Ameican Mineralogist, Volume63, pages598-600, 1978 NEW MINERAL NAMES* MrcHnu- FruscHnn ANDLours J. Cnsnr Cl-Tyretskite The mineraloccurs in a seaml-2 cm thick and 30 cm long in Renatev. Hodenbergand RobertKUhn (1977).A newmineral of pyroxmangite-cummingtoniterock. The seamcontains kanoite, the hilgarditegroup: Cl-tyretskite from Boulby.Kali md Stein- spessartine,manganoan cummingtonite, and minor pyroxmangite, salz, 7, 165-170(in German). the kanoitegrains being 0.1 X 0.1 mm in maximumsize. The nameis for Dr. Hiroshi Kano, Professorof Petrology,Akita Analysisof an impure samplegave CaO 25.46,SrO 0.30,MgO University.Type materialis at ShimaneUniversity, Matsue, Ja- 0.92,FeO 3.63,B,Os 46.15,Ct, 15.80, KrO 5.33,Na,O 2.51,CO, pan, and in the National ScienceMuseum, Tokyo. M.F. 0.34,H,O 3.81,insol. 0.27; sum 104.42- (O : Ct,) : 100.862o. After subtractingall K assylvite (8.432o), all Na as halite(4.73Eo), and afl CO, as dolomite (0.73Eo)the remainingMg and Fe were Merlinolter subtractedas "boracite" (10.32vo),tleaving for the compositionof E. Pasaglia,D. Pongiluppi,and R. Rinaldi (1977)Merlinoite, a the main mineral(Car.rrrSio.orr)BoO".ozcl(OH)r.s, thesame compo- new mineral of the zeolite group. Neues Jahrb Mineral. sition as hilgarditeand parahilgardite;it differsfrom tyretskitein Monatsh.,355-364. havingCI(OH), in placeof (OH),. X-ray studyshowed the mineralto betriclinic, with a = 6.29l.+. Electronmicroprobe analysis (standards albite, microcline, syn- 0.001u,,: 6.464+0.001,c : 6.56+0.001A,a = 74.t4,8=61.58. thetic glass,synthetic olivine, and paracelsian)gave SiO, 51.82, ), : 61.26'(all+ 0.01'),Space group Pl, Z = l,G calc2.67, Alrog 18.04,Fe2Og0.72, MgO none,CaO 3.18,SrO none,BaO G meas 2.69. The strongest X-ray lines (77 given) are 2.49,NarO 0.65,KrO 7.53,HrO 15.57,recalculated to 10070;HrO by weightloss. The unit-cellcontent is (K. 2.880(I 00X002), 2.827(83)(020), 2.029(U)(3t2,32r), 3.r47(57 ) rrCa,aeNa" uuBao.2.Fq.r.) (Aleslsirr.6s)O0..22.74HrO. The DTG curve peaks at 215 and (21r,r2t ), 2.757 (s4)(20 r,2 | 2), 2.742(47 )(22 I ), 3.I 82(3e X I I 2). The mineraloccurs as white rosette-likeaggregates in nodulesof 250"C. the Boulby K mine,England. M. F. X-ray studyshows the mineralto be orthorhombic,space group Immm,a = 14.116,b : 14.229,c : 9.946A,pseudotetragonal with a : b : 14.184,c : 99624. The strongestX-ray lines(65 given) are 7.115(90X020), 7.080 (88X200), (40)(t2t,2tt),3.2s8 - Kanoite* 5.359 '{' (44xl4l), 3.241(41)(4ll), 3.176(100X240,420). The mineral is Hideo Kobayashi (1977) Kanoite, (Mn+'?,Mg),(SirO"),a new closelyrelated to phillipsite. clinopyroxenein the metamorphicrock from Tatehira,Oshima Merlinoiteoccurs as white spheroidal radial aggregates less than Peninsula,Hokkaido, Japan. J. Geol.Soc. Japan,83, 537-542 (in I mm in diameter.G meas2.14, calc 2.19. Mean n 1.494,elonga- English). tion positive.It occursin cavitiesin kalsilite-meliliterock, Cu- paello, Italy, with phillipsite, Microprobe analyies of three samplesof K. Tazaki and associated chabazite,calcite, and apophyllite. S. Iizumagave SiO, 49.87, 50.59, 50.14; Al,Os 0.04, 0.04, 0.03; FeO (total Fe) 3.06,3.15, 3.ll; MnO (total Mn) 31.t6,31.21,31.19; The nameis for StefanoMerlino, Professorof Crystallography, Universityof Pisa.Type materialis at the Museo MgO 15.01,15.17, 15.06; CaO 0.58, 0.59, 0.65; sum 99.72, 100.75, Civico Storia Nationale,Milan, Italy. M.F. 100.1870.Chemical analyses gave in additionNarO 0.03,KrO 0.03, FeO 2.64, Fe2Os0.39Vo. This correspondsto (Mnro.oMgorru FeSSrFefloCao0,.)Si,.s;gOu. Kanoiteis monoclinic,with a = 9.739,b: 8.939,c = 5.260A,E Motukoresite* : 108.56',space group probablyP2Jc, G 3.66meas, 3.60 calc. K. A. Rodgers,J. E. Chisholm,R. J. Davis and C. S. Nelson The strongest lines (26 given) are: 3.211 (lM)(220), 3.021 (1977)Motukoreaite, a new hydratedcarbonate, sulphate, and (90)Q2t),2.e2r(80x31t), 2.e10 (90x310), 2.493 (40)(002), r.627 (40xs3r hydroxideof Mg and Al from Auckland,New Zealand.Mineral. ). Mag., 41, 389-390. Color light pinkish-brown,luster vitreous, streak white. H : 6. Cleavage{l l0} perfect.Optically biaxial, positive, d : 1.715,B = Motukoreaiteoccurs as relativelyabundant white clay-likece- 1.717,7= 1.728(all +0.002),2V : 40420, Y = b, Z:c : 42', mentin both beach-rockand basalticvolcanic tuffs on theflanks of polysynthetictwinning on {100}common. a small extinct late Pleistocenebasaltic cone at Brown's Island (Motukoiea), within WaitemataHarbour. Wet-chemicalanalysis I The "boracite" .subtracted had the formula of a separateof the cementcontaining some 5 percentquartz and Fe1auMgr 5sBrrOr.Clr, hence was actually ericaite. tracesof calciteand goethitegave: SiO, 5.55,Alros 17.87,FeO, 0.73,CaO 0.92, MgO 22.98,MnO0.70,ZnO0.56, Na,O 0.71, K,O * Minerals marked with an asteriskafter the name were ap- 0.10,COr 9.32, SOs 10.00, H,O+ 19.62,H,O- 10.35,sum,99.4l7o. proved beforepublication by the Commissionon New Minerals The idealizedformula NaMg,rAl,r(CO8)".6(50.).(OH)'..28HrO is and Mineral Namesof the InternationalMineraloeical Associa- proposed.Dimensions of the hexagonalcell, derived from powder tion. diffractiondata, are a : 9.336,c : 44.'12A,Z : l.The mineralis 0n03-0o4x/ 78 /0506_0598$oo. 50 )v6 NEW MINERAL NAMES 599 nearly isotropic,r, about 1.51.H (Mohs) l-lV1' G 1.48-1.53by SlavYanskite* Bermanbalance, 1.478 calculated from idealformula. B. V. Dolishnii (1977)Slavyanskite, a new mineral.Zapiski Vses. The strongestlines in the powderpattern are: 11.32(vvs)(004), Mineralog Obshch.,106, 331-335(in Russian). 5.58(s)(008), a.59 (sX108), 3.72 (sX0.0.12), 2.s78 (s)(305), 2.386 (s)(l. l. I 6,1.0. I 8), 2.I s8 (sX1.0.20), t.92t (s)(3.l. l2). Analysisby R. Ya. Chudnovskayaand G. I. Baranovagave The nime is from the Maori nameof the type locality-Motu- Al,Os 31.04,FeOs 0.86,CaO 17.47,MgO l'05, HrO 48.38'SiO, korea-meaning'island of cormorants'.A.P. 1.07,sum 99.87Vo,corresponding to Car.oMgoooAl,.r.F%..Sio.oo = O. u.8.61 HrO, equivalentto CaAlrOlnHzO, n 8 or 8.5. Spec- V, and Ti. Tests Rucklidgeite* trographicanalysis showed 0.0x to 0.00x7oSr, Zr, for sulfate.chloride, fluoride, borate, and carbonatewere negative. E. N. Zav'yalov and V. D. Begizov (1977) Rucklidgeite, The DTA curve showsan intenseendothermic effect at 430' (loss gold (Bi,Pb)gTer,a new mineralfrom the Zod andKochkar ore of water) and a weak exothermic effect at 880'. The mineral deposits.Zapiski Vses.Mineralog. Obshch.,106,62-68 (in Rus- becomesamorphous when heatedat 430o. sian). Slavyanskiteis tetragonal,a : 11.26* 0.03,c : 6.56+ 0.024' = lines (38 given) are 5.66 Electronmicroprobe analyses gave: Bi 3'1.4,38.1,39.6; Pb 15.4, Z 4, G calc 2.49. The strongest (7)(212\,2.s89 ( l0x40l 1.7e2 13.6,9.4;Sb 1.0,2.9, n.d.; Ag t.2,1.1,1.9;Te43.9,44.2,44.9; sums (ex 101,200), 3.57 (9x3 10),23 57 ), lustervitreous. Brittle, 97.9,98.0,98.7for one grain from the Kochkar and two from the (7X323).H 4-5, G 2.52 + 0.03.Colorless, positive, 1.571' Zod deposit,respectively. These analysescorrespond to (Birot cleavages{ll0},{100} distinct. Optically uniaxial, ot (both The mineraloccurs as crystals1-2 mm in Pbo.a"Ago,r)Te. *, (Bir.rtPbo.?osbo,oAgs 12)Te..., and (Biz'rPbo oz e 1.600 + 0.002). (001),(l0l), and (ll0) forms, in a zoneof tectonic SbozzAgo zo)Te..., and the generalformula (Bi,Pb)sTer. size,showing saltdeposit, The strongestlines in the X-ray powder pattern (FeKa radia- brecciain the Adamovsftiisalt stock of the Slavyansk Basin,USSR. tion) for the Kochkar sample:3.22(10X1017); 2.34(9)(l0l.la); southeasternpart of the Dneprovsk-Donets is at L'vov Univer- 2.2r(4)(tr20); 1.976(5)(000.2r);1.822(4)Q027, 101.20); The nameis for the locality.Type material sity.M.F. t.607(qQA..t ); | .a73(6)(I t2.2t, r0T.26)iand 1.382(4)(10T.28, 000.30).The patternis similarto that of tellurobismuthiteexcept group proposed, for severalof the weak reflections.Space R3z is Unnamedmagnesium analogue of roemerite with a : 4.422,c = 41.49A,Z : 3,D = 7.739g/cms meas, 8.06 g/ (1968) sulfate cm8calc. B. V. Oleinikovand S. L. Shvartsev Contemporary pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite Rucklidgeiteis microscopicallyvery similar to tellurobismuthite, formation in the zone of oxidation of Platform. Geol.Geo' occurringas silver-whitefoliated aggregates intergrown with gold hydrothermal ores, northwesternSiberian (9 x 13 mm) along fracturesin dolomite(1.1 mm wide), and as fi2. no. 6, P. l5-25 (in Russian). smaller(up to 0.5 mm) tabular grains of differentorientations Analysis of supergenebotryoidal to earthy incrustations bordering arsenopyriteand boulangeritein dolomite. Streakis formed on pyrite gave SOs38.39, FeOg 19.94,FeO 4.33' MgO lead-gray,metallic lustre (strong on freshfracture), cleavage very 2.55, H?O 34.25, sum 99.44%,corresponding to (Mgo.F{.+o) perfecton the pinacoidand averageon the rhombohedron.Ruck- Fel.+G(SO.)8d'l5.5HrO. Spectrographicanalysis shows Ca, Na, plates lidgeiteis easilysplit into flexiblebut inelastic along the Mn, Cu, Co, Sn, As 0.047o,Al, Ni, Pb 0.0047o'DTA shows planeof cleavage.Non-magnetic.
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