State Consultations Consultations on a New Deal Compact for South Sudan First draft report Government of the Republic of South Sudan Ministry of Finance, Commerce, Investment and Economic Planning Aid Coordination Department November 2013 (v2611) STATE CONSULTATIONS ON THE NEW DEAL COMPACT 1 CONTENTS Reaching out to all States on how Government and partners should change the way they work Introduction 2 Overview 3 Upper Nile 5 Lakes State 7 Western Bahr El Ghazal 9 Unity State 11 Jonglei 13 Central Equatoria 15 Eastern Equatoria 17 Northern Bahr El Ghazal 19 Warrap 21 Western Equatoria 23 List of all Compact Consultations and Events 24 2 STATE CONSULTATIONS ON THE NEW DEAL COMPACT INTRODUCTION A New Deal Compact to accelerate progress in overcoming fragility CONTEXT As South Sudan implements the New Deal, the Vision 2040 and Over the past years, South Sudan has made significant progress the South Sudan Development Plan 2011-16 (SSDP) continue in creating the policies, institutions and systems a newly indepen- to serve as the guide and vision Over the lifetime of the SSDP, dent country needs While much remains to be done, the nation is the Compact will provide a framework for enhanced partnership beginning to overcome the legacy of civil war Its natural resource between Government, civil society and development partners wealth gives South Sudan the opportunity to fast-track develop- to facilitate the implementation of the SSDP and the associ- ment through wise investments in human capital and infrastruc- ated South Sudan Development Initiative (SSDI) The New Deal ture However, the economic, political and security challenges provides the lens through which urgent priorities are identified the country has faced after independence also demonstrate the work is sequenced to enable broader progress complexity of nation-building PURPOSE OF THE COMPACT In the years ahead, risks and shocks will continue to impact South The primary purpose of the Compact is to accelerate progress in Sudan’s journey A renewed and strengthened framework of achieving priority peace- and state-building objectives embodied cooperation between the Government and development partners in South Sudan’s development vision, plans and initiatives As a is therefore indispensable At the South Sudan Economic Partners framework for enhanced partnership and mutual accountability, Forum in Washington in April 2013, Government and development the Compact matches Government commitments to address specific priorities with development partner commitments to partners agreed to develop a Compact, based on the principles enhance aid effectiveness Drawing on the findings of inclusive of the New Deal, to create a framework for organising resources consultations, the Government and its development partners from both Government, development partners and civil society intend to prioritize a list of 15 shared goals and benchmarks, ten around priorities for peace- and state-building, and to improve the focused on peace- and state-building priorities and five focused effectiveness of aid on aid effectiveness As such, the Compact will set out a shared agenda and form the basis of dialogue between Government, NEW DEAL IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SUDAN development partners and civil society about issues that matter The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States provides the most to the women, men, youth and children of South Sudan basis for enhanced partnership Agreed between the g7+ group of states and international partners at the High-Level Forum for CONSULTATIONS ON THE COMPACT Aid Effectiveness in Busan in 2011, the New Deal recognizes the Following the Washington Conference in April 2013, South Sudan importance of tackling fragility to enable progress towards more began a series of consultations with Government, civil society and ambitious targets, such as the Millennium Development Goals, development partners in Juba, all ten states and abroad to shape which largely remain out of reach for South Sudan the Compact and the mutual commitments Over the course of 7 months, between May and December, more than 1,000 stake- Building on decades of lessons learned about what matters most holders came together in more than 80 events in Juba, the States in fragile states, the New Deal contains 5 peace- and statebuilding and abroad to identify and endrose shared priorities goals (PSGs) and promotes FOCUS on nationally-driven assess- ments, plans and compacts to overcome fragility Embodied in For the first time since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of its TRUST principles, it also proposes new ways to deliver more 2005 and independence in 2011, the Compact process allowed transparent, timely, and empowering international assistance stakeholders from all ten States to play a key role in the design of better tailored to fragile contexts South Sudan, as a member of a national development policy A facilitation team from the national the g7+, volunteered to pilot the implementation of the New Deal Government, development partners and civil society travelled to all State capitals to consult a broad range of stakeholders on To kickstart New Deal implementation, South Sudan in late 2012 what they think the Compact should contain conducted its first country-led Fragility Assessment More than 100 stakeholders from Government, civil society and development In total, nearly 600 people participated in the State consultations partners from all states came together in Juba to identify drivers and provided direct input on the Compact During the consul- of fragility in the 5 PSG areas: legitimate politics, security, justice, tations, stakeholders aimed to answer a fundamental question: the economy, revenue and services The assessment also iden- What do Government and partners need to change in the way tified priority actions for tackling such challenges The Fragility they do business, so that South Sudan can overcome fragility? Assessment forms the analytical backdrop for the Compact Starting with a local perspective, the answers from State Govern- ments, development partners and civil society have shaped the At the Washington Conference of April 2013, Government and goals, commitments and benchmarks at the heart of the New development partners agreed to begin development of a New Deal Compact Deal Compact, an agreement to unite all stakeholders in their endeavour to address the country’s most pressing challenges The following report provides an overview of the State consulta- and improve the effectiveness of aid over a three-year period, tions It illustrates the breadth of participation and the priorities between 2014 and 2016 Learning lessons from the 2009 Juba in peace- and statebuilding, as well as aid effectiveness, which Compact, the New Deal Compact is based on broad consulta- local stakeholders want to see addressed so that South Sudan tions with stakeholders across all ten States of South Sudan can overcome fragility STATE CONSULTATIONS ON THE NEW DEAL COMPACT 3 OVERVIEW Reaching out to all States on how Government and partners should change the way they work The New Deal Compact is the result of inclusive consultations STATE PARTICIPATION with a wide range of stakeholders in Government, development [3] [1] partners and civil society across South Sudan Instead of setting [1] Government 305 22% 51% priorities in the capital, the Compact is built on consultations with [2] NGOs and CSOs 157 stakeholders in all ten States Their voices shape the Compact’s 597 [3] Others (incl. Assembly) 135 stakeholders Stakeholders goals and benchmarks [2] Total 597 27% CONSULTATION PROCESS To build the Compact from the bottom up, a joint facilitation team SUDAN from the national Government, development partners and civil MAP OF CONSULTATIONS society travelled to the States to meet with citizens Between 31 August and 25 October, the team visited all ten State capitals Abyei Unity Malakal Aweil Bentiu Upper In total, nearly 600 stakeholders took part in the consultations, Nile N. Bahr Kwajok El Ghazal ranging from 36 to 92 participants per location Around half of Warrap ETHIOPIA those participants were members of the State Governments, West. Bahr El Ghazal Jonglei with the remaining half joining from non-governmental and civil Wau Rumbek CENTRAL society organizations, legislative assemblies or development AFRICAN Bor Lakes REPUBLIC West. partners State Ministers, Director Generals, Commissioners and Equatoria JUBA other senior Government officials came to share their views with Yambio East. Equatoria members of parliament, civil society leaders, religious leaders Centr. Torit Equatoria women's group leaders, academics, members of the police, DEM. REPUBLIC KENYA OF CONGO UGANDA army, wildlife and prison services In all States, Governors, Acting Map for illustrative purposes only and not implying official approval whatsoever Governors or their Deputies opened and participated in the consultations SCHEDULE OF CONSULTATIONS In each location, the faciliation team took the opportunity to first Malakal, Upper Nile 31 Aug Juba, Cent Equatoria 28 Sep provide stakeholders with background on South Sudan's role in the g7+, the New Deal process and the idea behind the Compact Rumbek, Lakes State 9 Sep Torit, East Equatoria 30 Sep The team also shared the results of South Sudan's first Fragility Wau, W. Bahr El Ghazal 10 Sep Aweil, N B El Ghazal 21 Oct Assessment with participants Based on the national assessment Bentiu, Unity 14 Sep Kwajok, Warrap 22 Oct and local challenges, stakeholders identified key priorities that Government and
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