DIRECTORY.] SHROPSHIRE. QG.ATT. 397 QUATFORD, with the township of Eardington, is a Eardington is a village and township, seJmrated from suburb of Bridgnorth, and a parish on the road from .Bridg­ Quatford by the river S3vero, over which there is a ferry; north to Kidderminster and on the river Severn, 2 miles it belongs ecclesiastically to Quatford parish, .and was given south-east from .Bridgnorth, in the Southern division of the to the church of Qnatford in the time of William the Con­ county, Stottesdon hundred, Bridgnorth union, petty ses­ queror : it is in the same union .and is situated on the sional division and county court district, and partly in the highway from Bridgnortb.. to Chelmarsh, 2 miles south from municipal borough, in the rural deanery of Bridgnorth, the former, with a station on the Severn Valley branch of archdeaconry of Ludlow and diocese. of Hereford. The the Great Western railway, 137 miles from London. The c'mrca oi St. Mary Magdalene, once collegiate, is an ancient ferry-boat was placed upon the river in 1885 as ,a memorial building of red sandstone and travertine, consisting of chan­ to the late Rev. George Leigh Wasev, 37 years vicar of this cel, nave of four bays, south aisle, porch, and an embattled parish, and bears his name; this affords the mhabitants of western tower with pinnacles, containing 3 bells : the chan­ Eardington access to the parish church: landing banks have cel arch and font are also of Nonnan date: there are some been constructed and the approaches re-made. The kennels curious old monumental slabs : a memorial window was of the Wheatland Hunt are in this parish ; Rowland Hunt erected in 1891 to the la\e Mrs. Griffith by the Rev. and e~q. is master of the hounds, which hunt the district '.rues­ Mrs. Bevan, and altar rails of oak with brass standards by days and Fridays: Bridgnorth and Much Wenlock are con­ parishioners : the church was re-pewed and the south aisle venient places for hunting visitors. The principal landowner~ added in 1857· The register dates from the year IS77· are Miss Oldbury, the Rev. iohn Butler Borne M.A. vicar of 'fhe bving is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £19; net Wasing, Berkshire, Benjamin Butcher of The Hay, and the yearly value £165, including 7 acres of glebe. in the gift of Rev. Isaac Ormsby Powell of Hollybonrne, Alton, Hants. the Rev. Henry Edward James Bevan M.A. vicar of St. The area is 1,30I acres; rateable value, _£2,573; the popu­ Andrew's, Stoke N ewington, and held since 1884 by the Rev. lation in 188r was 263. William John Pinckney M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. KNOWI,E SANDS is half a mile north. The vicarage house was built in 1886 upon a site given by Mrs. Griffith. The church has 20 acres of land in the Clerk and Sexton, David Scott. parish which, together with money invested, produce about SuB-PosT OFFICE, Qnatford.-Miss Annie Clare. receiver. £48 yearly, part of which is applied to the repairs and Letters are received through Bridgnorth; arrive at 7.20 other necessary expenses of the church, and towards the a. m.; dispatched at s.so p.m. The nearest money order expense of the ferry to Eardington. William Nicholls, of &; telegraph office is at Hridgnorth Bridgnorth, left by will, dated 1846, to the vicar of Quatford the sum of £ISO, which is invested in the Funds, and pro­ SuB-PosT OFFICE, Eardington.-Thomas Lloyd, receiver. duces £4 yearly, which sum is distributed annually in Letters arrive 7 a. m. from Bridgnorth; dispatched, 5-45 yarious sums of money to the aged poor. Here was anciently p.m. week days only. Bridgnorth is the nearest money a college, founded in the reign of William 11. and united to order & telegraph office the college of St. Mary, at Bridgnorth, in noi. On a pic­ turesque rock overhanging the river Severn is an earthwork, SCHOOLS:- in which a party of Danes are said to hav-e passed the winter. Quatford National (mixed), built, with mistress's residence Quatford Castle is a modern castellated building, beautifully in 1846, at a cost of £213, for sS children; average at­ seated on an eminence commanding extensive and varied tendance, r8; in r8sa it received a legacy of j;2oo from views of the surrounding country. and is the residence ol the late Mr. Smalman, of Quatford, invested (after Mrs. Bevan. There are no manorial rights. Rev. Henry deducting £20 legacy duty) in the 3t per Cents. & also a Edwa.rd James Bevan, patron, the trustees of Careswell's legacy of £Ioo from the late Mrs. Gritliths; Miss Helena charity and the Rev. I<'rancis Henry Wolryche-Whitmore Melson, mistress M.A., .J.P. of Dudmaston, are chief landowners. The tithe Eardington National (mixed), built in 1847, at a total cost, owner is Mr. Wilham Bannister of Kidderminster. The soil including a class room & master's house, of .£6o8, on land is sandy ; the subsoil is red sandstone. 'fhe chief crops are giv-en by Lord Sudeley & enlarged in 1854, for 99 barley and turnips. The area is 512 acres ; rateable value, children; average attendance, so ; Richd. Haddock, mstr exclusive of Eardington, £I,05I; the popalation in 1881 Railway Station, Eardington, William George Cleeton, was 197, exclusive of Eardington, station master Wilkes Richd. farmer, Hill House farm Haddock Richd. assistant overseer for Quatford. Eardin gton. Qnatford & Eardmgton,&schoolmastr Bevan Mrs. Quatford castle Hemming Sarah (Mrs.), Crown P.H Bramley George Henry, Roccabrun Austin Mrs Jarratt James, butcher & farmer Crane Thomas Greenhow, The Chantry Butcher Benjamin, The Hay Jones Charles, machinist Pinckney Rev. Wm. John M.A. [vicar] de Wend William Fenton,Eardington ho Kyte John, huntsman of the Wheatland Postlethwaite Mrs Gordon Alex. 0. Knowle sands hounds Shepheard Miss, Quatford house Gordon Mrs. H. Knowle sands Lawley William, maltster & hop dealer Sheppard Miss, I<'ir grove Lomas William, Manor & income tax collector Horne Matthew R. farmer, Thorny bank Southwell Wm. Lascelles, The Knowle Lloyd Thomas, boot & shoe maker & Jenkins Edmund, The Danery inn Wheeler George grocer, & post office ScottDavid,ferryman, parish clrk. &sextn COMMERCIAL. Lomas William, farmer, Manor farm Tomkins John, coal dealer & carrier Birkin Benjamin, farmer Miles John, plumber &c Ward John, shopkeeper Booth Mary (Miss), farmer Preece Charles, farmer, Mon-Moor Warder Mary (Mrs.), farmer Bradney Thomas, Halfway House P.H Rowswell Chas. beer retlr.Knowle sands Wilkes George, builder & contractor; Butcher Henj. farmer, The Hay farm Sheldon Josiah miller (water) all branches of the trade carried out Duppa Sarah (Miss ),farmer.High downs ThomasonAlfd.millr.( water ),Daniel'sml with every endeavour to give satis­ Fryer Ed ward, blacksmith Walker James, farmer, Moor farm fa~ion ; charges strictly fair Harris John, baker I Wheeler George, farmer QUATT is a village and parish, comprising the townships stored in 1877 by the late rector and Miss Ca.rr. The register of QUATT MALVKR.'i and QUAT!' JERVIS (the latter within dates from the year r672J The living is a rectory, average Bridgnorth municipal borough), in the Southern division of tithe-rent charge .£335, net yearly value £223, with resi­ the county, Cbelmarsh division of Stottesdon hundred, Bridg­ dence, in the gift of the Rev. Francis Henry Wolryche­ north union, petty sessional division and county court dis­ Whitmore. of Dudmaston Hall, and held since 1885 by the trict, rural deanery of Trysull, archdeaconry of Stafford and Rev. Henry .Bazely Wolryche-Whitmore M.A. of Merton Col­ diocese of Lichfield ; Quatt is on the Bridgnorth and Kid­ lege, Oxford. Charities-Thomas Dovey left in 1:6o1 twD derminster road and bounded by the Severn to the west, 4 cottages, in Pound street, Bridgnotth, leased tor two periods miles south-east from Bridgnorth and I! north-east from ~f 99 years each, at ss. yearly ; the last period expired Hampton Load station on the Bewdley and Shrewsbury on Lady Day. 1887, and the property then reverted to the branch of the Great Western railway. The church of St. parish and is now occupied by Mr. George Martin Painter, Andrew is a venerable fabric of freestone and brick, consist­ at a yearly rent of £1o; Humphrey Dovey, in the last cen­ ing of chancel with north chapel, clerestoried nave of four tury, bequeathed certain lands in Worfield to the poor of the bays, north aisle, north porch and an embattled western parish of Quatt; these lands were sold in I8oi, a.nd the valae, tower with pinnacles containing 6 bells and a clock (the gift in £no, deposited in a bank, which shortly after suspended ~871 of Miss Carr, daughter of the late rector): the chancel payment, paying only 48· in the £ ; the amount recovered and Wolryche chapel are in the Early English style, the nave was invested and allowed to accumulate until it reached and tower Georgian : in the chapel are monuments to Sir [,171 ss. :td. which sum is invested in 2! per Cent. Con­ Francis Wolryche hart. of Dudmaston, ob~ 12 June, 1689; solidated Stock, and produces .£ 5 annually, which is given to Sir Thomas Wolryche hart. ob.. 3 May, 1701, and Frances aged persons at Christmas in flannel : George Green be­ Barbara Whitmore, ob. 28 April, 1792 : the interior was re- queathed, in 1852, £226 Consols, wllich produces .£5 108. - H. & S. 26 .
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