i I • The City of Harper Woods and the Harper Woods PublIC Schools look to reduce the number of voting precincts In the City Page 3A • A portion 01 the Grosse POinte Farms-owned property at ~~ack and r.,1vi\jS:; :::i".:: :..::::.:.~IC::::::~ 4::0" f:':l=.clrs ~ttcr!'¥\Y .. r;-;=., :::: By tsf8a L.NlOIJeIW the short term Page 3A Staff Writer Lawrence Shulman, will , • The 24-year Grosse POinte Woods It made no ddTerence to appeal. man convicted In the Grosse POinte Courtney Carver that the "He didn't mean to lull or Hunt Club animal cruelty tnal could man found guilty of killing torture the horses: have been set Iree pending sentencing 19 horses was on ros way to Shulman said. "The stan- Apnl 9. But then the Judge found out the Wayne County Jw.l. dard (of guilt) was set lower he'd violated the terms of hiS bond and "No matter what happens, than what the law ~ent hIm to Jail. Page 3A It's not • Rep. Andrew Richner, R-Grosse going to POinte Park, Will campaign for regent bring ,~ hIS alma mater, the University of the 00 Michigan. Page 3A. back,~ she • An 18-resldent member Grosse cried. -Pointe Shores committee recently She unveiled a draft 01 the master plan for tried to vlllage's parks Page 12A wipe her • Grosse POinte Farms may possibly tears, the branch out to other means of leaf col- first she'd lection this fall. Page 13A shown • Kerby Elementary SChool students while buy a water buffalo. Page 14A attending • Urwerslty of Michigan's champion the 1 112- solar car at Grosse POinte South High wee k SChool Page 15A Grosse PbOlO b)' Brad L1ndbe ... • Harper Woods High SChool raises Pointe Courtney carver lrieve. for 19 ho~ graduation reqUIrements. Page 15A Hun t loet In the Groue Pointe Hunt Club fife C I u b July 8. "It hurta," she said, carver ill it arson and groom at the club. "I've been t:ryinI tD animal figure out elnce July what he deserves." cruelty said carver. referring to the conviction of tnal Stept.en Richard FeUDeD. 24. on 19 Carver countl of willful. malicious deatructlon of Frjday, March 29 aD animal. "There's nothing to describe' Share good food and fellowship dur- IS a groom at the what he dellerve•. " ing the Men's Friday Ecumenical Hun t Breakfasi at 7:30 a.m. at Grosse Pomte Club in Grosse Pointe required.~ Memonal Church. Woods. She helped care for When the jury foreman The Rev Dr. V. Bruce Rigdon 01 the animals that died July 8 read the "not guilt~ tQ Grosse Pomte Memonal Church Willbe when Stephen Richard arson verdict, soft gasps the featured speaker. The fee IS $5. Fennell, then 23, threw a came from horse owners sit- For more Information, call (313) 882. The hunt firework into the barn. He ting in the back of the court. 5330. did it to "scare the horses," room. Fennell had no • said friends who testified expression. The DeHaven Chorale and Orchestra is on! against him under protec- For Fennell to have been Will JOin the Christ Church Chorale In Nora Ber.. 20 found guilty of arson, the interpreting the music of Poulenc, tion of immunity. lIlontha, WId hot on Fennell, of the Woods, jury would have had to 1 Brahms and Durufle during a free Good CaDdy believe he intended to burn I Frlaay Concert at 7.30 p.m. at Christ the traU of could be sentenced up to trea.ur." "at the four years for each convic- the barn Church Grosse POinte. "I don't think he thought For more Information, call (313) BB5- Heart1a.DdHealth care tion of willful and malicious about or disregarded the 4841. GeorelaD East umual destruction of an animal. Euter Eel hunt Jut Based on sentencing guide- barn actually catching fire Saturday, March 30 saturday, March 24. lines, prosecutors said he when he threw the firework The event also fea- would most likely serve no mto it," Chichzewski said Learn to work as a volunteer lor the tured prizes and a more than a total of two "He just made a stupid mis- Grosse POinte Animal Adoption Society special appearance years and eight months. take ~ dunng a free training seminar from 1 to and photo op with the He was found innocent of Cluchzewski was suspi- 3 p m. at the Children's Home 01 hare of the hour, the arson, a lO-year felony. cious of eyewitness testImo- DetrOIt. Easter Bunny. Chil- The verdict came ny against Fennell. The For more InformatIon, call (313) 884- dren also had the Wednesday, March 20, near- night of the fire, Fen.'1ell, 1551. opportunity to win ly 26 hours after a jury Thomas Zorwick, 24, of prizes and generally began deliberating in the Harper W~;xb and Gregory have a good Ume courtroom of Wayne County Grosfield, 20, of Grosse Monday, April 1 deliglltlDg the many CirCUit Judge Patricia P. Pomte Woods were among senior relidenu pre- guests invited to a party bjt The Grosse POinte Woods City Fresard. IIent. Lisa Chichzewslu, 24, a Joseph and Jaclyn Evola, Council Willmeet In the Woods city hall member of the Jury, said, "1 brother and sister aged 23 at 7:30 p.m. have a lot of sympathy for and 21, respectively. The • party took place at the home The Harper Woods CIty Council WIll the young man He chose to of the Evolas' parents on meet In the Harper Woods mUniCipal Village prepares for 1st scare the horses. This was building 'at 7:30 pm. the outcome. We just could- • n't let him walk away." See VERDICT, page 3A walcn the NCAA championship Spring Clean-up Day game on a large-screen teleVISion while enjOying a sports buffet, Silent aucllon, By Bonnie Capraf8 The City has also committed its .POINTER OF INTEREST raffle and more dunng the Grosse Staff Wrrter employees and resources toward the POinte CriSIS Club's Road to Atlanta The time IS conung to pack up a effort. benefit at 6 p.m. at the Barrister shoppmg bag full of work gloves, "The City sees ~e Village as a VItal Robert Maniscalco Gardens, 24225 Harper In St. Clair rakes and shovels and head to the community asset, satd CIty Manager Shores Village Mlkt" Overton "Wflve invested a lot of Home: City of Grosse Tickets are $60 The Village w111host Its first Spnng money In the Village in the past five Pomte For more InformatIOn, call (313) 886- Clean-up Day Saturday Apnl 27 years We have a lot of actlV1ties g?mg , on around here In the summertime. 4578. Age: 42 The Idea of arranglng an orgamzed It's 11' our best mterest to see it's m to. spnng cleamng event stemmed from pnstme cond1t1on.~ dlSCUSSlOns among members of the Family: Wife, Amanda Grosse Pomte VLllage AssOCiatIOn and The event will ~ from 9 to 11 am INDEX the City of Grosse Pomte's Merchant- and. Kerchev~ Wlll be closed to traffic Occupation: Owner, City-Landlord CommIttee dunng that tlffie ManiScalco Gallery Opinion 6A "We've really tneJ hard to keep up Orgaruzers are. also enli~g the Quute: "One cfthe trongs Obituanes 9A awareness about keeping the Village help o~ local ser.'lce orgamzatlons to clean ~ said VIllage ASSOCiatIOn a&'Hst In the effort I'm trymg to do by Schools 14A Presllfent MIke Kramer "There are "It's not Just asking people to clean example is have an 60.some bUSinesses here a lot of food up, but that we all have a role to play exclusive core of fine Autos 16A estabhshments and a l~t of people m keepIng the area looking nlce,~ artIsts in my gallery ~ who spend time here m the Village ~ Kramer saId "We're hopmg to bulld See story, page 4A BUSiness 18A For two hours, Village employees awareness year-round." Entertainment.. 1OB and volunteers Will plant nowers, pick up trash and sweep and clean Th asS/.8t In the Village's SPring ClaSSified ads 4C Sidewalks, alleys and parlung lots Clean-up Day, call (313) 886- 7474. e'rleLM,lIIu eI .......... Consbvctloft ll*,*SII! OUR AD IN YOUR HOME 586-774-0090 • March 28, 2002 2A Grosse Pointe News COl1uilunion , Ication Program • Free Weights • Cybex Weight Equipment cf}Jm:tr:ait • NASM Certified Personal Trainers Dillmonds or precious gtmStones • State of the Art Cardiovascular Equipment SPECIAL • Sport Specific Training (golf, skiing, etc.) SlttmgFee Princess cut, round brilliant cut or bllguette for that SpecW Day dillmonJs set 14k go/J, 18k gold or plAtinum. -~n-FuK luruud IUM only ; - - - - - - :i -J;n~n-E"-'r 1 Any type of gems, Any size of gems, and any I II f'lI NO 'I Lockhart number of gems. Whllt clln we t:reIlte for yt1U? l Balle A••••• ment II It' I I( InitiationFeel I I with II In lat on Feel II I Photography I Per&GnalTia[ner II $50.00 Value It $99~ ~:;ue.' Studio ( II 'lIf_... ~I KISKA JEWELERS ...~~ _Exe..7/,Lm.. _""!!!.C~ _E<J!.1!1.'Ot~ _l'.l:A1III. C~YoiU' M-alan- 335 Fisher Road 63 Kercheval. on the Hill- Grosse Pointe Farms -313-885-5755 (eamer 01 F15.Iler aDd Maumee) \ 313.824-0701 313.886.8590 loa-MUD" $ ,p~ . to Uniform Specialists" n stock year-round uniforms for... • Our Lady Star of the Sea • Grosse Pointe Academy • University Liggett School • St. Paul • frft alterations on pants • free layaway plan Roams B"I'AHINI B.w GHANNoos TABOllLEH SALAD • Contamer $7.95 • Contamer '7.95 • Conlamer'5.75 • If.! ConWneT $4.95 • It.!Container 1(,95 • It2Contamer '3.9G 8TtmD GRAPE LEAVES &rtmD SQUASH &n1mDCA8BAGJlRow • Contamer'13.95 Zucehuu ,,_ • Largest Independent children's store in the area • If.! 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