E1380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 22, 2007 TRIBUTE TO WARREN LODGE NO. Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support and released. But Mississippi in 1964 was a 310 OF COLLEGEVILLE, PA of the Fiscal Year 2008 State and Foreign Op- dangerous place for civil rights workers; they erations Appropriations bill, through which this were followed and assaulted by a group of Ku HON. JIM GERLACH Congress and this government speak to the Klux Klan members. The young activists were never seen alive again. OF PENNSYLVANIA world about our international priorities. The past decade has seen this nation pull The summer of 1964 became known as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES into a shell like a turtle, something the rest of Freedom Summer. Students from around the Thursday, June 21, 2007 the world took as not caring about the funda- country were united in a single vital struggle Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise mental challenges elsewhere in the world . against racial inequality. Over 1,000 young today to pay tribute to a local Mason’s Lodge, before those challenges became full-fledged volunteers traveled to Mississippi that summer with the intention of registering African Amer- the Warren Lodge No. 310 located in hot spots. We are a great Nation, a leader ican voters. They defied the local authorities, Collegeville, PA, for its 150th anniversary this among nations. We must only act in that fash- who were determined to undermine their ef- Saturday, June 23, 2007. Dr. J. Warren Royer, ion. Today, we begin a new direction in for- forts and succeeded in establishing dozens of a well-respected doctor who was educated at eign policy. While this Foreign Operations bill deals spe- quality summer schools and registering thou- the University of Pennsylvania, founded the sands of voters. Warren Lodge in 1857. Since its inception, the cifically with our global footprint, it also has benefit for those that live near international These volunteers came for various reasons. Warren Lodge has held a position of distinc- Some, like Schwerner and Goodman, came to borders. For instance, I am pleased the bill in- tion in American Freemasonry. Most recently, Mississippi from the North to express their cludes $15.5 million for the Rio Grande Flood one of Warren Lodge’s officers, Mr. Marvin A. commitment to social justice. Others, like Control System Rehabilitation, a matter my Cunningham, Sr., was elected to the highest Chaney, volunteered because they were dedi- border colleagues and I have been working on position in Freemasonry, that of Right Wor- cated to the improvement of their own commu- shipful Grand Master of Pennsylvania from for several years. nity. However, the unlikely trio of 2 New York 2002–2003. Throughout his term, he helped These funds will allow the International Jews and an African American from the South fellow Masonic Villages improve their organi- Boundary and Water Commission to begin re- were united in their unwavering devotion to zations and uphold the traditions and customs pairing and restoring the 270 miles of levees ensure civil rights for all. of the Freemasons, including those located in along the Rio Grande River. This is only a first Even today, we must continue in the strug- Elizabethtown, Lafayette Hill and Sewickley, step to fully restore the integrity of the levees, gle for universal civil rights, as our society is PA. He also supervised the restoration of the the cost for restoration is estimated at $125 not yet free from bigotry and injustice. The ter- historic Memorial Arch located at Valley Forge million. These funds were requested by the rible murders of Andrew Goodman, James National Park. South Texas Delegation, including Congress- Chaney, and Michael Schwerner acted as The Warren Lodge continues to maintain an man HINOJOSA and Congressman CUELLAR. sparks that further ignited the passion of ev- impressive facility called the R.W.G.M. Marvin Over the last few years, budget limitations eryday Americans to take a public stand A. Cunningham, Sr. Museum. One of the have not allowed the IBWC to properly main- against prejudice. As we remember these he- many treasures on display is an exact replica tain the levees. Used by Border Patrol to pa- roes of the civil rights movement, we must of the 1752 Philip Syng Inkstand, the original trol the border and farmers to manage their also aspire to emulate their tireless commit- of which is currently on display at Independ- land, the levees have severely deteriorated to ment to fairness and equality. ence Hall in Philadelphia. Philip Syng was the the point that some areas are flat. In their cur- Madam Speaker, I hope Americans today R.W.G.M. of Pennsylvania in 1743, and it was rent form, the IBWC is unable to certify the will remember the sacrifices of these 3 young his inkstand that was used by the signers of levees meaning the 1.3 million residents along men to underscore our commitment to the the Declaration of Independence. In addition, this area are in danger of severe flooding. continuing efforts towards achieving the full George Washington called for its use once Hurricane Katrina showed us the awesome potential of our great Nation. again when the U.S. Constitution was signed and dangerous power of Mother Nature. This f funding is critical to prevent an international in Philadelphia. THE EDUCATION FOR PUBLIC flooding disaster . a disaster that will re- At this year’s anniversary celebration, the SERVICE ACT OF 2007 Warren Lodge’s special guest of honor will be main possible until all the levees are repaired the current Right Worshipful Grand Master of so IBWC can certify them. This is—quite lit- HON. JOHN P. SARBANES Pennsylvania, Mr. Ronald A. Aungst, Sr. The erally—the least we can do to begin to fix this damage. OF MARYLAND members and officers of Warren Lodge will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES present to Mr. Aungst, Sr. an exact replica of I thank the appropriators for including this the Syng Inkstand, honoring his exemplary funding and their recognition of the danger Thursday, June 21, 2007 service and dedication to upholding the an- that is as far away as a powerful flooding Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I rise to cient tradition of Masons helping Masons event. I urge the House negotiators to keep speak about the Education for Public Service daily. this amount of funding included in this bill Act of 2007, which I introduced earlier this Madam Speaker, I am sure my fellow Mem- through conference. week. In short, the Education for Public Serv- bers join me today in congratulating the War- f ice Act would make it easier for college grad- uates and those with advanced degrees to ren Lodge, No. 310 for this historic milestone IN MEMORY OF ANDREW GOOD- and wish them 150 more years of honorable choose careers in government or non-profit MAN, JAMES CHANEY AND MI- enterprise. It will give those young people who service to their lodge and community. Thank CHAEL SCHWERNER you. attend higher education aspiring to become teachers, first responders, law enforcement of- f HON. ROBERT WEXLER ficers, nurses, and civil servants a real chance ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOP- OF FLORIDA to realize their dreams. MENT AND RELATED AGENCIES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The rising cost of higher education has led APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2008 Thursday, June 21, 2007 to greater and greater student debt that in turn has become an impediment for many young SPEECH OF Mr. WEXLER. Madam Speaker, I rise today people who would otherwise choose a career before the House to honor the memory of 3 in service. Physicians who might choose to HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ young men: Andrew Goodman, James work in community health centers or individ- OF TEXAS Chaney, and Michael Schwerner. Forty-three uals who want to inspire our Nation’s youth as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years ago, today, these young men paid the teachers are unable to follow their passion as Wednesday, June 20, 2007 ultimate price when they were ruthlessly mur- a result of staggering debt. Our best and dered by those who wished to silence their brightest are increasingly driven by this debt to The House in Committee of the Whole outcry for equality. House on the State of the Union had under choose entry-level positions based on salaries consideration the bill (H.R. 2641) making ap- On June 21, 1964, in Neshoba County, Mis- that will enable them to repay loans. Career propriations for energy and water develop- sissippi, Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner choices should not be made this way. ment and related agencies for the fiscal year were pulled over and subsequently arrested In my home State of Maryland, the average ending September 30, 2008, and for other pur- for allegedly speeding. After being denied their starting salary for teachers is $36,000; nation- poses: basic rights as prisoners, they were fined $20 ally, the average starting salary is $30,377. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:31 Jun 23, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21JN8.029 E22JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMREMARKS June 22, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1381 According to CRS, the average cost of tuition, CELEBRATING THE ACCOMPLISH- even take into account the barriers that title IX other fees, and room and board at a public 4- MENTS OF TITLE IX OF THE does not address. Negative stereotypes, sub- year university exceeds $48,000. At a private EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF tle discrimination, and workplace practices that university that figure climbs to almost 1972 AND RECOGNIZING THE indirectly adversely affect women are still per- $120,000.
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