Prepared in the Office of Legal Counsel, House of Representatives

Prepared in the Office of Legal Counsel, House of Representatives

TOWA CA}IDIDATES FOR PRIMARY ELECTION June 3, 1980 NAMES AI{D ADDRESSES OF CANDIDATES FOR: 1. United States Congress 2. State Office 3. House of Representatives and Senate Key to list: . , .r,, R - Reipublican D - Democrat Prepared in the office of Legal Counsel, House of RePresentatives IOI^IA CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES CONGRESS PrimarY Election - June 3t 1980 UNITED STATES SENATE John Culver (D-Incumbent) Charles E- GrassleY (R) Drive, S.E. Rural Route 100 ThomPson 50660 Apt. 308 New Hartford Cedar RaPids 52403 Tom Stoner (R) 1303 BelI Avenue Des Moines 50315 UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES First District (R-Incumbent) Rick Nielsen (D) Jim Leach R.R. 3, Box 540 2625 Wood Lane 5276L DavbnPort 52803 Muscatine Jim Larew (D) 215 ldoolf Avenue Iowa CitY 52240 Second District (D) Tom Tauke (R-Incumbent) Steve Sovern 1715 GIen Oak R.R. 1 Dubuque 5200I Marion 52302 Third District (D) Cooper Eivans (R) Lynn G. Cutler 1009 H Avenue 705 ProsPect BIvd. GrundY Center 50638 Waterloo 50703 Paul Eugene Sires (R) 3825 W. 27Lh. Cedar Falls 50513 Jim l{est (R) 203 Second St. N ' I'^I ' State Center 50247 BiIl Hansen (R) 1614 CherrY Lane Cedar FaIls 505I3 -l .a UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONT'.D l Fourth District Donald C. Young (R) Neal Smith (Drlnc1gfibent) 7000 Trail Ridqe Drive R.R. I Des Moines 50322 Altoona 50009 George Cosson (R) 1660 N.W.75th Clive 50053 Jack Heide1 (R) 1431 4lst Des Moines 50311 Fifth District CaI Hultman (R) Tom Harkin (D-Incumbent) 70I Joy 34L2 ontario Red Oak 5I5G6 Ames 50010 Sixth District Clarence S. Carney (R) Berkley Bedell (D-Incunbent) 3412 Cheyenne Blvd. Echo Bay Sioux City 51104 okoboji 51355 CANDIDATES FOR STATE OFFICES PrirnarY Election - June 3, 1980 AUDITOR Richard D. ,fohnson (R-Incumbent) lII E. Blaine Sheldahl 50243 CAI{DIDATES FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ATiID SENATE REPRESENTATIE-DISTRICTI-population2S'250(2Counties) townships 1. In LYON COUNTYI 15 complete 2.InslouxCoI,INTY:14completetowns'hipsPI,qqportionofportion of Bun66ffi#Fip oot"' of _ttawir<i-n; Hollana tJils[ip-""iiia" ciry- of orange city. Kenneth De Groot (R-Incumbent) Doon 51235 REPRESENTATI\4-DISTRICT2-population2S,2S3(2Counties) townships I. In PI,YMOUTH CotJNtY: 16 complete orange CO[,NTY: 5 complete townships-portioir PLUS city of 2.'L' |itvffii""aIn SIOUX t"ri"nip; offity of Hawarden witirin Bunconbe townshiP' Douqlas Ritsema (R-Incumbent) Kenneth Wright (D) 223 Boston Ave., N.E. R.R. 1 Oranse CitY 51041 Remsen 51050 SENAToRIAI,DISTRICTI--RePresentativeDistrictsland2 Lucas J. DeKoster (R) Holdover 404 Center Street Hul1 51239 REPRESENTATI\IE DISTRICT 3 - population 28.26L (e Countiee) I. In CI"AY COtNTyz 2 complete townships PLUS portion of Sumnlt towtffiIpGEliae town of Fostoria. 2. In 5 complete townships PLUS portlon of Lak tside town of OkoboJil-portion of Spirit Lak n of town of Okobojil town of Arnolds Park; por st okoboji within Center Grove townshiPl portion of tonn of Milford within Milford townshlp. 3. In LYON COTNTY: 3 conplete townships. 4. In OTBRIEN COUN!!: 4 complete townships PLUS portion of city of ffi Carroll township. 5. In OSCEOLA COUNTY: AIl of Osceola County. 6. In SIOUX COTINTY: 2 complete townships. fngwer L. Hansen (R-Incumbent) 20l- S. 8th Ave. E. Hartley 51345 hgpREsnNTATM DISTRICT 4 - population 281258 (4 Counties) l. In CIAY COUNTY: 4 complete townships and city of Speneer pr,u5t,T6fi6-of town of Fostoria within Sununit township. 2. In DICKINSON COLINTY: 3 complete townships PLUS portion of Center cro@ide towni of okobojir-Art61lifs Park and l{est Okobojis portion of town of Okoboji not in Representative District 3l portion of lrlilford township outride town of ll.ilfordl portion of Spirit Lake township outside Representative District 3. 3. In EIIMET COUNIY: Estherville townshlp. 4. In PALO ALTO COTNTYz 2 complete townshlps. Lee HoIt (R-Incumbent) David Grussing (D) 1502 Country CIub Drive 814 llth Ave. N. Spencer 51301 Estherville 51334 ! SENATORIAL DISTRICT 2 Representative Districts 3 and 4 Leon Trigrgs (R) John E, yan der Linden (D) L624 18th Avenue West 943 2nd St. N.E. Spencer 5130I Sibley 51-249 Richard P. Vande Hoef (R) R.R. Box 19 Harris 51345 REPRESENTATI\/E DISTRIC! 5 - Population 281256 (S Counties) I. In ryys Nokomis township. 2. In ry: lt complete townships. 3. In CLAY COUNTY: Lone Tree township. 4. In OTBRIEN COtNTy: 10 complete townships 4E portion of car@utside citY of sherdon. 5. In PLYMOUTH COIINTY: Henry township PLUS Remsen township of t6wn of nems6ilfncluded in "*.@nRepresentative District 2. Lester D. Menke (R-Incumbent) Calumet 51009 REPRESENTATI\IE DISTRICT 6 - population 28,254 (6 Counties) 1. IN BUENA vIsTA COUNTY: 14 cornplete and clties of ffi-rm Lake. 2. In CHEROKEE COUNTY: Spring townshiP. 3. In CI"AY COUNTY: 9 complete townshiPs. 4. In OIBRIEN COUNTYI Grant townshiP. 5. In PAIO ALTO COI,INTY: 4 complete townshiPs. 6. In POCAIIONTAS COUNTY: 3 complete townshiPs. Lester Gingerich (R) Richard Groth (D-Incumbent) 1117 Lincoln 609 South 4th Street Storm Lake 50588 Atbert CitY 50510 SENATORIAL DISTRICT 3 -- RePresentative Districts 5and6 Arne Waldstein (R) (Holdover) 319 East 9th St. Storm Lake 50588 .REPRESENTATI\IE DISTRICT 7 - PoPulation 28'264 (S Counties) l. In IIAIjICOCK COIINTY: town of Corvith. 2. In HUMBOLDT COUNTY: 6 complete townships. 3. fn KOSSUTH COUNTY z 12 complete townships and city of Algona 4q@wn of l,one Rock within Burt township. 4. In PALO AITO COTNTY: I0 complete townships. 5. In pOCAHONTAS COUNTY: Des Moines township and town of Rolfe. Sue Mullins (R-Incumbent) Oani-el P. Fogarty (D) Prairie Flat Farms R.D. Rural Route Cvlinder 50528 Corwith 50430 REPRESENTATM DISTRICT I - population 28t254 (4 Counties) l. In EMMET COIJNTY: 11 complete townships. 2. In tlAlilCOCK COIJNTY: portion of city of Forest Clty within Mad@ 3. fn KOSSUTH COUNTY: 15 complete townships PLUS Portion of aur@rde town or Lone Locx. 4. In I{INNEBAGO COLTNTY: All of Winnebago County. Ctifford O. Branstad (R-Incumbent) Ruth A. BoIie (D) Rural Route 1 R. R. I Thompson 5047 B Thompson 50478 SENATORIAL DISTRICT 4 Representative Districts 7 and I Berl E. Priebe (D-Incumbent) R.F.D. 2, Box 145A Algona 50511 REPRESENTAETVEDTsTRTctg-population281246(4Counties) townshj'p' 1. In CEPRO GORDO COUNTY: Grant 2. In FRNIKLIN COUNTY: tfiEner township' 3.InIlANCocKcot'NTY3ll-complete.townshipsPLUsportionofg{ rorest- cify; portions of Madffit"ia.-E-iiv town Corwith' Boone and Magor tot"""tts-outsiae of {o4.InWRIGHTcot,NTYslgcompletetownshipsPg-Portionof town iitii%iffi;itrrin cii"t and Lincoln Fownshipsr of woolstock. Delwyn Stromer (R-Incumbent) R.R. 2 Box 108 Garner 50438 REPRESENT4II\rEDI'srRIcTIo-population28,245(3Counties) complete l. In couNrY: - -13 -t?"Hn:8"^EiF*tilttiito [il::i: and-FIAnKLIN tohtn ;i- Idt Portion of townshiP. 7 complete townships' 2. In IIARDIN COUNTY " 3.*.ffin,;"":l!}i:::?!l"lPi':+l3"?"il}??:""3,o'".. woolstock' t{oolstock township outeiae town of Richard W. Welden (R-Incurnbent) 612 Forest Drive Iowa Falls 50L26 Districts 9 and 10 SENATORT4 Drffi 5 Representative Ray Taylor (R) (Holdover) Steamboat Rock 50672 REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT lI - PoPulation 28'253 (l County) I. In CERRO GORDO COUNTY: I0 comPlete townships and city of ci"ffin of ltason township east of u.s. highway 65; portionEcitY of Mason CitY. Betty Jean C1ark (R-Incurnbent) Jeanne L. Argos (D) Route 2, Box 12 65 River Heiqhts Drive Rockwell 50459 uason city 5oaor REPRESENTATI\IE DISTRICT L2 - population 28r25L (Z Counties) I. In CERRO GORDO COUNTy: 3 complete townships PLUS portion of- cit@ included i.n Representaffi District ll. 2. In WORTH COIINTY: AII of Worth County. Juanita Davidson (R) Lowe1l E. Norland (o-tncumbent) Rural Route 2 Kensett 50449 Northwood 50459 Beverly Pangburn (R) R.R. 3 Northwood 50459 SENATORIAL DISTRICT 6 Representative Districts 11 and 12 Patrick J. Breheny (R) Alvin V. MiIIer (D-Incumbent) 300 S. 12th Ventura 504g2 Clear Lake 50428 28.25O (3 COUNtiCS) REPRESENTATI\IE DISTRICT 13 - POPUIATiON township' I. In CERRO GORDO COUNTY: Falls portion of city 2. In FLoYD COUNTY: 9 complete township:-El'9s' effi156-6ry a d Saint Charles townsnr'P' "i portion of 3. rn t'[rr,cHELL cottNTY: 13 complete- townships ry wayne .otffi€sia" town of Mcrntire' Gene A. Ostendorf (R) Rollin K. Howell (D-Incumbent) R.R. I P.O.Box 2I8 Dougherty 50433 702 Bradford Marble Rock 50653 REPRESENTATIVEDISTRICT14-population28,249(4Counties) townships' 1. In GHICKASAY| coUNTY: 9 complete portions of city of 2. In FLOYD COUN!!: Niles township--:Pt -not in cha;ffi; sll-cnartes townEffi-p included"".ttative District 13' PLUS portion of 3. In ry CO!N!!: 10 complete--!o1:"hip"pr-oti'illi; New oregorrffiip-outside town of townships town of t{crntire' 4. rn MITCHELL couNTY t 2 complete ry (R-Incumbent) Larry Miles Dinger (D) Jim Johnson I05 East 4th 411 MaPIe 50466 EIma 50528 Riceville SENAToRIALD!.STRICT-7--RePresentativeDistricts13and14 Arthur L. Gratias (R) (Holdover) Box 2IO, Route I Nora SPrings 50458 (5 REPRESENTATI\IE DISIBICT 15 - PoPulation 28.266 Counties) 1.Inry:6completetownshipsandcityofSumner. 2. In CHIClLl,l$4T{ :QQUNTY: 3 complete townships ' 3. In FAYETTE COIINTY: II complete townships and town of Fayette' 4. In HOWARD COIINTY: town of Protivin. 5. In WINNESHIEK COTNTY: Jackson township. Donald D. Avenson (D-fncumbent) 30 Maplewood Drive Oelwein 50662 REPRESENTATITfrE DISTRICT 16 - population 28'249 (3 Counties) I. In FAyETTE COUNTy: 6 complete townships and city of lilest Union. 2. In HOWARD COTNTY: Albion township. 3. In V|INNESHIEK COtNTy: l7 complete townships. Semor C. Tofte (R-Incumbentl Joyce E. Christensen (D) 401 Upper Broadway Rural Route f Decorah 52101 West Union 52L75 SENATORIAL DISTRICT 8 -- Representative Districts 15 and 16 Rolf V.

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