Property of NOV 21 1961\ MARINE CORPS HISTOF Please I -A-nralai 1112, 'Open Gate' for E-5 Sergeants Okayed in Change to Manual Station and 'Brigade com- 5330.3A. The Brigade order mands lost no time in 'comply- was not available at press to is VOL 10 No. 43 MARINE ing with a recent change the time, but scheduled to be CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII NcAeniber 17, 1961 Marine Corps Personnel Man- published shortly. ual which authorizes Sergeants In compliance with the Sta- B-5 to practice the privilege of tion O r d e r, Headquarters "open gate" liberty. Squadron Order 1050.4G states, in part: "Armed Forces Liberty The change, No. 1 to para- Texas Editors graph 9205.1, states: "NCO's Pass (Form DD(N)-345 or in pay grade E-5 and above Form DD-345) are the author- will not be Issued liberty ized ' liberty credentials for View Passes except when under personnel of this command. En- Brigade liberty regulations of anoth- listed Marines in the rank of Sergeant E-4 and below will "The eyes of Texas will be er service that r equire passes." be provided with one of these upon you" Tuesday when 15 edi- authorized liberty cards. tors and publishers from the State Prior to its publication, only "Each Department Head SSgt's E-5 and above were al- controlling liberty will insure of Texas visit Brigade facilities lowed to leave the base with- as part of a one-day tour of that a liberty log is maintained; out first checking out their that only authorized personnel FMFPac commands. liberty passes. check out on liberty; and that Guests of the Secretary of the Navy, the group Liberty regulations for liberty cards of all E-4's and is on an ori- Station personnel are set below are turned in upon ex- entation tour of Naval installa- forth in Station piration of liberty." tions and units in the Hawaiian Order area. IMIMMININNIII.1.11111111MI The purpose of their tour is to orient themselves on equip- ment, developments, capabilities and problems of the Navy and Marine Corps. Mess Hall Invites Guests The "Lone Star Staters" are scheduled to depart Camp Smith's Eordelon Field by HMP-161 heli- copters for K-Bay at about 10:30 For Thanksgiving Meg! a.m. Upon their arrival, they will Are you planning on taking the If so, you're reminded that be met by Brigade and Station family to the mess hall for tickets are on sale at the Food Staff officers and taken to Thanksgiving Day Dinner next Services Office, Bldg. 208. Kansas Tower for a briefing. Thursday? The mess hall's traditional After lunch they will trek to Thanksgiving feast has been noted INAIL MAG-13 where they in the past to be one of the best will see a meals served throughout the THANKSGIVING static display of aircraft and GUESTS - Welcomed to Messhall No. 2 Wed- equipment presently employed Special Services year. nesday were the honored guests for the coming Thanksgiving feast. by the Brigade's air-arm. K-Bay personnel may host their Central Butcher Shop and Mess personnel unloaded 9400 pounds of From MAG-13, dependents or guests. Prices are the Texans will For and turkey and tons of other supplies for the meal. Thanksgiving dinner be taken to the Fort Hase dem- Thanksgiving $1.20 for officers authorized To provide Marines and civilian adults; enlisted person- will be served in Messhalls No. I and No. 2 from 2 to 5 p.m. Tickets onstration area where they will their dependents an opportunity to give nel on commuted rations status, for dependents and guests can be bou:ht at Food Serv:ces. see the Brigade's air-ground fighting team conduct an am- special thanks on Thanksgiving $1; children under 12 years of phibious assault demonstration. Day, religious services have been age, 60 cents. The newsmen will be escorted arranged at the Chapel Center, In order to plan adequate by LCdr, G. P. Zornow, USN, Bldg. 1090, K-Bay Chaplains an- service for all patrons and be- KBay Pacific Missile Range Staff, Hq, COMEIGHT and LtCol. nounced this week. cause of limited seating capabili- P. M Moriarty, ISO, FMFPac. Catholics will gather at 9 a.m. ties, interested persons are urged Lieutenant Fernando Edralin, a for their Mass of Thanksgiving to purchase their tickets as soon Eyed public information officer of the at St. Michael's Chapel. as possible. They will be on sale Unit by RAdm. F. V. Hilles Philippine navy is also a guest The Protestant Thanksgiving through Nov. 21. member of SecTrav Service will be offered at The Pacific Missile Rang e, During the visit they were the visitors. Trinity The guests will include: Misters Chapel at 10 a.m. Washington representative, Rear briefed on curl ent missile and J. Alvin Barr, Nederland, Tex.; 14th Naval District Admiral Frederick V. H. Hilles, satellite operations, and viewed George Baker, Fort Stockton; Wil- ins; :ccted the PMR Facility here the impact location system and liam E. Berger, Hondo; Roy M. Monday afternoon on his second the communications-control cen- Craig, Stamford; Winneford B. MCX, Commissary To List Survivors day of touring the nation's larg- ter. Crossley, Madisonville; William P. Davis, Waxahacie; Richard E. est missile and satellite shooting During this "down range" tour, Dwelle, Athens; George W. Of Pearl Harbor Dly Admiral Hines will visit the PMR Hawkes, Arlington; and Rufus ioliday limn Set Facilities on Kauai, Hawaii, Can- The 14th Naval District is com- Accompanying the Admiral was Higgs, Stephenville. The Marine Corps Exchange piling a list of Navy and Marine Air Force Brigadier General Paul ton Island and Kwajalein and Also, Misters Jack W. How- Eniwetok Atolls. and the Commissary will be officers and enlisted personnel T. Cooper, Director of Defense erton Cuero; Mr. Phil McMul- who were on duty in Pearl Har- Hilles closed Thanksgiving Day. Research and Engineering, De- RAdm reported to the len, Garland; Mr. James W. Rob- Both will open bor on the morning of 7 Decem- of for business at partment of Defense. Bureau Weapons in June 1960 erts, Andrews; Mr. Vernon T. the regular hours Friday. Begin- ber, 1941, the day of the Japan- as the Assistant The top missilemen are pres- Chief for Pa- Sanford, Austin; Mr. L. B. Smith, ning next week, 1090 Ex- ese attack. cific Missile Range and the ently on a one week 9000 mile Astro- Brady; and Mr. Tom S. White- change will be open until 9 p.m. Station and Brigade have been tour of PMR "down range" sites. nautics. ' head, Brenham. every Friday until Christmas. asked to submit lists of person- While aboard K-Bay, they met The main Exchange and Toyland nel falling in this category. with Captain Stanley H. Lane, will also close Wednesday after- Brigade Marines and Navymen PMR Facility Commanding Offi- Strippers Too aeon. are requested to call GySgt. R. cer, and Captain W. N. Ringness, All Special Services activities G. Rehkemper, G-1 office, at Director, Range Support, PMR will follow normal operating 72782. headquarters. Military -Owned Automobiles Targets schedules except the Hobby Shop. Pearl Harbor vets assigned to The Hobby Shop will be open Station should call the Station Thursday next week, but will Adjutant at 72378. )f Piql!pn Pretests, Police Citations close Friday. Calls should be made soonest. Report On 1961 The Station Provost Marshal, only vehicles which meet the state Capt. M. H. Cook. issued the fol- and station safety requirements lowing warning to K-Bay auto- be purchased and that a decal be obtained as soon as possible. Lirtbday Bells mobile owners this week. It good time was had by all. The Captain said: "vehicles :tail Wives Invited End of report. must not be left unattended on private property or roadways in the area outside of the MCAS .o Attend Talk On gate. "Owners of private property iiouselrld Poisons K-Bay are legally within their rights io have illegally parked ve- Household poisons and their hicles removed at the expense effects on people, particularly Poi5r)Pings of the owners. children, will be the subject of a In an effort to halt the talk by Dr. Ray DeHay at the increasing number of child- "Police officers are also author- Staff NCO Club next Tuesday ren's poisonings, the WIND- ized to issue traffic citations for evening, Nov. 21, at 7:30. WARD MARINE each week the offense of illegal parking on All members of the Staff Wives effers a box score of "Ertel- zuedways." Clue and their guests are invited the Sta- to attend. R. dents" reported at Ta his statement. Capt. Cook NAVY BIRTHDAY PRESENT - Col. W. Campbell, Station CO, tion Dispensary. The fol- emphasized that automobiles The presentation is being made sounds the f: clang of a ship's bell giveii to Brigade and Station lowing were poisoned by: parked in these areas are prime possible by the courtesy of the officers by the office- of the Pacific Missile Range Facility here at Honolulu County Medical targets for "car strippers" So- MCAS. The bell and the elaborate, inscribed plaque from which POISON BOX ciety, in conjunction with 41., Thyoid which do a "rush business" in it hangs in the "0" Club's Capt. Cook Room, was presented by the station entrance area. Station Medical Department. ASA 1 Capt. G. Basilicato, MC, USN, Capt. Stanley H. Lane, left, CO of the PMR Facility, last Friday To eliminate the possibility of the Station Medical Officer, will afternoon at the club. The insription reads: "Marine Corps Air Total 2 paying towing charges and fines, be on hand to hold a discussion Station, Kaneohe .
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