Fort Lauderdale Kennel Club Friday, February 5, 2021 Group Results Sporting Weimaraners 20 BB/G1 GCH CH Silhouette's Cast A Spell. SS13359701 Spaniels (English Springer) 7 BB/G2 GCHP CH Cerise Bonanza. SR89255201 Lagotti Romagnoli 10 BB/G3 GCH Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic. SS07657803 Setters (Gordon) 6 BB/G4 CH Sastya's Hallmark Hall Of Fame. SS05246503 Hound Salukis 9 BB/G1 GCHG CH Aurora's Rhythm Of My Heart. HP49192101 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens 18 BB/G2 GCH CH Mirepoix's Dubble Bubble RN FDC BCAT CGCA HP55756801 Afghan Hounds 25 BB/G3 GCH CH Blu Hill's Suit And Tie. HP45256402 Whippets 10 BB/G4 Debmar Wherever Life Takes You. HP59623001 Working Samoyeds 21 BB/G1/BIS GCHG CH Vanderbilt 'N Printemp's Lucky Strike. WS54969409 Doberman Pinschers 43 BB/G2 CH Aquarius The Legend Continues Alcher. WS61281801 Boxers 19 BB/G3 GCHP CH Rummer Run Maximus Command In Chief. WS59471304 Rottweilers 27 BB/G4 GCHG CH Cammcastle's The One And Only General Of Valor WS55807202 Terrier Lakeland Terriers 14 BB/G1 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Nanhall Mizzconceived. RN29607403 Miniature Bull Terriers 7 BB/G2 GCHG CH Menusha's Pancho Villa. RN29849506 Dandie Dinmont Terriers 5 BB/G3 GCHB CH King's Mtn. Henry Higgins. RN31869601 West Highland White Terriers 19 BB/G4 GCHG CH Zackshine Boy De La Pomme. RN32696001 Toy Affenpinschers 17 BB/G1 GCHS CH Tamarin Tattoo. TS35646402 Japanese Chin 11 BB/G2 GCHS Touche's Espionage. TS32766503 Chinese Cresteds 11 BB/G3 GCHS CH Speechless In Your Face. TS41670403 Miniature Pinschers 12 BB/G4 GCHS CH Marlex Classy Finale. TS36166401 Non‐Sporting Schipperkes 5 BB/G1 GCHG CH Whispering Pines Lover Boy BCAT DM DS. NP36512603 Poodles (Miniature) 24 BB/G2 GCH CH Hightide And A Splash Of Tarquin. PR22049501 Lhasa Apsos 11 BB/G3 GCH CH Ta Sen Westgate Kinky Boots. NP53548601 Tibetan Spaniels 17 BB/G4 GCHS CH Judo's Shantideva At Kan Sing. NP54537201 Herding Australian Shepherds 62 BB/G1/RBIS GCHS CH Stonehaven Bayshore Secret Sauce. DN52653305 German Shepherd Dogs 24 BB/G2 GCHB CH Woodside's Arabella. DN54223101 Bearded Collies 9 BB/G3 GCHB CH Now And Then Watermark Cruisin At Kelkary. DN50995801 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 18 BB/G4 GCHB CH Trifecta Fantasia CGC TKA. DN54794302 Fort Lauderdale Kennel Club Friday, February 5, 2021 Owner Handled Group Results Sporting Pointers 15 OHBB/OHG1 GCHB CH Southern Malmason Pheasantly Surprised SS00712908 Weimaraners 11 OHBB/OHG2 GCHB CH Moonstone The King's Rock 'N' Roll Magic. SR89470606 Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 7 OHBB/OHG3 CH Cyon's Legend Of Butch Cassidy. SS03726304 Pointers (German Wirehaired) 14 OHBB/OHG4 CH Afterhour's Peppermint Mocha TKN VHMA. SS10543708 Hound Basenjis 9 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Dark Moon's God Of Thunder. HP58382405 Rhodesian Ridgebacks 17 OHBB/OHG2 GCHS CH Kimani's Foxhill Southern Gentleman. HP53687104 American Foxhounds 8 OHBB/OHG3 Whit's Classically Chloe. HP58704707 Redbone Coonhounds 5 OHBB/OHG4 GCH CH Cody's American Sheriff. HP58114001 Working Rottweilers 33 OHBB/OHG1/OHBIS CH Mystic Fire Kiss The Blarney Stone CGC TKN. WS60169403 Cane Corso 21 OHBB/OHG2 GCHS CH Black Pearl Guardiano Dei Reali RN CAA WS51721202 Bullmastiffs 8 OHBB/OHG3 Hurricane's It's You And Me Forever" Sara". WS68393202 Great Danes 31 OHBB/OHG4 GCH CH Vztop's Hillside Sweet Child O' Mine. WS63042801 Terrier Miniature Schnauzers 29 OHBB/OHG1 CH Kelly Steele's One For All All For One. RN33888904 American Hairless Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG2 GCHG CH Floriday's New Tide Risn@ Rip It Up. RN31249501 Kerry Blue Terriers 20 OHBB/OHG3 CH Kerifield Violets Are Blue. RN33507704 Norwich Terriers 15 OHBB/OHG4 GCH CH Rabbit Ridge Teddy Brown Dog. RN32709603 Toy Pugs 28 OHBB/OHG1 CH Double D's Iris Carmel Cluster. TS39974603 Maltese 12 OHBB/OHG2 CH Luvlee Miranda - Keeper Of The Dream. TS38745701 Yorkshire Terriers 17 OHBB/OHG3 GCHS CH Tyava's Sugarfoots Strike Force. TS31409502 Pomeranians 21 OHBB/OHG4 GCHB CH Heritage's Heir Apparent. TS35366501 Non‐Sporting Keeshonden 11 OHBB/OHG1/OHRBIS GCH CH Pandora The Magnificent Seven. NP46947907 Bulldogs 21 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Grafitti's Three Pound Wolfe. NP51572301 Boston Terriers 15 OHBB/OHG3 Heathens Tequila & Bad Decisions. NP56830202 Tibetan Terriers 12 OHBB/OHG4 GCH CH Snowshoe's All Gussied Up CGC TKN. NP47395204 Herding Belgian Laekenois 9 OHBB/OHG1 Pilote Prive D' Eroudur CM FDC SCA SIN SBN RATO DN48471301 Australian Cattle Dogs 15 OHBB/OHG2 GCHB CH Big Sycamore Axl Rose. DN54684706 Bearded Collies 6 OHBB/OHG3 GCHS CH Runningmtn Love Story RE HSAs FDC CGCA. DN39779603 Collies (Rough) 9 OHBB/OHG4 CH Glenloch's Hide Your Heart CGC. DN46589301 Fort Lauderdale Kennel Club Friday, February 5, 2021 Judge: 6668 Ms. Sharol Candace Way Brittanys Brittanys, Puppy (6‐9 Months) Dogs 5 1/R Trio Hopes Legendary Lawman. SS22964001 7/2/2020 Breeder: Karen & Clint Livingston & Doug Tighe. Sire: GCHP Rainbow Splashes Ruggedly Handsome Dam: GCHB Hopes Copper Pennie. Owner:Louise Griffin|Sam/Jim Griffin|Karen/Clint Livingston.Agent: Karen Livingston Brittanys, Open Dogs 9 1/W/BW Mountain View's Lucky Star MH. SS09702801 12/28/2018 Breeder: Mark Giunta/Mary A Breininger/Patricia A Ortelli. Sire: CH Mt View's Deja Vu Dam: CH Mt View's Snow White MH. Owner:Janet Lioy. Michelle Smith Wolcott Brittanys, Puppy (6‐9 Months) Bitches 6 1 Trio's Happiest Place On Earth. SS20150901 7/25/2020 Breeder: Karen & Clint Livingston. Sire: GCH CH Sovereign Trio's Despicable Me Dam: Ch. Trio-Tonan's On My Own. Owner:Clint Karen and Demery Livingston.Agent: Karen Livingston Brittanys, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Bitches 10 1/W Farout Fields Just Because Amber Eyes Smile. SS17819008 3/15/2020 Breeder: Lee Mustion/Jackie Arnold. Sire: CH Tonan-Rao Just Because It's Clear Cut Dam: GCH CH Farout Fields True Destiny JH. Owner:Lee Mustion. Bonnie Hill Brittanys, Open Bitches 12 2 Credit's Wouldn't You Like To Know. SR98550101 3/24/2017 Breeder: Jessie Schulz/Kathleen Krzeszewski/CHRISTINE HARRISON. Sire: GCH CH Credit Kaze I Appreciate That Dam: GCH CH Credit's Tarnished Copper Penny. Owner:Jessie Schulz|Kathleen Krzeszewski. 14 AB Fyrebyrd Rogue One Jyn. SS10535907 1/8/2019 Breeder: Kellie L Miller/Kristyn Stout/Sara Taylor. Sire: GCHB CH Triumphant's Dark Knight JH Dam: GCH CH Willowick N Zaffres Settin Fire To The Reign. Owner:Lisa Bryfogle Aguilar |Rachel Kulp.Agent: Rachel Kulp 16 1/R Beauvert Mischief Hiddencreek. SS17668301 10/24/2017 Breeder: Barbara A Brownridge. Sire: Hiddencreek's Tres Bien Dam: Beauvert's Rose Of My Heart. Owner:Margot Togneri. Emily Burdon Brittanys, Best of Breed 15 GCH CH Dogwood Hollow Hi-Hope On The C'S RI JH CA CGC TKN. SR87901201 2/1/2015 Breeder: Mary Claire Ctibor/Elizabeth Ctibor/Geri O Clements/Cheryl Mika. Sire: GCHB CH Dogwood Hollow So Be It Dam: CH Dogwood Hollow Sweet Home Alabama. Owner:Mary Claire Ctibor|Elizabeth Ctibor. 18 OS GCH CH Farout Fields True Destiny JH. SR89943503 9/26/2015 Breeder: Jackie Arnold. Sire: CH Fly'n-Hi's Iron Will CDX JH NA Dam: CH Farout Fields Live'N & Love'N The Good Life JH. Owner:Jackie Arnold. Bonnie Hill 19 AB CH Sandstones Riding The Cushion MH. SR94177903 6/5/2016 Breeder: Emma Ranney/Janet Ranney. Sire: GCHG CH Marsport Hot To Ride Lucky Seven MH Dam: CH Sandstone Oh Sweet Pea. Owner:Michael Moser|Jen Moser.Agent: Rachel Wieder 21 SEL GCH CH Credit Chilcote's Jersey Jackpot. SS08123103 9/5/2018 Breeder: Jessie Schulz/CHRISTINE HARRISON/Steven Harrison. Sire: GCH CH MACH2 Credit Kaze's Rock N Reign JH MXG MJG XF T2B CGC TKP Dam: GCH CH Credit's Road Less Traveled. Owner:Elaine Blair.Agent: JESSICA SCHULZ 23 BB GCH Brigadier Shamrock All Silver Stars. SS11798003 4/3/2019 Breeder: Mike Lee Julie Lee & Beth Rosener. Sire: CH Jordean All Kiddin' Aside JH Dam: GCHP Brigadier's Lightning Strikes Twice. Owner:Mike Lee|Julie Lee| Beth Rosener|Jamie Cox.Agent: Diego Garcia Judge: 6668 Ms. Sharol Candace Way Lagotti Romagnoli Lagotti Romagnoli, Puppy (6‐9 Months) Bitches 6 2/R Kan Trace Born In The Usa. SS20785815 7/14/2020 Breeder: Elaine Randall/Sabina Zdunic Sinkovic. Sire: GCH CH Kan Trace The Lightning Strike Dam: GCH CH Kan Trace Victoria CGC TKN. Owner:Reba Donnelly|Rick Donnelly.Agent: Jorge Olivera Fort Lauderdale Kennel Club Friday, February 5, 2021 8 1/W Kan Trace Godiva. SS20785817 7/14/2020 Breeder: Elaine Randall/Sabina Zdunic Sinkovic. Sire: GCH CH Kan Trace The Lightning Strike Dam: GCH CH Kan Trace Victoria CGC TKN. Owner:Reba Donnelly|Rick Donnelly.Agent: Jorge Olivera Lagotti Romagnoli, Best of Breed 10 BB/G3 GCH Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic. SS07657803 5/3/2018 Breeder: Zdunic Sinkovic Sabina & Kalecak. Sire: Rowntree Ugo Unico Dam: Kan Trace Princess Viola. Owner:Victor Malzoni| Jr|Sabina Sinkovic|Ante Lucin.Agent: Phil Booth 12 SEL GCHB CH Rozebottel's Mumm De Mumm. SS10860101 12/23/2017 Breeder: Katrien Van Gemert. Sire: Rozebottel's Big Spender Dam: Gingercreek Truffle Perfect Toffe. Owner:Dina Planche|Katrien Van Germert.Agent: Lois DeMers Judge: 90740 Linda L Reece Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Best of Breed 6 SEL Dreamcatchers Apple Of My Eye Jazz. SS15528701 10/26/2019 Breeder: Kimberley Layman. Sire: GCH CH Danny CM2 CD PCDX BN RA OA OAJ NF BCAT CGC TKN Dam: Cirtaps Prinses Flow V Micra-A DCAT CGC TKN. Owner:Kimberley Layman.Agent: Jessica Herzon 7 BB GCH CH Kessler. SS15565201 6/14/2019 Breeder: H A De Heus. Sire: Sam Dam: Romy. Owner:Merys Cook.
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