+ RInas Volume 41 - No.8 University of Scranton - Scranton, Pennsylvania February 1 7, 1969 Hirsch, Bridy Honored With Woodrow Wilson Scholarships The second and third Woodrow Wilson Scholarships have recently been awarded to two University of Scranton seniors. Robert Hirsch and Don Bridy, both Physics majors, were informed of their selection last week. The first recipient of the Scholarship was Francis X. Homer, who has returned to the University to teach history. Robert Hirsch, a dorm student from Catonsville, Md.. is the Chief Justice of the Student 'Court. Among his other acth'ities and awards are: E!lglish, Physics and Theology A­ wards, 1, Physics and Pbilosophy A­ wards, 2; Honors Program: Dean's List, '1, 2, 3, 4; VVusv, 1; Swordsmen, '1: Student Court Justice, 3. 4; Alpha Sigma Nu. 3, 4; Physics Club, 1, 2, 3; American Institute of Physics; Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni­ ROBERT HIRSCH DONALD BRlDY ROYAL ESTABLISHMENT. .external view of the newly renovated versities. Coffee house open to University and Marywood students. Related photo Don Bridy, a dorm student from The fact that the two reClplents on page 5. (Photo by Carroll) The AQUINAS joins the rest of the Ttlas, Pa., was the Co-founder of the are from the same department, xe­ University community in congratu­ Free University. His other activities flects much good light on the Physics lating Mesers, Hirsch and Bridy on and Awards include: Alpha Sigma department and its chairman, Dr. Mc­ their honor, and Dr. McGinnis on his Nu 3· Honors Program, 2, 3, 4; Mc­ Ginnis. fine work in aiding them. "Joint Effort" Opened Feb. 14 Cal:th; Campaign Director; Dixector of Canvassing; Physics Club, 3; 'Chemistry Club, 1, 2; Karate Club, 2, Membership Cards Required '3; V'ISTA Tutor Program; Who's Semester Failures At Who in American Universities and Now that the students at the Uni­ ilt has been xumored about, fought 'Colleges. for, aied over, and now it is a reality! versity have an off-campus place to The conditions of the Scholarship The University of Scranton's coffee go, it is hoped that student apathy allow for the student to receive as house, dubbed "The Royal Establish­ will not doom this, as it has other innovations in the past. The address much aid from a particular institution Record High Number ment of Joint Effort," opened Friday, of "The Royal Establishment of Joint as he can. If he can not gain any February 14. An unpresidented epidemic of fail­ Effort" is ,51'5 Mulberry St., just a­ aid then the Woodrow Wilson founda­ It is the general policy of most The coffee house committee, headed ures and probation have taken theix cross the street from the fire house. tion will pay all costs. The Scholar­ administrations to go easy on the by Larry Leiser, plans to open houe toll on the student body for the first Support for the enterprise is vital­ ship will last until Doctoral studies freshmen, especially during their first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. semester of this academic year. ly necessary if it is to xemain open. are completed. term. Allowance is made for the The coffee house wil be open week­ 215 students have been put on period of adjustment which occms ends from 8 to 1\1 Fridays and Sa­ academic probation. This number upon matriculation into college. turdays, 8 to 12 on Sundays- The includes almost a quarter of the Unlike Holy Cross, Georgetown and coffee house is a private, non-profit freshman class and 32 members of other colleges, the University main­ club, and entry is by membership Fr. Garrett III the senior class. Twenty-eight stu­ tains the six cut policy for freshmen. only. The membership fee of $2.00 dents have been dismissed, seven of The present administration believes is used only to cover expenses. them seniors. These numbers in­ that the change from the high school The coffee house was initiated as a dicate a substantial increase over environment is too sudden and big place to go for college students under previous years. for the freshmen to handle with com­ twenty-one. Already membership VP Fills Spot Along with the seven senior dis­ plete freedom and that acclimation cards have gone on sale at Mary­ missals, there are, breaking the num­ to an unlimited cut system would be usually be expected to carry out his wood which has supported the en­ Thomas P. Garrett, S.J., Dean of ber into classes, six junior, twelve too difficult. To prove this point, it assignments with the utmost effici­ deav;r enthusiastically. Facilities in­ the College of Arts and Sciences, has sophomore, and three freshman cas­ is shown that, despite the six cut ency. clude a sandwich grill, french-fryex, been forced to take a respite from his ualties. Those on prebation number system, many freshmen still over­ and a juke-box for continuous music. office duties due to illness. Filling Father Garrett is expected to return 3+ juniors, 52 sophomores, and 97 cut their classes, automatically re­ The coffee house committee also plans in for Father Garrett will be Aca­ in approximately five weeks and re­ freshmen. The freshmen class num­ ceiving an "F" for the course. demic Vice-pxesident, Joseph A. Rock, sume his normal office duties. to include rock groups to contribute bers 450. Father Rock believes that the re­ to the casual, all-college atmosphere. S.I. In a recent AQUINAS interview, cent elimination of dorm checks is The coffee house is student initiated, Father Garrett, a victim of a respi­ Father Joseph Rock, S.J., Academic partly responsible for this new operated, and organized. It has been ratory ailment, has taken off for Vice-president and acting Dean of the trend: "In previous years, under­ two years in the planning, and was some R & R on the sunny shores of 'College of Arts and Sciences, it was classmen had the supervision of the conceived and made a xeality by the California. According to an Admin­ learned that these numbers reflect na­ prefects and counselors in their leadership and efforts of chairman istration spokesman, Father Garrett is tional trends. Sophomores are sup­ study methods. Now the super­ Larry Leiser. Much of the equip­ expected to return before the end of posedly out to "beat the system:" vision is removed, and so, it seems, ment labor and renovation materials the semester. "the novelty of the college experi­ the responsibility of studying." were' donated, both by students and Father Garrett was taken ill just ence having worn off, the second The Mame for the increase in dis­ others. but there are still items of before the beginning of the second year students, tend to find academic missals and probations is placed great 'expense to be purchased, and semester and had to be taken to a and disciplinary problems abundant. neither on any new policies of Father this is the xeason for the two dollar local hospital. Aftex a few hours of Since they are not directly involved Garrett, as Dean, or upon the office membership fee. rough going, Father Garrett was xe­ for the most part in their chosen cour­ of admissions. "Both of these offices This amount is not viewed as pro­ ported out of danger and on his way S2S, as are the upperclassmen, sopho­ are constantly trying to improve their hibitive, especially in the light of to recovery. He was in a weakened mores generally do not express as quest for excellence within the Uni­ current membership fees in clubs and state, however, and upon doctor's ad­ much interest in their courses. Juniors versity community," Father Rock ex­ frats on other campuses. A minimal vice decided to take time to fully re­ and seniors are motivated both by plained. "The blame rests entirely fee will be charged for refreshments cover his energy and strength. their involvement in their majors and with the individual student, for rare­ and this will also be used to help de­ In temporarily assuming a second the reality of graduation in the near ly. if ever, is an "F" given to students fray expenses. The coffee hOU8e will important academic position, Father future. There are less dismissals in who do not fully deserve it. Great be staffed by student volunteer work­ Rock has more than doubled his the upperclasses because of the stu­ consideration is especially given to ers and anyone interested should con­ workload. But no unexpected cllangr.s Fr. Thomas P. Garrett, S.J•.•On dents' adjustment to the educational seniors before giving them an "F." tact Larry Leiser as soon as possible. seem to be in order. Father Rock can leave. processes." (Continued on Page 2) Page Two THE AQUINAS February 17, 1969 Deba tors Visit Miami John Ciardi Next Lecturer Down DePaul, Chicago The Noel Chabanel Council of de­ The Council of Debate is expected Muskie, McGovern Sought bate made an impressive showing at to continue to he successful during The University Lecture Series plans the prestigious debate tourney held the second semester when they will to present two speakers this second at the University of Miami last participate in the following tourna­ semester. In addition to its own sched­ month. ments: King's College (Feb. 21-22); ule, the Series is assisting in the final The debate team travelled to Flori­ University of Pennsylvania (Feb. 28­ selection of a speaker for the annual da on Jan. 23 to compete in the tour­ Mar. '1); District ¥II Elimination De­ "William W. Scranton Public Affairs nament sponsored by the U. of bate Tournament at St.
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