Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Societe Radio-Canada ••• CBC est!' Radio-Canada Mr. Jason Plotz 2-44 Clarey Avenue Ottawa, Ontario KI S 2R 7 Our file: A-2015-00 I 02 I YJP Dear Mr. Plotz, This is in response to your request under the Access to Information Act (Act) dated March 21, 2016, received by our office on March 24, 2016, for the following: ""Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefingnotes, e-mails, correspondence, etc. regarding any discussions about sponsorships or coverage to mark David Suzuki's 80th Birthday, since Janua,y 1, 2016. "" Attached are copies of all the accessible documents which you requested under the Act. Please note that certain information has been severed from them pursuant to sections 16(2), l 8(b ), 19( I) and 21( I)(b) of the Act. Some of the requested infom1ationrelates also to our programming activities, and is excluded from t e application of the Act pursuant to section 68.1, which states: "68.1 This Act does not apply to any information that is under the contr I of th� a adian Broadcasting Corporation that relates to its journalistic, creative or programming acti 'ties other than information that relates to its general administration." Please note that CBC reserves the right to claim exemptions pursuant to the Act. Please be advised that you are entitled to complain to the Information Commissioner concerning the processing of your request within sixty days of the receipt of this notice. In the event you decide to avail yourself of this right, your notice of complaint should be addressed to: Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada 30 Victoria Street Gatineau, Quebec KI A I H3 Should you have any questions concerning the processing of your request, please contact Yves Lapierre at 613-288-6248. Kindly quote our filenumber assigned to your request, as it appears in the upper right corner of this letter. Senior Director CBC/Radio-Canada I81 Queen Street P.O. Box 3220, Station C Ottawa, Ontario K 1 Y 1 E4 CBC 0875 B· 1 (02197) s.19(1) 0510412016 CBC Radi~Canada Mail- Fwd: FOR YOUR REVIEW David Suzuki Founda6on CBC Radio-Canada Jeanne Chan <[email protected]> .4~s... ~. Fwd: FOR YOUR REVIEW David Suzuki Foundation 1 message Lorene Sousa <[email protected]> Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:29 AM To: JEANNE CHAN <[email protected]> -.-Forwarded message-- From: JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Apr4, 2016 at 1:56PM Subject: Fwd: FOR YOUR REVIEW David Suzuki Foundation To: Anil Sankar <[email protected]>, Lorene Sousa <[email protected]> This is where it started. j. --Forwarded message-­ From: Maya Kane <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 12:49 PM Subject: Fwd: FOR YOUR REVIEW David Suzuki Foundation To: JOANNA DINE <[email protected]>, JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR <[email protected]> fyi Maya Kane Senior Manager, Network News & Radio, Toronto and ON Region Communications. Marketing & Brand o: 416-205-3731 c: 416-706-1987 e-mail: [email protected] --Forwarded message --- From: Jennifer Dettman <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:14 AM Subject: Re: FOR YOUR REVIEW David Suzuki Foundation To: Maya Kane <[email protected]> I'll chat with Sue when to see what she thinks. Will get back to you. Happy new year btwl Jen Jennifer Dettman Executive Director, Unscripted Content 205 Wellington St. West, Toronto ON M5V 3G7 (416) 205-2383 . hUps://mall.google.com/mail/u/OI?ul=2&ik=b3c2b2e702&vlew=pt&search=lnbox&th=153e6d501d923ea4&slml=153e6d501d923ea4 1/2 A0062514_1-000001 s.21(1)(b) 05104/2016 CBC Radio-Canada Mail- Fwd: FOR YOUR REVIEW David Suzuki Foundation [email protected] On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 4:30PM, Maya Kane <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Jennifer: The attached proposal from the David Suzuki Foundation has come across our desk for 11 The David Suzuki is turning 80 11 gala which will take place on Friday, April 8th at the Carlu in ' Toronto. The minimum sponsorship level is silver ($15,000) for a table of 10. we do not have the budget to sponsor this · event. Can you let me know if this is something Important to you and if you have the funds to i cover this event? ; I know we are recognizing this milestone occasion in other ways, but am hoping to find out i from you If this Toronto event should be considered. :Thanks Maya Maya Kane Senior Manager. Network News & Radio, Toronto and ON Region Communications. Marketing & Brand o: 416-205-3731 c: 416-706-1987 e-mail: [email protected] Lorene Sousa Executive Assistant to Mike Moser & Andre Turcotte CBC Communications, Marketing & Brand t: 416.205.2878 I m: 416-371-9692 I e: [email protected] tiCBC https:J/mall.google.com/maillu/OI?ui=2&lk=b3c2b2e702&vifNI=pt&search=lnbox&th=153e6d501d923ea4&siml=153e6d501d923ea4 212 A0062514_2-D00002 s.19(1) 0510412016 CBC Radio-Canada Mail - Fwd: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets CBC ~ii' Radio-Canada Jeanne Chan <[email protected]> Fwd: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets 1 message Lorene Sousa <[email protected]> Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:30 AM To: JEANNE CHAN <[email protected]> --Forwarded massage-- From: JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:53 PM Subject: Fwd: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets To: Lorene Sousa <[email protected]>, Anil Sankar <[email protected]> Here's the last email I had on the Suzuki Foundation Bday Gala Sponsorship. We did not end up sponsoring, but we did agree to give them some footage that they can use at the Gala. j. --Forwarded messaae -­ From: Date: Mon, Feb 29,2016 at 9:22AM Subject: RE: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets To: , JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR <[email protected]> Cc: Sue Dando <[email protected]>, Hi everyone, I am including on this e-mail thread from our end as he has the oversight on the inventory we have access to a DSF as well. Cheers, From: Sent: February-29-16 9:04AM To: ; 'JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR' <[email protected]> Cc: 'Sue Dando' <[email protected]>; Subject: RE: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets https://mail.google.corn/maillu/OI?ui=2&1k=b3c2b2e702&view=pt&search=inbox&lh=153e6d58127f0f65&siml=153e6d58127f0!65 1/4 A0062514_3-000003 5.19(1) 05/04/2016 CBC Radio-Canada Mail - Fwd: SUzuki Foundation Gala tickets s.21(1)(b) Thanks and Hi Jennifer. That would be a terrific clip to show at the gala. Is it completed yet so we can view? How long do you think it is? What else might you have that we could utilize? Here's what we could be looking for: Let us know. Thanks From: Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 3:28PM htlps:l/mail.google.com/maillu/OI?Ld=2&1k=b3c2b2e702&vieN=pt&search=lnbox&th=153e6d58127fOf65&slml= 153e6d58127r0f65 2/4 A0062514_~00004 s.19(1) 0510412016 CBC Radio-Cmada Mail - Fwd: Suzl.dd Foundatioo Gala tickets To: JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR s.21(1)(b) Cc: Sue Dando; Subject: RE: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets Hi Jennifer, Thank you for getting back to me regarding the tickets. I am sorry we will miss having the CBC on-site for the gala. I am copying our event producer, here regarding the video for our event. She will follow up regarding the opportunity to use video footage. We will definitely take you up on that! Cheers, From: JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: February-23-16 2:29PM To: Cc: Sue Dando <[email protected]> Subject: Suzuki Foundation Gala tickets Hi Unfortunately, we are not going to be buying any tickets for your gala. It's a fantastic opportunity and we would like to lend our support behind David, but in the end, it is a fundraiser. so, we can't be involved. We are celebrating his birthday by doing the special episode for TV. However. that beinQ said. Let me know what your needs are for clips and 111 see what I can gather for you. Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. j. https:Jimall.google.can/mall/tJ/onuJ=2&Jk=b3c2b2e702&vtf1N=pt&search=lnbox&th=153e6d58127fOf65&siml=153e6d58127f0165 3/4 A0062514_5-D00005 0510412016 CBC Radio-Canada Mail - Fwd: Suzuki Foundalim Gala tickets Lorene Sousa Executive Assistant to Mike Moser & Andre Turcotte CBC Communications, Marketing & Brand t: 416.205.2878 I m: 416-371-9692 I e: [email protected] https:J/mail.google.com/maiVuJOnui=2&ik=b3c2b2e702&vlrm=pt&search=inbox&th=153e6d58127fOf65&slm1=153e6d58127COf65 4/4 A0062514_6.000006 s.68.1 05104/2016 CBC Radio-Canada Mail- Fwd: SUZUK!@80 on the Natl..l'e ot Things CBC 'iii• Radio-Canada Jeanne Chan <[email protected]> Fwd: SUZUKI@BO on the Nature of Things 1 message Lorene Sousa <[email protected]> Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:30 AM To: JEANNE CHAN <[email protected]> --Forwarded message-- From: Nicola Makoway <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Apr4, 2016 at 11:37 AM · Subject: Fwd: SUZUKI@80 on the Nature of Things To: Anil Sankar <[email protected]>, Lorene Sousa <[email protected]> Nicola Makoway I Interim Publicity Manager Communications, Marketing and Brand o: (416) 205-7673 c: (416) 526-7626 e: [email protected] --Forwarded message-- From: Hilary Walker <[email protected]> Date: Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 12:42 PM Subject: Fwd: SUZUKI@80 on the Nature of Things To: Doug Holmes <[email protected]> Cc: NICOLA MAKOWAY <[email protected]>, JENNIFER LIPISHAN-GORR <jennifer.lipishan­ gorr@cbc .ca> Hi Doug, Jennifer- Thanks, Hilary.
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