} �)I �1 l£ 4::. .t� NOTES FROM THE COLLEGE RECORDS. �--� ' 1'- � � . t (Confimtcd from page 37). t etc:._ ..t � . HE frontispiece* to the present number of the ' Eagle is a reproduction, by the collotype di """ · At � f 1 process, of a letter to the Prior of St. � � Bartholomew's in Smithfield from Bishop ,_.. � �· � �� Fisher. i t� .t It will be observed that the letter was written by an -t . o amanuensis and signed by Fisher, who has added a � � Ill. : couple of lines in his own handwriting. It reads as � ..tt � t follows : �� 1 l ! J' . � g · Brother prior I pray you to delyuer vnto the brynger � � � � r 'hereof, Roger N otte, ffor my ladyes power ffolke at Hatfeld ciiij li. And this byll assigned with my hande shalbe your discharge ffrom Lambeth Marsh, the xiiijth daie of June. �· l.:Lt�i� j ��'t:..:J..rttl .:JL1 Jo. ROFFS. � +r�� � �· . ..:. l1. � t And I pray you do so moch to se Peter's work for my laclyes tomb and when ye have oones seen I will comm my ��z !; t J self thycler. -;� ·�"J ·� Addressecl: To the prior of Sent Bartylmewes .this be �.q_t. clelyuered. AI t·i The contract with Pietro Torrigiano for the tomb of the Lady Margaret has been printed in the Eagle (Vol. tt� ��� ...Q xviii, 3 41-345 ). The supervision of the work was �� t �� 6 ;z/;·l thereby given to the Bishop, Henry Hornby, and * The Editors are indebted for the frontispiece to the kindness of the Master, who presented the Eagle with copies for the current number. VOL. XXXI. U 146 Nolts from tht Collegt Records. Notes jrolll the College Records. 147 William Bolton, Prior of St Bartholomew's. Th e latter injured by wet. To unroll it now would require the seems to have had the chief oversight, fo r in the Accounts skill and patience of those who so treat Egyptian papyri. of the Executors of the Lady Margaret (printed by It has been for many years rolled up with an early copy Professor Mayor in Cooper's Lijeof tlze Lady Margarot, endorsed: "Shorton's accompte fo r buildinge the p. 201) we findthe entry: Colledge being truly copyed, Octobris primo 1638, out " Item [paiede J to the prior of Seint Bartilmews for of the Origin all thereof being decayed with rain e.'' In his counsell in devisynge the seide tombe, and for his this copy there are some blanks, corresponding doubt­ labour costis and expensis in surueyinge and coun­ less to the decayed portions of the original. trollynge the werkmen of the same tombe at diuerse Another copy of the account has been preserved in and sondry tymes and ffor sendynge for diuerse the volume of inventories from which the list of players' werkmen ffrom beyende the see for makynge of the apparel, printed in the last number of the Eagle, was seide tombe." taken. In this copy, which seems to date from about The sum paid to Bolton is not entered, there being a 1547, a word or two is occasionally missing owing later memorandum "the prior of Seint Barthilmews is perhaps to careless copying, the handwriting is more­ no thinge allowed yet fo r his labour." over far from easy to read. The statement which Bolton seems to have been better known fo r his follows is made up by a comparison of the two copies. architectural skill than fo r his theological attainments, fo r Collegium Sancti Johannis Euangeliste infra we find tha t one of Cardinal Wolsey's correspondents, Vniuersitatem Cantebrigie. writing in 1518, says that the king must have assurance Bona Fundatricis data huic Collegio Sancti of Bolton's learning, as well as architectural skill, before Johannis Euangeliste in Cantabrigia. he advances him to a bishopric (l.c. p. 260 line 26-28). It may therefore be the case that Bolton made the Computus Magistri Roberti Shorton Sacre Theologie design fo r the tomb while Torrigiano executed the professoris Magistri Collegii Sancti Johannis Euangeliste in work. vniversitate Cantabrigia computantis tam in omnibus et receptis ex Reuerendo Fisher's letter is an order to Bolton to pay over singulis denariorum summis per ipsum permissione diuina J ohanne certain moneys fo r the support of the Lady Margaret's in Christo patre et domino de Magistro Henrico Homeby et Magistro pensioners at Hatfield. It was therefore no doubt Roffensi episcopo gone Assheton tribus executoribus nuper excellentissime presented to the Executors by him as a voucher for the Hu principisse Margareta Comitisse Richmondie et Derbie ac accuracy of his accounts and thus came to be preserved matris domini Regis Henrici Septimi defuncti pro noua in College. The letter was written in June of an constructura et fabricacione dicti Collegii Sancti J ohannis unmentioned year ; the date of the contract with sumptibus et expensis dicte nuper principis ac de consimili bus Torrigiano is 2 3 November r 5 r 1. denariorum summis per dictum computantem similiter de diuersis aliis personis ad usum dicti Collegii quam de The document which fo llows is of considerable omnibus et singulis denariorum summis per ipsum solutis interest ; it is the final account of Dr Robert Shorton, circa premissa et pro dicto Collegio videlicet ab ultimo die first Master of St Joh n's, being in fact a statement of Januarij anno Regni Regis Henrici Octaui secundo vsque the cost of building the college. What appears to be festum Sancte Agnetis virginis anno septimo eiusdem domini the original computus roll has at some time been much Regis scilicet per quinque annos integros u2 148 N ales from the College Records. Notes from the College Records. 149 Arreragia. Et de ... xxvijli xvjs per dictum computantem similiter Nulla quia iste est primus 1compotus per prdatum Robertum recepta de supradicto magistro Henrico Horneby, videlicet redditus xvijmo die J ulij anno Septimo Regis predicti xxli vicesimo die Summa . nulla Julij anno eadem vjli et xiijmo die Septembris dicta anno Sed recognoscit : Septimo xxxvj s Et sic in toto vt supra ex recognicione dicti Recepta denariorum scilicet de computantis super hunc compotum. Memorandum quod dicta billa Magislri Hugonis Ashton Summa ... MCxjli xvj s. remanet penes dominum Episcopum Roffensem Domino Episcopo Roffensi. Magistro H ugone Ash ton Et de ... DCClx li per dictum computantem similiter Memorandum quod dicta obligationes remanent penes dominum Johannem Roffensem episcopum. recepta de magistro Hugone Ashton ad diuersas vices infra Sed recognoscit. tempus predictum vt patet per vnam billam manu propria De ... MM.li per dictum magistrum Robertum Shorton ipsius computantis scriptam datam xvijmo die marcij anno recepta ex dicto Reverendo patre domino Johanne H.offensi quinto Regis predicti receptam summe predicte testificantem episcopo ad diuersas vices infra tempus huius compoti super hunc compotum ostensam et inter memoranda eiusdem videlicet prima vice decimo sexto die J uli j an no tercio Regis remanentem. Summa . DCClxli. predicti Mli secunda vice eisdem die et anno CCCCl. li tercia vice decimo tercio die Augusti anno tercio predicto Jacobo Morice D li et quarta vice xxiiij die N ouembris an no tercio predicto Et de . DCxixli xs. per ipsum similiter recepta de l.li ut patet per tres billas propria manu eiusdem compu­ Jacobo M01·ice ad diuersasvices infra tempus huius compoti tantis scriptas super hunc compotum ostensas et examinatas videlicet vicesimo die Aprilis anno quinto Regis Henrici ac inter memoranda eiusdem remanentes. Et de D.li per Octavi Cxl/i primo die J ulij dicto anno quinto xlixli vicesimo ipsum computantem similiter recepta de prefato episcopo in die N ouembris dicto anno quinto CC!i sexto die Aprilis promptis denariis ex mutuo infra tempus predictum pro eodem anno iiijxxzi vicesimo die Julij anno sexto Regis qui bus idem Computans cum aliis Sociis suis Collegii predicti predicti xl/i die Decembris dicto anno sexto xxli tenentur eidem episcopo per scriptum suum obligatorium decimo die Januarij eodem anno xliiijli xxj0 die Januarij sub sigillo communi eiusdem Collegii cui us datum est decimo eodem anno xxli x s et xxvj0 die Januarij eodem anno xxvjli octavo die mensis Januarij anno quarto Regis Henrici Octavi vt patet per librum dicti computantis ac ex recognicione sua super hunc computum ostensum et examinatum vt per dictum super hunc compotum. scriptum plenius apparet. Summa . DCxixli x s. Summa ...MMD .li. Hugone Edwards Et de ...xxviij/i vs ixd per ipsum recepta de Hugone Magistro Henrico Horneby. Edwards infra tempus predictum vt patet per librum eiusdem Et de ... M iiijxx iiijli per dictum computantem similiter coinputantis ac per recognicionem suam super hunc com­ recepi:."l de supradicto magistro Henrico Horneby ad diuersas potum vices infra tempus huius compoti vt particulariter patet Summa ...xxviijli vs ixd. plenarie per vnam indenture pergamani manu propria ipsius J ohanne Straunge computantis in xiij separalibus summis super hunc compotum Et de ...xxli per ipsum similiter recepta de Johanne ostensam et examinatam ac inter memoranda predicta Straunge primo die Julij anno quinto Regis predicti infra remanentem. tempus huius compoti vt patet per librum dicti magistri 150 Notes fr om the College Records. Noles from the College Records. 151 - Roberti Shorten ac ex recognicione eiusdem super hunc Receptoris terrarum et tenementorum pertinentium Collegio compotum predicto pro anno septimo Regis predicti prout in pede Summa ...xxli. compoli sui eiusdem anni plenius conlinetur. Et oneratur H.ecepta denariorum de certarum terrarum venditarum se gratis de vs ijd de parte vj/i xiijs iiijd per ipsum receptum Et de ...CC xxli per dictum computantem recepta de de Magistro Henrico Horneby pro dinersis solucionibus precio certarum terrarum nuper dicti Collegij iacentium in fiendis in Scaccario domini Regis et alibi pro custodibus Iselham sic per ipsum venditarum infra tempus huius compoti legis et aliis habitis circa causas Collegij Sancti J ohannis infra ac ex recognicione sua super hunc compotum tempus predictum vltra vj/i viijs ijd de residue dicte summe Summa .
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