendant, Nicholson Museum) and volunteers StephenBames, Eric Bachmann and Bronwyn North. Special thanks are due to Professor Jean-PaulDesceudres (Editor, Mediterranean Archaeologt), Dr Ted Robinson @ditorial Board, Mediterranean Archaeologt), Professor Alexander Cambitoglou (former Honorary Curator of the Nicholson Museum), Professor Daniel T. Potts (curent Honora{. Curatorof the Nicholson Museum)a.nd David Ellis (Director of SyclneyUniversity Museums),for lheir assistanceand supportin bringing this project to fruition. Publication of this book was supportedby a generousgrart fiom the Alexander CambitoglouNicholson MuseumEndowment Fund. Abbreviations AA AgyptologischeAbhandlungen (Wiesbaden) Acta Or Acta Orientalia (N edeln) ADAIK Abhandlungendes DeutschenArchiiologischen Instituts Kairo (Gliickstadt) AEO A. H. Gardiner,lzcient Eg)ptian Onomastica,I llI (Oxfond,1947) AF AgyptologischeForschungen (Gliickstadt/HamburgA.lew York) AJA AmericanJournal of Archaeologt @oston) ARE J. H. Breasted,lzci.ent Recordsof Eg,pt: Histoical Documentsfrom the Earliest tiues to the Persian Conquest,I-Y (Chicago, 1906-7) ARp ArchaeologicalRepoll, EWt Exploration Fund (Lordon) ASAE Annalesdu Seryicedes Antiquitis de I'Egpre (Cairo) ASAW Abhandlungender SlichsischenAkademie der Wissenschaften(Berlin) AV ArchiiologischeVerdffentlichungen der DeutschenArcheologisches Institut, Kairo (Mainz) BACE Bulletin ofthe Australian Centrefor Egplo/ogr (Sydney) BD Book of the Dead BdE Bibliothdqued'6tude, Institut frangais d'arch6ologie orientale (Cairo) BiAe BibliothecaAegyptiaca (Brussels) BIE Bulletin de I'Institut d'Eglpte (Cano) BIFAO Bullain de I'Insti*t frangais d'archaologieoiennle (Cairo) BiOr Bib liotheca Orientalis (Leiden) BM British Museum,London BMMA Bulletin ofthe Metropolitan MuseumofArl (New York) BSFE Bulletin de la SociAtefrangaise d'igtptologie (P^ris) CAA CorpusAntiquitatum Aeg)?tiacarum: Lose-Blatt-Katalog Agyptischer Altertiimer CdE Chroniqued' tgry te (Brussels) CG CatalogueG6n€ral (Egyptian Museum, Cairo) EEF/EES Egypt ExploratiotrFund/Eg)?t Exploration Society,London ET Etudeset T?avauxdu centred'archiologie miditenanienne de I'acaddmiepolonaise de sclezces(Warsaw) GM Gdttinger Misze I I en (Gttttingen) HIi.B HildesheimerAgyptologische Beitrege (Hildesheim) IFAO Institut frangaisd'archdologie orientale JARCE Journal of theAmerican Research Center in Eg/pt (WinonaLake, Ind.) JE Joumald'Entr6e @glptian Museum,Cairo) JEA Journal of Egptian Archaeologt (London\ Kamqk Cahiersde Karnak (Cairo) KOmi KOmi:Revue de Philologie et d'Archiologie Eg)ptienneset Coptes(Pais) KMT KMT. A ModernJounal ofAncient Egtpt (San Francisco) ' KRI K. A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions. Historical and Biogrqphical,l-Y[I ' (Oxford,1968-1990) Kush Kush: Journal of the SudanAntiquities Service(Khartoum) L{ W. Helclq E. btto and W Westendorf, Lexikon der Agtptologie, l-Yll (Wiesbaden,1972-87) LA,AA LiverpooI Annak of Archaeologt and Anthropologt (Liv erpool) vu MAS Miincbner AgyptologischeStudien (Berlin) MDAIK Mitteilungm desDeutschen Archdologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo (Mainz) MFA Museumof Fine Arts, Boston MK MiddleKingdom ML Mitchell Library, Sydney MMA MetropolitanMuseum ofArt, New York MMJ Metropolita MuseumJournal Q'lewYork) Mon. Piot Monumentset memoires,Fondation Eu86ne Piot (Pais) MRE MonographiesReine Elisabeth(Brussels) OBO Orbisbiblicus et orientalis(Friboug) OLA OrientaliaLovaniensia Analecta (Leuven) OLP Oientalia LovaniensiaPeriodica (Leuven) OMRO OuctheidkundigeMededelingen uit het Riiksmuseumvan Oudheden(Leiden) PA Problemeder Aglptologie (Leiden) PM B. Porterand R. Moss, TopographicalBibliography of Ancient Egtptian Hieroglryhic Texx, Reliefsand Paintings, I-MII (Oxford, 1927-51l'Znded. Oxford' l96G-99) Pyr. K. Sethe,Die altaigtptischenPyramidentexte,l-Iy (Leipzig' 1908+2) R(tE Revued'Egtptologie(Cano/Paris) Rec. Tray Recueilde trayaux rdlatifs d Ia philologie et d I'qrcheobgie Agrptienneset asstriennes(Pais) SAGA Studienzur Archiiologie und GeschichteAltegyptens (Heidelberg) SAK Studienzur altdglptischenKultur (Hambtrg) SSEAJ Journal of the Societyfor the Sntly of Egtptian Antiquities (Toronto) TIP ThtudIntermediate Period TT ThebanTomb UC PetrieMuseum, University CollegeLondon urk. G. steindorff(ed.), tJrkunden des iig/ptischen Altertums,l-vlll (LeipziglBerlin,1906-1958) Wb. A. Erman and H. Grapow(eds.), lldtterbuch der rigtptischenSprache'I-YlI (Leipzig' 192ffi3) ZA:S Zeitschift fir dgptische Spracheund Altertumskunde(LeipziglBerlin) ZDPI/ ZeitschrirtdesdeutschenPallistina-Iterelzs(Wiesbaden) vul Foreword This is the secondbook in a seriesof scholarly publications about the collections in the Nicholson Museum at the University of Sydney, and forms a companion volume to Classicql Art in the Nicholson Museum, S-rdrey,conceived by ProfessorAlexander Cambitoglou and published in 1995. The majority of the papersin the book are about objects acquired by Sir CharlesNicholson, founder of the museum,during his visits to Eg)?t in the mid-l9th cennrry and atteststo his astuteeye as a collector and great foresight as a benefactor. Many objects in the book belong to the initial donation, and thus the establishmentof the Nicholson Museum in 1860. The Egyptian collection in particular is very much entwined with Nicholson's scholarly interestsin archaeology,his vision for the University, and the cultural developmentof the colony of New SouthWales. It is a collection ofhistoric importance. The book also atteststo the interestsofthose involved with the University over a hundred years ago, who addedto Nicholson's benefaction,as he had envisaged.They were inspired by the great discoveriesin Egypt of Flinders Petde and others. Their financial support for the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund ensued a steadyflow ofobjects from many important excavationswhich took place during the late l9th and early 2Othcenturies. The Nicholson Museum's Egyptian collection is the largestin Australia, and is noted for its divenity and qualiry Its holdings representsome of the most popular objects in the museum. However, despite its importance,much
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