“DAY-IN-THE-LIFE” HOW TO GET STARTED N IMPROVE YOUR IM FREESTYLE PREMIERE OF See page 8 JULY 2011 —VOLUME 52 NO. 7 DISTANCE STAR FOCUSING ON LONDON page 10 “The daily news of swimming” Check us out online at: www.SwimmingWorldMagazine.com fΰxÊ1-ÊUÊf{°xäÊ FREE OFFER* $150 VALUE Swim. Sweat. Shower… …with Siemens Aquaris™, the first truly waterproof, dustproof and shock-resistant hearing aid.** www.usa.siemens.com/aquaris The beach, the pool, your water aerobics FOR A LIMITED TIME–$150 VALUE class, now you don’t have to worry about taking off your hearing aids. Aquaris is not Purchase a pair of Aquaris 701 only water resistant, it’s waterproof. hearing aids–get FREE from Siemens: Built tough, designed to impress, and 0 Sport Clips–keep your aids securely engineered to perfection, it’s dustproof in place and shock resistant too! 0 Aquapac–protects your electronic devices from water Equipped with BestSound™ Technology Choose from an Apple® iPod for unparalleled sound clarity and 0 shuffle OR a $50 hearing comfort, Aquaris can connect manufacturer’s wirelessly through the optional Siemens rebate on the miniTek™ with your MP3 player or cell purchase of a phone, turning your Aquaris hearing miniTek or any Aquapac aids into a state-of-the-art wireless miniTek Siemens remote headset…and with the Aquapac, Sport Clip you can even enjoy your music To receive more information while you swim! call 1-800-724-1264 or visit www.usa.siemens.com/aquaris/swim * Offer valid on your purchase of a pair of Siemens Aquaris™ 701 model only. Valid with original Siemens voucher on hearing aid purchases made from 7/1/2011-11/30/2011 in the USA only. Cannot be combined with other offers. Not valid on purchases made by consumers via the internet or on prior purchases. Available at participating Hearing Care Providers. Hearing instruments help individuals hear better but results may vary. **Achieved IP57 rating per IEC 60529 standard. Device can be completely submerged in water up to 3 feet for 30 minutes with no damage to the instrument and dust will not interfere with the satisfactory operation of the device. Requires appropriate earmold for submersion. Copyright © 2011 Siemens Hearing Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. SHI/12360-11 INSIDE THIS ISSUE of 8101828 8 DAY IN THE LIFE: JOSH SCHNEIDER photo story by Garrett McCaffrey DEPARTMENTS: Swimming World followed SwimMAC Team Elite member Josh Schneider as he prepared for the 6 A VOICE ÌÀ}Õ}ÊxäÊÞ>À`ÊvÀiiÃÌÞiÞÊÌÕÀ>iÌÊ­>Ýxä®Ê for the SPORT that was held in Jacksonville, Fla. last April. 39 FOR THE RECORD 10 THE COMPLETE PACKAGE by John Lohn Ous Mellouli is one of the world’s finest distance free 45 CALENDAR ÃÌÞiÀðÊ9iÌ]ÊÌ iÊ/ÕÃ>ÊÃÌ>ÀÊÜÃÊÌ iÀiÊ>ÀiÊÌ }ÃÊ much more important than lapping the field. 46 PARTING SHOT ON THE COVER: 14 PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE by Jason Marsteller Ê1-Ê-Ü}Ê >ÃÊÃÕVViÃÃvÕÞÊ`iÌvi`ÊÞÕ}ÊÌ>iÌÊ>`Ê >ÃÊÃÕ««ÀÌi`ÊÌ iÀÊ Already decorated `iÛi«iÌÊÊÌ iÊ >Ì>Ê9ÕÌ Ê/i>Ê«À}À>° with multiple 16 JUNIOR HOPEFULS by Jason Marsteller medals from elite Ê ÀÌ iÀÊiÌÕVÞÊ ««iÀÃ½Ê iÊ7>ÃÊ>`ÊÌ iʵÕ>iÌýÊ6>Ê iÀÃ}i`Ê international >ÀiÊÕÃÌÊÌÜÊvÊ1-Ê-Ü}½ÃÊÕÀÊ >Ì>Ê/i>ÊÌ >ÌÊÃÊ>`i`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ>iÌ° competitions, 18 USA READY FOR SHANGHAI by Emily Sampl Ê7Ì ÊÌ iÊ£{Ì Ê Ê7À`Ê >«Ã «ÃÊÊ- >} >]Ê >ÊÕÃÌÊ>ÊviÜÊÜiiÃÊ Tunisia’s Ous >Ü>Þ]ÊÌ iÊ1Ìi`Ê-Ì>ÌiýÊ`Û}ÊVÌ}iÌÊ>««i>ÀÃÊÀi>`ÞÊÌÊ}ÛiÊÌ iÊÀiÃÌÊvÊÌ iÊ Mellouli, 27, believes world all it can handle. his best days are 212 LANE LEADERS: Debbie Santos, Walnut Creek Masters by Emily Sampl ahead, with the 222 DRYSIDE TRAINING: IM Stroke Series (Freestyle) by J.R. Rosania London Olympics his 242 THE WORKOUT CARD: Training with Masters of South Texas by Susan Ingraham primary focus. He’s 262 Q&A WITH COACH KIM BRACKIN, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS WOMEN’S TEAM confident the longest- by Michael J. Stott standing world record 28 HOW THEY TRAIN: Karlee Bispo by Michael J. Stott on the books—the 29 WINNING CHAMPIONSHIPS THROUGH RECOVERY by Michael J. Stott ÊÊV>V iÃÊ>}Àii\ÊÀiVÛiÀÞÊÃÊiÝÌÀiiÞÊ«ÀÌ>ÌÊvÀÊÌ iÀÊÃÜiÀÃÊÌÊLiÊ>LiÊÌÊ men’s 1500—can be «iÀvÀÊVÃÃÌiÌÞÊ>`ÊLiÌÌiÀ° his. (See story, 32 USSSA: Leaving A Legacy That Counts by Ron Sciarro page 10.) Ê-ÜÊV>V iÃÊ>`ÊÃÜÊÌi>V iÀÃÊ >ÛiÊÌ iÊ««ÀÌÕÌÞÊÌÊ«>ÃÃÊÊÌ iÊ}vÌÊvÊ Üi`}iÊ>`ÊiVÕÀ>}iiÌÊÌÊÌ iÊiÝÌÊ}iiÀ>Ì° [COVER PHOTO PROVIDED BY LE PRESSE AND SHANDREW PR] 34 NATIONAL AGE GROUP RECORD SETTER: Edward Kim, Bellevue Club Swim Team (Bellevue, Wash.) 35 AMERICAN RELAY by Judy Jacob 36 TYR AGE GROUP SWIMMER OF THE MONTH: Vivian Wang, Sunnyvale Swim Club (Sunnyvale, Calif.) 37 GOLDMINDS: Super Starts! by Wayne Goldsmith ÊiÀiÊ>ÀiÊÃiÊÌ«ÃÊÊ ÜÊÌÊ}iÌÊv>ÃÌiÀpÃiÀp>`Êi>ÛiÊÞÕÀÊV«iÌÌÀÃÊ> guishing in the slow lane. SWIMMING WORLD MAGAZINE (ISSN 0039-7431). Note: permission to reprint articles or excerpts from contents is prohibited without permission from the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for errors in advertisements. Microfilm copies: available from University Microfilms, 313 N. First St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Swimming World Magazine is listed in the Physical Education Index. Printed in the U.S.A. © Sports Publications International, July 2011. 4 July 2011 A VOICE for the SPORT PUBLISHING, CIRCULATION AND ACCOUNTING OFFICE P.O. Box 20337, Sedona, AZ 86341 Toll Free in USA & Canada: 800-511-3029 0HONE s&AX THEN & www.SwimmingWorldMagazine.com Chairman of the Board, President — Richard Deal e-mail: [email protected] Publisher, CEO — Brent Rutemiller e-mail: [email protected] Circulation — Karen Deal NOW e-mail: [email protected] Circulation Assistant — Judy Jacob BY BRENT RUTEMILLER e-mail: [email protected] 7 >ÌÊ>Ê`vviÀiViÊvÕÀÊÞi>ÀÃÊV>Ê>it Ê >vÀ>]Ê >`Ê 9iÌÌiÀÊ ÃÊ V>V }Ê Ê Advertising Production Coordinator — Betsy Houlihan 2007:ÊÀ>Ê À««iÊÜ>ÃÊ>Êi>ÀÞÊv>ÛÀ Florida. e-mail: [email protected] ÌiÊ ÌÊ >iÊ Ì iÊ "Þ«VÊ Ìi>Ê Ê «iÊ 2007:Ê >À>Ê /ÀÀiÃ]Ê >ÌÊ >}iÊ {ä]Ê ÃÌ>ÀÌÃÊ EDITORIAL, PRODUCTION, MERCHANDISING, water events. 2011:Ê "Þ«VÊ «ivÕÃÊ iÀÊViL>VÊLÞÊÜ}Ê>ÊxäÊvÀiiÊ>ÌÊ1-Ê MARKETING AND ADVERTISING OFFICE now participate in Fran Crippen Memorial >Ì>ðÊ2011: Torres is now training for 2744 East Glenrosa Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Toll Free: 800-352-7946 Open Water races around the globe after >ÊëÌÊÊ iÀÊÃÝÌ Ê"Þ«VÊÌi>° 0HONE s&AX À««iÊ`i`ÊÊ>Ê Ê"«iÊ7>ÌiÀÊiÛiÌÊ 2007:Ê iÃ>ÀÊ iÊÜ>ÃÊLÀi>}Ê Ê www.SwimmingWorldMagazine.com ÊÓä£ä° ÀiVÀ`ÃÊÌÊÃÌ>ÀÌÊ ÃÊ>ÀV ÊÌÜ>À`Ê"Þ«VÊ EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION e-mail: [email protected] 2007: There was talk of Michael Phelps gold. 2011:Ê iÊÜÊÜÃÊiÊ"Þ«VÊ Senior Editor — Bob Ingram «ÃÃLÞÊ Ü}Ê i} ÌÊ }`Ê i`>ÃÊ Ê }`Ê i`>Ê >`Ê ÜÀ`Ê ÀiVÀ`ÃÊ Ê Ì iÊ xäÊ e-mail: [email protected] i}°Ê2011:Ê/ iÀiÊÃÊÜÊÌ>ÊÌ >ÌÊ,Þ>Ê >`Ê£ääÊiÌiÀÊvÀiiÃÌÞið Managing Editor — Jason Marsteller PHONE sFAX V ÌiÊVÕ`Ê«ÃÃLÞÊÜÊi} ÌÊ}`Êi` 2007: Aaron Peirsol was setting world e-mail: [email protected] als in London. records. 2011: Peirsol is now retired from Senior Writer — John Lohn 2007:Ê ÕVÊ7i}ÕÃ]ÊiÝiVÕÌÛiÊ`ÀiV swimming. e-mail: [email protected] tor for USA Swimming, was being treated 2007:Ê >Ì>iÊ Õ} Ê ÃiÌÊ >Ê ÜÀ`Ê Photo Coordinator— Judy Jacob e-mail: [email protected] for colon cancer. 2011: Wielgus is now in ÀiVÀ`ÊÊÌ iÊ£ääÊL>V]Êi`}Ê>Ê}Ê`ÀÞÊ Graphics Arts Designer — Casaundra Crofoot vÕÊÀiVÛiÀÞÊ>`Ê >ÃÊ ÃÊÃ} ÌÃÊÃiÌÊÊi>` streak. 2011: Coughlin still remains at the e-mail: [email protected] ing USA Swimming to London. top of her game. Fitness Trainer — J.R. Rosania 2007: Amanda Beard was posing nude 2007:Ê/iÀÊViiÛiÀÊÃÊÌ iÊÌ«Êvi>iÊ Chief Photographer — Peter H. Bick for Playboy magazine. 2011: Beard now coach in USA Swimming. 2011:ÊViiÛiÀÊ SWIM Editor — Emily Sampl poses on blocks while training for her fifth is now the head coach for USA Women’s SwimmingWorldMagazine.com WebMaster e-mail: [email protected] "Þ«Vð "Þ«VÊÃÜÊÌi>° MARKETING AND ADVERTISING 2007:Ê >ÛiÊ ÕÀ`iÊ Ü>ÃÊ >i`Ê i>`Ê 2007: China training program, talent [email protected] V>V Ê vÀÊ 1 iÀiiÞ°Ê 2011:Ê ÕÀ`iÊ ÃÊ identification and performance predictions Marketing Coordinator — Tiffany Elias ÜÊ `}Ê Ì iÊ Ê ÛÃÊ Ê i½ÃÊ >ÀiÊ >Ê ÞÃÌiÀÞ°Ê 2011: China training pro E MAILTIFFANYE SWIMMINGWORLDCOM Ìi>ÊÌÀ« ÞÊvÀÊ1 iÀiiÞ° gram, talent identification and performance MULTI-MEDIA/PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION 2007:Ê À>Ê ÕÃV ½ÃÊ 1ÛiÀÃÌÞÊ vÊ «Ài`VÌÃÊ>ÀiÊÃÌÊ>ÊÞÃÌiÀÞ° Assistant Producer/Product Manager — Jeff Commings Printer — Schumann Printers, Inc. Àâ>Ê Ìi>ÃÊ >ÀiÊ >Ê Þi>ÀÊ >Ü>ÞÊ vÀÊ Ü 2007:Ê iÃÃV>Ê >À`ÞÊ ÃiÌÊ iÀV>Ê Published by Sports Publications International }Ê Ê Ìi>Ê ÌÌiÃ°Ê 2011: Busch has records in the sprint breaststrokes. 2011: now resigned from U of A to become >À`ÞÊ ÃÊ ÜÊ Ê ÌÀ>VÊ vÀÊ `Ê >vÌiÀÊ USA CONTRIBUTORS Dana Abbott (NISCA) ,G. John Mullen, Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen, national team director for USA Swimming. Li}ÊÀiÛi`ÊvÀÊÌ iÊÓäänÊ1-Ê"Þ«VÊ J.R. Rosania, Michael J. Stott 2007: Brendan Hansen struggled to team for testing positive for ingesting a Ài}>Ê ÃÊ vÀÊ >vÌiÀÊ Li}Ê >i`Ê ÓääÈÊ L>i`ÊÃÕLÃÌ>Vi]ÊÞÊÌÊLiÊvÕ`Ê INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS Africa: Chaker Belhadj (TUN), Glen Byrom (ZIM); 1-Ê>iÊ-ÜiÀÊvÊ9i>À°Ê2011: Hansen cent on a later date. Australia: Wayne Goldsmith, Graham Senders; Europe: Norbert Agh (HUN), Camilo Cametti (ITA), ViÃÊÕÌÊvÊÀiÌÀiiÌÊÌÊÌÀ>ÊvÀÊÓä£ÓÊ 2007: Ous Mellouli is suspended 18 Federico Ferraro (ITA), Oene Rusticus (NED), 1-Ê"Þ«VÊÌi>° months for use of a banned substance.
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