E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2005 No. 8 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tunity to come to the floor and express called to order by the Honorable LISA United States of America and to the Repub- themselves and debate appropriately. MURKOWSKI, a Senator from the State lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Over the course of the morning, we will of Alaska. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. hopefully have more certainty in terms f of when we will complete debate. PRAYER APPOINTMENT OF ACTING I do want to encourage Senators in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE the meantime to contact the chairman prayer will be offered by former Senate or the ranking member in order to fa- Chaplain Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie from Los The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cilitate an orderly schedule for speak- Angeles, CA. clerk will please read a communication ers. I welcome the debate on Mr. Almighty God, Sovereign of this Na- to the Senate from the President pro Gonzales and look forward to the Sen- tion and Lord of our lives, thank You tempore (Mr. STEVENS). ate acting on this important nomina- for the gifts of life, intellect, good The legislative clerk read the fol- tion. memories, and daring visions. We don’t lowing letter: Once again, I mentioned yesterday ask for challenges equal to our talents U.S. SENATE, but I want to remind our colleagues and training, education and experience; PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, today, we have a State of the Union rather, we ask for opportunities equal Washington, DC, February 1, 2005. To the Senate: Message tomorrow, a joint meeting of to Your power and vision. Forgive us Congress at 9 p.m. We have asked Sen- when we pare life down to what we Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby ators to gather in the Chamber begin- could do on our own without Your appoint the Honorable LISA MURKOWSKI, a ning at 8:30 to proceed at 8:40 to the power. Make us adventuresome, un- Senator from the State of Alaska, to perform Hall of the House of Representatives daunted leaders who seek to know the duties of the Chair. tomorrow night. what You want done and attempt it be- TED STEVENS, I have a statement to make, but I cause You will provide exactly what is President pro tempore. would like to turn to the minority needed to accomplish it. We thank You Ms. MURKOWSKI thereupon assumed leader. that tough times are nothing more the Chair as Acting President pro tem- f than possibilities wrapped in negative pore. attitudes. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY f Lord of the unfolding drama of his- LEADER tory, we praise You for the triumph of RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the first free election in half a century LEADER pore. The minority leader is recog- in Iraq. We honor the courage of the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nized. millions of Iraqis who defied danger pore. The majority leader is recog- and reprisal to exercise their new lib- f nized. erty from tyranny. WELCOME TO FORMER CHAPLAIN We know that freedom is not free; it f OGILVIE is the legacy of liberators of our Armed SCHEDULE Forces, some of whom paid the su- Mr. REID. Madam President, as the preme price to assure freedom for the Mr. FRIST. Madam President, this distinguished majority leader and I people of Iraq. Help us to cherish our morning we have a period for morning stood in the aisle, as soon as Reverend freedoms in America and never take for business until 10:45. At 10:45, we will Ogilvie finished his prayer, the Repub- granted the privileges we enjoy. proceed to executive session for the lican leader leaned over to me and said, Now bless the women and men of this consideration of the nomination of how about that voice, or words to that Senate. Help them experience the pal- Alberto Gonzales to be Attorney Gen- effect. Those were the exact memories pable presence of Your Spirit and re- eral. Chairman SPECTER will begin that I have of Dr. Ogilvie. I spent 5 years lis- ceive the incredible resilience You pro- debate. On this side, we are prepared to tening to his prayers every morning. vide. You are our Lord and Saviour. allow for a reasonable time for debate As a result of that, I felt it was a good Amen. and then set a time certain for the way to start the day. It brought back f vote. I hope that at an early hour so many memories of our time to- today we will be able to lock in an gether. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE agreement so that Members will be It seems that one of the require- The Honorable LISA MURKOWSKI led able to prepare accordingly. We do ments, at least with the last two chap- the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: want all Senators to have the oppor- lains we have had, is the voice. Dr. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S681 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:58 Jan 08, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S01FE5.REC S01FE5 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 1, 2005 Black and Dr. Ogilvie have two of the wonderful currency of peace in its man- He didn’t stop there. He was accepted finest voices I have ever heard and each ifestation. at Harvard Law School, and with his time I hear them say something I be- I will also be introducing legislation Harvard law degree in hand he returned come so envious that I have my voice shortly addressing this whole challenge to Texas to join one of Houston’s most and they have theirs. of water and the global issues sur- respected law firms, and he was their The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- rounding water, the fact that 1.2 billion first minority partner. At the firm, pore. The majority leader. people in the world today do not have Judge Gonzales committed himself to Mr. FRIST. Madam President, the a clean glass of water. Unfortunately, the education of minority kids. He Democratic leader is exactly right. these waterborne illnesses are the No. 1 even helped create minority scholar- That was our first comment. What is killer of children in the world today be- ships which to this day are awarded to even more embarrassing is when you cause 1.2 billion people do not have ac- those in need. are side by side with either Lloyd cess to that water. It didn’t take long for people to rec- Ogilvie or Chaplain Black and you have We will be introducing legislation to ognize the tremendous talents of Judge to sing, because their voices are so address the global water supply, qual- Gonzales. He answered the call to pub- powerful, which does mean so much to ity and quantity, that will address lic service. Newly elected Governor us in terms of expressing feelings, emo- some of the basic issues, humanitarian George Bush tapped Alberto Gonzales tion, and values. When it is applied to in part but public health in large part to join his administration as general the beautiful voice of singing, it is es- as well. We can do a lot through our counsel. He went on to become Texas’s pecially embarrassing to me as they foreign assistance, where we have mis- 100th secretary of state and then later are next to me because the contrast is directed our foreign assistance or we a justice of the Texas Supreme Court. so dramatic. have not even focused on water, which It is a great pleasure for all of us to I believe it deserves. I will also men- Every step of the way he has worked welcome Lloyd Ogilvie back with us tion the importance of having a global hard. He has won the respect of his this morning to open today with a health corps that can respond to dis- peers. His integrity and talent have al- prayer that struck at what we have aster in a way that we saw so many lowed him to receive numerous awards. seen the last couple of days, but also wonderful volunteers coming from Those sterling qualities have also gar- the real responsibility and obligations around the world to respond to this nered the trust and loyalty of the we have as Members of the Senate. We tsunami. In the aftermath of a terrible President of the United States. As have been blessed with chaplains such tragedy such as this, medicine heals counsel to the President for the last 4 as Chaplain Black and Chaplain Ogilvie not only the body but also the hearts years, he has been one of the Presi- to serve us and the American people so and minds. As the tsunami tragedy un- dent’s closest advisers. President Bush selflessly and unselfishly during our derscores so powerfully, medicine can credits Judge Gonzales for his candor tenure. act as a currency of peace. and for his ability to remain steady in times of crisis—qualities that are es- f f sential in an Attorney General.
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