THE TURNING POINT: PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF UNDERWATER RESEARCH OF THE FORMER HERRN-SEE AT THE VILLAGE OF LUBANOWO (WESTERN POMERANIA, POLAND) 23 BALTICA BARTOSZ KONTNY, TOMASZ NOWAKIEWICZ, ALEKSANDRA RZESZOTARSKA-NOWAKIEWICZ ARCHAEOLOGIA Abstract In October 2014 and June 2015, a team of scholars and students from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw fea- turing the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, made an underwater survey in the unnamed lake (formerly Herrn-See) in the village of Lubanowo (formerly Liebenow) in Western Pomerania. During the underwater research, weapons, tools and horse harness parts (including chain reins) were found. They are dated mainly to the Roman Period, but also to the Middle Ages. Some items bear traces of ritual destruction. Parallels may be pointed out with weapons in Przeworsk culture, and to some extent also in Scandinavia. The site should be attributed to sacrificial military deposits. Its extraordinary character lies in the fact that so far it is the only site of its type which is still in its ‘lake stage’, i.e. not a marsh or bog. Most probably it was used by local inhabitants, the people of the Lubusz group. Key words: Herrn-See, Lubanowo village, underwater research, weapon deposit, Roman Period. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ab.v23i0.1296 Discovery See, so we chose to use this old designation. In October 2014, we decided to verify the location and the archae- The main topic of this paper is the preliminary results ological context of these finds, as well as of the find of of the investigations at the newly discovered site in the Bacchus figurine. The project was conducted by a the waters of a lake near the village of Lubanowo, in team of researchers and students from the Institute of the Gryfino district (formerly Liebenow, Kreis Greif- Archaeology, University of Warsaw featuring the Insti- enhagen). This site is located in Western Pomerania, tute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of about 16 kilometres east of the Polish-German border Sciences. Archive sources allowed us to narrow down (Fig. 1). The village is situated in the valley of the the area of the Bacchus find to the vicinity of two old small River Tywa, running from south to north. Until water-mills at Lubanowo. The figurine was found in a last year, Lubanowo was known in archaeological re- mire during the drainage of the swamps, probably next cords for an outstanding find in 1865, when a bronze, to a water-mill called ‘upper mill’, near a local road silver-plated, 32.9-centimetre-tall Roman statuette of going from the village of Sosnowo (formerly Gebers- Bacchus (Fig. 2)1 was found in the village (Baltische dorf) to Banie (formerly Bahn).3 As regards the micro- Studien 27/1877, 39; Jahresbericht…, 80, Pl. XI; Egg- regional settlement context, we should note that not ers, Stary 2001, 92, Pl. 267). only the former Herrn-See, but also the neighbouring In 2014, Tomasz Nowakiewicz received information waters, could have played a special role in Antiquity about an accidental find of several iron artefacts, main- and/or in the Middle Ages, i.e. Lake Święte (formerly ly pieces of shafted weapons, which had been found in Heilige See, which means Holy Lake). Unfortunately, the lake near Lubanowo (Fig. 3).2 Nowadays the lake there has been no chance for the more accurate verifi- has no name, its former name (before 1945) was Herrn- cation of the bottom of the Tywa valley, because it is still overgrown with vegetation and partially swampy. 1 It was acquired by the Prussian Royal Museum in Berlin 3 „Eine metallene antike Figur, mit Silberblech überzogen in 1877. At present, it is displayed in the Neues Museum, (Nachbildung eines Mercur?), ein Arm und ein Fuß fehlen, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The silver-plated brass statu- gefunden in einem Pfuhl beim Aufräumen des Morastes ette is fragmentarily preserved, missing the left arm, left unweit der Liebenower Mühle bei Bahn am Gerbersdor- leg and skullcap (Niemeyer 2011). fer Wege. Geschenk des Mühlenbesitzer Herrn Pehlow 2 For this information, the authors are indebted to discoverer auf der Liebenowschen Obermühle” (Baltische Studien of the site to Davwid Rembecki. 22/1868, 34. Jahresbericht…, 22). 45 The Turning Point: BARTOSZ KONTNY, Preliminary Results of TOMASZ Underwater Research of NOWAKIEWICZ, the Former Herrn-See at 46 ALEKSANDRA the Village of Lubanowo RZESZOTARSKA- (Western Pomerania, NOWAKIEWICZ Poland) Fig. 1. The position of Lubanowo, Banie comm., voiv. zachodniopomorskie, Poland. Fig. 2. The statuette of Bacchus from Lubanowo (Baltische Studien 1877, 39. Jahres-Bericht, Pl. XI). BALTICA 23 BALTICA ARCHAEOLOGIA Fig. 3. The lake at Lubanowo, formerly Herrn-See: the view from the north (photograph by T. Nowakiewicz). 47 Fig. 4. The survey in the former Herrn-See (photograph by M. Golisz). The Turning Point: Point: Turning The Preliminary Results of Underwater Research of the Former Herrn-See at of Lubanowo Village the Pomerania, (Western Poland) BARTOSZ KONTNY, KONTNY, BARTOSZ TOMASZ NOWAKIEWICZ, ALEKSANDRA RZESZOTARSKA- NOWAKIEWICZ Fig. 5. The survey in the former Herrn-See 1 (photograph by M. Golisz). Fig. 6. Researchers studying newly found artefacts (photograph by M. Golisz). 48 The underwater research with metal-detectors and a (Lau 2014, 42-48, Figs. 32, 50). The time of produc- preliminary sonar-scanning of the bottom of Herrn-See tion of the specimen from the former Herrn-See should was performed by a diving team from the Institute of be connected more with Phase B2, due to the propor- Archaeology, University of Warsaw4 in October 2014, tions and the precise execution of the decorative crest, and at the beginning of June 2015 (Figs. 4–5). Dur- which is more characteristic of the style of the Early ing the prospection, numerous weapons and tools were Roman Period. found dating mostly from the Roman Period, and a few Visible traces of wear indicate that the artefact was 23 BALTICA from the Middle Ages, as well as some contemporary used for quite a long time. The secondary loop in the artefacts (Fig. 6). broken end of the Kehlberge is probably not a sign of ritual destruction but of a repair intended to restore its Roman Period finds function. Thanks to this repair, this part could still have been used, this time in a similar way as the two-piece Some of the most interesting objects found in the for- Kehlbergen Type KB3 according to S. Wilbers-Rost ARCHAEOLOGIA mer Herrn-See are seven artefacts that should be at- (1994; or Type 9A2 according to M. Ørsnes 1993), tributed to a horse harness. The most characteristic one parts of later variants of Vimose Type bridles (Lau is a half-preserved specimen, cast in bronze, broken off 2014, 301, Fig. 18). Unfortunately, the missing part on one side, which appears to be a Kehlberge, which of the specimen from former Herrn-See has not been is part of the bridle going under the horse’s head. The found. preserved part of the Kehlberge ends with a round flat The second group of parts found in the waters of the plate with a circular opening. The broken end of the former Herrn-See are two partly preserved links of hoop (triangular in cross-section) is bent inwards into chain reins (one of them still connected with an iron the loop. Between the plate and the hoop, there is a ring separator), forged in iron. The unornamented crest with three grooves of purely ornamental function. links have the shape of ‘double acorns’ (German Dop- Originally, the plate was silver-plated, and additionally peleichelförmig) with elongated ends, hammered into the grooves of the crest were inlaid with silver wire. spikes (Fig. 7.2). Similar chain reins made of iron are Traces of this decoration are visible in the form of a characteristic of horse bridles type Illerup, for exam- melted lump of silver (Fig. 7.1). The Kehlberge bears ple, the specimen from the bog site in Thorsberg, Set 9 traces of intensive use: parts of the hoop and the open- (Lau 2014, 318ff., Fig. 12). Generally, they correspond ing at the end of the plate are heavily worn. to Type Z5 according to S. Wilbers-Rost (1994; Lau This element has the closest analogy in terms both of 2014, 20ff., 301). In this case, the diagnosis is based type and size in the deposit of a horse bridle found on the material, namely iron. Iron chain reins are rarer at Mödring in Lower Austria (Niederösterreich), in a than the specimens cast in bronze, and they are later. boggy area of a local river (Friesinger et al. 2000/2001, They have more parallels in finds from Scandinavian 260ff., Fig. 2.7–8, Pl. 3). The Mödring Kehlberge is sacrificial bog sites (Illerup Ådal, Thorsberg, Nydam), completely preserved: in the middle, it has an opening i.e. horse bridles of Illerup Type, dated to Phases C1b– for attaching a part of the reins. The two decorative C2 (von Carnap-Bornheim, Ilkjær 1996a; 1996b; Lau crests are less carefully crafted, with double grooves 2014, 54ff., 60, Fig. 50). inlaid with silver wires. This kind of Kehlberge is clas- The next group of finds is composed of four bronze sified as Type KB1dd, according to Susanne Wilbers- mounts/appliqués. They bear the remnants of silver Rost (1994), or type 9A1 after Mogens Ørsnes (1993). plating, as well as marks of fire destruction. They seem Generally, Kehlbergen of type KB1 according to to be parts of one set, consisting of a wide rectangular S. Wilbers-Rost are parts of horse bridles of types mount (found in October 2014; Fig.
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