
ALL the HEWS of BID' BANst nl Sanoundins Tawas Told IttiiMibr ana Without BUa BANK REGISTER • ONt ,'i : VOLUME LXII, NO. 5. EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 27,1939. PAGES Power Squadron Fair Haven Celebration Scenes Fair Haven Firemen Rendezvous Here Fair Haven Stages Open Fair Saturday This Week-End T<wo-Day Celebration .... • -. \ -~7T , • •. -.., ,-.'... Two Score Pleasure Annual Event Will Continue All Craft and Aerial It Was a Great Time in the Old Division Expected Next Week, Closing on iTown Saturday and Sunday The annual rendezvous of. the -¥. The Fair Have lire company li all Staten Island>Squadron of the United Fair Haven borough's I set once more for the annual lair, States Power Squadron is to be. held bratlon Saturday i which' will open Saturday night, at the Molly Pitcher hotel, Saturday Highlands Council 14 Fair Haven Dayel was July 28, and close" Saturday night, and Sunday of this week. For those t was expected to be. Froin't August' 5. The two-day celebration Unable to locate the hotel, the official start of the firemen'* parade'; the past -week-end and the coming bulletin mailed to all squadron mem- Asked To Repair day afternoon to the last spee firemen's fair are making Fair Hay- bers by,Dr. Conrad H. Me'lbauer of race on the river Sunday site en a busy community these summer Oongan Hills, Staten Island, chair- Marine Basin Red Bank's neighbor did itself i__ days. The fair has grown In popu- man of the Rendezvous committee for when Fair Haven puts on a'pi bratlon It makes a thorough Job-! . laxity and size each succeeding year has listed Its location at Lit. 40 de- 7 and. today ranks as one.of the-out* grees and 21.18 feet north, Long, 74 Improvement Asked by It. Fair Haven opened Its arms ai standing community "events of the degrees and 04.32 feet weat. made the visiting firemen i-andn other visitors feel right at summer season In this locality. The fleet ot some two score pleas- * Water Witch Group The fair groundsill be resplen- They were two great days, longtorB ure craft will leave Princess Bay, 8. remembered. , "•" dent with varl-colored streamers of L/ Saturday, morning at ten o'clock, Referred to Tjarby lights and floodlights. Around the Mayor Arthur B. Sickles, < . escorted by.the U. S. Coast Gtfard 75- 1 . paved promenade will be the booths, foot Patrol boat Verdict which "Is the over the successful celebration, games and other. attractions. Oc- Sevcral matters of Importance -were ed Sunday evening that he and ( flagship of the U. S. Coast Guard for presented for. consldoratlon' at the cupying a prominent place will be this section. Beside the Coast Guard officials will aim for a bigger OL meeting of the mayor and council of regatta next year to be held- the Chrysler Royal" sedan;' which escort, airplanes owned and flown by Highlands Monday night. A largo •will be awarded'the closing night, members of the squadron will pre- 4th. Before presenting the> delegation ot Water Witch residents to the outboard winners at I along with several consolation prizes. ceed the long line ot Cruisers: and will headed by Miss Ethel R. Lawrence The outdoor dance platform Is one dip In salute and drop the Squadron Haven Yacht club Bunday Shrewsbury Flre Company—lint Prize, Beit Appearance. presented a resolution which was the mayor .thanksd all who . of the largest In the.county, and Ensign over the anohorage location read by Councilman George V. muslo for the jitterbugs and more pated In the events and hoped in tho North Shrewsbury river at Red Brown. The resolution petitioned would return next year. conservative dancers will be provid- Bank. tho governing body to tako action ed' by Pete Galatro and his band. on repairs to tho boat basin located River road woe lined -with i „ This aerial division will then pro- tors Saturday afternoon to view I Parking areas have been secured ceed to the Red Balk airport where In the neighborhood of Washington near -the fair, grounds, and special avenue,and Cheerful, place, It was firemen's, parade. Out-of-town cars wllli?meot. them and bring.the panles participating were Bed ' officers will be on duty handling the pilots ana passengers to the Molly explained by Miss Lawronce that tho trafflce and parking situation. poor condition of tho bulkhead al- Shrewsbury, Rumson, Little £ Pitcher hotel where they will Join Hoadden's Corner, River Plata, 1 , A Bhort time ago the fire com- their comrades aboard the fleet of. lowed tide water to flooi various pany voted to buy a new ambulance Work Again Begun properties In the section. Boats were ontown, Oceanport, Avenel, ~ boats. The aerial division of the Beach, Spring Lake, Point and a new patrol truck for the flre Staten Island Power Squadron will considerably hampered In docking as company. A considerable portion of On Building At another result,' and Glendolo. The Fair Haven I be in command of Captain George toon marched at the end of the'j the fair proceeds will be applied to- Schaaf, veteran pilot ot Staten Island. • ward the cost of these vehicles. As Borough Attorney John M. Fills- cession, which was headed has been the case in past years, a Broad-White Sts. The squadron after leaving Prin- bury, explained that tho financial mounted squad from the Bed ; large sum will be set aside for wel- cess Bay is due to arrive at the High- condition of the borough had caused national guard, with Capt Joseph J lands'bridge at.11:84 a m. Saturday Commlsslomr Walter B. Darby at Fix as marshal, Mayor Blokle*'* "•fars work lirtha-borougb. The fire Trenton to exclude 'the possibility of company ha* a special group to Harrf B. Southall Gets and arrive off Red Bank at 1.00 p, m., the oouncllmen were next In line's where all boats' will anchor around any major work In the borough but other organizations In the handle Its welfare work, which is advised that a resolution presented by carried on the year round. Contract for Modern • the contest area to watch the various were Shrewsbury post, American 1 races, sports and contests which will tho borough and Including the pe- gton, and Vernon Brown post, >V Mayor Arthur B. Sickles is gen- Business Structure • occupy most of the afternoon. tition of the Water Witch residents erans of Foreign Wars, both ot T eral chairman of the fair, Charles P These various events Include dodge could be presented to Mr, Darby for Bank; Boy Scouts and ~ Cross is vice chairman, William B ball, water joating, obstical race, consideration as an emergency Qlrls from Fair Haven, Tall ' Little, JrM treasurer and Percy p. Work was begun Monday morning swimming race, water tug of. war, measure. Mias Lawrence said that Sea Scouts and the B,F,CA,> Bennett secretary. on tearing down the construction balloon race, bango rowback, tube boat owners In the aeotlon had ex-bands were the Italian band of i The committees are as follows: work previously started at the build- pressed their willingness to pay, a Bank, Tall Cedars of Perth . race, life saving and scuttling race. fee for uie of the basin, 'This mat- AdYsrtlitnr—Harry B. Kuttla chairman, Ing at Broad and White streets pre- These- contests will be under the di- and the Jamesburg Sea Scouts 1 • John W«Bll«r. A. C. Dlxon, G«Org. Hox. ter will also be Included In the Infor- paratory to re-erecting a modern rect supervision of the "Master Following the parade Mayor'J ley, Hsrbert Hawkins, Charlas Wssspn. building in confonmance to plans mation that will' be presented to Purchasing—Runsll Mlnton chairman, Scuttler" Frank W. Cleveland, A. P. Commissioner Darby, les addressed the crowd over t»,L Charlu Cross, William Cellar. which are satisfactory to Ensley R. ot Wcsterlelgh, S. I. Start of One of tho Outboard Races. speaklng system from the danoa p Automobile—Qeoree-Ctttehln chairman, White, building Inspector of the bor- These competitive sports are sched- Several complaints wore received form on the firemen'* fair Robert Amende, Vernon Snyder, Jamei ough of Red Bank. It will be recalled on low, water pressure In the hill sec- LaBau. Sr. uled to be over at 6:30 P. M. and at Ho'welcomed the visitor* to j that a few weeks ago Mr. White tion during evening meat time. von'and said the town" WM' Music and entartalnnunt—Percy Ben- stopped work on this building due to 5:45 P. M. boats are to break forma- Committees Named nett ehalnpan, Tony Hunting. tion and proceed to the overnight an- Councilman Brown explained that H; Kuuell Mlnton, general tlBhUm and decoration—Clarence Lit- the fact that the work was not In Sea Scouts Demonstrate the long dry spell had Blowed up the ot the celebration, introduced' conformity with the borough's build- chorage near the Molly Pitcher hotel 'sixclal Game—Oeorg* Hawkins chair; at 8:30 P. M., wjiere all guests num- For Sweepstakes amount of water running to the speakers, United States* Senator 1 man, Charlei P. Cross. H. L. Mlnton. John ing code. bering approximately 800 w|ll meet wells and that the pumps at the wa-Warren; Barbour: and Congretin Wagner, Harry Mlnton, Herbert HjyUns. Harry B. Southall of Red Bank is ter plant had, to b« stopped at vari- William H. Sutphln were unabla. Harry. HeHeroldr . Robert An>endtri*at«r ior a dinner dance and yachtsman Life-Saving Methods ous interval* to allow the wells' to Bn«la»a,Bl»a - JJjea BraneyBraney.' WarWarrer n RBelin the new contractor,' and as soon as ball, la 0)9,/grand, ballroom of the First Release by • ba-preient because CongreM l»-|t ley, aeorn'F.
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