VOLUME 16 - NO 6 - DECEMBER 2012 In this ISSUE Bi-Monthly official Journal of the Dutch Society of Intensive care (NVIC) EDITORIAL 197 Why is it so difficult to prove that rapid response systems improve patient outcome? Directions for further research FM Simmes, L Schoonhoven, J Mintjes, BG Fikkers, Netherlands Journal JG van der Hoeven REVIEW 202 of Critical Care Treatment of the delirious critically ill patient MMJ van Eijk REVIEW 208 The consequences of treatment limitations on outcome AME Spoelstra - de Man, JG van der Hoeven, LMA Heunks HOT TOPICS 223 Summary of hot topics session, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Dr M van der Jagt CASE REPORT 208 GHB withdrawal syndrome: a possible life threatening condition L van Koppenhagen, AJ Paling CASE REPORT 211 “DRESSed” to kill: fatal case report of drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms IC Kouwenberg, R Koot, J van de Horst, HJ van Leeuwen CASE REPORT 215 Fatal Neuroleptic Malignant-like Syndrome in a Patient with Severe Parkinson’s Disease M Tolsma, AJWJ van der Lely, AL Diederik, AJ Meinders CASE REPORT 225 Coughing after drinking A.J. Kalsbeek, W. Kelder, P.C. Baas, M. Scheer CLINICAL IMAGE 218 Traumatic pneumatoceles S Houtman, R Janssen CLINICAL IMAGE 220 Pulmonary Cavities after High Energy Trauma SEM Kolderman, S Fahrentholz, JG Zijlstra Netherlands Journal of Critical Care is indexed in: AbSTRACTS DUTCH ANNUAL INTENSIVE CARE MEETING 2013 Evidence. Experience. Confi dence. bij • Invasieve candidiasis1 • Invasieve aspergillose2 • Empirische antifungale therapie3 C. albicans C. rugosaC. glabrataC. parapsilosisC. tropicalisC. kruseiC. guilliermondiiC. lipolyticaC. dubliniensisC. kefyrC. lusitaniaeA. fl avusA. fumigatusA. terreusA. nigerA. nidulans CANDIDA ALBICANS CANDIDA NON-ALBICANS ASPERGILLUS • Bewezen effectiviteit1 • Gunstig veiligheidsprofi el4 • Bij volwassenen en kinderen5,6 Referenties: 1. Mora-Duarte J.: Comparison of caspofungin and amphotericin B for invasive candidiasis. N Eng J Med 347;2020-9, 2002. 2. Maertens J.: Effi cacy and safety of caspofungin for treatment of invasive aspergillosis in patients refractory to or intolerant for conventional antifungal therapy. CID 2004;39:000-000. 3. Walsh T.J.: Caspofungin versus Liposomal Amphotericin B for empirical antifungal therapy in patients with persistent fever and neutropenia. N Eng J Med 2004; 351:1391-402.4. David W. Denning: Echinocandin antifungal drugs. The Lancet 362: 1142-51, 2003.5. Walsh TJ: Pharmacokinetics, safety and tolerability of caspofungin in children and adolescents. AAC 49: 4536-4545, 2005. 6. Zaoutis TE: A prospective, multicenter study of caspofungin for treatment of documented candida or aspergillus infections in pediatric patients. Pediatrics 123:877-884, 2009. Raadpleeg eerst de volledige productinformatie alvorens CANCIDAS voor te schrijven M Merck Sharp & Dohme BV, Postbus 581, 2003 PC Haarlem Tel. 0800-9999000, email [email protected] 1110CAN09NL539J1109 www.msd.nl, www.univadis.nl Evidence. Experience. Confi dence. Cans539J_Adv_210x277.indd 1 14-01-11 17:02 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE ●● Information for authors 191 Executive editorial board AB Johan Groeneveld, ●● Editorial Board of the Netherlands Journal of Critical Care 193 Editor in Chief Julie Box, ●● International Advisory Board 193 Language editor ●● From the editor-in-chief 194 Publisher Netherlands Journal of Critical Care ISSN: 1569-3511 NVIC Editorial Horapark 9 6717 LZ Ede (Gld) ●● Why is it so difficult to prove that rapid response systems T.: +31-318-69 33 37 F.: +31-318-69 33 38 improve patient outcome? Directions for further research 195 KvK Utrecht V30149527 Advress change Jan 1th 2013: NVIC Review PO Box 2124 3500 GC Utrecht ●● Treatment of the delirious critically ill patient 200 030-6868761 ●● The consequences of treatment limitations on outcome 206 Production Interactie, Ede Design Hot Topics SU Groep, Arnhem ●● Summary of hot topics session, European Society of Intensive Layout Dimdim, The Hague Care Medicine 211 Printing Multicopy, Ede Advertising-exploitation/ Case Report Business contacts ●● Interactie, Ede GHB withdrawal syndrome: a possible life threatening condition 213 Thomas Eldering ●● “DRESSed” to kill: fatal case report of drug rash Communication and media-specialists with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms 216 Zijlweg 12 2051 BA Overveen ●● Fatal Neuroleptic Malignant-like Syndrome in a Patient with Telephone: +31-23-52 59 332 Fax: +31-23-52 53 265 Severe Parkinson’s Disease 220 E-mail: ●● Coughing after drinking 223 [email protected] As from Jan 1th 2013: Van Zuiden Communications B.V. www.vanzuidencommunications.nl Clinical Image email: ●● [email protected] Traumatic pneumatoceles 224 telephone: +31 (0)172-476191 ●● Pulmonary Cavities after High Energy Trauma 226 Internet address www.njcc.nl Bankaccount Abstracts Dutch annual Intensive Care meeting 2013 230 ABN AMRO Ede IBAN NL 55ABNA0524561893 BIC ABNANL 2 A NVIC membership and subscriptions One year NVIC-membership costs € 300 (for registered intensivists) or € 130 (otherwise). These costs include a subscrition for the Neth J Crit Care. Separate issues are available for € 17,50 excluding 6% VAT. Prices subject to change without notice. Further information can be obtained by telephone at +31-318-69 33 37 or by fax at +31-318-69 33 38 Copyright © 2012 nvic All information contained in this issue is the property of the NVIC. Repro- duction in any kind is prohibited without prior written permission by the NVIC. Cover Painter: Pieter Cornelis Dommersen Title: Utrecht, Holland NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 16 - NO 6 - DECEMBER 2012 189 STRIKE! NU VERGOED! Wereldwijd al meer dan 750.000 patiënten behandeld1 Hoog gebruiksgemak • Geen oplaaddosis2 • Geen dosis aanpassing2 • Geen specifieke bewaarcondities2 Voor alle leeftijden (0-99)2 Productinformatie: zie elders in deze uitgave. MYC2011-729 MYCAMINE® micafungin Netherlands Journal of Critical Care Information for authors The Netherlands Journal of Critical Care (Neth J words. The manuscript should be clear in outline pages, including references and legends, must Crit Care) is the official journal of the Netherlands (with subheadings) for maximum clarity. Only a be sequentially numbered through out. Society of Intensive Care (Nederlandse Vereniging limited number of figures (coloured figures are voor Intensive Care-NVIC). The journal has a encouraged without extra charge) and tables may Tables circulation of about 1,750 copies bimonthly in the be included; double presentations in the form of Tables are to be numbered independently of the Netherlands and Belgium. figures and tables should be avoided. The text figures with Arabic numbers, with headings and High quality reports of research related to should follow the IMRAD format and contain an kept separate from the text. any aspect of intensive care medicine, whether abstract, introduction, materials and methods, laboratory, clinical, or epidemiological, will be results, discussion section and references. The Figures considered for publication in the Neth J Crit abstract should not exceed 250 words and Figures must also be numbered with Arabic Care. This includes original articles, reviews, should be structured. Authors should provide numbers and kept separate from the text. case reports, clinical images, book review, a minimum of three keywords, a running title, Legends must be given on a separate sheet. structured abstracts of papers from the literature, and list not more than 30 references for original Schematic line drawings are preferred. Figures notes, correspondence etc. All manuscripts articles and 70 referen ces for review articles. already published elsewhere cannot usually be pass through an independent review process included, except in survey articles. Colour figures managed by the editorial board. Case Reports can be published. Short, clear legends make The journal is indexed by Embase, Emcare The text of a case reports should also include additional description in the text unnecessary. and Scopus. A Medline annotation is in prepa ra­ an abstract, introduction, case report/case The desired placement of figures and tables tion. The following manuscript types apply. history, discussion section, legends for figures can be marked in the margins of the manuscript and references. The abstract should not exceed sheets. Figures should be provided in electronic Structured abstracts 250 words and may be unstructured. The journal format TIFF or better. All manuscripts should be submitted with kindly requests authors to provide a minimum structured abstracts as described below. No of three keywords and to list not more than 30 References information should be reported in the abstract references. Only articles cited in the text are to be listed. that does not appear in the text of the manuscript. They are to be arranged in order of appearance Manuscripts should include an abstracts Clinical Images in the text […] and numbered consecutively. Only of no more than 300 words using the following A clinical image should contain one or two the reference number should appear in the text. headings: Background and objectives, Design, pictures and a short case history, and should Include all author names (unless there are seven Methods and results and Conclusions. preferably not be referenced. The legend to the or more, in which case abbreviate to three and, For the sake of brevity, parts of the abstract image should succinctly present relevant clinical
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