© : S&\ ^^^^^^© DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 63. NO. 12 PHILADELPHIA, MAY 23, 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS Chairman Herrmann, of the National Commission, Anticipates Victory in Johnson Injunction ^Suit Renewed Contract-Jumping Activity Likely to Cause a War of Reprisal By Federal Leaguers he will jump to the Federals. IfoTicfc came to the Athletics in the Spring of 1911 (the same The contract question is still year that Oarroll Brown joined them) from acute in "base ball circles, the news the Spokane Club, of the Northwestern League. He didn©t fit in with the Mackmen of the day dealing largely there- and was sent to the Reading Club, of the inth. Chairman Herrmann regards Tri-State League, for further seasoning. He the Johnson case as crucial and an returned to the Mackmen in 1912 and pitched in 16 games, winning eight and losing the ticipates victory. Meantime in Fed same number. Houck last year was credited eral League circles there is great with 15 victories and four defeats, but he resentment over the hurdling of two finished in very few games. Bender was his Baltimore players, and there is chief support. grave possibility of reprisal in kind Will Not Join Federals a proceeding that would greatly WASHINGTON, D. C., May 20. Walter enhance the prevailing demoraliza- Johnson, the famous pitcher of the Washing ton Americans; catcher Ainsmith and out tioh. A sidelight on the time is the fielder Mildin last night flatly and emphatically decision of the Boston American denied that they had agreed to sign with the League Club to return to first prin Pittsburgh Federal League Club at the end of the present season. All three players de ciples and give the bleacher fan clared they had never heard of such a propo more consideration than he has sition and authorized the statement that they been accorded in recent years. Other would not play with the Federals "under any circumstances." Manager Griffith did not take interesting news of the day will be the report seriously, accepting the word of the found appended. players that it was untrue. Manager Griffith has unconditionally released outfielder Billy Lee. Lee, who came from Bayonne, N. J., had never appeared in a championship game. Herrmann Confident of Victory CINCINNATI, O., May 20. President Ewing Park Opened In ©Frisco Ilerrniann, of the Cincinnati Club, returned SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 20. Local to town yesterday from Chicago, where he ap fans, on May 16, celebrated the opening of the peared as a witness for the Cincinnati Club local Coast League club©s new park, Ewing iu the Johnson injunction suit. He says that Field. The Oakland and San Francisco teams a final decision may not be expected for some and Coast League magnates from various time, though the case will come up again on cities were guests at a luncheon given by 600 Tuesday. Mr. Herrmann states that Judge base ball enthusiasts, including Federal, State Focll, before whom the case is being tried, is and City officials. After the luncheon there taking a deep interest in the matter and is in was a parade to the new grounds, where dedi vestigating 1he conduct of organized base ball catory ceremonies were held. Ewing Field is under the National Agreement, with a view to an up-to-date plant, with accommodations for discovering if any injustice is ever done to 20,000 spectators. The San Francisco Club the player under tho present system. The Red yesterday sold outfielder W. Hogan and Chief believes that Judge Foell will decide the pitcher Harry Hughes to the Spokane Club, case purely on its merits and not on techni of the Northwestern League. calities and thinks that the decision will be favorable to the Cincinnati Club. Such a re New Yorks Sell Catcher sult will stop all talk of jumping by dis NEW YORK, N. Y., May 20. Bill Rey gruntled athletes and will mean the speedy nolds, the catcher purchased by the New York demise of the Federal League, which is hav American Club from the Houston Club last ing some pretty tough sledding just now. Fall was yesterday sold by President Farrell to the Jersey City Club, of the International Federal League Reprisal Talk League. After the New Yorks purchased BALTIMORE, Md., May 20. The jump of LOUIS EVANS Nunamaker from Boston one of the new men the pitchers^ Alien and Frank Smith, from had to go, as Chance still has Gossett and the Baltimore Federal Club to the Montreal Outfielder of the Brooklyn Federal League Club Rogers, in addition to Sweeney,. Reynolds does Club, of the International League, has caused not take kindly to his switch to the Skeeters, much indignation here. According to Secre Louis Evans, better known as ."Steve" Evans, the brilliant outfielder of the Brooklyn Club, and is not certain whether he will be a party tary Goldman, the pitchers said nothing about Of the Federal League, was born in Cleveland, O., February 1.7, 1885, and broke into base to the sale. Reynolds would prefer to return making their quick getaway. However, Sam ball as a professional in 1907, the year he joined tie Dayton Club, of the Central League. to the Texas League, his home being in the Lichtenhein, owner of the Montreal franchise, In 1908 he played with the Montreal International League team. At the close of the season Lone Star State. undoubtedly has been camping on Smith©s he was purchased by the© St. Louis National Club and reported to the Cardinals in the Spring of 1899. He remained a member of the St. Louis team until last Winter, when he signed trail for some time. The other day Smith with the Brooklyn Club, of the new in dependent major league. He stands five feet ten and Scranton©s Sunday Ball Ca«« showed a telegram to one of the Terrapins. one-half inches, weighs 175 pounds and bats and throws right-handed. SCRANTON, Pa., May 19. E. J. Coleman, It stated Smith was to name his own terms president of the Scranton Base Ball Associa and could manage the club. Just what action tion, was fined $4 yesterday in police court the International League will take in regard in connection with the attempt to play Sunday to Smith is a question. If he is permitted to base ball last Sunday. An appeal was taken play with the Royals, the Federals may raid with a view of trying out the old Blue Law, any team they see fit. It looks as if Lich owner relates to the "quarter bleachers." in mind the fan who feels that he can only under which the arrests were made. The cases tenhein has quite a battle on his hands. He says: "I intend© to provide more 25-cent afford to pay a quarter. 1 © against the players who were arrested were seats. The ©bleacherites© are the main sup continued. To Restore Popular Prices port of the game and too often, I fear, the Athletic Pitcher Befuses Transfer BOSTON, Mass., May 20. In acquiring club owner has shown a disposition to slight PHILADELPHIA, Pa., May 20. Byron Pitcher Joins the Federals absolute control of the Boston American them. The grandstand patron always has been Houck, who for the last two seasons has been BALTIMORE, Md., May 20. Manager League franchise, Joseph J. Lannin, of Garden a member of the Athletics" pitching staff, has George Stovall, of the Kansas City Federal City, L. I., and Boston, gave out a statement catered to. The bleacher patron must have been given notice of his release to the Balti League Club, announced today that pitcher in which he outlined changes he contemplates his day. I intend to arrange at once for a more Club, of the International League. He Adams, of the St. Joseph Club, in the Western for the convenience of fans. One of the cover over the bleachers at Fenway Park and notified Manager Mack yesterday that he League, would join his team in Brooklyn OB trooffes£ points brought out by the Red Sox from time to time, I hope to prove that I hare would not report to Baltimore, and it is likely Thursday. SPORTING LIFE MAY 23, 1914 FRANCIS C. RICHTEB. EDITOR THOMAS D. KICHTKR, ASSISTANT EDITOR Johnson Jolts Federals Fultz Fails as Lawyer ohis mistake in not accepting the offer of the Con- ever «dnce McGravr took hold of the Polo Gitmnders. o nery syndicate and that the Cincinnati man may run The Cubs, the Pirates and tha Giants have been the THE PLAYERS© LEADER TURNED to cover if the Cuts continue to run down the ladder. leading teams for tho past seven or eight years and "Mr. Taft never will realize such another offer as somehow or other the Giants always the Connery syndicate made," said big Ban. "It DOWN IN COURT would have been a mighty fine thing if he had ac TOOK THE PIRATES© MEASURE, cepted. Joe Tinker©s club is making a joke of the the Pirates generally slew the Cubs, while the Cubs Cuba in Chicago, and that ia not a very comforting clawed the Giants with Irritating frequency. If And Can Do No More Harm to the situation for a man in Mr. Taft©s paBition." Ac memory serves me right, back in 1908 it was a vic In His First Case on The Base Ball cording to President Johnson, the presence of Thomas tory by Clarke©s team over the Cubs which caused Majors, Who Have Their Real at |he head of the Cubs is responsible for the lack of the championship of the league to hinge on the Contract the Judge Takes Case intwfest in that club.
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