PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Paid Ogden, UT Permit No. 208 2015 may 2015 ISSUE 6 VOLUME 291 SINCE 1946 Science proves action Leaders speaks louder than words ____________________________ Ready to Rule Body language is something that By Kierstin Pitcher comes naturally to humans. “We Editor in Chief are natural mimickers, so when ____________________________ we see someone doing something, it’s natural for us to repeat what In Disney’s The Little Mermaid, is being done,” says Phinney. She Ursula gave her advice on com- also encourages her psychology munication: “Don’t underestimate students to use that to their ben- the importance of body language!” H¿W$FFRUGLQJWR3KLQQH\WKHUHLV This advice may be more sound a mirror neuron in the brain that than some would think. subconsciously registers when a Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of person is being copied, and this is Silent Message, executed a number interpreted as a friendly gesture of studies on the subject of commu- causing the copier to be viewed in a nication. These studies showed the better light. actual words spoken by a person Phinney also explains, “When only communicates a mere seven people say ‘smiles are contagious,’ percent of what is being said. He it’s actually true because our brains added 38 percent of the communi- say that means we’re supposed to cation consists of voice tone, and smile back. And in every culture a the remaining 55 percent is shown smile means someone’s happy.” Posters, like Tanner McKay’s, announced in body language. But why does body language SBO elections while students such as Body language is essentially matter so much? Phinney says “It Brooke Kendall (right), Trevor Heywood the movement of the body that ex- not only determines how effective and Skyler Call (bottom left to right) presses or reveals emotion. This communication is, but how a per- includes everything from stance son is viewed by another person as entertained and sought student votes (Photo far right) Sophomore Nicole Wheeler goes to the voting booth to to facial expression and even arm well, affecting everything from so- during an assembly. FKRRVHQH[W\HDU¶VRI¿FHUV 3KRWREHORZ $QGWKHRI¿FHUVDUH movements. cial acceptance to job acceptance.” ³%RG\ODQJXDJHLVVLJQL¿FDQWLQ “Our brains generally pick up $YDQOHH-HVVRS*UD\GHQ*XWKULH7UHYRU+H\ZRRG7DQQHU0F.D\ that it makes up about half of how on what other people are doing Skyler Call, Kyler Hall and Thomas Ulrich. we communicate with others,” says DQG PDNH D MXGJPHQW LQ WKH ¿UVW Mrs. Phinney, WHS psychology seven seconds of meeting someone teacher, adding it is especially sig- on whether we like them or not or QL¿FDQWEHFDXVH³ZHUHO\VRPXFK whether they’re friendly or not,” on nonverbal cues when we’re in- Phinney says. teracting with other people and try- The effect body language can LQJWR¿JXUHRXWDQGDVVXPHZKDW have on how a person is particularly they’re thinking and feeling.” evident in deaf culture. “Body lan- “We tend to listen to the actual guage is a crucial element in sign. message, but subconsciously be- It equates elements of speech like lieve the body language,” says Mrs. prosody, for example, and provides Cale, AP Psychology teacher. “If essential grammatical information the message and the body language and carries the intent of the mes- DUHLQFRQÀLFWZHRIWHQEHOLHYHWKH sage,” says Mrs. Floyd, Weber’s body language more. Usually it teacher for the deaf. “Sometimes just enhances the message, unless when interpreting, I have to portray someone is really trying to deceive, cover up or fake what they’re say- Body Language continues ing. It’s just like a season in a dish.” on page 3 3KRWRVE\$P\+DOOLGD\$PEHU%URGHULFNDQG$VKWRQ%LQGUXS Mrs. Barney, Mr. Cruff selected as teachers of the year ____________________________ yond in the eyes of their pupils, may have. If I’m having a bad day, Barney has also coached softball LQJVRPHWKLQJZHKDWHG,¿QLVKHG kind and helpful, and her smile By Stephanie Laubacher and which is why students have a I know that all I have to do is walk and volleyball at Weber, and soccer the marathon, and they all passed takes the pressure of high school Taylor Galusha chance to nominate their teach- in her room, and guaranteed, she at Box Elder. Both of her daughters math class,” she recalls. off my shoulders,” he says. Staff Reporters ers for “Teacher of the Year.” This will make me happier.” have attended or are currently at- Jacob Meza, sophomore, also ___________________________ year’s outstanding female teacher 0UV%DUQH\¿UVWEHJDQWHDFKLQJ tending Weber High. says Mrs. Barney is an outstanding Teachers continues on is math instructor Mrs. Barney. in 1988 at Box Elder Junior High Mrs. Barney was surprised to teacher. “She’s not a tough stereo- page 10 Over the course of the school “This is a teacher who truly in Brigham City. She began work- hear that she was chosen as Teach- typical high school teacher. She’s year, students are faced with a va- cares,” says sophomore Meghan ing at Weber in 2000. In addition er of the year. “I have very nice riety of teaching styles and many Winward. “Not only does she help to teaching math classes, she also students, and it makes me happy teachers who use them. However, us all understand the math, but she teaches health and has a Master’s because I love coming to work. I some teachers go above and be- also helps us with any problems we Degree in Computer Literacy. Mrs. want to live up to that standard be- cause there have been some excel- lent teachers here at Weber, and I’m very impressed with all of them,” she says. “It makes me want to try harder.” Sophomore Kailea Kailipalauli says what makes Mrs. Barney so exceptional is “she always puts the VWXGHQWV ¿UVW 6KH ZLOO JR RXW RI her way to make sure you under- stand the material and succeed in her class. Her class is always a safe place to talk as well.” Mrs. Barney says it is her goal to make her classroom as comfortable as possible for students. “It can be very intimidating, and I want them to know that they can do math,” she says. Mrs. Barney has also been known to inspire her students to put in their best effort in unusual ways. “Years ago in 2002, I set a goal with one of my classes that if they would do their math homework Students feel Mrs. Barney is a great asset to Weber’s math program. She is able to movi- every night, I would train to do a Mr. Cruff, winner of the teacher of the year, has a discus- marathon. While they worked, I tate them and assist with complicated problems. sion with his chemistry students. was training, and we were both do- 3KRWRVE\$VKWRQ%LQGUXS dŽƐƐŝŶŐƚŚĞŐƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶ One high school in Juab Inside this issue hat signals the end of the County had Utah’s small- 1HZVSDJHV ĐĞƌĞŵŽŶŝĞƐ͖ƚŚĞŇŝŐŚƚŽĨ Odds ĞƐƚŐƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶĐůĂƐƐ͗ƚŚĞLJ (GLWRULDOSDJH ƚŚĞŚĂƚƐLJŵďŽůŝnjĞƐŇŝŐŚƚ ‘n’ had two students graduat- Feature - pages 7-12 into the future. ing in 2012. Ends The Plano Texas East High 'LVQH\SDJHV School had the largest high Warriors take Seniors celebrate end of high Seniors - pages 17-20 dŚĞĮƌƐƚĐůĂƐƐƌŝŶŐǁĂƐ ƐĐŚŽŽůŐƌĂĚƵĂƟŶŐĐůĂƐƐ created in 1835 for the in 2014. They had 1,561 over California - school... beginning of their Sports - pages 21-24 United States Military. 3DJHV future - Pages 17-20 receiving their diplomas. 2 NEWS May 2015 Online class, good way to get ahead; highly motivated students succeed ____________________________ and still graduate, many students seeing a teacher to remind them By Siera Rose end up dropping them. “It takes a about due dates, this causes stu- News Editor UHDOO\ PRWLYDWHG VWXGHQW WR ¿QLVK dents to forget, and they never turn ____________________________ an online class,” Paige says. “Some in work. Paige adds only being able kids think that they’ll just take an to contact teachers through email In this high-tech world people online class because it’ll be easier, can also cause problems. are so accustomed to, many try to but then life gets in the way or it Paige suggests people test an ¿QGZD\VWRGRWKLQJVWHFKQLFDOO\ just gets put off,” Hales adds. online course and see if they can typing instead of writing, down- Sometimes students forget about handle it. “I always tell my students loading music instead of buying doing online work because they ‘why don’t you just try out the CD’s and a rather new one, online are overwhelmed with their other course, and if it doesn’t work out, high school courses. classes at school. “Then we end up we’ll just put it in your schedule Online high school courses with seniors who can’t graduate, all next year.’ It’s okay to try the class are just like regular high school EHFDXVH WKH\ QHYHU ¿QLVKHG ZKDW above and beyond your schedule courses except they’re completely they started,” Hales says. before you go ahead and commit.” online. Most online courses are Hales also adds a student Online classes can be taken to usually only used for core classes, shouldn’t take too many classes initially get a credit or to make up with limited choices for electives. online. “There’s more to school any missing credits. In order to get Students can take them to get or than just getting credits and grades. a credit in an online class, a student make up credits. Weber counselor There’s a whole other social as- cannot have taken the class already. Mr. Hales says some students take pect that would be, and is missing If a student needs to make up cred- them for convenience or to get for online students.” He adds that its and wants to do it online, they ahead.
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