I. g o E evjattitc/r a , nstkeer la 4ii-.obtbci Mu tLJgTh O'4'0 *kw ?.1-4 rAff'2•1i, ' week. I on€rez form l. uigd theh a n 4,16414h!t,114,6in,, rfrr,444.fratto,3 fare the svfOnf,.. emçii IliVolvetneisiG .das....-tssi- nOticni:Atfiparney:' Oeritriat Kemirdy ,villei that 'has spartoruji At 200 ydrik!" tepli,Ed that ,he:CotiitFfititVinCilriOOf tkom.r:. ktire • Minitteinen2 had vhdateil any i-rhitois.Werzireiyer! Even noir?. i•rie'crOss F'ederal.,laivs,: and 'there. was, cons'e-- av on the b;:cle ofyour riOoks.r • 'quenily, 4-aftloti.the,,Departmetti:: • ;7 •-• • ' of JuitiCer,cquid;take, ,"iinless7ihere •IRE MULTILITII tx-ri•pt;:. bordered in •, is •'",,Sittheient ...ividence7 to establish hack land fteaded- "jp 1\4 einoriant:* that these acts 'aft beyond the pro- was achireised" to a ?niall4rOup of tedtecrrareas 41).e e 1.. r ess and liberal Cciniressrnen who had voted- assembly guarantees of the, ''FirSt.. r- to deny 1ppropriátIoni to the Houe Ainetulment. to die constitution." Committee on Uri:American_ A etivi-1 Kendiedy'S 'position failed to mollify ties for the fiscal yesr.' 1964-1965. It ,Nintttemary "rnitranium" leader was one of thou-Sands ,ruO' o' ff by Roberi.Bolivar,DePugh, who charged • •"superpatriotS :accusing „HLIAC's,,...foes ,• that the Attorney General had; iii Of aiding and abetting "the. interna- fact," been covertly harassing the or- ganization shore 196 GOntrourriir Conspiracy"; but .1. "If Robert Kennedy can't find: anything that fen of the: ttes recipients were we've tic me illegal," said DePugh, •inclined idiSMiss it as the work:of • It certainly is not because he basn:t ir' contrbOtiplaee::PoriiiCal.Ciarik:Thir. "'I/5Ru ncly„calto *-trisinrwai-is,sue,t1:•by the M.iritite"•:, ' kennedy.. t't men of America: ,zin undergrottnd or iii American. p • aramilitary organization. of , right- • ' Despite.' their }ea T4t, wing, extreinisti hetyily •artried and as gun-happy I:nit:relatively harmless , itching for actiah: One Congressman firstWarld War Three on the Minutemen hate list,"kepre-:" buffs.. as one Observer tlUbbed them sentative :Henry Gon7alei of Texas — mice .Mintiternen-,-, in recent, years •• : 1-nok: the tisteat seriously, enough.. to have evinced a teittleiky to translate urge then—Attorney General Robert theii.threato into action. Senator J. those paranoid patriots ** —the minutemenTo plot t9,,,pve amer_ is William Fulbright, the bae noire of the to assassinate Stanley Marcus, millionaire cyanide plot in Kansas City's U. S. Dis=- 0 ultraright ever since his exposure of owner of the Neiman-Marcus depart- trict Court during DePugh's trial for General Edwin A. Walker's indoctrina- ment store and one of the city's few violation of the National Firearms Act tion of his troops with Birchite propa- outspoken liberals. An informer present —and who is now hiding out in the is in 1961, has received hundreds of at the planning sessions told journalist Alaskan tundra to escape his former threats from Minutemen and their sup- William W. Turner, an ex–FBI agent, comrades' retribution—believes that the a porters. In 1962, one fanatic Minuteman that snipers intended to ambush Marcus Minutemen are biding their time for a' put aside his pen and reached for his on one of his out-of-town trips, since "an- fresh attack on the UN, with or without Oil rifle. The plot to assassinate Fulbright other assassination in Dallas would be too cyanide gas. "That place is a symbol of was the brain child of "John Morris," the much." Once more, however, DePugh got everything they hate." he explained to a nom de guerre of a Dallas Minuteman wind of the plot and aborted it at the journalist. "They're bound to take an- activist and former recruiter for George last moment. other crack at it someday." Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party, A more grandiose and imaginative Real or imagined Communists—in who was convinced that the systematic Minuteman effort was the attempt to and out of the 11N—have been a favor- liquidation of leading liberals could introduce cyanide gas into the air-condi- ite target of Minuteman terrorist attacks "purify" the country, terrorize the oppo- tioning system of the United Nations in recent years. In the predawn hours of sition and enable the paramilitary right Building during a General Assembly ses- October 30, 1966. 19 heavily armed Min- to "gain control of the Government." sion. Minuteman defector Brooks claims utemen, divided into three bands, were Morris persuaded a number of fellow that the plan was initially approved by intercepted by staked-out police (tipped - Minutemen in Kansas City that Ful- DePugh, who then developed cold feet by an FBI informant) as they zeroed bright would make an ideal first victim. and backed out. "He got the idea at our in on left-wing camps in a three-state A former aide to DePugh, Jerry Milton training session in Independence, Mis- area. Targets of the coordinated forays Brooks—nicknamed "the Rabbi" because souri, in the summer of 1965," says were Camp Webatuck at Wingdale, New of his virulent anti-Semitism—claims that Brooks. "A bunch of us were sitting York, where fire bombs with detonators "Morris' plan was to knock off Fulbright around in a bull session and somebody had already been set in place; Camp during one of his speaking tours in Ar- wondered how you could wipe out every- Midvale in New Jersey; and a pacifist kansas. One Kansas City Minuteman put body in the UN all at once, and one of community at Voluntown. Connecticut, up the money for Morris and another the guys suggested mortars, but I said. established by the New England Com- loaned him a 1952 Buick to get to Little 'No, even with a direct hit, you'd only mittee fo• Nonviolent Action. According Rock. A Texas man was supposed to zap a few, despite those glass walls.' And to Queens district attorney Nat Hentel. hire a private plane and fly him out of then Bob [DePugh] says to me, 'Do you who helped coordinate the roundup, the the state after Fulbright was zapped." think you could get hold of any cya- Minutemen, disguised as hunters, intend- According to Brooks, "Morris pur- nide?' He asked me because I was work- ed to burn the camps to the ground— chased a rifle with a telescopic sight; but ing for an extermination outfit at the along with their inhabitants. A state on the day he was to depart for Little time, and I said, 'Sure, as much as you ' police official added, "I don't know what Rock, news of the plot leaked to De- want.' So he told me to get him some, they thought they were going to accom- Pugh, who blew his top. At this stage, he and I bought twenty gallons and took it plish, but they had plenty of hardware was still preaching his principle of delib- back to headquarters. Some of it went out available to get the job done." erate delay, which means all the empha- to Ken Goff [the Reverend Kenneth Goff, As the Minutemen were being herded sis is on recruiting and propaganda and leader of an affiliated paramilitary organ- into custody, raids on secret munitions stockpiling arms, so you don't zap any- ization, the Soldiers of the Cross] and bunkers and basement arms caches by body till the outfit's ready to function Bob said we'd keep the rest for the UN. 110 state, county and city police officers fully underground. DePugh met Morris He told me he'd select one of our New netted a huge arsenal of Minuteman on a bridge in Lexington, Missouri, and York guys to put it into the air-condi- combat materiel: 1.000,000 rounds of rifle told him he had to call off the plan tioning ducts, and I found out later and small-arms ammunition, chemicals because, whether it succeeded or failed, they'd picked a member who's with the for preparing bomb detonators, consid- all that would happen was that the au- New York state police and who could erable radio equipment—including 30 thorities would be sicked onto the Min- use his credentials to get into the UN walkie-talkies and shortwave sets tuned utemen. DePugh ,made it clear that if basement. But then Bob decided he to police bands-125 single-shot and Morris went ahead, he'd be the one wanted to wait, and some of the guys automatic rifles, 10- dynamite bombs, 5 who'd end up six feet under. The poor who'd gotten all excited about the idea mortars, 12 .30-caliber machine guns, 25 guy panicked and beat it out to Okla- were really pissed off and decided to go pistols, 240 knives (hunting, throwing, homa." ahead on their own." cleaver and machete), I bazooka, 3 gre- DePugh has since denied that there This activist faction, chafing at De- nade launchers, 6 hand grenades and 50 was ever a serious plan to take Fulbright's Pugh's "moderation," secreted the cya- 80-millimeter mortar shells. For good life, but admits having "talked" with nide and prepared to act independently, measure, there was even a crossbow re- Morris. "The whole thing was blown up in defiance of DePugh's instructions. Ac- plete with curare-tipped arrows. out of all proportion," he asserts, add- cording to political historian George Arrested in the roundup was the man ing: "But just because I've exercised a Thayer, who scrutinized the Minutemen District Attorney Hentel identified as the restraining influence in the past, that closely in his book The Farther Shores of East Coast coordinator of the Minute- doesn't mean I'll always do so.
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