; ""i|".ifi!i!i;i,>|iaiii|i, f*™m? •A fi » ,» S. A. v ? -. - v. n< **:• \ \ fj-M «t~^ ,ti? ^ tf I f I' i-1 , fW*», ^k itf^V, COURIERJOUBMAL JWday, June 17,1955 § %gm£t&&***. Kunaw '.'•f.. .*.?* Freiburg. Germany — (NO There are about 360,000 priests in |he entire world, or one priest f^r" every 1^70 Catholics, ae »& cording to a survey by the) H«5if_ fe»r-i cA^"WTB!iihtt& FreAmck A. Bonaghy, Herder "Korrespondenz, Catholic JOI., of Nevy-Bedford, Mass., said here that public worship documentary magazine publish iomP will "soon he wiped out" itt CnirtfV if trie Gofturiuriists con­ here. had TPi&i;.;. uplr <C«Sw|^pi| tinue thefr present "OjUieies. This would place the world's homes. But they,Jt»a|to sb Tfte MaryhnpU missioned. Bish­ Catholic population at approxi­ gle throipg^liiuf*-- -'- op of Wuchow since 1938, was mately 450.000,000. and wa^*a«piBfc*jpf|mp,#'i expelled from Chin* on chare** | TUB RATIO of priests to Cath- escape We yt^^^Y/hiA of (faibverslve actlvHles,,.He is ifte ; plica, the survey revealed, Is they get aS!chahce*,to Wash . first American Catholic mission­ \ highest in countries where there alward ihlp, ;^ey &&%%&$. ary to be released by $he Chinese | la only a very' small Catholic 1 told, ourkguys; tlwl tlm r|li». Reds in nearly* a •year;' > population, notably the Scandina­ .«iejs„W»rL]lfce.<»lf».JiBfiS..!^te - vian nations, Japan SIKT Israel. | batv muddy, dirty and. ex­ spent 36 years in China. Hi* ex The lowest ratio is In tradition­ hausted.^ ,, pulsion leaves only two Amer­ ally Catholic Latin America. The sailors respected the refu-. ican bishops'in China, Bishop IL The extremes, according to the *ees. Aftibrose Henry Plnger, p.F$t * [survey, are Iceland, where there is a priest for each 65 of that "They noticed the deep, affec­ of' Lindsay; Omaha, and Bishop tion between parents and chil­ «&:• James Edward Walsh of Cum F • country's 500-odd Catholics, and [Guatemala, where there is only dren," Father Kane wmadtea. berland, -M& -atehop—-Plnger ^fibtheir thing was' tfoir^eftdjlr. whose see is at Chowtsun, was fone priest for each 18,400 of the , faithful. ance.' A sailor went to help a last reported in jail. Bishop woman with a load she had been Walsh is ftnder clo^e iurvelUance The ratio of priests to faith­ ; ful in the United -States Is one carrying on her head. He could in Shanghai '''. " hardlylift it!" AT A PRESS conference, Bish­ to 690. In Canada it is one to 560. im$&mm «hofae«Bgc,^ THE NUMBER of Catholics to Fr|rfclico> took Itt first refugees THE CHIIDKEN quickly made op Donaghy,, branded as. "com­ friends with the crew. 'They'd pletely falsewjejtfnejie. ^Cptpnttl.'' each priest in other countries^!* aboard oh September 16 and Its : Pr as follows: .oh^ayl4.^when nine adults aoveHvou-to^lay"Wim -them^=«ia nist, Premier. .ChQU.J.En_JLal'ai ^aplaiiirsaH. "Ah«Tiast for a - statement-»t™the"TB«nti -Bandung ' Norway, 105; Finland, 125;" •n»i-2%jte infant were taken Bbb^ttft ioff th» coast. Jt was one simple caramel, they'd be so conference of Asian-African na­ DONAGHY Japan, 175; Israel, Jordan and grateful" ', * tions that freedom of religion Cyprus combined, 210; Denmark, ofSsome 40 ships of Military Sea exists in China. said, was subsequently expelled 270; Sweden, 340; Switzerland^ TrampbrtatiOtt Service that help­ ' The ship's store ran out of from the country and he him­ 440; Netherlands, 490; Belgium, ed in the Wjfflp..rBum* *o candy. The sailors had bought Gtlnj example* in his own it all up to give to the children. Wuetiow *ioc**e, he said Cath­ self was kept under house ar- 530; Great Britain, 530; Ireland, xm. »|;»'mission compound .an- Kanedhe Say, Oahu. T H •^l8hM!f«hw|' '&:ty**^Mi Father John An-Hoa,- young olics were^forMdden to attend r 560; France, 620; Italy, 690; Aus­ l UlihiK #alslpn. " tria 940; Spain, 970; (ierminy, inti whom net confirmed In Ihe^tHpel of tn*-BMM^Ntt^ Vietnamese priest who 'made Mass at two missions under K r Mir'*«ie#«^.*t ^.^^nt more than ten voyages with refu­ threat of arrest. At two other '• Me>r"to jWing expelled, Bishop 1,000 and Portugal, 1,890.. ..> members of the 4th Regiment of th* U.S. Marine Ooq^j||Bp '.•^^ *^*•-^ • t^sgi&y*6^1irecV -he- was atom i - - - -1 ii-".- ln-.diftijfrV;" gees, described the passengers.as ' Mhskm., -Maw' wa* 'alkmed "pleased and grateful." vletminh bat Catholk* were forbidden moned .before Chinese officials •cllftr^:-atr-vimany as 5,000 refu and charged with exceeding the gee* oiji one trip. In all, 233.000 propagandists had told them that ef*wr-- to attend, the Meh,op declared. authority' elf"the Churchran ac- Vietnam Bishop Answers British Author WBiln,-. ijrejEttgeea. and. ifl.jtkTO Americans would mistreat- them. ;*ev«**,.._^lpji_^ jse „»«*&.-. trc^ps traveled on the American ThesHiacto^betieved -iHiuTOorae were wed, by the Communlsta WfiOharmeiriSanwr *nora ships, out of % grand total of had come with misgivings. 790,000, of whorae 608,000 were ' L—o-^v-—* for the atoraie-Of rice and as canfoirotty with the .laws of pnblie nteetin* halls, and Criticism Of&Cardmal Spellttuin'z In Budapest says that -the health .dWBaniv^ ,;.^,:v -, Ad Campaign J)raws chapels w«re transformed Into Communiat authorities, he said, Bf^Bfefenlnenba^Jbael^Cardinsl i^J^the^-Jta^^sxpe^ruauJrvas. Spaij rj&1BXMti£0k~tptyMt*~. j^aifentyv imprisoned Jf»«3|t»ei* typical of what all the chaplains Hteaaw tifte Independent Chiurch , movement' Mtohlflred by the f|v. Hungary,.: >«s . »*e|t|y- .' Ihj.* witnessed*" j:^-" Inqquuiei i Communists Mi"Tr^et with com­ ciMtrue, unfair "For Jttsav-the refugees would London -(RNS)- lttdn than bishop Antonio Riberi, Papal In wm plete failure. Despite antl-Cath- *«%«& as B*y RKV °. PATRICywuMmK OCONKOR less of the Mother of God.") member I told htm explicitly of Now in his seventh year of pack the deck so'tightly that 1 20,000 Inquiries have been made terhunclo to Chins, who was ex­ Saigon, Vietnam —(NO— A "I. believe I heard every talk the good done by the Cardinal's could hardly stir at the altar," in response to a Roman Catholic ollc measures, Bishop Donaghy imprisonment, Cardinal Mlnds- •aid; church attendance in the pelled frona ihe country in Sep-Vietnamese Bishop* here de- His Eminence gave in Vietnam," v$t. and I objected wftte he he «sld., '^eu* reverence at advertising campaign launched VVachow -toftes* is up to 60 pertejrii^t,,i|Bsa , of letting a young- nouced Graham Greene** pub­ the Bishop said. "He praised our criticized It In my presence. Why Mnty was arrested ON December Mass was very remarkable." lOrnonths ago, it was announced cent since the Red takeover of «t¥r "Jtot Ofrmw OljH COttintunlSt lished criticism of the Vietnam people for their strong faith and dW he not quote my words in. 2$, 1948, and condemned the fol­ A priest in navy khaki was a here by the Catholic Missionary China. ite -fflimQifc m of estab. visit, of His Eminence Francis the missionaries from France, Ste»i of an alleged statement that lowing February 8 to life im­ novelty to th* people. But when Society, sponsor of the project, Where services were permitted, ihint t|ie pfften of Mary in Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of Spain, "Canada, etc., for their. I cannot imagine coming, either prisonment. He is now 63. , Father Kane donned his white The inquiries were sent to the New York, as "wttrae and.un.- as- regards its wording or It* the prelate said, Communist worfcHe commended the French The report said that-the Car­ Donilnlcan. habit and the Mass Catholic Enquiry Cente* here, es­ agent*- listened to sermons and Donsghy said the »• iah\" • - Navy and Air Force for their meaning, from any Vietnamese vestments, they knew him as a tablished bjr the society In eon. dinal's mental capacity, In par­ w then harassed churchgoers ^Mth t,„ .w^£;m^M- Atriertcjw Bishop Peter PhamngooChl, humanitarian efforts in bringing priest." real "Cha (Father). Many of nectlon with the campaign;'' airmen by. tht Chinese Reds re- constant questioning «n< .why Vicar Apostolic of Buichu. who two-thlrda of the refugees south, Bishop Chi censured Mr, Greene ticular, seems fully restored, them came from; provinces The ads were designed to ex­ they became Catholics, whit they- «)^e«#Jf4ffg%vllrt.their go)l- heads the Catholic Commlttee.for and the American Navy for bring­ , According to the leporti the evangelised by the Dothlnicans des^'BAlesaW or *h«( airmen was •1»; for criticizing the visit to plain .Catholic tewhijitr'-to "mil- knew about loreigners ipi* She , Refugees, accompanied the Cardi­ ing the rest. When he encouraged Cardinal's sged mother, Mrs. in North Vietnam. lions of nontCatholics of goodwill source, of. church iundst J .frMplfeW ''Jft- '-&t:^mm-unlst Vletnaan of His Eminence]Nor­ nal throughout the latter^s four- our refugees by assuring them of Pehm, has again received per­ Ta« AtAJOBITf came aboard suffering: from a religious and MSHOP DOHAGinr salA the brest, he a^d,% alde-by-stde .with assistance, everybody recognized man Cardinal Gllroy, Archbishop htfterly ((htfeArt^tor Reports. day visit last January. Mr. mission to visit hlrh lit the near poorly dressed; some were dirty spiritual hungerj"; Approved ,by. Communilt *Bmpalj(h »*a' ltejit Greene did not arrive until more It as a mark of Christian chari­ Of' Sydney, and Archbishop Eris *rUm-30Bm®tt#Vifc Amer- future. The Cardinal was boman d bedraggled.
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